860 resultados para Armed conflicts
One of the main problems that public institutions face in the management of protected areas, such as the European Natura 2000 network, is determining how to design and implement sustainable management plans that account for the wide range of marketed and non-marketed benefits they provide to society. This paper presents an application of a stated preference valuation approach aimed at evaluating the social preferences of the population of the Basque Country, Spain, for the key attributes of a regional Natura 2000 network site. According to our results, individuals’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) is higher for attributes associated with non-use values (native tree species and biodiversity conservation) than for attributes associated with use values (agricultural development and commercial forestry). The paper concludes that management policies related to Natura 2000 network sites should account for both for the importance of non-use values and the heterogeneity of the population's preferences in order to minimize potential land use conflicts.
Managing protected areas implies dealing with complex social-ecological systems where multiple dimensions (social, institutional, economic and ecological) interact over time for the delivery of ecosystem services. Uni-dimensional and top-down management approaches have been unable to capture this complexity. Instead, new integrated approaches that acknowledge the diversity of social actors in the decision making process are required. In this paper we put forward a novel participatory assessment approach which integrates multiple methodologies to reflect different value articulating institutions in the case of a Natura 2000 network site in the Basque Country. It integrates within a social multi-criteria evaluation framework, both the economic values of ecosystem services through a choice experiment model and ecological values by means of a spatial bio-geographic assessment. By capturing confronting social and institutional conflicts in protected areas the participatory integrated assessment approach presented here can help decision makers for better planning and managing Natura 2000 sites.
[ES]El presente artículo trata de analizar de forma crítica el papel desempeñado por las mujeres en las familias guipuzcoanas durante el Antiguo Régimen. A través del estudio de una serie de casos en los que se vieron implicadas personas del sexo femenino, se lleva a cabo un análisis profundo de las estructuras familiares, tratando de hacer hincapié en la variedad de situaciones y en la importancia de las pasiones y sentimientos que repercuten en la toma de decisiones y estrategias establecidas en las distintas esferas relacionales. Para ello, además de hacer uso de la importante producción historiográfica vasca y española, se hecha mano de documentación judicial, custodiada en archivos como el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid y el Archivo General de Gipuzkoa
Comparative fishing trials were conducted in the river Elbe estuary using 9 m commercial brown shrimp beam trawls. To avoid the bycatch of fish a metal sorting grid of the Nordmöre type was used. The elliptical grid was constructed of 6 mm stainless steel bar with a spacing of 20 mm between the bars and housed in a cylindrical frame of 800 mm diameter. It was installed in the extension piece just in front of the codend. The inclination of the grid was 45 degrees. A fish outlet was provided in the upper panel of the trawl at the upper edge of the grid. A series of 8 tows of 15 min duration at a towing speed of 3 kns was done. For evaluation the catch of the main codend was compared to the portion of the catch escaped through the grid. The presence of the grid caused a 97.4 % reduction of the catch of lump sucker, a 90.6 % reduction of the catch of sea scorpion, a 79.3 % reduction of the catch of cod, a 58.8 % reduction of the catch of armed bullhead, a 39.6 % reduction of the catch of dab, a 34.7 % reduction of the catch of flounder, a 32.3 % reduction of the catch of smelt, a 19.8 % reduction of the catch of plaice and a 14.5 % reduction of the catch of brown shrimp.
Technological advances in the marine renewable energy industry and increased clarity about the leasing and licensing process are fostering development proposals in both state and federal waters. The ocean is becoming more industrialized and competition among all marine space users is developing (Buck et al. 2004). More spatial competition can lead to conflict between ocean users themselves, and to tensions that spill over to include other stakeholders and the general public (McGrath 2004). Such conflict can wind up in litigation, which is costly and takes agency time and financial resources away from other priorities. As proposals for marine renewable energy developments are evaluated, too often decision-makers lack the tools and information to properly account for the cumulative effects and the tradeoffs associated with alternative human uses of the ocean. This paper highlights the nature of marine space conflicts associated with marine renewable energy literature highlights key issues for the growth of the marine renewable energy sector in the United States. (PDF contains 4 pages)
A diagnostic survey was conducted among the fishermen in six selected villages in Doko Local Government Area of Niger State. One hundred and fifty fishermen were randomly selected and interviewed to find out whether or not they had interest in commercial fish farming aimed at improving their livelihood. The dwindling fish catches in the natural flood plain ponds and Ex-bow Lakes continue to have a serious negative effect on the socio-economic well being of the village communities in question. A break on natural regular annual flooding of the plains had resulted into very low natural fish recruitment. Data analysis using simple descriptive statistics revealed that land tenure system, educational status, inadequate infrastructural facilities, religious taboos, existing fish species among others were found to be favourable indices for commercial fish farming. However, serious conflicts among the fishermen concerning the ownership status of these natural fish ponds are found to be major obstacles to commercial fish farming despite that the traditional ownership of the ponds were vested in the lands of individuals and village communities. Extensive fish farming and small-scale fish farming in the ponds and Ex-bow Lake with improved management practices are considered to be profitable venture. Despite the fact that fish seeds supply and extension effort are still inadequate, the fish farmers have indicated willingness to adopt commercial fish farming in the Ex-bow Lakes and flood plains in order to restore abundant fish production thereby providing for their food security and also increasing the daily income
Laburpena: Bost urteko gela batean burututako ikerketa lan honen bidez, gure inguruko eskoletan ohikoa den egoera aztertu nahi da. Hots, eskoletan ematen diren gatazka egoerak, hain zuzen ere. Gainera, argi izan behar dugu hauek ondo bideratzen ez badira biolentzia edota agresibitate egoerak bilakatu daitezkeela. Gatazka hauek bi eratan ulertu daitezke: alde batetik, umearen jokabide negatibo gisa; edota, gaiaren inguruko hausnarketa sakona eginez gero, umeak ingurunea ulertzeko eta horrekin interakzioak egiteko erabiltzen dituen ikasketa mekanismo gisa. Argi dago beraz, gatazka hauen izaera parametro ezberdinek osatzen dutela: irakaslearen papera, eskainitako baliabideak, umearen garapena, etab. Ikuspuntu honetatik lanean ikasgelan bizi izandako gatazken ezaugarrien frekuentzia erregistroa egin da. Gatazka hauen interpretazioak haur hezkuntzako irakasleei hobetu ulertzen eta honekin batera, hauek era positibo batean bideratzen lagundu ahal dizkie.
