972 resultados para Angiotensin II


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Introduction La progression de la maladie rénale chronique (MRC) augmente le risque des maladies cardiovasculaires. Lâhypertension, le diabète et la dyslipidémie sont à la fois des facteurs de risque et des comorbidités de la MRC. Chez les individus souffrant de MRC, la persistance et lâobservance du traitement de ces facteurs de risque, i.e. le traitement antihypertenseur (TAH), le traitement hypolipémiant (THL) et le traitement antidiabétique (TAD) contribuent à réduire le risque de mortalité et de morbidité cardiovasculaires. Néanmoins, la persistance et lâobservance de ces traitements restent encore peu étudiées chez les individus ayant la MRC. Objectifs: Spécifiquement pour chacun des trois traitements (TAH, THL et TAD), une étude de cohorte a été menée dans le but : 1) dâestimer la persistance à prendre le traitement un an après le début du traitement; 2) dâestimer lâobservance du traitement au cours de lâannée suivant le début du traitement chez les persistants; 3) dâidentifier les facteurs associés à la persistance; et 4) dâidentifier les facteurs associés à lâobservance. Méthodologie: Nous avons utilisé les banques de données administratives de la Régie de lâassurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) pour mener trois études de cohorte chez les personnes âgées de 18 ans ou plus. Une étude a été conduite chez les individus qui ont commencé un TAH, lâautre conduite chez les patients ayant commencé un THL et la dernière menée chez les nouveaux utilisateurs de TAD. Les individus qui poursuivaient encore leur traitement un an après son début ont été considérés persistants. Parmi les persistants, les patients qui ont eu une proportion de jours couverts (PJC) ⥠80 % ont été considérés observants. Les facteurs associés à la persistance et ceux associés à lâobservance ont été identifiés à lâaide dâune régression de Poisson modifiée. Résultats: Parmi les 7 119 patients ayant débuté un TAH, 78,8 % ont été persistants et 87,7 % des persistants ont été observants. Les individus qui étaient plus susceptibles dâêtre persistants se trouvaient dans le groupe des utilisateurs de monothérapie dâinhibiteurs de lâenzyme de conversion de lâangiotensine (IECA) (Rapport de prévalences (RP) : 1,20; intervalle de confiance (IC) à 95 % : 1,13-1,27), dâantagonistes du récepteur de lâangiotensine II (ARA) (1,22; 1,14-1,31), de bloquants des canaux calciques (BCC) (1,20; 1,14-1,26), de bêta-bloquants (BB) (1,16; 1,10-1,23) et de multithérapie (1,31; 1,25-1,38) (référence : monothérapie de diurétiques (DIU)). Les individus qui étaient plus susceptibles dâêtre observants étaient les utilisateurs de monothérapie dâIECA (1,08; 1,03-1,04), de BB (1,10; 1,05-1,15), de BCC (1,10; 1,05-1,15) et de multithérapie. Des 14 607 individus ayant débuté un THL, 80,7 % ont persisté à le prendre; de ces derniers, 88,7 % étaient observants du THL. Les patients qui étaient plus susceptibles dâêtre persistants étaient ceux ayant un statut socio-économique (SSE) faible (1,03; 1,01-1,06) (référence : SSE élevé) et ceux dont le traitement initial avait été prescrit par un néphrologue (1,06; 1,04-1,09) (référence : omnipraticien). Les individus qui étaient plus susceptibles dâêtre observants étaient ceux âgés ⥠66 ans (référence : 18-65) (1,04; 1,01-1,07), ceux ayant un SSE faible (1,08; 1,06-1,10) et ceux qui avaient pris plus de 12 médicaments différents (référence : <7) (1,03; 1.00-1,05). Sur un total de 6 671 individus ayant débuté un TAD, 76,9 % ont persisté à prendre le traitement. Parmi les persistants, 87,9 % étaient observants. Les individus ayant un SSE faible (1,04; 1,01-1,07) (référence : SSE élevé) ou une multithérapie (1,12; 1,08-1,16) (référence : monothérapie de metformine) étaient plus susceptibles dâêtre persistants, tout comme ceux ayant une comorbidité dont lâhypertension artérielle (1,04; 1,01-1,07), la dyslipidémie (1,06; 1,03-1,10), lâaccident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) (1,05; 1,01-1,11) ou la maladie coronarienne (1,03; 1,01-1,06). Les individus plus susceptibles dâêtre observants étaient ceux ayant un SSE moyen (1,03; 1,01-1,07) ou une multithérapie (1,06; 1,03-1,09). Conclusion: Peu importe le traitement initié par les individus souffrant de MRC, environ 30% des patients ne seraient pas persistants un an après le début du traitement ou observants dans lâannée suivant lâinitiation. Certains facteurs sont associés de façon consistante à la persistance, par exemple lâAVC, la maladie coronarienne et le nombre de visites médicales, alors que lââge et le SSE sont associés à lâobservance peu importe que le traitement initial soit un TAH, un THL ou un TAD.


