1000 resultados para Anos úmidos


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivo: Estimar as probabilidades acumuladas de sobrevida dos pacientes diagnosticados com carcinoma espinocelular nos 10 primeiros anos do Centro de Oncologia Bucal da UNESP, Campus de Araçatuba, de 1991 a 2000, observadas até 2005, estabelecendo os possíveis fatores prognósticos significativos para o óbito. Méttodo: A análise de sobrevida foi realizada em uma coorte de 280 pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular, no Centro de Oncologia Bucal da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba, UNESP, entre 1991 e 2000. Para avaliar a associação entre as variáveis independentes e o óbito, realizou-se o teste Log Rank. A probabilidade do teste com p-valor menor que 0,25 ficou estabelecida para a inclusão das covariáveis no processo de ajustamento do modelo. A sobrevida foi estimada pelo método de produto limite de Kaplan-Meier. Os fatores prognósticos foram estimados pelo modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox, calculando-se razão da função de risco (HR). A análise de resíduo foi realizada para verificar o ajuste do modelo. Resultados: As taxas de probabilidades acumuladas de sobrevida de 280 pacientes, para os casos em estádio IV, foram, 56,74%, 32,13%, 23,71% e 20,57%, respectivamente, até 1, 2, 3 e 5 anos após o diagnóstico. Pacientes no estádio I apresentaram sobrevida em 5 anos de 81,73%. O estadiamento clínico da doença no diagnóstico foi o único fator prognóstico definido no processo de ajuste de modelo. A estimativa da razão da função de riscos de morrer em pacientes diagnosticados no estádio III (HR=3,3), é praticamente três vezes o risco daqueles em estádio I; da mesma forma, o risco de morrer dos diagnosticados em estádio IV (HR=6,17) é cerca de seis vezes ao daqueles em estádio I. Conclusões: A covariável que permaneceu no modelo final foi estadiamento clínico no momento do diagnóstico, sendo, pois, o único fator prognóstico.


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This experiment aim was to evaluate the contamination of the trace elements (TE) arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, lead, selenium, and zinc considered in the CONAMA resolution 375 after 13 years long using sewage sludge (SS) as fertilizer in two soils: an Eutroferric Clayed Red Latosol (Rhodic Eutrudox - RE) and a Dystrophic Red Latosol (Typic Haplorthox - TH). Experiment in the field under maize cultivation had four treatments (0, 5, 10, and 20 t of SS ha(-1), dry weight), five replications and an experimental design in randomized blocks. The agrochemicals (dolomitic limestone, single superphosphate, and potassium chloride), SS, soils, and the certified reference materials were digested according to the USEPA 3051A method and the chemical elements were quantified by ICP OES. The TE contents found in the agrochemicals used should not cause immediate environmental impact. The higher TE values were found in the RE and they did not reach the agricultural (more stringent) Investigation Level (IL) yet, according to 420 CONAMA resolution. Persisting the actual SS fertilization amount applied in the soil and the TE concentration in the SS is foreseen that Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn will be the first elements to reach the IL in the RE.


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In Brazil, the football is more than just a sport, it's a passion and part of country's DNA almost a century ago. By this prerogative the club national championship, nowadays known as Brazilian Championship and organized by Brazilian Football Confederation, it is a mark in this modality. During the soccer history, were made several changes of nomenclature, rules and dispute mode, that generated many controversies, contributing for discussing about credibility of the championship. There were many changes about dispute mode, alternating the mixed mode (eliminatory + classificatory and vice versa) and a dispute mode based on classification. This research aimed to described and to analyzed the changes that have occurred in dispute types of the Brazilian Championship, series A, in the last 15 years (1995 to 2010). It was analyzed each edition, with data like average of public, matches and participants number, period that the championship was conducted, beyond the dispute mode. In the last 15 years, have been used five different types and it was observed that the current mode to consecutive points is the most appropriate, because this mode showed the best public average, greater coherence to elect the competition champion and this mode also encouraged the clubs about planning, organization and professional management. This issues contributed to a significant improvement in quality of Championship


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Não disponível


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This study presents the trajectory of domestic federal public debt from Brazil in the years 2003 to 2010. Scales the amount spent on financial burden to pay the debt in relation to what was spent on items related to social development, health, education and welfare. The study concludes that Brazil despite an increase in social spending, with effective results, expenditures for the cost of domestic federal debt were much higher than social spending. The numbers were expressive in the maintenance of debt and very tiny in relation to social spending


