919 resultados para Aluminum Compunds


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Electroflotation (EF) with aluminum electrodes was applied in the treatment of Brazilian industrial coconut wastewater. The results show that EF with polarity inversion is a very good treatment when compared to others. The removal of pollutants in the wastewater after EF with polarity inversion was 96.3% of oils and grease, 99% of color and 66% of total organic carbon. Also, metal concentrations, turbidity and total solids were reduced.


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The destabilization mechanism of suspensions of positively charged iron oxide particles by aluminum sulphate was investigated, aiming to evaluate the efficiency of the latter as a coagulant for natural surface waters from iron ore mining plants. Synthetic waters that simulate natural suspensions were used. The best coagulant dosage was found to be 100 mg/L at pH 4. The specific adsorption of hydrolysis products of aluminum salts on iron oxide particles and heterocoagulation processes involving differently charged substrates are proposed to explain the turbidity reduction of the suspensions.


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In this work a closed-vessel microwave-assisted acid decomposition procedure for clays was developed. Aluminum, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Si, and Ti were determined in clay digestates by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The most critical parameter for total decomposition of clays was the composition of the reagent mixture. The applied power and the heating time exerted a less critical influence. Best decomposition conditions were attained using a reagent mixture containing 4 mL aqua regia plus 3 mL HF and the heating program was implemented in 12 min. The accuracy of the results was demonstrated using two standard reference materials and a paired t-test showed a good agreement between determined and certified values at a 95% confidence level.


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Aluminum oxide was dispersed on a commercial silica gel surface, using successive grafting reactions. The reaction products were characterized by N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The progressive incorporation of aluminum, up to 5.5% (w/w), does not produce agglomeration of alumina, since changes in the original pore size distribution of the silica matrix were not observed. The aluminum oxide covers homogeneously the silica surface.


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The objective of the thesis was to examine the possibilities in designing better performing nozzles for the heatset drying oven in Forest Pilot Center. To achieve the objective, two predesigned nozzle types along with the replicas of the current nozzles in the heatset drying oven were tested on a pilot-scale dryer. During the runnability trials, the pilot dryer was installed between the last printing unit and the drying oven. The two sets of predesigned nozzles were consecutively installed in the dryer. Four web tension values and four different impingement air velocities were used and the web behavior during the trial points was evaluated and recorded. The runnability in all trial conditions was adequate or even good. During the heat transfer trials, each nozzle type was tested on at least two different nozzle-to-surface distances and four different impingement air velocities. In a test situation, an aluminum plate fitted with thermocouples was set below a nozzle and the temperature measurement of each block was logged. From the measurements, a heat transfer coefficient profile for the nozzle was calculated. The performance of each nozzle type in tested conditions could now be rated and compared. The results verified that the predesigned simpler nozzles were better than the replicas. For runnability reasons, there were rows of inclined orifices on the leading and trailing edges of the current nozzles. They were believed to deteriorate the overall performance of the nozzle, and trials were conducted to test this hypothesis. The perpendicular orifices and inclined orifices of a replica nozzle were consecutively taped shut and the performance of the modified nozzles was measured as before, and then compared to the performance of the whole nozzle. It was found out, that after a certain nozzle-to-surface distance the jets from the two nozzles would collide, which deteriorates the heat transfer.


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This work describes a process for metal recovery from spent NiMo and CoMo/Al2O3 commercial hydrorefining catalysts. The samples were treated by fusion with potassium hydrogen sulfate (5 h, 600 ºC) with a KHSO4/catalyst mass ratio of 10:1. After fusion the solid was solubilized in water (100 ºC), leaving silicon compounds as residue. Losses of nickel and cobalt may reach 16 wt% of the amount present in the sample, depending on the silicon content. Soluble metals were isolated by selective precipitation techniques (nickel, cobalt, aluminum) or by solvent extraction with methyl-isobutyl ketone (molybdenum) in a hydrochloric acid medium. All metals were recovered in very good yields except for nickel and cobalt in the presence of considerable amounts of silicon. Soluble wastes consist of potassium/sodium sulfates/chlorides. Solid wastes correspond to about 4 wt% of the catalyst and can be discarded in industrial dumps.


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This work presents a study on the determination of the optimal experimental conditions for processing spent commercial zeolites in order to recover lanthanide elements and eventually other elements. The process is based on the fusion of the sample with potassium hydrogenosulfate (KHSO4). Three experimental parameters were studied: temperature, reaction time and catalyst/flux mass ratio. After fusion the solid was dissolved in water and the amount of insoluble matter was used to determine the efficiency of the process. The optimized experimental parameters depend on the composition of the sample processed. Under such conditions the insoluble residue corresponds to SiO2. Lanthanide elements and aluminum present in solution were isolated by conventional precipitation techniques; the yields were at least 75 wt%. The final generated wastes correspond to neutral colorless solutions containing alkali chlorides/sulfates and solids that can be disposed of in industrial dumps.


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A new white pigment made out of nano-structured non-crystalline aluminum phosphate was recently launched as an industrial product. Pigment opacifying properties are not intrinsic to aluminum phosphate but they arise as the result of a rare hollow particle nano-structure. This is in turn derived from the core-and-shell structure of amorphous aluminum phosphate precipitated under well-defined conditions. The new pigment is a product of the often neglected chemistry of non-crystalline ionic solids that can probably be a rich source of new successful products. The text describes a short account of the R&D activities, from the initial ideas to the present.


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The growing concern of environmental surveillance of the quality of hydric resources guides the development of research on management of residues generated in water treatment plants (WTP). Approximately 8.000 WTPs in Brazil operate without a treatment program of the residues, disposing these effluents in the environment. This work evaluated WTP discharges into watercourses by collecting superficial waters, sediments and benthic samples at the town of Registro, São Paulo State, Brazil. Even though superficial waters and benthic samples showed no further contamination, sediment analysis pointed out that aluminum deposits detected near sludge discharges may represent a potential risk to the environment.