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Objective- This study investigated whether differences exist in atherogen-induced migratory behaviors and basal antioxidant enzyme capacity of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) from human coronary (CA) and internal mammary (IMA) arteries. Methods- Migration experiments were performed using the Dunn chemotaxis chamber. The prooxidant [NAD(P)H oxidase] and antioxidant [NOS, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase] enzyme activities were determined by specific assays. Results- Chemotaxis experiments revealed that while both sets of VSMC migrated towards platelet-derived growth factor-BB (1-50 ng/ml) and angiotensin II (1-50 nM), neither oxidized-LDL (ox-LDL, 25-100 ïÃ�íg/ml) nor native LDL (100 ïÃ�íg/ml) affected chemotaxis in IMA VSMC. However, high dose ox-LDL produced significant chemotaxis in CA VSMC that was inhibited by pravastatin (100 nM), mevastatin (10 nM), losartan (10 nM), enalapril (1 ïÃ�íM), and MnTBAP (a free radical scavenger, 50ïÃ�àïÃ�íM). Microinjection experiments with isoprenoids i.e. geranylgeranylpyrophosphate (GGPP) and farnesylpyrophosphate (FPP) showed distinct involvement of small GTPases in atherogen-induced VSMC migration. Significant increases in antioxidant enzyme activities and nitrite production along with marked decreases in NAD(P)H oxidase activity and O2 .- levels were determined in IMA versus CA VSMC. Conclusions- Enhanced intrinsic antioxidant capacity may confer on IMA VSMC resistance to migration against atherogenic agents. Drugs that regulate ox-LDL or angiotensin II levels also exert antimigratory effects.


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Introducción. El estado hídrico previo al inicio de un ejercicio (hiperhidratación-deshidratación o hipohidratación y euhidratación) modifica la respuesta neurohumoral. En personas, la deshidratación origina una liberación incrementada de las hormonas implicadas en el mantenimiento de la volemia y del estado hidroelectrolítico, tales como la renina (REN), angiotensina (ANG) y aldosterona (ALD). La testosterona (T) es una hormona anabólica, mientras que el cortisol (C) es una hormona de estrés, con funciones catabólicas. El cociente T/C es un reflejo de la intensidad anabólica/catabólica de un ejercicio y en atletas humanos, se ve afectada por el estado hídrico. Objetivos. 1) Describir las variaciones en las concentraciones de REN, ANG, ALD, T, C y ratio T/C en caballos durante un ejercicio de tiro y arrastre, en relación con otros marcadores de equilibrio hidroelectrolítico y en función de la carga arrastrada; 2) Analizar si la respuesta de estas hormonas al ejercicio difiere entre animales con deshidratación hipertónica y euhidratados; Hipótesis: 1) Que las concentraciones de REN, ANG, ALD, T, C serán más elevadas en los caballos deshidratados que en los euhidratados; 2) Que el ejercicio de tiro y arrastre, particularmente en los animales de mayor peso corporal, inducirá una mayor activación del eje REN, ANG, ALD y una liberación superior de T; 3) Que los animales deshidratados experimentarán un incremento más intenso de estas hormonas en respuesta al ejercicio. Material y métodos. Se han llevado a cabo dos estudios simultáneos. En el estudio I, se han analizado los siguientes parámetros: valor hematócrito (HTO), albúmina (ALB), sodio (Na), potasio (K), cloro (Cl), lactato (LA) y concentraciones séricas de REN, ANG y ALD y en el estudio II, se han determinado las concentraciones de ALB, T, C y ratio T/C. En el estudio I, se han incluido 64 caballos machos, enteros y castrados, divididos en dos grupos según su estado hídrico: grupo control o euhidratado (CTR, n=11) y grupo