The solution behavior of linear polymer chains is well understood, having been the subject of intense study throughout the previous century. As plastics have become ubiquitous in everyday life, polymer science has grown into a major field of study. The conformation of a polymer in solution depends on the molecular architecture and its interactions with the surroundings. Developments in synthetic techniques have led to the creation of precision-tailored polymeric materials with varied topologies and functionalities. In order to design materials with the desired properties, it is imperative to understand the relationships between polymer architecture and their conformation and behavior. To meet that need, this thesis investigates the conformation and self-assembly of three architecturally complex macromolecular systems with rich and varied behaviors driven by the resolution of intramolecular conflicts. First we describe the development of a robust and facile synthetic approach to reproducible bottlebrush polymers (Chapter 2). The method was used to produce homologous series of bottlebrush polymers with polynorbornene backbones, which revealed the effect of side-chain and backbone length on the overall conformation in both good and theta solvent conditions (Chapter 3). The side-chain conformation was obtained from a series of SANS experiments and determined to be indistinguishable from the behavior of free linear polymer chains. Using deuterium-labeled bottlebrushes, we were able for the first time to directly observe the backbone conformation of a bottlebrush polymer which showed self-avoiding walk behavior. Secondly, a series of SANS experiments was conducted on a homologous series of Side Group Liquid Crystalline Polymers (SGLCPs) in a perdeuterated small molecule liquid crystal (5CB). Monodomain, aligned, dilute samples of SGLCP-b-PS block copolymers were seen to self-assemble into complex micellar structures with mutually orthogonally oriented anisotropies at different length scales (Chapter 4). Finally, we present the results from the first scattering experiments on a set of fuel-soluble, associating telechelic polymers. We observed the formation of supramolecular aggregates in dilute (≤0.5wt%) solutions of telechelic polymers and determined that the choice of solvent has a significant effect on the strength of association and the size of the supramolecules (Chapter 5). A method was developed for the direct estimation of supramolecular aggregation number from SANS data. The insight into structure-property relationships obtained from this work will enable the more targeted development of these molecular architectures for their respective applications.
Resumen: Los centros educativos son un lugar de convivencia y, como en otros ámbitos de la sociedad, se producen conflictos. Si no se gestionan de manera positiva, éstos pueden afectar a dicha convivencia y para ello, se deben fomentar habilidades sociales específicas como lo es la mediación. Como estructura sistémica, la mediación es una herramienta de trabajo por y para la convivencia pacífica en los centros, en la que los alumnos adquieren un papel protagonista en su propia educación. Así, a través del diálogo los alumnos afrontan los problemas que surgen diariamente, adquiriendo compromisos y responsabilidades, tanto consigo mismo como con los demás; lo que mejora sensiblemente el clima escolar.
RESUMEN: Este trabajo muestra qué es el conflicto, las estrategias más utilizadas en educación para gestionarlo y en concreto la de la mediación. Además, contiene un análisis cualitativo para conocer la necesidad e importancia de tener un programa de mediación en las escuelas, realizado a través de varias entrevistas en tres centros educativos del País Vasco. El análisis de estas entrevistas lleva a pensar que la mediación es una herramienta adecuada para resolver los conflictos que se crean en las escuelas, pero que no debe ser la única, sino una más dentro de los programas y planes de un centro.
