817 resultados para Antique friendship


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This analysis corresponds to an analytical and interpretative essay on the negation of the other in the novel Sula (1973) by Toni Morrison, one of the most important African American writers. In Sula, the author explores the concepts of good and evil as she provides characteristics of the African American culture and black identity. The characters? main struggle is their quest for achieving an authentic identity within this sexist and racist society that constricts their lives and dreams with moral standards. This essay attempts to demonstrate through this novel how human beings find self-destruction by attempting to destroy others, those who have different views of life and the world. The analysis focuses on the most important aspects of life proposed in this book: self-awareness, identity, friendship, traveling, the community, and heritage, which condition one?s vision towards the other and nurture, at the same time, one?s whole identity. As a major conclusion, there is no success for a society that judges and isolates the individuals who want to become authentic and attempt to break the constrictions of moral prejudices. For each member of the community is essential in the balance of it.


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Depuis les années 2000, l’apparition du terme Bromance marque la culture populaire américaine. Cette notion est apparue pour définir les amitiés entre hommes au cinéma, à la télévision et sur Internet. Les films de Bromance, caractérisés par une multitude de scènes de déclaration d’amour entre hommes, traduisent bien cette nouvelle façon d’aborder l’amitié au masculin. À travers les définitions de la masculinité dans ces films, l’enjeu de l’hétérosexualité demeure omniprésent. Malgré la fragilisation de certains stéréotypes traditionnels liés au masculin, il n’en demeure pas moins que la notion de «vraie» masculinité persiste et demeure systématiquement liée à l’hétérosexualité des hommes qui partagent cette amitié particulière qu’on appelle Bromance. Dans cette optique, plusieurs stratégies se manifestent pour prouver la masculinité et donc l’hétérosexualité des protagonistes, mais l’une d’entre elles semble être au cœur de ces films. Cette stratégie s’incarne sous la forme d’une compétition entre hommes qui mise sur la capacité à performer un acte conventionnellement associé à l’homosexualité. Sur Internet, des vidéos qui prennent le nom « Gay Chicken » présentent des hommes qui s’embrassent et qui se touchent sans être dérangés ou ébranlés. C’est la capacité à être calme et en contrôle en restant insensible au corps d’un autre homme qui démontrerait le côté inébranlable de son hétérosexualité et donc de sa masculinité. C’est cet esprit du « Gay Chicken » qui se retrouve un peu partout dans l’univers des films de Bromance. Paradoxalement, ces nouveaux «modèles» d’homme doivent pouvoir à la fois incarner une masculinité plus flexible, plus ouverte et sensible, mais doivent également prouver leur virilité. Cette « masculinité contemporaine » brouille les cartes entre ce qui est viril et ce qui ne l’est pas, entre ce qui est féminin et ce qui ne l’est pas et entre ce qui est homosexuel et ce qui ne l’est pas. Les relations homosociales dans le cadre de Bromances présentent alors des opportunités indispensables pour prouver à tous la force de son hétérosexualité. Ce travail de recherche se penchera donc plus précisément sur les paradoxes d’une « masculinité contemporaine » intimement liée à l’orientation hétérosexuelle, par l’entremise de certains films issus de la culture populaire américaine associée à la Bromance. L’objectif est de montrer comment ces films sont des manifestations significatives d’une nouvelle forme d’affirmation identitaire masculine qui passe par des relations homosociales où les tensions et sous-textes homosexuels se multiplient et doivent être réprimés ou invalidés continuellement.


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As academic student mobility is increasing, improving the functionality of international operations is recognised as a competitive advantage at tertiary education institutions. Although many scholars have researched the experiences of exchange students, the role of student tutors and their contribution to exchange students’ experiences is still an unknown factor. This research examines international tutoring at the University of Turku, and aims to understand better the way tutoring contributes to exchange experiences and to explore the functionality of the tutor system and discover areas for improvements. To achieve these goals, the research seeks to answer the fundamental research question: What is the role of tutors in mediating exchange experiences? The theoretical framework combines literature on mediating exchange experiences, the phenomenon of studying abroad, the process of adaptation, the importance of cross-cultural communication, and the role of student tutors as mediators. Based on the literature review, a theoretical model for studying the mediation of exchange experiences is introduced. The model’s applicability and validity is examined through a case study. Three methods were used in the empirical research: surveys, participant observations, and interviews. These methods provided extensive data from three major parties of the tutor system: tutors, exchange students, and the international office. The findings of the research reveal that tutoring – instrumental leading and social and cultural mediating – generates both negative and positive experiences depending on the individuals’ expectations, motivations, relationships, and the nature of the tutoring. Although functional, there are a few weaknesses in the tutor system. Tutors tend to act as effective instrumental leaders, but often fail to create a friendship and contribute to the exchange students’ experience through social and cultural mediation, which is significantly more important in the exchange students’ overall experience in terms of building networks, adapting, gaining emotional experiences, and achieving the stage of personal development and mental change. Based on the weaknesses, three improvements are suggested: (1) increasing comprehensive sharing of information, effective communication, and collective cooperation, (2) emphasising the importance of social and cultural mediation and increasing the frequency of interaction between tutors and exchange students, and (3) improving the recruitment and training, revising the process of reporting and rewarding, and finally, enhancing services and coordination.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2015.