deshidratado (DH; n=53), con deshidratación hipertónica inducida por restricción de agua y comida. Además, según su peso corporal, los animales se han dividido en 3 categorías de peso: I (<350 kg; n=3 para grupo CTR; n=23 para DH), II (351-450 kg; n=3 para CTR; n=18 para DH) y III (>451 kg; n=5 para CTR; n=12 para DH). En el estudio II, se han incluido los mismos animales, con excepción de la categoría de peso III para el grupo CTR, que solo está constituida por 3 animales, en lugar de 5, al descartar a los machos castrados, debido a la medición de T. Todos los animales, realizaron un ejercicio consistente en recorrer una pista de arena de playa de 60 m de longitud, tirando de un carruaje, con 2, 2,25 y 2,5 veces su peso corporal para las tres categorías de peso. La pista de arena se dividió en cuatro áreas de 15 m, en cada una de las cuales, el animal hizo una parada obligatoria, de duración decidida por el acompañante, y que se incluyó como tiempo de carrera. Los animales eran eliminados si se superan los 5 min de duración. En los dos estudios, se tomaron muestras de sangre en los siguientes tiempos: en reposo, antes del ejercicio (R), dentro del primer minuto tras finalizar el ejercicio (E) y a los 5, 10, 15 y 30 minutos de una recuperación pasiva (5REC, 10REC, 15REC y 30REC). Resultados. Estudio I. La diferencia de peso de los caballos tuvo una influencia mínima en los valores basales y en la respuesta al ejercicio. En reposo, los caballos DH tuvieron valores superiores de HTO, ALB, LA, Na, K y ANG en comparación con los CTR. El ejercicio condicionó una elevación de HTO, ALB, LA y Na, tanto en los caballos CTR como en los DH. Se encontró un incremento de ANG en los caballos DH y de ALD en los caballos CTR. La elevación con el ejercicio experimentada por los parámetros analizados fue de magnitud similar en los grupos CTR y DH, con excepción del LA (incrementó más en DH) y ALD (aumentó más en CTR). Estudio II. El ejercicio dio lugar a un aumento de T en las categorías I y III de los grupos CTR y DH, así como un descenso en la categoría II del grupo CTR. El C mostró un aumento progresivo en las tres categorías y en los dos grupos de estado hídrico, con los valores máximos en el tiempo 30REC. El ratio T/C aumentó en la categoría III del grupo DH, descendió en la categoría II del grupo CTR y no varió en los otros casos. Los animales DH, independientemente de la categoría de peso, tuvieron valores superiores de T y C, en la mayoría de los tiempos de extracción de muestras. Sin embargo, si se consideran los cambios experimentados por estas hormonas durante el ejercicio o en la recuperación, en relación a los valores basales, el aumento del C fue más marcado en el grupo CTR que en el DH, para las tres categorías de peso. Las variaciones de la concentración de T fueron superiores en las categorías de peso I y III del grupo CTR que en el grupo DH. El ratio T/C fue estadísticamente igual entre caballos CTR y DH en las categorías I y III, mientras que en la categoría II, los caballos DH presentaron cocientes T/C mayores. Conclusiones. La deshidratación hipertónica altera la concentración de las hormonas implicadas en la regulación del equilibrio hidro-electrolítico, de la presión sanguínea y del metabolismo. Sin embargo, el estado hídrico previo al ejercicio tiene una acción mínima sobre la magnitud de estos cambios en respuesta a un ejercicio de tiro y arrastre de corta duración (inferior a 5 min). Relevancia. Se ha demostrado que la respuesta neurohumoral, determinada en base a las concentraciones circulantes de las hormonas REN, ANG, ALD, T y C, se ve afectada por el ejercicio cuando el animal empieza el mismo en estado de euhidratación o de deshidratación.