O objetivo da dissertação é abordar a teoria causal do mental de Freud e seu uso na explicação do conflito psíquico. É destacada a dupla dimensão da causalidade psíquica freudiana que oscila de uma causalidade mecanicista a uma causalidade intencional. Considera-se que a forma mais coerente de defender a tese da causalidade psíquica é descrevê-la como intencional, usando o vocabulário psicológico. Para dar suporte a essa idéia, a concepção estrita da causalidade sustentada por Wittgenstein é dispensada, e a idéia de causa mental em Davidson é endossada como aquela que pode ser mais facilmente articulável às hipóteses freudianas. A questão é analisada em três momentos da obra freudiana. Na primeira tópica, Freud usa um vocabulário híbrido, descrevendo o psiquismo tanto em termos de causa racionais quanto em termos de causas intencionais. Na segunda tópica, o psiquismo assume, cada vez mais, uma descrição intencional, e a causa a-racional da energia pulsional, inicialmente apresentada como um motor do psiquismo, dá um lugar a angústia como um afeto intencional que obriga o eu a encontrar uma solução para os conflitos psíquicos.
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The attitude of the medieval church towards violence before the First Crusade in 1095 underwent a significant institutional evolution, from the peaceful tradition of the New Testament and the Roman persecution, through the prelate-led military campaigns of the Carolingian period and the Peace of God era. It would be superficially easy to characterize this transformation as the pragmatic and entirely secular response of a growing power to the changing world. However, such a simplification does not fully do justice to the underlying theology. While church leaders from the 5th Century to the 11th had vastly different motivations and circumstances under which to develop their responses to a variety of violent activities, the teachings of Augustine of Hippo provided a unifying theme. Augustine’s just war theology, in establishing which conflicts are acceptable in the eyes of God, focused on determining whether a proper causa belli or basis for war exists, and then whether a legitimate authority declares and leads the war. Augustine masterfully integrated aspects of the Old and New Testaments to create a lasting and compelling case for his definition of justified violence. Although at different times and places his theology has been used to support a variety of different attitudes, the profound influence of his work on the medieval church’s evolving position on violence is clear.
A partir de 1994, com a cessão das terras e benfeitorias do extinto Instituto Penal Cândido Mendes na Vila Dois Rios, a Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) passou a atuar na Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis/RJ), de forma mais expressiva, fundando o Centro de Estudos Ambientais e Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEADS). Em função da relevância socioambiental da Costa Verde, em especial, da Ilha Grande, e dos compromissos assumidos pela universidade com a implantação do CEADS, o presente estudo buscou avaliar como a gestão desse campus pode contribuir para o estabelecimento de políticas públicas que promovam a sustentabilidade socio-ambiental da Ilha Grande. Desta forma, a partir de um diagnóstico socioambiental da Costa Verde, com ênfase na Ilha Grande, foi realizada uma reflexão crítica sobre os processos de territorialização em Dois Rios e uma apreciação dos problemas socioambientais prioritários por meio da Análise da Cadeia Causal. Identificou-se como as principais causas raízes dos problemas prioritários da Ilha Grande, a fragilidade do sistema de governança (dificuldade de implementar acordos; dificuldade de mobilização social; falta de ordenamento dos diferentes níveis de governo; inadequada integração de considerações ambientais nas políticas públicas; impunidade; corrupção, precariedade da fiscalização) e causas políticas (conflitos entre diferentes instância públicas). Evidenciou-se, também, um distanciamento entre as instituições gestoras locais e os centros de produção de conhecimento que atuam na região, entre os quais a UERJ, através do CEADS. A partir do envolvimento institucional mais forte e de uma política ambiental a ser assumida como estratégia de gestão da UERJ como um todo, propõe-se a implantação de um ecocampus na unidade de Dois Rios, que oportunize à universidade contribuir, de forma pró-ativa, para a sustentabilidade da Costa Verde, sem exclusão da população local, assim como, realizar uma ampla reflexão e reformulação de suas práticas. Palavras-chave: Ilha Grande. Turismo. Análise da Cadeia Causal. Território. Ecocampus. Sustentabilidade
Nesta pesquisa procuramos avaliar a repercussão do Projeto e se os princípios da gestão democrática estão de fato sendo colocado em prática e identificar como os gestores que concluíram a especialização em Gestão Pública, através Programa de Capacitação a Distância para Gestores Escolares (PROGESTÃO), no Rio de Janeiro, estão fazendo uso de conceitos trabalhados em curso, tais como o processo de democratização e de socialização e a gestão democrática. Utilizando entrevistas estruturadas foram analisados os discursos produzidos pelos entrevistados: diretores, coordenador e tutor com o objetivo de avaliar a repercussão do Progestão e se os princípios da gestão democrática estão de fato sendo postos em prática. Abordamos a questão da gestão democrática no atual contexto educacional e os fundamentos conceituais e políticos para a formação de gestores escolares Progestão. Consideramos que os processos de formação de gestores precisam ser consolidados para que enfim a atitude democrática possa ser adotada no trabalho realizado no interior da escola. Acreditamos também que outros estudos que versem sobre os assuntos tratados nesta dissertação sejam realizados, pois existem os conflitos (nem sempre admitidos) entre o conservadorismo administrativo com cunho empresarial e a gestão democrática entre os gestores.