842 resultados para Apple pomace


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In Brazil many types of bioproducts and agroindustrial waste are generated currently, such as cacashew apple bagasse and coconut husk, for example. The final disposal of these wastes causes serious environmental issues. In this sense, waste lignocellulosic content, as the shell of the coconut is a renewable and abundant raw material in which its use has an increased interest mainly for the 2nd generation ethanol production. The hydrolysis of cellulose to reducing sugars such as glucose and xylose is catalysed by a group of enzymes called cellulases. However, the main bottleneck in the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose is the significant deactivation of the enzyme that shows irreversible adsorption mechanism leading to reduction of the cellulose adsorption onto cellulose. Studies have shown that the use of surfactants can modify the surface property of the cellulose therefore minimizing the irreversible binding. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of chemical and biological surfactants during the hydrolysis of coconut husk which was subjected to two pre-treatment in order to improve the accessibility of the enzymes to the cellulose, removing this way, part of the lignin and hemicellulose present in the structure of the material. The pre-treatments applied to coconut bagasse were: Acid/Alkaline using 0.6M H2SO4 followed by 1M NaOH, and the one with Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide at a concentration of 7.35% (v/v) and pH 11.5. Both the material no treatment and pretreated were characterized using analysis of diffraction X-ray (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and methods established by NREL. The influence of both surfactants, chemical and biological, was used at concentrations below the critical micelle concentration (CMC), and the concentrations equal to the CMC. The application of pre-treatment with coconut residue was efficient for the conversion to glucose, as well as for the production of total reducing sugars, it was possible to observe that the pretreatment fragmented the structure as well as disordered the fibers. Regarding XRD analysis, a significant increase in crystallinity index was observed for pretreated bagasse acid/alkali (51.1%) compared to the no treatment (31.7%), while that for that treated with PHA, the crystallinity index was slightly lower, around 29%. In terms of total reducing sugars it was not possible to observe a significant difference between the hydrolysis carried out without the use of surfactant compared to the addition of Triton and rhamnolipid. However, by observing the conversions achieved during the hydrolysis, it was noted that the best conversion was using the rhamnolipíd for the husk pretreated with acid/alkali, reaching a value of 33%, whereas using Triton the higher conversion was 23.8%. The coconut husk is a residue which can present a high potential to the 2nd generation ethanol production, being the rhamonolipid a very efficient biosurfactant for use as an adjuvant in the enzymatic process in order to act on the material structure reducing its recalcitrance and therefore improving the conditions of access for enzymes to the substrate increasing thus the conversion of cellulose to glucose.


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In Brazil many types of bioproducts and agroindustrial waste are generated currently, such as cacashew apple bagasse and coconut husk, for example. The final disposal of these wastes causes serious environmental issues. In this sense, waste lignocellulosic content, as the shell of the coconut is a renewable and abundant raw material in which its use has an increased interest mainly for the 2nd generation ethanol production. The hydrolysis of cellulose to reducing sugars such as glucose and xylose is catalysed by a group of enzymes called cellulases. However, the main bottleneck in the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose is the significant deactivation of the enzyme that shows irreversible adsorption mechanism leading to reduction of the cellulose adsorption onto cellulose. Studies have shown that the use of surfactants can modify the surface property of the cellulose therefore minimizing the irreversible binding. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of chemical and biological surfactants during the hydrolysis of coconut husk which was subjected to two pre-treatment in order to improve the accessibility of the enzymes to the cellulose, removing this way, part of the lignin and hemicellulose present in the structure of the material. The pre-treatments applied to coconut bagasse were: Acid/Alkaline using 0.6M H2SO4 followed by 1M NaOH, and the one with Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide at a concentration of 7.35% (v/v) and pH 11.5. Both the material no treatment and pretreated were characterized using analysis of diffraction X-ray (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and methods established by NREL. The influence of both surfactants, chemical and biological, was used at concentrations below the critical micelle concentration (CMC), and the concentrations equal to the CMC. The application of pre-treatment with coconut residue was efficient for the conversion to glucose, as well as for the production of total reducing sugars, it was possible to observe that the pretreatment fragmented the structure as well as disordered the fibers. Regarding XRD analysis, a significant increase in crystallinity index was observed for pretreated bagasse acid/alkali (51.1%) compared to the no treatment (31.7%), while that for that treated with PHA, the crystallinity index was slightly lower, around 29%. In terms of total reducing sugars it was not possible to observe a significant difference between the hydrolysis carried out without the use of surfactant compared to the addition of Triton and rhamnolipid. However, by observing the conversions achieved during the hydrolysis, it was noted that the best conversion was using the rhamnolipíd for the husk pretreated with acid/alkali, reaching a value of 33%, whereas using Triton the higher conversion was 23.8%. The coconut husk is a residue which can present a high potential to the 2nd generation ethanol production, being the rhamonolipid a very efficient biosurfactant for use as an adjuvant in the enzymatic process in order to act on the material structure reducing its recalcitrance and therefore improving the conditions of access for enzymes to the substrate increasing thus the conversion of cellulose to glucose.