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The "active mass" (cathode + anode + electrolyte) of spent Li-ion batteries was submitted to one of the following procedures: (a) it was calcined (500 ºC) and submitted to extraction with water to recover lithium salts. The residual solid was treated with sulfuric acid containing hydrogen peroxide. Cobalt was recovered as sulfate; (b) the "active mass" was treated with potassium hydrogen sulfate (500 ºC) and dissolved in water. Cobalt was precipitated together with copper after addition of sodium hydroxide. Lithium was partially recovered as lithium fluoride. Co-processing of other battery components (aluminum and copper foils) affected negatively the behavior of the recovery procedures. Previous segregation of battery components is essential for an efficient and economical processing of the "active mass".


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Diplomityössä tutkitaan hitsausprosessien kehitystä. Työn kirjallisen osan alku kuvaa hitsauksen nykypäivää ja tulevaisuutta sekä millainen on hitsaava Suomi. Kehittyneiden hitsausprosessien tarkastelu on jaettu hiiliterästen ja alumiinien hitsausprosesseihin. Hiiliteräksien hitsauksen osalta työssä esitellään kitkahitsaus pyörivällä työkalulla, muunnettu lyhytkaarihitsaus, laserhitsaus, laser-hybridihitsaus ja kapearailohitsaus. Alumiinien hitsauksen osalta työssä esitellään laserhitsaus, muunnettu lyhytkaarihitsaus, kitkahitsaus pyörivällä työkalulla ja vaihtovirta MIG hitsaus. Diplomityön käytännönosuudessa todennettiin hitsausprosessien kehitys. Ensimmäisissä hitsauskokeissa hitsattiin merialumiinia eri kaarityypeillä. Vertailua tehdään pulssihitsauksen, lankapulssihitsauksen sekä CMT-kaarihitsauksen välillä. Koehitsaukset osoittavat CMT-hitsauksen tuottavan MIG-pulssihitsausta pienemmät hitsausmuodonmuutokset. CMT-hitsauksessa alumiinin oksidikerros aiheuttaa MIGpulssihitsausta vähemmän ongelmia, sillä kaari syttyy varmemmin suurillakin hitsausnopeuksilla, eikä hitsiin synny huokosia. Hitsausnopeudella 40 cm/min lankapulssihitsauksella ja MIG-pulssihitsauksella päittäisliitoksena hitsattujen vesileikattujen alumiinikappaleiden hitseihin ei syntynyt huokosia. Kokeen perusteella voidaan todeta, ettei oksidikerroksella ollut vaikutusta hitsin onnistumiseen. Hitsauskokeiden toinen osio tutkii hiilimangaaniteräksisen T-palkin kuitulaserhitsausta. Viiden kilowatin laserteholla hitsattiin onnistuneesti viisi metriä pitkiä T-palkkeja hitsausnopeudella 2 m/min. Takymetrimittauksella ja Tritop 3D-koordinaattimittauksella todennettiin laserhitsatun T-palkin hitsausmuodonmuutosten olevan huomattavasti Twin-jauhekaarihitsauksella hitsattua T-palkkia pienemmät.


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Water treatment uses chlorine for disinfection causing formation of trihalomethanes. In this work, an electrolytic water pre-treatment was studied and applied to the water from a fountainhead. The action against microorganisms was evaluated using cast-iron and aluminum electrodes. Assays were made in laboratory using the electrolytic treatment. After 5 min of electrolysis the heterotrophic bacteria count was below 500 cfu/mL and complete elimination of total and fecal coliforms was observed. Using electrolytic treatment as a pretreatment of conventional tap water treatment is proposed.


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This work describes a hydrometallurgical route for processing spent commercial catalysts (CoMo and NiMo/Al2O3). Samples were preoxidized (500 ºC, 5 h) in order to eliminate coke and other volatile species present. The calcined solid was dissolved in concentrated H2SO4 and water (1:1 vol/vol) at 90 ºC; the insoluble matter was separated from the solution. Molybdenum was recovered by solvent extraction using tertiary amines at pH around 1.8. Cobalt (or nickel) was separated by addition of aqueous ammonium oxalate at the above pH. Phosphorus was removed by passing the liquid through a strong anion exchange column. Aluminum was recovered by neutralizing the solution with NaOH. The route presented in this work generates less final aqueous wastes because it is not necessary to use alkaline medium during the metal recovery steps.


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The aim of this work is the production and characterization of plasma polymerized acetaldehyde thin films. These films show highly polar species, are hydrophilic, organophilic and easily adsorb organic reactants with CO radicals but only allow permeation of reactants with OH radicals. The good step coverage of films deposited on aluminum trenches is useful for sensor development. Films deposited on hydrophobic substrates may result in a discontinued layer, which allows the use of preconcentration in sample pretreatment. Deposition on microchannels showed the possibility of chromatographic columns and/or retention system production to selectively detect or remove organic compounds from gas flows.


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This paper describes the development and validation of an UV-Visible spectrophotometric method for quantitation of genistein and genistin in soy dry extracts, after reaction with aluminum chloride. The method showed to be linear (r²= 0.9999), precise (R.S.D. < 2%), accurate (recovery of 101.56%) and robust. Seven samples of soy dry extracts were analyzed by the spectrophotometric validated method and by RP-HPLC. Genistein concentrations determined by spectrophotometry (0.63% - 16.05%) were slightly higher than values obtained by HPLC analysis (0.40% - 12.79%); however, the results of both methods showed a strong correlation.