993 resultados para Andral, Madame L. (18..-18..) -- Portraits


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An alternative analytical method for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in atmosphere was developed. The collection of NO2 is performed by a Sep-Pack C-18 cartridge impregnated with 11% (v/v) of triethanolamine plus 3,6 % (v/v) of ethylene glycol plus 25 % (v/v) of acetone combined solution. When the impregnating is used, NO2 is collected with good repeatibility (CV = 3,3 %). The NO2 absorbed in the sampler was stripped from the sorbent with a methanol 5% (v/v) aqueous solution and was determined by colorimetry as nitrite by using the Griess-Saltzman reagent. The detection limit of 1,4 ppb for 60 min sampling at 0,5 L min-1 flow rate was obtained. Preparation and conditioning procedures for TEA-C-18 cartridge, sampling flow rate, absorption capacity and interference of other species are discussed.


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An ominous suspicion arose in France in the second half of the 18th century, that household tin objects might be contaminated with arsenic. Charged with the task of studying and deciding the question, the chemists Pierre Bayen and Louis Charlard set up a comprehensive research project, which resulted in a book describing the whole enterprise. It is very gratifying to analyse this work today, for the many lights it sheds on the way chemistry was practised and reasoned at the time, and for the whiff of modernity we are presented with.


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A conduta ideal para os pacientes menores de 18 anos portadores de tumores malignos da região de cabeça e pescoço não é uniforme nos escassos relatos de literatura. Com o objetivo de mostrar e discutir a experiência no atendimento de cinqüenta casos tratados no Serviço de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço do Complexo Hospitalar Heliópolis, no período de 1978 a 1994, os autores procederam a uma análise retrospectiva de sua casuística. Os tipos histo³gicos mais freqüentes foram os derivados da linhagem epitelial, 24 casos (48%) e, entre eles, o carcinoma mucoepidermóide. Entre os tumores derivados do tecido mensequimal, os mais freqüentes foram o rabdomiossarcoma e os linfomas. A cavidade oral foi o sítio mais freqüentemente acometido (15 casos, 30%). Entre todos os pacientes, apenas 21 (42%) estavam vivos e sem evidência de doença em atividade por um período que variou de seis meses a 18 anos. Quatorze (28%) pacientes morreram em decorrência de doença não controlada após um período que variou de dez dias a dois anos a contar da data do final do tratamento. De quatorze (28%) pacientes não pudemos obter informações atualizadas de suas condições e foram considerados perdidos de seguimento. Estes tumores não devem ser vistos como neoplasias de adultos localizadas em pacientes pediátricos; devem ser estudados e abordados como uma doença que apresenta características próprias e que exigem, como no adulto, que a primeira intervenção para o diagnóstico ou para o tratamento não seja intempestiva e, de fato, tenha resolubilidade.


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Pääteillä esiintyvien häiriöiden, kuten onnettomuuksien, tietöiden, tapahtumien ja poikkeuksellisten ruuhkatilanteiden varalle tarvitaan varareittejä, joille liikenne voidaan häiriön sattuessa ohjata joko kokonaan tai osittain. Varareitit ja niiden opastus tulee olla ennalta suunniteltuja, jolloin niiden käyttöönotto sujuu häiriötilanteessa mahdollisimman vaivattomasti eri viranomaisten yhteistyönä. Häiriötilanteiden hallinnassa paitsi suunnitellut varareitit ja niiden liikenteen ohjaus, myös tiivis yhteistyö eri viranomaisten välillä on oleellista tilanteen sujuvan hoitamisen kannalta. Tässä raportissa on esitetty valtatiellä 18 välillä Ähtäri–Jyväsky¤ liikenteen häiriötilanteissa käytettävät varareitit, häiriöpaikalla tapahtuvan liikenteenohjauksen periaatekuva sekä varareittien liikenteenohjaussuunnitelmat. Suunnittelualueella on, kuten pääsääntöisesti koko Suomen tieverkolla, varsin vähän lyhyitä ja aina kaikelle liikenteelle soveltuvia varareittejä. Tämän vuoksi suunnitelmassa määritettiin varsinkin raskaan liikenteen tarpeita ajatellen myös pidempiä varareittejä. Pidemmille varareiteille liikennettä ohjattaessa korostuu tiedotuksen ja liikenteenohjauskaluston tärkeys. Varareitin aktivoinnissa ja liikenteenohjauksen järjestämisessä korostuu yhteistyö liikenneviraston tieliikennekeskuksen kanssa. ELY-keskus vastaa kustannuksista, urakoitsijan kanssa tehdyn sopimuksen mukaisesti, jotka syntyvät urakoitsijan toiminnasta häiriöhallintatilanteen purkamisessa. Tämä työ on saanut rahoitusta NECL II –hankkeesta, joka saa puolestaan EU-rahoitusta Itämeren maiden ohjelmasta. Lisäksi työ on saanut rahoitusta Keski-Suomen ELY-keskukselta.


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There is strong evidence that the patched (PTCH) gene is a gene for susceptibility to the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. PTCH has also been shown to mutate in both familial and sporadic basal cell carcinomas. However, mutations of the gene seem to be rare in squamous cell carcinomas. In order to characterize the role of the gene in the broader spectrum of sporadic skin malignant and pre-malignant lesions, we performed a polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis of genomic DNA extracted from 105 adult patients (46 females and 59 males). There were 66 patients with basal cell carcinomas, 30 with squamous cell carcinomas, 2 with malignant melanomas and 7 patients with precancerous lesions. Two tissue samples were collected from each patient, one from the central portion of the tumor and another from normal skin. Using primers that encompass the entire exon 1, exon 8 and exon 18, where most of the mutations have been detected, we were unable to demonstrate any band shift. Three samples suspected to present aberrant migrating bands were excised from the gel and sequenced directly. In addition, we sequenced 12 other cases, including tumors and corresponding normal samples. A wild-type sequence was found in all 15 cases. Although our results do not exclude the presence of clonal alterations of the PTCH gene in skin cancers or mutations in other exons that were not screened, the present data do not support the presence of frequent mutations reported for non-melanoma skin cancer of other populations.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58584


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58585


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58458


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58306


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58307