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Abstract : The chymase-dependant pathway responsible for converting Big ET-1 to ET-1 was established in vitro. It has only been recently, in 2009, that our group demonstrated that the conversion of Big ET-1 to ET-1 (1-31) can occur in vivo in mice (Simard et al., 2009), knowing that ET-1 (1-31) is converted to ET-1 via NEP in vivo (Fecteau et al., 2005). In addition, our laboratory demonstrated in 2013 that mMCP-4, the murine analogue of human chymase, produces ET-1 (1-31) from the Big ET-1 precursor (Houde et al. 2013). Thus far, in the literature, there are no specific characterizations of recombinant chymases (human or murine). In fact, the group of Murakami published in 1995 a study characterizing the CMA1 (human chymase) in a chymostatin-dependent fashion, using Angiotensin I as a substrate (Murakami et al., 1995). However, chymostatin is a non-specific inhibitor of chymase. It has been shown that chymostatin can inhibit elastase, an enzyme that can convert Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II (Becari et al., 2005). Based on these observations, the proposed hypothesis in the present study suggests that recombinant as well as extracted CMA1 from LUVA (human mast cell line), in addition to soluble fractions of human aortas, convert Big ET-1 into ET-1 (1-31 ) in a TY-51469 (a chymase-specific inhibitor) sensitive manner. In a second component, we studied the enzyme kinetics of CMA1 with regard to the Big ET-1 and Ang I substrate. The affinity of CMA1 against Big ET-1 was greater compared to Ang I (KM Big ET- 1: 12.55 μM and Ang I: 37.53 μM). However, CMA1 was more effective in cleaving Ang I compared to Big ET-1 (Kcat / KM Big ET-1: 6.57 x 10-5 μM-1.s-1 and Ang I: 1.8 x 10-4 ΜM-1.s- 1). In a third component involving in vivo experiments, the pressor effects of Big ET-1, ET-1 and Ang I were tested in conscious mMCP-4 KO mice compared to wild-type mice. The increase in mean arterial pressure after administration of Big ET-1 was greater in wild-type mice compared to mMCP- 4 KO mice. This effect was not observed after administration of ET-1 and / or Ang I.


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Hypertension is the major risk factor for coronary disease worldwide. Primary hypertension is idiopathic in origin but is thought to arise from multiple risk factors including genetic, lifestyle and environmental influences. Secondary hypertension has a more definite aetiology; its major single cause is primary aldosteronism (PA), the greatest proportion of which is caused by aldosteroneproducing adenoma (APA), where aldosterone is synthesized at high levels by an adenoma of the adrenal gland. There is strong evidence to show that high aldosterone levels cause adverse effects on cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, renal and other systems. Extensive studies have been conducted to analyse the role that regulation of CYP11B2, the gene encoding the aldosterone synthase enzyme plays in determining aldosterone production and the development of hypertension. One significant regulatory factor that has only recently emerged is microRNA (miRNA). miRNAs are small non-coding RNAs, synthesized by a series of enzymatic processes, that negatively regulate gene expression at the posttranscriptional level. Detection and manipulation of miRNA is now known to be a viable method in the treatment, prevention and prognosis of certain diseases. The aim of the present study was to identify miRNAs likely to have a role in the regulation of corticosteroid biosynthesis. To achieve this, the miRNA profile of APA and normal human adrenal tissue was compared, as was the H295R adrenocortical cell line model of adrenocortical function, under both basal conditions and following stimulation of aldosterone production. Key differentially-expressed miRNAs were then identified and bioinformatic tools used to identify likely mRNA targets and pathways for these miRNAs, several of which were investigated and validated using in vitro methods. The background to this study is set out in Chapter 1 of this thesis, followed by a description of the major technical methods employed in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 presents the first of the study results, analysing differences in miRNA profile between APA and normal human adrenal tissue. Microarray was implemented to detect the expression of miRNAs in these two tissue types and several miRNAs were found to vary significantly and consistently between them. Furthermore, members of several miRNA clusters exhibited similar changes in expression pattern between the two tissues e.g. members of cluster miR-29b-1 (miR-29a-3p and miR-29b-3p) and of cluster miR-29b-2 (miR-29b-3p and miR-29c- 3p) are downregulated in APA, while members of cluster