998 resultados para Arndt, Johann

Motion for a Resolution tabled by Abens, Adam, Agnelli, Albers, von Alemann, Arfe', Arndt, Balfe, Balfour, Bangemann, Barbagli, Barbarella, Barbi, Battersby, Berkhouwer, Berlinguer, Bethell, Bettiza, Bonaccini, Bonino, Bournias, Brandt, Brookes, Calvez, Cardia, Carettoni-Romagnoli, Cariglia, Carossino, Cassanmagnago Cerretti, Sir F. Catherwood, Cecovini, Ceravolo, Cinciari Rodano, Colla, Collins, Craxi, Curry, Dalziel, Damseaux, Dankert, De Clercq, De Gucht, Dekker, Del Duca, Delmotte, De Pasquale, Diana, Dido', Dimopoulos, Eisma, Enright, Fanti, Faure Edgar, Fellermaier, Fergusson, Ferri, Focke, Forster, Franghos, Friedrich Bruno, Gabert, Gaiotti de Biase, Gallagher, Galuzzi, Gatto, Gautier, Gendebien, Geurtsen, Giavazzi, Glinne, de Goede, Gouthier, Haagerup, Hansch, Hamilius, Herklotz, van den Heuvel, Hoff, Hooper, Hopper, Ippolito, Irmer, Jackson Christopher, Jackson Robert, Johnson, Jurgens, Katsafados, Kellet-Bowman Edward, Klinkenborg, Krouwel-Vlam, Kuhn, Lange, Leonardi, Lezzi, Lima, Linde, Linkohr, Lizin, Louwes, Macario, Mc Cartin, Macciocchi, Maher, Marshall, Mart, van Minnen, Modiano, Muntingh, Nicolson, Nielsen Tove, Nord, Normanton, O'Connell, O'Hagan, Orlandi, Pajetta, Pannella, Papapietro, Patterson, Pelikan, Pesmazoglou, Peters, Pfennig, Pininfarina, Prag, Provan, Pruvot, Puletti, Purvis, Radoux, Rieger, Ripa de Meana, Roberts, Ruffolo, Salisch, Sassano, Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Schieler, Schinzel, Schmid, Schon Karl, Schon Konrad, Schwencke, Scrivener, Seefeld, Seeler, Segre, Seibel-Emmerling, Seligman, Sherlock, Sieglerschmidt, Simpson, Spaak, Spencer, Spinelli, Squarcialupi, Taylor John David, Taylor John Mark, Travaglini, Tuckman, Turner, Vandemeulebroucke, Vandewiele, Van Miert, Vanneck, Veronesi, Vetter, Viehoff, Visentini, Vitale, Voyadzis, von der Vring, Visas, Sir Fred Warner, Weber, Welsh, Wettig, Wieczorek-Zeul, Zagari on the setting up of an ad hoc committee to draw up proposals concerning the progress and development of the Community. Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-889/80/rev., 6 June 1981


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Aron 198: Acquisition made accessible thanks to the generous support of the Frederick J. and Margret L. Worden Endowment.


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"Consists mainly of a translation of Arndt's autobiography, abridged in many places, and occasionally enlarged by quotations from his letters and other writings... The account of the later years of his life is drawn from the numerous biographies."--Prefatory note.


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The tragedy of Faust -- The tragical history of Doctor Faustus -- Egmont -- Hermann and Dorothea.