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The program PanTool was developed as a tool box like a Swiss Army Knife for data conversion and recalculation, written to harmonize individual data collections to standard import format used by PANGAEA. The format of input files the program PanTool needs is a tabular saved in plain ASCII. The user can create this files with a spread sheet program like MS-Excel or with the system text editor. PanTool is distributed as freeware for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux.


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Much of what is known about word recognition in toddlers comes from eyetracking studies. Here we show that the speed and facility with which children recognize words, as revealed in such studies, cannot be attributed to a task-specific, closed-set strategy; rather, children's gaze to referents of spoken nouns reflects successful search of the lexicon. Toddlers' spoken word comprehension was examined in the context of pictures that had two possible names (such as a cup of juice which could be called "cup" or "juice") and pictures that had only one likely name for toddlers (such as "apple"), using a visual world eye-tracking task and a picture-labeling task (n = 77, mean age, 21 months). Toddlers were just as fast and accurate in fixating named pictures with two likely names as pictures with one. If toddlers do name pictures to themselves, the name provides no apparent benefit in word recognition, because there is no cost to understanding an alternative lexical construal of the picture. In toddlers, as in adults, spoken words rapidly evoke their referents.


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Young infants' learning of words for abstract concepts like 'all gone' and 'eat,' in contrast to their learning of more concrete words like 'apple' and 'shoe,' may follow a relatively protracted developmental course. We examined whether infants know such abstract words. Parents named one of two events shown in side-by-side videos while their 6-16-month-old infants (n=98) watched. On average, infants successfully looked at the named video by 10 months, but not earlier, and infants' looking at the named referent increased robustly at around 14 months. Six-month-olds already understand concrete words in this task (Bergelson & Swingley, 2012). A video-corpus analysis of unscripted mother-infant interaction showed that mothers used the tested abstract words less often in the presence of their referent events than they used concrete words in the presence of their referent objects. We suggest that referential uncertainty in abstract words' teaching conditions may explain the later acquisition of abstract than concrete words, and we discuss the possible role of changes in social-cognitive abilities over the 6-14 month period.


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Aim: To investigate the characteristics, development and determinants of toothwear among Irish schoolchildren. Methods: A cross-sectional (examination at 16-years-old) and longitudinal (examinations at 5-,12-,14-years) study were conducted. Two indices were used to measure toothwear, children/parents completed a demographic profile and questionnaire on oral hygiene and dietary practices, health, and lifestyle in both studies. Saliva was collected from consenting 16-year-olds. The explanatory variables for the cross-sectional and longitudinal study were derived from children/parents responses. Differences in salivary profiles were determined for subsets; the protein concentration was determined with Bradford protein assay and protein carbonyl concentration (a protein oxidation marker) was determined spectrophotometrically. Gel-electrophoresis and mass spectrometry determined proteins and ion chromatography inorganic ions. Statistical significance was accepted at p<0.05. Results: At 16-years-old the prevalence of toothwear with dentine visible was 44%. No difference in salivary flow rates existed. In unstimulated saliva a higher mean, protein carbonyl (p<0.0001) and total calcium concentration (p<0.002) existed for the group with moderate toothwear. In stimulated saliva the moderate toothwear group had a lower mean protein concentration(p<0.0001). The 2-DE protein spots prepared for a sub-group differed between those with toothwear and without. Mass spectrometry, identified one of the different proteins as IgA. For 16-year-olds, the self-reported factors indicated that brushing after breakfast was associated with lower toothwear scores(p<0.03). Nail-biting, being asthmatic or reporting a dry mouth were associated with higher toothwear scores(all p<0.05). Eating an apple daily or less was associated with less toothwear(p<0.002). In the longitudinal study toothwear into dentine at age five or 12-years was associated with more toothwear at age 14(all p<0.05). Discussion: The results illustrate the multifactorial aetiology of toothwear. The biochemical and physical correlates of saliva with toothwear requires further research. Conclusion: The impact of previous toothwear, salivary, dietary and personal factors on toothwear in the early permanent dentition is demonstrated.