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The stone masonry walls are present in many buildings and historical monuments, with undeniable asset value, but also in old buildings housing both in Portugal and in Europe. Most of these buildings in masonry are in certain cases in a high state of degradation needing urgent intervention. This requires the identification of deficiencies and the application of appropriate intervention techniques. One of the possible techniques for structural consolidation works of stone masonry walls is the injection of fluid mortars currently called grouts. The choice of grouts is very important with regard in particular to their chemical and physical properties. In this study, carried out under the Master of Chemical Engineering, two types of lime-based grouts were used, in order to evaluate and compare their chemical resistance due to the crystallization of soluble salts. One of the grouts is a pre-dosed blend commercially available, Mape-Antique I from company Mapei (CA), and the second grout is a mixture prepared in the laboratory (LB), comprising metakaolin, cement, hydrated lime, water and superplasticizer. With the purpose of evaluating the action of sulphates on these grouts, a series of samples underwent several wetting-drying cycles using two different temperatures, 20 °C and 50 °C. During the experiment it was determined the change of weight and compressive strength in the analyzed grouts, as well as the sulphate ion concentration and pH of the solution in which the samples were dipped. The commercial grout (CA) apparently has a greater chemical resistance to sulphates. However grout LB showed to have positive results in some parameters.


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L’objectif de ce travail était d’apporter une réflexion sur les influences du colonialisme européen aux XVII-XVIIIe siècles. Ayant déjà rédigé mon mémoire de fin de maîtrise sur la Corinthe archaïque et ses colonies, j’ai souhaité approfondir la question, en choisissant de situer la problématique dans un contexte historiographique plus large, dans le temps comme dans l’espace. Plusieurs auteurs se sont intéressés aux réceptions de l’Antiquité à des périodes spécifiques (Grell et Alexandre le Grand en France, Richard et les influences antiques de la Révolution américaine,…). Cependant, aucune analyse sur le long terme n’avait encore été fournie, pas davantage qu’une réflexion de fonds sur la place de l’Antiquité dans la manière de penser les colonies en Europe moderne. Cet état de fait, de même que la relative rareté des sources modernes traitant des colonies grecques, m’ont obligé à élargir au maximum le champ de recherche, en y incluant des auteurs qui, s’ils ne se préoccupèrent pas de colonisation, recoururent néanmoins au précédent grec pour illustrer des problématiques de leur temps. Toutefois, il est possible de constater à quel point les répertoires historiographiques concernant la Grèce antique et ses colonisations se sont développés dans le courant de ces deux siècles qui virent l’apogée et la chute des premiers empires coloniaux européens en Amérique du nord. Si la comparaison à l’Histoire grecque ne relevait souvent que du Topos et de la propagande (comme dans le cas de la comparaison du Grand Condé ou de Louis XIV à Alexandre le Grand), son utilisation dans le cadre de controverses à plus large échelle outrepassait aussi le seul lieu commun pour s’inscrire dans un discours rhétorique plus approfondi. Le choix de la colonisation grecque comme modèle de comparaison s’imposait d’autant plus logiquement que les divers auteurs, depuis les premiers colons jusqu’aux pères fondateurs américains, insistaient sur les mérites économiques des colonies européennes. D’autres régimes, comme l’empire espagnol au XVIe siècle ou l’empire britannique au XIXe siècle, ont davantage recouru à une terminologie d’inspiration romaine. En effet, leur politique se fondait plus sur l’idée d’une extension impérialiste de l’État que sur une vision commerciale du colonialisme. L’article de Krishan Kumar demeure l’un des plus importants sur la question. La réception de l’Histoire des colonies grecques aux Temps modernes fut avant tout le fruit d’une tentative de définition du colonialisme comme phénomène global, et d’une volonté de situer les nations européennes dans un contexte remontant aux origines de l’Occident. À l’heure où l’Europe amorçait sa domination sur la totalité de la planète, et où la course à la colonisation s’accélérait, la majorité des auteurs s’abritaient derrière l’image de thalassocraties antiques qui, si elles ne dénotaient pas un pouvoir politique centralisé, n’en contribuèrent pas moins à imposer la culture fondatrice de la pensée occidentale à tout le bassin méditerranéen. Quant aux guerres qui poussèrent les puissances antiques les unes contre les autres, elles ne faisaient qu’augurer des conflits à large échelle que furent les guerres franco-britanniques du XVIIIe siècle.