let-7a-1 (let-7a-5p and let-7d-5p), cluster let-7a-3 (let-7a-5p and let-7b-5p) and cluster miR-134 (miR- 134 and miR-382) are upregulated. Further bioinformatic analysis explored the possible biological function of these miRNAs using Ingenuity® Systems Pathway Analysis software. This led to the identification of validated mRNAs already known to be targeted by these miRNAs, as well as the prediction of other mRNAs that are likely targets and which are involved in processes relevant to APA pathology including cholesterol synthesis (HMGCR) and corticosteroidogenesis (CYP11B2). It was therefore hypothesised that increases in miR-125a-5p or miR- 335-5p would reduce HMGCR and CYP11B2 expression. Chapter 4 describes the characterisation of H295R cells of different strains and sources (H295R Strain 1, 2, 3 and HAC 15). Expression of CYP11B2 was assessed following application of 3 different stimulants: Angio II, dbcAMP and KCl. The most responsive strain to stimulation was Strain 1 at lower passage numbers. Furthermore, H295R proliferation increased following Angio II stimulation. In Chapter 5, the hypothesis that increases in miR-125a-5p or miR-335-5p reduces HMGCR and CYP11B2 expression was tested using realtime quantitative RT-PCR and transfection of miRNA mimics and inhibitors into the H295R cell line model of adrenocortical function. In this way, miR-125a-5p and miR-335-5p were shown to downregulate CYP11B2 and HMGCR expression, thereby validating certain of the bioinformatic predictions generated in Chapter 3. The study of miRNA profile in the H295R cell lines was conducted in Chapter 6, analysing how it changes under conditions that increase aldosterone secretion, including stimulation Angiotensin II, potassium chloride or dibutyryl cAMP (as a substitute for adrenocorticotropic hormone). miRNA profiling identified 7 miRNAs that are consistently downregulated by all three stimuli relative to basal cells: miR-106a-5p, miR-154-3p, miR-17-5p, miR-196b-5p, miR-19a-3p, miR-20b- 5p and miR-766-3p. These miRNAs include those derived from cluster miR-106a- 5p/miR-20b-5p and cluster miR-17-5p/miR-19a-3p, each producing a single polycistronic transcript. IPA bioinformatic analysis was again applied to identify experimentally validated and predicted mRNA targets of these miRNAs and the key biological pathways likely to be affected. This predicted several interactions between miRNAs derived from cluster miR-17-5p/miR-19a-3p and important mRNAs involved in cholesterol biosynthesis: LDLR and ABCA1. These predictions were investigated by in vitro experiment. miR-17-5p/miR-106a-p and miR-20b-5p were found to be consistently downregulated by stimulation of aldosterone biosynthesis. Moreover, miR-766-3p was upregulation throughout. Furthermore, I was able to validate the downregulation of LDLR by miR-17 transfection, as predicted by IPA. In summary, this study identified key miRNAs that are differentially-expressed in vivo in cases of APA or in vitro following stimulation of aldosterone biosynthesis. The many possible biological actions these miRNAs could have were filtered by bioinformatic analysis and selected interactions validated in vitro. While direct actions of these miRNAs on steroidogenic enzymes were identified, cholesterol handling also emerged as an important target and may represent a useful point of intervention in future therapies designed to modulate aldosterone biosynthesis and reduce its harmful effects.


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Cardiac mast cells (MC) are apposed to capillaries within the heart and release renin and proteases capable of metabolizing angiotensins (Ang). Therefore, we hypothesized that mast cell degranulation could alter the rat coronary vascular responsiveness to the arterial delivered Ang I and Ang II, taking into account carboxypeptidase and chymase-1 activities. Hearts from animals that were either pretreated or not with systemic injection of the secretagogue compound 48/80 were isolated and mounted on a Langendorff apparatus to investigate coronary reactivity. The proteolytic activity of the cardiac perfusate from isolated hearts, pretreated or not with the secretagogue, toward Ang I and tetradecapeptide renin substrate was analyzed by HPLC. Coronary vascular reactivity to peptides was not affected by compound 48/80 pretreatment, despite the extensive amount of cardiac MC degranulation. Cardiac MC activation did not modify the generation of both Ang II and Ang 5-10 from Ang I by cardiac perfusate, activities that could be ascribed to MC carboxypeptidase and chymase-1, respectively. An aliskiren-resistant Ang I-forming activity was increased in perfusates from secretagogue-treated hearts. Thus, cardiac MC proteases capable of metabolizing angiotensins do not affect rat coronary reactivity to arterial delivered Ang I and II. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) is recognized as one of the main effector molecules involved in blood pressure regulation. In the last few years some polymorphisms of ACE such as the insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism have been described, but their physiologic relevance is poorly understood. In addition, few studies investigated if the specific activity of ACE domain is related to the I/D polymorphism and if it can affect other systems. The aim of this study was to establish a biochemical and functional characterization of the I/D polymorphism and correlate this with the corresponding ACE activity. For this purpose, 119 male brazilian army recruits were genotyped and their ACE plasma activities evaluated from the C- and N-terminal catalytic domains using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) peptides, specific for the C-domain (Abz-LFK(Dnp)OH), N-domain (Abz-SDK(Dnp)P-OH) and both C- and N-domains (Abz-FRK(Dnp)P-OH). Plasma kallikrein activity was measured using Z-Phe-Arg-AMC as substrate and inhibited by selective plasma kallikrein inhibitor (PKSI). Some physiological parameters previously described related to the I/D polymorphism such as handgrip strength, blood pressure, heart rate and BMI were also evaluated. The genotype distribution was II n = 27, ID n = 64 and DD n = 28. Total plasma ACE activity of both domains in II individuals was significantly lower in comparison to ID and DD. This pattern was also observed for C- and N-domain activities. Difference between ID and DD subjects was observed only with the N-domain specific substrate. Blood pressure, heart rate, handgrip strength and BMI were similar among the genotypes. This polymorphism also affected the plasma kallikrein activity and DD group presents high activity level. Thus, our data demonstrate that the I/D ACE polymorphism affects differently both ACE domains without effects on handgrip strength. Moreover, this polymorphism influences the kallikrein-kinin system of normotensive individuals. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sympathetic hyperactivity (SH) and renin angiotensin system (RAS) activation are commonly associated with heart failure (HF), even though the relative contribution of these factors to the cardiac derangement is less understood. The role of SH on RAS components and its consequences for the HF were investigated in mice lacking alpha(2A) and alpha(2C) adrenoceptor knockout (alpha(2A)/alpha(2C) ARKO) that present SH with evidence of HF by 7 mo of age. Cardiac and systemic RAS components and plasma norepinephrine (PN) levels were evaluated in male adult mice at 3 and 7 mo of age. In addition, cardiac morphometric analysis, collagen content, exercise tolerance, and hemodynamic assessments were made. At 3 mo, alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)ARKO mice showed no signs of HF, while displaying elevated PN, activation of local and systemic RAS components, and increased cardiomyocyte width (16%) compared with wild-type mice (WT). In contrast, at 7 mo, alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)ARKO mice presented clear signs of HF accompanied only by cardiac activation of angiotensinogen and ANG II levels and increased collagen content (twofold). Consistent with this local activation of RAS, 8 wk of ANG II AT(1) receptor blocker treatment restored cardiac structure and function comparable to the WT. Collectively, these data provide direct evidence that cardiac RAS activation plays a major role underlying the structural and functional abnormalities associated with a genetic SH-induced HF in mice.


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Background The allele threonine (T) of the angiotensinogen has been associated with ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients and soccer players. However, the long-term effect of physical exercise in healthy athletes carrying the T allele remains unknown. We investigated the influence of methionine M or T allele of the angiotensinogen and D or I allele of the angiotensin-converting enzyme on left-ventricular mass index (LVMI) and maximal aerobic capacity in young healthy individuals after long-term physical exercise training. Design Prospective clinical trial. Methods Eighty-three policemen aged between 20 and 35 years (mean +/- SD 26 +/- 4.5 years) were genotyped for the M235T gene angiotensinogen polymorphism (TT, n=25; MM/MT, n=58) and angiotensin-converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism (11, n=18; DD/DI, n=65). Left-ventricular morphology was evaluated by echocardiography and maximal aerobic capacity (VO(2peak)) by cardiopulmonary exercise test before and after 17 weeks of exercise training (50-80% VO(2peak)). Results Baseline VO(2peak) and LVMI were similar