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The abuse of antibiotics and the emergence of multi-drug resistant bacterial strains have created the need to explore alternative methods of controlling microbial pathogens. The bacteriocin family of antimicrobial peptides has been proposed as one such alternative to classic antibiotics. Nisin A belongs to the subgroup of bacteriocins called the lantibiotics, which contain several unusual amino acids as a consequence of enzyme-mediated post-translational modifications. As nisin is produced by generally regarded as safe (GRAS) microorganisms, it could potentially be applied in a clinical setting. However, as lantibiotics are naturally produced in such small quantities, this can hinder their industrial potential. In order to overcome this, several approaches can be utilised. For example, given the gene encoded nature of lantibiotics, genetic engineering approaches can be implemented in order to yield variants with enhanced properties. Here, the use of mutagenesis-based strategies was employed to obtain a derivative of nisin with enhanced bioactivity in vitro. Investigations with purified peptide highlighted the enhanced specific activity of this variant, nisin M21V, against food-borne Listeria monocytogenes strains. Furthermore, this specific enhanced bioactivity was evident in a mouse model of listeriosis. Reductions in bioluminescence and microbial counts in organs from infected mice were observed following treatment with nisin M21V compared to that of wild-type nisin A. Peptide bioengineering approaches were also implemented to obtain additional novel derivatives of nisin. The generation of “S5X” and “S33X” banks (representing a change of natural serines at positions 5 and 33 to all possible alternative residues) by a combination of site-saturation and site-directed mutagenesis led to the identification of several derivatives exhibiting improved stability. This allowed the rational design of variants with enhanced stability compared to that of wild type nisin. Another means of tackling issues associated with lantibiotic yield is to combine lantibiotics with other antimicrobials. This could circumvent the need for enhanced production while also reducing concentrations of the peptide antimicrobials. We observed that combinations of nisin variants and low levels of plant essential oils (thymol, carvacrol, trans-cinnamaldehyde) significantly controlled Gram negative foodborne pathogens in in vitro assays compared to nisin A-essential oil combinations. This enhanced control was also evident in model food systems. Nisin variants used in conjunction with carvacrol significantly reduced numbers of E. coli O157:H7 in apple juice while a commercial nisin preparation used in combination with citric acid significantly controlled C. sakazakii in infant milk formula. It is noteworthy that while nisin is generally associated with Gram positive targets, upon combination with plant essential oils the spectrum of inhibition was broadened to Gram negative targets.


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Las Universidades han tenido que adaptarse a los nuevos modelos de comunicación surgidos en la época de Internet. Dentro de estos nuevos paradigmas las redes sociales han irrumpido y Twitter se ha establecido como una de las más importantes. El objetivo de esta investigación es demostrar que existe una relación entre la presencia online de una Universidad, definida por la cantidad de información disponible en Internet, y su cuenta en Twitter. Para ello se analizó la relación entre la presencia online y los perfiles oficiales de las cinco universidades del País Vasco y Navarra. Los resultados demostraron la existencia de una correlación significativa entre la presencia online de las instituciones y el número de seguidores de sus respectivas cuentas. En segundo lugar, esta investigación se planteó si Twitter puede servir para potenciar la presencia online de una Universidad. Es por eso que se formuló una segunda hipótesis que buscaba analizar si tener varias cuentas en Twitter aumentaría la presencia online de las Universidades. Los hallazgos para esta segunda hipótesis demostraron una correlación muy significativa entre tener varios perfiles en Twitter y la presencia online de las Universidades. Así queda demostrada la importancia de la presencia online para las cuentas de Twitter y la relevancia de Twitter a la hora de potenciar la presencia online de los centros.


