845 resultados para Alcohol-consumption
Purpose: After tobacco and alcohol, cannabis is the most used substance among adolescents in Switzerland. Our aim is to assess whether cannabis use has become an ordinary means of socialization. We hypothesize that cannabis consumption has become a normative, although still illegal, behavior. Methods: As part of a larger qualitative study aimed at assessing new ways [patterns] of cannabis consumption, 16 daily cannabis consumers (11 males) and 2 former heavy consumers (both females), aged 15 to 20 years, participated in interviews and focus groups. Data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using Atlas.ti qualitative analysis software. Results: Most consumers define the beginning of their consumption as a moment when they made new friends. They commonly use cannabis in group settings, which encourages the belief that all adolescents use cannabis. Thus, cannabis is mainly identified as an everyday social act. Joints are smoked like cigarettes: at all times of the day, during or after school or work with peers, often starting at lunch break, and mostly in public places. Friends offer a joint in a group setting, much like beer in a bar, as a means of making contact. Consumption invariably increases while socializing on vacation: "During vacation, we smoke up to 10-15 joints a day; at the end we're just dead." Additionally, in order to obtain cannabis, consumers have to be part of the right networks; they generally have several dealers to assure their supply, buy and sell themselves, or practice group-buying. As a result, all friends or acquaintances of consumers are themselves cannabis users. For instance, 4 boys, who say they are best friends, always smoke together and that, in order to quit, "All four of us should say to ourselves, 'Okay, now, let's all stop smoking'. That would be the only solution. . .but it would be impossible!" The 2 former consumers state that when they started using cannabis, "I found myself little by little in a vicious circle where I saw only people who also smoked". When they quit, they separated from their group of friends: "Either you make new friends who don't smoke or you smoke." Conclusions: Discussions with consumers demonstrate a normative facet of cannabis consumption as part of teenage socialization. Consequently, cannabis consumers develop a significant dependency since a majority of their friends use cannabis and their consumption involves most of their daily social life. Our study highlights the need for clear messages about the harmful aspects of using this substance while also suggesting that cessation efforts should include helping users separate from their consumption milieu. Sources of Support: Dept. of Public Health of the canton of Vaud.
BACKGROUND: Interventions have been developed to reduce overestimations of substance use among others, especially for alcohol and among students. Nevertheless, there is a lack of knowledge on misperceptions of use for substances other than alcohol. We studied the prevalence of misperceptions of use for tobacco, cannabis, and alcohol and whether the perception of tobacco, cannabis, and alcohol use by others is associated with one's own use. METHODS: Participants (n=5216) in a cohort study from a census of 20-year-old men (N=11,819) estimated the prevalence of tobacco and cannabis use among peers of the same age and sex and the percentage of their peers drinking more alcohol than they did. Using the census data, we determined whether participants overestimated, accurately estimated, or underestimated substance use by others. Regression models were used to compare substance use by those who overestimated or underestimated peer substance with those who accurately estimated peer use. Other variables included in the analyses were the presence of close friends with alcohol or other drug problems and family history of substance use. RESULTS: Tobacco use by others was overestimated by 46.1% and accurately estimated by 37.3% of participants. Cannabis use by others was overestimated by 21.8% and accurately estimated by 31.6% of participants. Alcohol use by others was overestimated by more than half (53.4%) of participants and accurately estimated by 31.0%. In multivariable models, compared with participants who accurately estimated tobacco use by others, those who overestimated it reported smoking more cigarettes per week (incidence rate ratio [IRR] [95% CI], 1.17 [range, 1.05, 1.32]). There was no difference in the number of cigarettes smoked per week between those underestimating and those accurately estimating tobacco use by others (IRR [95% CI], 0.99 [range, 0.84, 1.17]). Compared with participants accurately estimating cannabis use by others, those who overestimated it reported more days of cannabis use per month (IRR [95% CI], 1.43 [range, 1.21, 1.70]), whereas those who underestimated it reported fewer days of cannabis use per month (IRR [95% CI], 0.62 [range, 0.23, 0.75]). Compared with participants accurately estimating alcohol use by others, those who overestimated it reported consuming more drinks per week (IRR [95% CI], 1.57 [range, 1.43, 1.72]), whereas those who underestimated it reported consuming fewer drinks per week (IRR [95% CI], 0.41 [range, 0.34, 0.50]). CONCLUSIONS: Perceptions of substance use by others are associated with one's own use. In particular, overestimating use by others is frequent among young men and is associated with one's own greater consumption. This association is independent of the substance use environment, indicating that, even in the case of proximity to a heavy-usage group, perception of use by others may influence one's own use. If preventive interventions are to be based on normative feedback, and their aim is to reduce overestimations of use by others, then the prevalence of overestimation indicates that they may be of benefit to roughly half the population; or, in the case of cannabis, to as few as 20%. Such interventions should take into account differing strengths of association across substances.