between TT and MM/MT groups, and II and DD/DI groups. Exercise training increased significantly and similarly VO(2peak) in homozygous TT and MM/MT individuals, and homozygous II and DD/DI individuals. In addition, exercise training increased significantly LVMI in TT and MM/MT individuals (76.5 +/- 3 vs. 86.7 +/- 4, P=0.00001 and 76.2 +/- 2 vs. 81.4 +/- 2, P=0.00001, respectively), and II and DD/DI individuals (777 +/- 4 vs. 81.5 +/- 4, P=0.0001 and 76 +/- 2 vs. 83.5 +/- 2, P=0.0001, respectively). However, LVMI I in TT individuals was significantly greater than in MM/MT individuals (P=0.04). LVMI was not different between 11 and DD/DI individuals. Conclusion Left-ventricular hypertrophy caused by exercise training is exacerbated in homozygous TT individuals with angiotensinogen polymorphism. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 16:487-492 (C) 2009 The European Society of Cardiology


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Here we investigated the possible association between the carboxypeptidase A (CPA)-like activity of the rat mesenteric arterial bed (MAB) perfusate and the ability of this fluid of forming angiotensin (Ang) 1-9 and Ang 1-7 upon incubation with Ang I and Ang II, respectively. Initially, we observed that anion exchange chromatography of the perfusate would consistently split the characteristic Z-Val-Phe-hydrolyzing activity of CPA-like enzymes into five distinct peaks, whose proteolytic activities were then determined using also Ang I and Ang II as substrates. The resulting proteolytic profile for each peak indicated that rat MAB perfusate contains a complex mixture of carboxypeptidases; tentatively, five carboxypeptidases were distinguished based on their substrate preferences toward Z-Val-Phe. Ang I and Ang II. The respective reactions, namely, Z-Val-Phe cleavage, Ang I to Ang 1-9 conversion and Ang II to Ang 1-7 conversion, were inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline and nearly fully blocked by potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor. Also, all the CPA-like activity peaks prepared by anion exchange chromatography were tested negative for contaminating Ang I-converting enzyme-2, cathepsin A and prolylcarboxypeptidase. Overall, our results indicate that rat MAB perfusate contains a multiplicity of Ang I and Ang II-processing CPA-like enzymes whose proteolytic specificities suggest they might perform peculiar regulatory roles in the local resin-angiotensin system. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Endogenous angiotensin (Ang) II and/or an Ang II-derived peptide, acting on Ang type I (AT(1)) and Ang type 2 (AT(2)) receptors, can carry out part of the nociceptive control modulated by periaqueductal gray matter (PAG). However, neither the identity of this putative Ang-peptide, nor its relationship to Ang II antinociceptive activity was clarified. Therefore, we have used tail-flick and incision allodynia models combined with an HPLC time course of Ang metabolism, to study the Ang III antinociceptive effect in the rat ventrolateral (vi) PAG using peptidase inhibitors and receptor antagonists. Ang III injection into the vIPAG increased tail-flick latency, which was fully blocked by Losartan and CGP 42,112A, but not by divalinal-Ang IV, indicating that. Ang III effect was mediated by AT(1) and AT(2) receptors, but not by the AT(4) receptor. Ang III injected into the vIPAG reduced incision allodynia. Incubation of Ang II with punches of vIPAG homogenate formed Ang III, Ang (1-7) and Ang IV. Amastatin (AM) inhibited the formation of Ang III from Ang II by homogenate, and blocked the antinociceptive activity of Ang II injection into vIPAG, suggesting that aminopeptidase A (APA) formed Ang III from Ang II. Ang III can also be formed from Ang I by a vIPAG alternative pathway. Therefore, the present work shows, for the first time, that: (i) Ang III, acting on AT(1) and AT(2) receptors, can elicit vIPAG-mediated antinociception, (ii) the conversion of Ang II to Ang III in the vIPAG is required to elicit antinociception, and (iii) the antinociceptive activity of endogenous Ang II in vIPAG can be ascribed preponderantly to Ang III. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: The systemic renin-angiotensin system (RAS) promotes the plasmatic production of angiotensin (Ang) II, which acts through interaction with specific receptors. There is growing evidence that local systems in various tissues and organs are capable of generating angiotensins independently of circulating RAS. The aims of this study were to investigate the expression and localization of RAS components in rat gingival tissue and evaluate the in vitro production of Ang II and other peptides catalyzed by rat gingival tissue homogenates incubated with different Ang II precursors. Methods: Reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction assessed mRNA expression. Immunohistochemical analysis aimed to detect and localize renin. A standardized fluorimetric method with tripeptide hippuryl-histidyl-leucine was used to measure tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, whereas high performance liquid chromatography showed products formed after the incubation of tissue homogenates with Ang I or tetradecapeptide renin substrate (TDP). Results: mRNA for renin, angiotensinogen, ACE, and Ang II receptors (AT(1a), AT(1b), and AT(2)) was detected in gingival tissue; cultured gingival fibroblasts expressed renin, angiotensinogen, and AT(1a) receptor. Renin was present in the vascular endothelium and was intensely expressed in the epithelial basal layer of periodontally affected gingival tissue. ACE activity was detected (4.95 +/- 0.89 nmol histidyl-leucine/g/minute). When Ang I was used as substrate, Ang 1-9 (0.576 +/- 0.128 nmol/mg/minute), Ang II (0.066 +/- 0.008 nmol/mg/minute), and Ang 1-7 (0.111 +/- 0.017 nmol/mg/minute) were formed, whereas these same peptides (0.139 +/- 0.031, 0.206 +/- 0.046, and 0.039 +/- 0.007 nmol/mg/minute, respectively) and Ang 1 (0.973 +/- 0.139 nmol/mg/minute) were formed when TDP was the substrate. Conclusion: Local RAS exists in rat gingival tissue and is capable of generating Ang II and other vasoactive peptides in vitro. J Periodontol 2009;80:130-139.


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La amígdala se encuentra estrechamente ligada a la generación y modulación de los procesos emocionales. Aunque el complejo de la amígdala generalmente se define por varios grupos distintos de células, los núcleos basolaterales que se conectan con el núcleo central y el núcleo de la estría terminal son los que proyectan a las áreas del sistema nervioso central involucradas en el control de las respuestas autónomas, los procesos cognitivos y la respuesta emocional. Además de los sistemas glutamatérgico, gabaérgico, CRH, Opiodes, CCK entre otros, en estas áreas de la amígdala se encuentran receptores AT1 del Sistema Renina-Angiotensina (SRA) cerebral. Entre las áreas a las que se proyectan estos núcleos se destaca la inervación de núcleos dopaminérgicos a través del área tegmental ventral y su influencia sobre la función del eje hipotálamo hipófiso adrenal por la modulación de la descarga de ACTH a través de la inervación del núcleo hipotalámico paraventricular. También se ha comprobado la colocalización del SRA y receptores AT1 de Angiotensina II en sustancia nigra y cuerpo estriado, sugiriendo un rol clave de SRA en la modulación de la liberación de dopamina central. Existen evidencias, neuroanatómicas, fisiológicas y farmacológicas que indican que la Angiotensina II cerebral es mediadora de las respuestas inducidas por estrés incluyendo la regulación de los sistemas simpático y neuroendócrino. En este proyecto se propone evaluar en ratas wistar la participación de los receptores AT1 de Angiotensina II en la respuesta al miedo potenciado. En este modelo hay una mayor activación de la amígdala y el establecimiento de un estado de ansiedad por la exposición previa a una situación de estrés que desencadena respuestas similares a las encontradas en pacientes con desordenes de ansiedad. Además evaluaremos su posible participación en las conducta de exploración, expresión de la memoria de trabajo y recambio de dopamina en los núcleos del estriado, accumbens y corteza prefrontal.


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Captopril, an inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme, was administered twice daily to 13 hypertensive patients for a mean period of 9 weeks. Continuous blood pressure control in the ambulatory patients was established with a portable blood pressure recorder. Notwithstanding, in eight patients with normal renal function, plasma converting enzyme was found to resume normal activity before administration of the morning dose of captopril. Only in 5 patients with impaired renal function did some blockade of plasma converting enzyme persist for more than 12 hours. Measured plasma converting enzyme activity seemed to reflect total conversion of angiotensin I, including conversion in the pulmonary vascular bed, since changes in its activity were closely paralled by changes in plasma aldosterone levels. Bradykinin accumulation seems unlikely when converting enzyme and thus, presumably, kininase II has resumed normal activity. Captopril administration does not seem to alter plasma epinephrine or norepinephrine levels. Blood pressure reduction in the face of normal angiotensin converting enzyme activity is probably due to hyporesponsiveness of the arterioles to pressor hormones, which may be due to specific renin-related and/or nonspecific effects of captopril.