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This paper deals with the conceptions of the different school actors about the meaning and the implications of mediation in their schools, drawing on data from a qualitative approach carried out as part of a wider project to map mediation perspectives and practices in Catalonia. The authors analyze the scope of the situations regarded as suitable or unsuitable for the introduction of restorative practices, as well as the resistance to change in the practice of conflict resolutions and in the democratization of school culture.


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Gracias al crecimiento, expansión y popularización de la World Wide Web, su desarrollo tecnológico tiene una creciente importancia en la sociedad. La simbiosis que protagonizan estos dos entornos ha propiciado una mayor influencia social en las innovaciones de la plataforma y un enfoque mucho más práctico. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es describir, caracterizar y analizar el surgimiento y difusión del nuevo estándar de hipertexto que rige la Web; HTML5. Al mismo tiempo exploramos este proceso a la luz de varias teorías que aúnan tecnología y sociedad. Dedicamos especial atención a los usuarios de la World Wide Web y al uso genérico que realizan de los Medios Sociales o "Social Media". Sugerimos que el desarrollo de los estándares web está influenciado por el uso cotidiano de este nuevo tipo de tecnologías y aplicaciones. 


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Maakt ICT ons nou knapper of juist dommer? In amper twintig jaar is het maatschappelijk leven voor een groot deel verplaatst naar de virtuele ruimte. Alles en iedereen wordt digitaal met elkaar verbonden. Wat is de invloed van al die nieuwe technologie op ons begrip van de wereld, op ons gedrag, op onze cultuur? Wat betekent het voor het onderwijs? Deze sessie bespreekt de rol van media voor onze cognitieve ontwikkeling. Daartoe worden de ervaringen met oude media zoals geschreven tekst, radio en TV gekoppeld aan de wereld van Twitter, Apple, Facebook en Google, en wordt de blik gericht op wat ons nog te wachten staat.


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Maakt ICT ons nou knapper of juist dommer? In amper twintig jaar is het maatschappelijk leven voor een groot deel verplaatst naar de virtuele ruimte. Alles en iedereen wordt digitaal met elkaar verbonden. Wat is de invloed van al die nieuwe technologie op ons begrip van de wereld, op ons gedrag, op onze cultuur? Wat betekent het voor het onderwijs? Deze sessie bespreekt de rol van media voor onze cognitieve ontwikkeling. Daartoe worden de ervaringen met oude media zoals geschreven tekst, radio en TV gekoppeld aan de wereld van Twitter, Apple, Facebook en Google, en wordt de blik gericht op wat ons nog te wachten staat.


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O objetivo central deste trabalho é descrever a trajetória do valor da marca de empresas de alta tecnologia, consideradas inovadoras. Como objetivo específico pretende-se identificar as prováveis causas da variação de valor de mercado e de posicionamento da marca. O trabalho apresenta as razões do sucesso, estagnação, declínio e queda de um grupo de empresas escolhido em razão do crescimento ou declínio brusco. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e bibliográfica. Para tanto, foram escolhidas quinze das maiores empresas de Tecnologia da Informação e Telecomunicações, segundo ranking de valor de marca elaborado pelas agências Interbrand e BrandZ. Observa-se que as empresas implantaram estratégias orientadas à inovação, resultando em altos investimentos em P&D, dispendidos nas duas últimas décadas. As pesquisas utilizadas permitiram associar este estudo da trajetória e das variações no valor da marca das empresas às estratégias e direcionamentos de mercado nos últimos vinte anos, tais como: a aquisição da Compaq e da EDS pela HP, a trajetória de recuperação da Apple, a concorrência entre a Apple e a Nokia, em valor de mercado, e a permanência da centenária IBM em um setor constantemente ameaçado por novos entrantes.