The objective of the current study was to determine the predictive value of high normal gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) level as an indication of heavy drinking in young men. In a sample of 577 men attending a one-day army recruitment process mandatory for all Swiss men at age 19 years, GGT level was evaluated as the dependent variable for each of eight dichotomous classifications of individuals on the basis of meeting cut-off criteria for five indexes of alcohol use, two indexes of alcohol-related problems, and one index of body mass. The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of GGT level in identifying subjects as either heavy drinkers or being overweight were determined. Compared with findings for their counterparts, GGT level was higher in subjects reporting consumption of more than 14 drinks per week (20.5 +/- 7.81 vs. 18.9 +/- 7.60, P <.05), in those reporting being drunk at least once during the past 30 days (20.3 +/- 7.80 vs. 18.3 +/- 7.43, P <.001), and in individuals with body mass indexes >or=25 kg/m(2) (25.8 +/- 10.84 vs. 18.3 +/- 6.59, P <.001). At a GGT level cut-off of 20 U/l, the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of either being a heavy drinker or overweight were 48.2%, 70.2%, 67.7%, and 51.2%, respectively. Exclusion of subjects with body mass indexes of >or=25 kg/m(2) revealed similar results. High normal GGT level in young men is indicative of heavy alcohol use or being overweight; when present, subjects should be screened further for potential concomitant drinking problems.
OBJECTIVES: The present study examines whether depressed mood and external control mediate or moderate the relationship between the number of social roles and alcohol use. PARTICIPANTS: The analysis was based on a national representative sample of 25- to 45-year-old male and female drinkers in Switzerland. METHOD: The influence of depressed mood and external control on the relationship between the number of social roles (parenthood, partnership, employment) and alcohol use was examined in linear structural equation models (mediation) and in multiple regressions (moderation) stratified by gender. All analyses were adjusted for age and education level. RESULTS: Holding more roles was associated with lower alcohol use, lower external control and lower depressed mood. The study did not find evidence of depressed mood or external control mediating the social roles-alcohol relationship. A moderation effect was identified among women only, whereby a protective effect of having more roles could not be found among those who scored high on external control. In general, a stronger link was observed between roles and alcohol use, while depressed mood and external control acted independently on drinking. With the exception of women with high external control, the study found no link between a higher number of social roles and greater alcohol use. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that drinking behaviours are more strongly linked to external control and depressed mood than they are to the number of social roles. The study also demonstrates that in any effective alcohol prevention policy, societal actions that enable individuals to combine more social roles play a central role.
OBJECTIVES: To show the effectiveness of a brief group alcohol intervention. Aims of the intervention were to reduce the frequency of heavy drinking occasions, maximum number of drinks on an occasion and overall weekly consumption. METHODS: A cluster quasi-randomized control trial (intervention n = 338; control n = 330) among 16- to 18-year-old secondary school students in the Swiss Canton of Zürich. Groups homogeneous for heavy drinking occasions (5+/4+ drinks for men/women) consisted of those having medium risk (3-4) or high risk (5+) occasions in the past 30 days. Groups of 8-10 individuals received two 45-min sessions based on motivational interviewing techniques. RESULTS: Borderline significant beneficial effects (p < 0.10) on heavy drinking occasions and alcohol volume were found 6 months later for the medium-risk group only, but not for the high-risk group. None of the effects remained significant after Bonferroni corrections. CONCLUSIONS: Group intervention was ineffective for all at-risk users. The heaviest drinkers may need more intensive treatment. Alternative explanations were iatrogenic effects among the heaviest drinkers, assessment reactivity, or reduction of social desirability bias at follow-up through peer feedback.