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The ability to sensitively care for others’ wellbeing develops early in ontogeny and is an important developmental milestone for healthy social, emotional, and moral development. One facet of care for others, prosocial comforting, has been linked with important social outcomes such as peer acceptance and friendship quality, underscoring the importance of determining factors involved in the ability to comfort. Although social support has been linked with a number of important social outcomes, no study has directly examined whether felt social support can foster children’s positive behavior toward others. The purpose of the current investigation was to use an experimental priming paradigm to demonstrate that felt social support a) enhances children’s ability to respond prosocially to the distress of others and b) decreases children’s expressions of personal distress when faced with the distress of another person. Participants were 94 4-year-old children (M = 53.56 months, SD = 3.38 months; 52 girls). Children were randomly assigned to either view pictures of mothers and children in close, personal interactions (supportive social interaction condition), happy women and children in separate pictures, presented side-by-side (happy control condition), or pictures of colorful overlapping shapes (neutral control condition). Each set of 20 pictures was presented in the context of a categorization computer game that participants played 4 times throughout the course of the study. Immediately following the first three computer games, children were given the opportunity to comfort someone who was distressed; twice it was the adult experimenter working with the child, and once it was an unseen infant crying over a monitor that participants had been trained to use. Comforting behaviors and distress/arousal were coded in 10-second time segments and yielded a global comforting score and a distress proportion score for each task. Results indicated that priming condition had no effect on either prosocial comforting behavior or expressions of personal distress. I discuss these null findings in light of the available literatures on priming mental representations in children and on prosocial comforting, and suggest some future directions for continued investigation in both fields.


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50 p. -- E-mail de la autora: amaiasilvo24@gmail.com


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This study had like general objective analyzed the relation observed between working conditions and healthy, in the welfare perspective, by the Policilínica Zona Oeste´s healthy professionals. Were used like theoretical bases the categories of working conditions of Borges et al. (2013): working conditions and contractual legal; physical working conditions and materials; working conditions and characteristics of the work processes and working conditions and social management. For the analise of personal wellness in the job, were used the categories of Dessen and Paz (2010): friendship relations, relationship with the organization, growth opportunity, relations with customers , valuation and realization. For this, this research use the descriptive statistic and Bardin (1977) ´s content analysis besides the help of Manyeyes software, using the word clouds and trees words. Was possible identify that the working conditions have strong relations with the health of the health professionals of Policlínica, mainly about the physical and materials conditions that are precarious and influences the other dimensions of working conditions and conditions health. The welfare professionals is spoiled in the dimensions of realization and growth opportunity and influences the professional´s health