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La muqueuse intestinale est exposée à des agents oxydants provenant de l’ingestion d’aliments modifiés, de cellules immuno-inflammatoires et de la flore intestinale. Une diète élevée en fruits et légumes peut diminuer le stress oxydant (SOx) ainsi que l’inflammation via plusieurs mécanismes. Ces effets bénéfiques peuvent être attribuables à leur contenu élevé en polyphénols. La première étude de mon doctorat consistait à tester l’hypothèse que les polyphénols extraits de pelures de pomme (DAPP) pouvaient diminuer le stress oxydant et l'inflammation impliqués dans les maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin (MII). Nous avons caractérisé les polyphénols des DAPP par spectrométrie de masse (LC-MS) et examiné leur potentiel antioxydant et anti-inflammatoire au niveau des cellules intestinales. L’identification des structures chimiques des polyphénols a été effectuée par LC-MS. Le SOx a été induit par l’ajout du complexe fer/ascorbate (Fe/Asc, 200 µM/2 mM) et l’inflammation par la lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 200µg/mL) à des cellules intestinales Caco-2/15 pré-incubées avec les DAPP (250 µg/mL). L’effet du SOx est déterminé par le dosage du malondialdéhyde (MDA), de la composition des acides gras polyinsaturés et de l’activité des enzymes antioxydantes endogènes (SOD et GPx). L’impact des DAPP sur l’inflammation a été testé par l’analyse de l’expression des marqueurs inflammatoires: cyclooxygénase-2 (COX-2), le facteur de nécrose tumorale alpha (TNF-a et l’interleukine-6 (IL-6) et les facteurs de transcription NF-KB, Nrf-2 et PGC1α par immunobuvardage. Nos données ont montré que les flavonols et les flavan-3-ols constituent les composés polyphénoliques majoritaires des DAPP. L’ajout de Fer2+/Asc a provoqué une augmentation de la peroxidation lipidique comparativement aux cellules contrôles, un appauvrissement des acides gras polyinsaturés n-3 et n-6, et une modulation des enzymes antioxydantes, se traduisant par une augmentation de l’activité de la SOD et une diminution de la GPx. En contrepartie, les DAPP ont exhibé leur potentiel à corriger la plupart des perturbations, y compris l’expression protéique anormalement élevée du COX-2 et la production de la prostaglandine E2 (PGE2), ainsi que l’inflammation telle que réflétée par les facteurs NF-κB, TNF-α et IL-6. Par ailleurs, les mécanismes sous-jacents à ces changements bénéfiques des DAPP ont fait intervenir les facteurs de transcription antioxydants (Nrf-2, PGC1α). Vraisemblablement, cette première étude a permis de démontrer la capacité des DAPP à amoindrir le SOx et à réduire l’inflammation, deux processus étroitement impliqués dans les MII. Dans la deuxième étape de mon doctorat, nous avons voulu comparer les résultats de DAPP à ceux des polyphénols dérivant de la canneberge qui est considérée par la communauté scientifique comme le fruit ayant le plus fort potentiel antioxydant. À cette fin, nous avons caractérisé l’effet des composés polyphénoliques de la canneberge (CPC) sur le SOx, la défense antioxydante et l’inflammation au niveau intestinal tout en définissant leur métabolisme intraluminal. Les différents CPC ont été séparés selon leur poids moléculaire par chromatographie et leurs structures chimiques ont été identifiées par LC-MS. Suite à une pré-incubation des cellules Caco-2/15 avec les extraits CPC (250 µg/mL), le Fe/Asc et la LPS ont été administrés comme inducteurs du SOx et de l’inflammation, respectivement. La caractérisation globale des CPC a révélé que les acides phénoliques composaient majoritairement l’extrait de canneberge de petit poids moléculaire (LC) alors que les flavonoïdes et les procyanidines dimériques/trimériques représentaient l’extrait de poids moléculaire moyen (MC) tout en laissant les