In alcohol epidemiology surveys, there is a tradition of measuring alcohol-related consequences using respondents' attribution of alcohol as the cause. The authors aimed to compare the prevalence and frequency of self-attributed consequences to consequences without self-attribution using alcohol-attributable fractions (AAF). In 2007, a total of 7,174 Swiss school students aged 13-16 years reported the numbers of 6 alcohol-related adverse consequences (e.g., fights, injuries) they had incurred in the past 12 months. Consequences were measured with and without attribution of alcohol as the cause. The alcohol-use measures were frequency and volume of drinking in the past 12 months and number of risky single-occasion (> or =5 drinks) drinking episodes in the past 30 days. Attributable fractions were derived from logistic (> or =1 incident) and Poisson (number of incidents) regression analyses. Although relative risk estimates were higher when alcohol-attributed consequences were compared with nonattributed consequences, the use of AAFs resulted in more alcohol-related consequences (10,422 self-attributed consequences vs. 24,520 nonattributed consequences determined by means of AAFs). The likelihood of underreporting was higher among drinkers with intermediate frequencies than among either rare drinkers or frequent drinkers. Therefore, the extent of alcohol-related adverse consequences among adolescents may be underestimated when using self-attributed consequences, because of differential attribution processes, especially among infrequent drinkers.
The use of multiple legal and illegal substances by adolescents is a growing concern in all countries, but since no consensus about a taxonomy did emerge yet, it is difficult to understand the different patterns of consumption and to implement tailored prevention and treatment programs directed towards specific subgroups of the adolescent population. Using data from a Swiss survey on adolescent health, we analyzed the age at which ten legal and illegal substances were consumed for the first time ever by applying a method combining the strength of both automatic clustering and use of substance experts. Results were then compared to 30 socio-economic factors to establish the usefulness of and to validate our taxonomy. We also analyzed the succession of substance first use for each group. The final taxonomy consists of eight groups ranging from non-consumers to heavy drug addicts. All but four socio-economic factors were significantly associated with the taxonomy, the strongest associations being observed with health, behavior, and sexuality factors. Numerous factors influence adolescents in their decision to first try substances or to use them on a regular basis, and no factor alone can be considered as an absolute marker of problematic behavior regarding substance use. Different processes of experimentation with substances are associated with different behaviors, therefore focusing on only one substance or only one factor is not efficient. Prevention and treatment programs can then be tailored to address specific issues related to different youth subgroups.
Despite the heavy burden of tobacco-related problems in alcohol-dependent patients, little effort has been directed toward reducing the prevalence of smoking in these patients. It seems reasonable to develop nicotine addiction treatments for alcohol-dependent patients based on the smoker's stage of change. To assess the stage of change for tobacco consumption and possible quitting barriers in alcohol-dependent patients, 88 consecutively admitted inpatients of a Swiss university-affiliated alcohol withdrawal clinic were interviewed with a semistructured schedule. More than half of the alcohol-dependent smokers (50.7%) considered the possibility of smoking cessation or had already decided to stop, although the majority (83.1%) were highly dependent smokers. Positive reinforcers were factors influencing motivation both to stop smoking as well as to continue smoking, whereas negative reinforcers had no influence. As recovering alcoholic patients are often interested in smoking cessation and the introduction of nicotine treatment interventions has been shown not to jeopardize the outcome of alcohol treatment, alcohol treatment programs should include counseling for smoking cessation. Education and training for staff is essential, as their beliefs and habits remain an important barrier.
SummaryThe alcohol use of adolescents and young adults is one of the world's most important and costliest health problems. Particularly, binge drinking (i.e. drinking an important amount of alcohol in one occasion) among young people increase the risk of detrimental consequences such as blackouts, injuries, at-risk sexual behaviors, involvement in violent acts, academic failure, and suicide attempts. In countries with mandatory conscription mechanisms, such as Switzerland, the army provides a unique opportunity to reach a large portion of this high risk population. We used this sample to evaluate the prevalence of binge drinking among young men, to test the efficacy of brief motivational interventions (BMI) as a primary and secondary preventive measure, and to examine the mechanisms underlying BMI in this age group.We showed that binge drinking among young French-speaking Swiss men is less of an exception than it is the norm. Of those using alcohol, 75.5% had a binge drinking episode at least monthly, and 69.3% of all consumption reported in a one-week diary was due to binge drinking days.We used two different inclusion modes to evaluate the success of alcohol BMI. In the first randomized controlled trial, inclusion relied on a random selection of conscripts. BMI efficacy was evaluated in a sample of conscripts who visited the army recruitment centre that is potentially generalizable to the entire