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In Brazil, the practice of Soccer is encouraged very early. It is common remark that parents enroll their sons into soccer schools, promoting the involvement of these children in formal practice. However, there are not many studies that assess the effects of this practice in the physical capacities of children. Thus, the question that guides this study is: children who practice soccer systematically present better development of physical, especially agility, coordination and speed? The objective of this study was to compare the performance in velocity tests, agility and coordination of boys of 10 and 11 years, category dentinho or Sub-11, practitioners of soccer in schools and non practicing. The study included male children, born in 1997 and 1998, formed two groups: group of practitioners of soccer and group of non practicing. To belong to the group of practitioners, the child was regularly engaged for at least 1 year, with 1 hour daily and 2 to 3 times per week. The participants of the group of non practicing were not involved in regular practice of soccer and were paired in weight and stature with participants of the group of practitioners of soccer. Each participant was individually assessed in neutral environment and without foreign interference. For the assessment of the agility, was utilized the (shuttle run) test. The race test 30 meters stopped was employed for the assessment of the speed. The test of fiddling between the cones was employed to measure the coordination. The time spent to perform 1 attempt to each test was used for the comparison between groups. These data were treated, initially, by descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and, subsequently, were compared by means of Anova, for independent samples. The significance level was maintained at 5%. Through analysis of the results the conclusion is that the regular practice ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This paper analyzes the evolution of the sugar cane plantation area in the State of São Paulo in the last ten years. It presents a concise report about the history of this raw material in the country and describes how the sector relating to sugar cane was before the economic deregulation and what changes occurred after 1990, emphasizing the territorially expansion occurred in the State of São Paulo. The paper concludes that the expansion of the sector relating to sugar cane occurred much more territorially than through productivity gains, considering that these ganis were bigger in the State of São Paulo, and that the economic deregulation left a legate of heterogeneity in this sector


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Pela Lei Federal nº 11.274/2006, promulgada em seis de fevereiro de 2006, o ensino fundamental no Brasil passa a ter a duração de nove anos, com a inclusão de crianças de seis anos de idade. O objetivo desta Lei é assegurar um tempo maior de convívio escolar e maiores oportunidades de aprendizagem, principalmente às crianças pertencentes aos setores populares. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a lei que estende a obrigatoriedade, do ensino fundamental e traçar um panorama deste processo de ampliação no município de Pirassununga, buscando conhecer sua trajetória, bem como os aspectos positivos e negativos oriundos da nova legislação. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos a pesquisa se desenvolveu a partir de levantamento bibliográfico, bem como no levantamento de dados e informações acerca do município de Pirassununga e também através de documentos oficiais, entrevista do tipo semi-estruturada, e pesquisa em sites governamentais, relacionados com o tema. A ampliação do ensino fundamental para nove anos culmina numa ampliação de direitos, ainda que tímida, que vem sendo perseguida ao longo da história da educação brasileira. Entretanto, esta ampliação tem suscitado inúmeros questionamentos e criticas ao que refere a qualidade do ensino e a preocupação com os aportes financeiros


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We discuss in the work the importance of experiential activities for Physics Teaching in the first years at Elementary Education. For this we start from the experience provided by the Teaching Project Initiation under Pibid CAPES, linked to the Department of Education from the Institute of Biosciences and activities of the Graduate Diploma in Physics Supervised, at Rio Claro Campus, São Paulo State, in partnership with Basic Education schools of the city. Based on some patterns and studies on the Teaching of Science in Elementary Education and particularly in the Ferreira’s work with Instrumentation for Physics Teaching, Electrostatic was chosen as base theme. We opted for the use of didactic experiments that provided in its construction the utilization of low cost materials, easy access and portability. Teaching strategies were aimed at inserting experiential activities during Elementary School I (first and third years of elementary school), intending to rescue the trial of Physics Education and Science for Basic Education. These experimental teaching activities were analyzed in this paper from the perspective of playfulness. We argue that experimentation with recreational attributes when properly used provides the interaction of individuals with the knowledge of Physical Sciences


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The wide territorial extension of Brazil derails the installation and maintenance of instruments for measuring solar radiation, which makes necessary the development and application of models that are able to estimate reliable and sufficient data for many different activities that use such data. And these, in most cases, are estimated from the Ångström equation. Based on this model, this project aimed to estimate the global solar radiation at Presidente Prudente-SP, Brazil, using daily data from 1999 to 2007. The solar radiation data have been extracted from the paper tapes of actinograph bi-metallic (Robitsch) daily records at the meteorological station in the Faculty of Science and Technology, UNESP. These tapes were scanned, resulting in digital images with x and y coordinates pairs (x = time; y = solar radiation, cal/min.cm²). The daily global solar radiation is the area under the curve of the image. This value has been calculated by computer algorithms. After the acquisition and calculation of the values needed to develop the Ångström equation have been determined the constants a and b, using linear regression between the values of Rg/R0 (solar radiation/solar radiation on a horizontal surface at the top of atmosphere), as ordered, and n/N (number of hours of sunshine/day length in hours) as abscissa. The slope of the line will be the constant b and the linear coefficient, the constant a. The estimated results were compared to the observed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, realizing that the models can be accepted. So, the equation to aim the solar global radiation is: Rg = R0 (0,2662+0,3592 n/N)


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Este trabalho faz um estudo comparativo sobre a estratégia de plataformas na indústria automobilística brasileira entre os anos 90 e 2000. Para tanto, definiu-se o conceito de plataformas na indústria automobilística, a intensificação dos estudos sobre sua eficiência ao longo do tempo e o impacto da reutilização e adaptação de plataformas na redução de custos. Os resultados do estudo colaboraram no entendimento dos projetos de desenvolvimento de produto na indústria automotiva nacional, colaborando para a comparação entre a evolução do cenário brasileiro com a de outros cenários como Reino Unido e os BRICs