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International audience


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Em Lisboa, ao longo dos séculos, o homem foi conquistando as águas do Tejo. Hoje, após os diversos aterros, a frente ribeirinha da cidade é uma consolidada faixa de terreno, rematada por muros que, contra a «ondulação» do Tejo, definem uma expandida área que acolhe uma intensa actividade portuária. Foi nesta faixa junto do rio que se desenrolou parte importante da história de Lisboa, desde as ocupações romana e muçulmana, e também muito particularmente aquando do período dos Descobrimentos, da reconstrução pombalina pós-terramoto e do surto industrial do século XIX. Alguns destes momentos históricos encontram-se reflectidos nas inúmeras plantas, cartas e mapas disponíveis neste estudo, desde a Planta da Cidade de Lisboa : 1650, de João Nunes Tinoco, até ao Plano de Melhoramentos do Porto de Lisboa, de 1946. É com base nessas plantas, mas também em cartas manuscritas, relatos de época, gravuras e fotografias antigas – documentos em grande parte inéditos –, que este trabalho de investigação propõe cartografar este território, realizando desenhos originais que possibilitam um novo olhar sobre o seu processo de crescimento e consolidação. Assim, este estudo concilia todos estes elementos, constituindo uma análise completa que se debruça sobre a evolução da frente ribeirinha de Lisboa e que permite descobrir inúmeros aspectos até aqui desconhecidos, ajudando a responder à pergunta que hoje se coloca: perante o cenário que o porto actual atravessa, como melhor poderá Lisboa recuperar a relação com o rio?; THE CITY AND THE RIVER: ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF LISBON'S RIVERFRONT ABSTRACT: In Lisbon, over the centuries, man was conquering the waters of the Tagus. Today, after the various landfills, the city's riverfront is a consolidated strip of land, finished by walls that, against the "ripple" of the Tagus, define an expanded area that hosts an intense port activity. It was in this band along the river that unfolded important part of the history of Lisbon, from the Roman and Muslim occupations, and also very particularly during the period of the Discoveries, the post-earthquake reconstruction, and the industrial boom of the nineteenth century. Some of these historical moments are reflected in many plans, charts and maps available in this study, since the plan designated Planta da Cidade de Lisboa : 1650, made by João Nunes Tinoco, to the plan called Plano de Melhoramentos do Porto de Lisboa, drawn in the year of 1946. Based on these plans, but also in handwritten letters, time reports, antique prints and photographs – documents that are mostly unpublished – this research work proposes map this territory, performing original drawings that provide a new look at their growth process and consolidation. Thereby, this study combines all these elements, providing a complete analysis which focuses on the evolution of the Lisbon riverfront and that allows you to discover many aspects unknown until now, helping to answer the question that now arises: according to the present scenario that the harbour is going through, how can Lisbon recover the relationship with the river?


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.