procyanidines oligo et polymériques à l’extrait de haut poids moléculaire (HC). Les CPC ont permis de restaurer la plupart des perturbations engendrées dans les Caco-2/15 par le Fe/Asc et le LPS. Les CPC exhibaient le potentiel d’abaisser les niveaux de MDA, de corriger la composition des acides gras polyinsaturés n-3 et n-6, d’augmenter l’activité des enzymes antioxydantes (SOD, GPx et CAT) et d’élever l’expression de Nrf2 et PGC1α. En outre, les CPC pouvaient aussi réduire les niveaux élevés des protéines inflammatoires COX-2, TNF-α et IL-6 ainsi que la production des PGE2 par un mécanisme impliquant le NF-κB. Au niveau mitochondrial, les procyanidines oligomériques ont réussi à corriger les dysfonctions reliées à la production d’énergie (ATP), l’apoptose (Bcl-2, Cyt C et AIF) et le statut des facteurs de transcription mitochondriaux (mtTFA, mtTFB1, mtTFB2). Dans le but de bien comprendre les mécanismes d’action des CPC, nous avons défini par LC-MS les composés polyphénoliques qui ont été transportés ou absorbés par l’entérocyte. Nos analyses soulignent le transport (i) des acides cinnamiques et benzoïques (LC); (ii) la quercétine glycosylée et conjuguée et les procyanidines dimériques de type A (MC); et (iii) l’épicatéchine et les procyanidines oligomériques (HC). Les processus de métabolisation (méthylation, glucuronidation et sulfatation) au niveau de l’entérocyte ont probablement permis le transport de ces CPC surtout sous leur forme conjuguée. Les procyanidines oligomériques ayant un degré de polymérisation supérieur à 2 (HC) ont semblé adhérer aux cellules Caco-2/15. L’épicatéchine suivi par les procyanidines dimériques de type A ont été trouvés majoritaires au niveau des mitochondries. Même si nous ignorons encore l’action biologique de chaque composé polyphénolique, nous pouvons suggérer que leurs effets combinatoires exercent des fonctions antioxydantes, anti-inflammatoires et mitochondriales dans le modèle intestinal Caco-2/15. Dans une troisième étape, nous avons procédé à l’évaluation des aspects préventifs et thérapeutique des DAPP tout en sondant les mécanismes sous-jacents dans une étude préclinique. À cette fin, nous avons exploité le modèle de souris avec colite expérimentale provoquée par le Dextran Sulfate de Sodium (DSS). L’induction de l’inflammation intestinale chez la souris C57BL6 a été effectuée par l’administration orale de DSS à 2.5% pendant 10 jours. Des doses physiologiques et supra-physiologiques de DAPP (200 et 400 mg/kg/j, respectivement) ont été administrées par gavage pendant 10 jours pré- et post-DSS. L’inflammation par le DSS a provoqué une perte de poids, un raccourcissement du côlon, le décollement dystrophique de l’épithélium, l’exulcération et les infiltrations de cellules mono et polynucléaires au niveau du côlon. De plus, le DSS a induit une augmentation de la peroxidation lipidique, une régulation à la baisse des enzymes antioxydantes, une expression protéique à la hausse de la myéloperoxidase (MPO), du COX-2 et de la production des PGE2. Par ailleurs, les DAPP ont permis de corriger ou du moins d’alléger la plupart de ces anomalies en situation préventive ou thérapeutique, en plus d’abaisser l’expression protéique de NF-κB et des cytokines inflammatoires (TNF-a et l’IL-6) tout en stimulant les facteurs de transcription antioxydants (Nrf-2, PGC1α). Conséquemment, les polyphénols des DAPP ont exhibé leur puissant pouvoir antioxydant et anti-inflammatoire au niveau intestinal dans un modèle in vivo. Leurs actions sont associées à la régulation des voies de signalisation cellulaire et des changements dans la composition du microbiote. Ces trois projets de recherche permettent d’envisager l’évaluation des effets préventifs et thérapeutiques des DAPP cliniquement chez les patients avec des désordres inflammatoires de l’intestin.