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Desde los primeros años del cristianismo la figura de la mujer no ha pasado desapercibida para los distintos autores. Nos parece muy interesante la figura de Tertuliano, autor africano de los siglos II-III d. C. Pagano de formación y atraído por el mensaje y las vivencias de la nueva religión, pero confundido por la radicalidad que surgieron en las sectas del cristianismo. Es el primer escritor cristiano del norte de África que se ocupó ampliamente de la mujer virgen, viuda y casada. Siente una especial predilección por las cristianas de Cartago, porque ejercieron una gran labor en el desarrollo del cristianismo primitivo, por su tarea como evangelizadoras. Estaba muy preocupado por la conducta que iban adquiriendo, pues se hallaban inmersas en una cultura pagana. Hemos elegido la obra Ad uxorem, una especie de testamento espiritual que Tertuliano le escribe a su mujer en caso de morir antes que ella. A partir de la lectura y análisis de esta obra y de la comparación entre la mujer pagana y la mujer cristiana se aprecia la influencia notable de la cultura pagana. Pero no debemos caer en el error de pensar que hablamos de dos mundos diferentes. No olvidemos que el cristianismo llegó a una Roma imbuida de una religión y de unos dioses paganos. Por lo tanto, no podemos estudiar ambos mundos como contrarios y distintos, sino que un mundo surge dentro del otro y se complementan. Tertuliano va a presentar una evolución en su pensamiento que sólo se podrá entender a través del estudio de diversos aspectos que se han considerado importantes. Para ello, hemos estructurado el trabajo en cuatro capítulos. Destacamos cómo se desenvolvía la mujer en el mundo mediterráneo antiguo, tanto en Roma como en el Norte de África. Igualmente, el contexto social y eclesial que envolvía a Tertuliano en estos siglos II-III d.C., junto con su vida y su obra, han sido claves para entender cómo inciden ambos contextos en el pensamiento del autor. También se analiza la obra Ad uxorem para mostrar algunos datos interesantes relativos a la época de composición del tratado, estudio de la estructura retórica del mismo, público al que va dirigido y la intención del autor. Por último, se ha realizado un examen más en profundidad de la obra mediante la observación de aquellos términos y textos que emplea Tertuliano para retratar a la mujer. Todo ello nos ha ayudado a extraer las diferentes características de dichas mujeres teniendo en cuenta los espacios en los que se movían, los proyectos que tenían, su relación con Dios, con el hombre y con la sociedad. El estudio del mundo pagano y cristiano presentes en la obra de Tertuliano se ha llevado a cabo a partir de un modelo al que hemos llamado “escenario”, a través del método socio-antropológico, que ha contribuido a completar todos los escenarios que envuelven tanto al autor como a la mujer en general. Este método se ha visto reforzado por el método analítico, para describir dichos factores y analizarnos en profundidad y, también, por el método comparativo, que nos ha llevado a completar nuestro objetivo último: las características de las mujeres paganas y cristianas en la obra Ad uxorem de Tertuliano. Tras la realización del análisis de la obra descubrimos la importancia que tienen los términos que emplea Tertuliano para referirse a las mujeres, expresando la familiaridad propia del cristianismo. Igualmente, su adhesión al montanismo hace que su opinión sobre las mujeres se endurezca. Así mismo, en el análisis de los textos se muestran las diversas virtudes que Tertuliano destaca en las cristianas: estas aparecen como univirae, pudorosas, castas, sumisas, continentes, perseverantes, sobrias y silenciosas, mientras que las paganas en su crítica resultan ser mujeres de varios esposos, impúdicas, desvergonzadas, desobedientes, orgullosas, avariciosas, ambiciosas y charlatanas, invitando siempre a las cristianas a alejarse del ejemplo de estas últimas. Sin embargo, nuestro estudio nos ha llevado mucho más lejos; hemos descubierto cuáles eran las conductas exigidas para la cristiana, y qué mujer era aquella por la que Tertuliano sentía una especial predilección. En conclusión, Tertuliano anhelaba aquella mujer casta, que consagraba su virginidad a Dios, mujer soltera y sin hijos, es decir, la virgen, pues su objetivo era la salvación de las cristianas y ésta era la mejor forma de conseguirla. No obstante, esto no quita que Tertuliano sea consciente del valor tan inmenso que adquiere el matrimonio dentro del cristianismo, lo que explicaría en la conclusión de su tratado esa bellísima alabanza del matrimonio cristiano. -Selección bibliográfica: -ALFARO BECH V. (2012), “Importancia y colaboración de las cristianas cartaginesas en la difusión del cristianismo y la evangelización en el Norte de África”, en F. RIVAS REBAQUE (ED.), Iguales y diferentes. Interrelación entre mujeres y varones cristianos a lo largo de la historia, San Pablo, Madrid, pp. 75-128. -BLAISE A. (1954), Dictionnaire latin-français des auteurs chrétiens, Brepols, Leuven. -BRAUN R. (1985), “Tertullien et le Montanisme: Église institutionnelle et église spirituelle”, Rivista di Storia e Letteratura religiosa XXI, pp. 245-257. _______ (1992), “Tertullien et la philosophie païenne. Essai de mise au point”, en ID., Approches de Tertullien. Vingt-six études sur l’auteur et sur l’œuvre (1955-1990), Brepols (Collection d’Études Augustiniennes, 134), Paris, pp. 21-41. -CANTARELLA E. (1991b), La mujer romana, Universidad de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela. -DUNN G. D. (2004), Tertulllian. The Early Church Fathers, Routledge, Londres–Nueva York. -ESTÉVEZ E. (2012), Las mujeres en los orígenes del cristianismo, Verbo Divino, Estella (Navarra). -FREDOUILLE J.–C. (1972), Tertullien et la conversion de la culture Antique, Études Augustiniennes, Paris. -HAMMAN A. G. (2000), “Tertuliano, A su esposa”, en Matrimonio y virginidad en la Iglesia antigua, Desclée de Brouwer, Bilbao, pp. 49-81. -HENNE P. (2011), Tertullien l’Africain, Ed. du Cerf, Paris. -LÓPEZ CÁNDIDA A.–POCIÑA A. (1990), La mujer en el mundo mediterráneo antiguo, Universidad de Granada, Granada. -MACDONALD M. (2004), Las mujeres en el cristianismo primitivo y la opinión pagana. El poder de la mujer histérica, Verbo Divino, Estella (Navarra). -MESNAGE J. (1914), Le Christianisme en Afrique. Origines, développments, extensión, Adolphe Jourdan, Alger. -OSIEK C.–MACDONALD M.–TULLOCH J. (2007), El lugar de la mujer en la Iglesia primitiva, Sígueme, Salamanca. -Oxford Latin dictionary (2005), P.G.W. GLARE (ED.), Oxford University Press, New York. -RIVAS REBAQUE F. (2008), “La mujer cristiana en el Norte de África latina”, en ID., Desterradas hijas de Eva. Protagonismo y marginación de la mujer en el cristianismo primitivo, Universidad Pontificia Comillas–San Pablo, Madrid, pp. 57-110.


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Material suplementar está disponível em: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg. 2016.01509


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Antropologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Antropologia Social, 2016.