population. In the second randomized controlled trial, we included subjects voluntarily participating in BMI. This venue might be more realistic for young adults; it is more akin to the MI spirit, in which it is crucial for individuals to control their own decisions.Regarding BMI efficacy as a secondary prevention measure (i.e. to help decrease alcohol use among at-risk drinkers, defined here as those having a binge drinking episode at least monthly), it was effective among randomly selected at-risk drinkers, whereas it was not effective among at-risk drinkers who voluntarily showed up. Individuals who showed interest in BMI had more severe patterns of alcohol use, which may have made change more difficult and calls for treatment that is more intensive. BMI demonstrated a 20% reduction in weekly alcohol use among randomly selected participants, indicating potential interest in BMI implementation within similar community settings.Regarding BMI efficacy as a primary prevention measure (i.e. to help maintain low levels of use among low-risk drinkers), it had significant protective effects among low-risk drinkers voluntarily showing up whereas it was not effective among low-risk drinkers randomly selected. This suggests that BMI might help young individuals keep their drinking at low levels, especially when they are interested in discussing their alcohol use. Therefore, BMI has potentially promising uses in primary prevention efforts. The content of these interventions for low-risk drinkers who do not seek BMI on their own should be further evaluated.BMI mechanisms were addressed since little is known about exactly which elements of it work, or which of the counselor and subject communication behaviors are most effective in triggering behavior changes. The causal chain hypothesis developed in the motivational interviewing (MI) theory was followed, and it was found that counselor behaviors consistent with the MI approach (MICO) were significantly more likely to be followed by participant language in favor of change (change talk, CT), while behaviors inconsistent with MI (MIIN) were significantly less likely to do so. Several CT dimensions measured during BMI (particularly Ability, Desire, and Need to change) were predictive of change in alcohol use. Our findings lend strong support for the use of MICO behaviors and the avoidance of MIIN behaviors in eliciting CT, and point out that particular attention should be paid to the utterances in several sub-dimensions of CT and to the strength of expression, since these are good indicators of potential actual behavior change in future.RésuméLa consommation d'alcool chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est un des problèmes de santé les plus importants et les plus coûteux dans le monde. En particulier, les consommations importantes d'alcool en une occasion (binge drinking) parmi les jeunes adultes ont été liées à des conséquences telles que pertes de connaissance, accidents et blessures, comportements sexuels à risque, violences, difficultés scolaires et tentatives de suicide. Les pays qui, comme la Suisse, connaissent un processus de recrutement obligatoire pour l'armée offrent une opportunité unique d'atteindre une large portion de cette population à hauts risques. Nous avons utilisé cet échantillon pour évaluer la prévalence du binge drinking parmi les jeunes hommes, pour tester l'efficacité de l'intervention brève motivationnelle (IBM) comme mesure de prévention primaire et secondaire, et pour examiner les mécanismes sous-tendant ce type d'interventions.La première partie de cette étude montre que le binge drinking est moins une exception que la norme parmi les jeunes hommes suisses francophones. 75.5% des personnes consommant de l'alcool avaient au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois et 69.3% du total des boissons alcoolisées reportées comme consommation de la semaine précédant le questionnaire avaient été consommées lors d'épisodes de binge drinking.Pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'IBM dans ce cadre, nous avons utilisé deux modes d'inclusion. Dans une première étude randomisée contrôlée, nous avons inclus des personnes sélectionnées au hasard parmi toutes celles se présentant au centre de recrutement, créant ainsi un groupe potentiellement représentatif de l'ensemble du collectif. Dans la deuxième étude randomisée contrôlée, nous avons inclus des sujets se présentant volontairement pour recevoir une IBM, prendre des volontaires pouvant être plus proche de la réalité et plus proche de l'esprit motivationnel dans lequel il est crucial que l'individu contrôle ses décisions.En regardant l'IBM comme mesure de prévention secondaire (c'est-à-dire aider à diminuer la consommation d'alcool chez les consommateurs à risque, définis ici comme au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois), l'IBM était efficace lorsque les participants étaient inclus au hasard et inefficace lorsqu'ils étaient volontaires. Les jeunes hommes volontaires pour un IBM avaient un mode de consommation particulièrement sévère qui pourrait être plus difficile à changer et nécessiter un traitement plus intensif. Parmi les personnes sélectionnées au hasard, l'IBM permettait une diminution de 20% de la consommation hebdomadaire d'alcool, montrant l'intérêt potentiel d'une implémentation de ce type de mesures dans des contextes communautaires similaires.En ce qui concerne l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire (c'est-à-dire aider à maintenir une consommation à bas risque chez les consommateurs à bas risque), l'IBM avaient un effet protectif significatif parmi les jeunes hommes volontaires pour une IBM, mais pas d'effet chez ceux sélectionnés au hasard. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'IBM pourrait aider de jeunes personnes à maintenir un niveau de consommation à bas risque si celles-ci s'intéressent à discuter cette consommation et aurait ainsi un potentiel intéressant comme mesure de prévention primaire. Le contenu de l'IBM pour des consommateurs à bas risque non-volontaires pour une IBM devra encore être évalué.Nous avons ensuite examiné les mécanismes de l'IBM car son fonctionnement est encore peu expliqué et les comportements de l'intervenant et du sujet les plus à même de provoquer le changement ne sont pas bien définis. En suivant l'hypothèse d'une chaine causale développée dans la littérature de l'entretien motivationnel (EM), nous avons pu montrer qu'un discours en faveur du changement chez le sujet était plus probable après des comportements de l'intervenant recommandés dans l'EM et moins probable après des comportements à éviter dans l'EM ; et que plusieurs dimensions de ce discours en faveur du changement (notamment la capacité, le désir et le besoin de changer) prédisaient un changement effectif dans la consommation d'alcool. Ces résultats encouragent donc à utiliser des comportements recommandés dans l'EM pour favoriser un discours en faveur du changement. Ils montrent aussi qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à la fréquence et à la force avec laquelle sont exprimées certaines dimensions de ce discours car ceux-ci indiquent un potentiel changement effectif de comportement.Résumé vulgariséLa consommation d'alcool chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est un des problèmes de santé les plus importants et les plus coûteux dans le monde. En particulier, les consommations importantes d'alcool en une occasion (binge drinking) parmi les jeunes adultes augmentent fortement les risques de conséquences telles que pertes de connaissance, accidents et blessures, comportements sexuels à risque, violences, difficultés scolaires et tentatives de suicide. Les pays qui, comme la Suisse, connaissent un processus de recrutement obligatoire pour l'armée offrent une opportunité unique d'atteindre une large portion de cette population à hauts risques. Nous avons utilisé cet échantillon pour évaluer l'importance du phénomène de binge drinking, pour tester l'efficacité de l'intervention brève motivationnelle (IBM) comme mesure de prévention de la consommation à risque d'alcool, et pour examiner comment fonctionne ce type d'interventions.La première partie de cette étude montre que le binge drinking est moins une exception que la norme parmi les jeunes hommes suisses francophones. Trois quart des personnes consommant de l'alcool avaient au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois. Presque 70% du total des boissons alcoolisées consommées durant la semaine précédant le questionnaire avaient été consommées lors d'épisodes de binge drinking.Nous avons ensuite mené deux études pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'IBM dans ce cadre. Dans une première étude, nous avons sélectionné des personnes au hasard parmi toutes celles se présentant au centre de recrutement, créant ainsi un groupe potentiellement représentatif de l'ensemble du collectif. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons inclus toutes les personnes se présentant volontairement pour recevoir une IBM, prendre des volontaires pouvant être plus proche de la réalité et plus proche de l'approche motivationnelle dans laquelle il est crucial que l'individu contrôle ses décisions. Dans les deux études, nous testions l'efficacité de l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire et secondaire (voir ci-dessous).En regardant l'IBM comme mesure de prévention secondaire (c'est-à-dire aider à diminuer la consommation d'alcool chez les consommateurs à risque, définis ici comme au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois), l'IBM était efficace lorsque les participants étaient inclus au hasard et inefficace lorsqu'ils étaient volontaires. Les jeunes hommes volontaires pour un IBM avaient un mode de consommation particulièrement sévère qui pourrait être plus difficile à changer et nécessiter un traitement plus intensif. Parmi les personnes sélectionnées au hasard, l'IBM permettait une diminution de 20% de la consommation hebdomadaire d'alcool, montrant l'intérêt potentiel de la mise en place de ce type de mesures dans des contextes communautaires similaires.En ce qui concerne l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire (c'est-à-dire aider à maintenir une consommation à bas risque chez les consommateurs à bas risque), l'IBM avaient un effet protectif parmi les jeunes hommes volontaires pour une IBM, mais pas d'effet chez ceux sélectionnés au hasard. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'IBM pourrait aider de jeunes personnes à maintenir un niveau de consommation à bas risque si celles-ci s'intéressent à discuter de cette consommation. Le contenu de l'IBM pour des consommateurs à bas risque non-volontaires pour une IBM devra encore être évalué.Nous avons ensuite examiné le fonctionnement de l'IBM et cherché quels comportements de l'intervenant et du jeune homme pouvaient être les plus à même d'amener à un changement dans la consommation. Nous avons pu montrer que 1) un discours en faveur du changement chez le jeune homme était plus probable après des comportements de l'intervenant recommandés dans l'approche motivationnelle et moins probable après des comportements non-recommandés ; et 2) plusieurs dimensions de ce discours en faveur du changement (notamment la capacité, le désir et le besoin de changer) prédisaient un changement effectif dans la consommation d'alcool. Ces résultats encouragent donc à utiliser des comportements recommandés dans l'EM pour favoriser un discours en faveur du changement. Ils montrent aussi qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à certaines dimensions de ce discours car celles-ci indiquent un potentiel changement effectif de comportement.
AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an acute small ethanol (EtOH) dose (0.5 ml EtOH/kg fat-free mass, combined with carbohydrate) in a drink on endurance performance of trained cyclists. METHODS: Thirteen well-trained male cyclists took part in this study. A 60-min cycling endurance performance test (time trial) was performed in a calorimetric chamber after drinking an EtOH (30 +/- 1.8 ml) or a non-EtOH control (C) drink. RESULTS: Overall, EtOH induced a significant decrease in the average cycling power output (PO) (EtOH: 233 +/- 23 W versus C: 243 +/- 24 W, P < 0.01). The time course of mechanical PO showed an early decrease during the EtOH trial as compared to C (P < 0.01). Due to the lower PO, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production and glucose oxidation were significantly lower (P < 0.05) as compared to C. Relative to PO, heart rate response and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were increased by EtOH as compared to C (P < 0.05). In contrast, EtOH did not influence gross work efficiency, glycaemia and blood lactate concentration. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that the acute low dose of EtOH decreased endurance performance. An increase of cardio-vascular strain and psychobiological mechanisms may explain this decrease of endurance performance.
OBJECTIVE: To provide information on the effects of alcohol and tobacco on laryngeal cancer and its subsites. METHODS: This was a case-control study conducted between 1992 and 2000 in northern Italy and Switzerland. A total of 527 cases of incident squamous-cell carcinoma of the larynx and 1297 hospital controls frequency-matched with cases on age, sex, and area of residence were included. Odds ratios (ORs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: In comparison with never smokers, ORs were 19.8 for current smokers and 7.0 for ex-smokers. The risk increased in relation to the number of cigarettes (OR = 42.9 for > or = 25 cigarettes/day) and for duration of smoking (OR = 37.2 for > or = 40 years). For alcohol, the risk increased in relation to number of drinks (OR = 5.9 for > or = 56 drinks per week). Combined alcohol and tobacco consumption showed a multiplicative (OR = 177) rather than an additive risk. For current smokers and current drinkers the risk was higher for supraglottis (ORs 54.9 and 2.6, respectively) than for glottis (ORs 7.4 and 1.8) and others subsites (ORs 10.9 and 1.9). CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that both cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking are independent risk factors for laryngeal cancer. Heavy consumption of alcohol and cigarettes determined a multiplicative risk increase, possibly suggesting biological synergy.
Background: Few clinical studies have focused on the alcoholindependent cardiovascular effects of the phenolic compounds of red wine (RW). Objective: We aimed to evaluate the effects of ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW on the expression of inflammatory biomarkers related to atherosclerosis in subjects at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Design: Sixty-seven high-risk, male volunteers were included in a randomized, crossover consumption trial. After a washout period, all subjects received RW (30 g alcohol/d), the equivalent amount of dealcoholized red wine (DRW), or gin (30 g alcohol/d) for 4 wk. Before and after each intervention period, 7 cellular and 18 serum inflammatory biomarkers were evaluated. Results: Alcohol increased IL-10 and decreased macrophage-derived chemokine concentrations, whereas the phenolic compounds of RW decreased serum concentrations of intercellular adhesion molecule- 1, E-selectin, and IL-6 and inhibited the expression of lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 in T lymphocytes and macrophage-1 receptor, Sialil-Lewis X, and C-C chemokine receptor type 2 expression in monocytes. Both ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW downregulated serum concentrations of CD40 antigen, CD40 ligand, IL-16, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. Conclusion: The results suggest that the phenolic content of RW may modulate leukocyte adhesion molecules, whereas both ethanol and polyphenols of RW may modulate soluble inflammatory mediators in high-risk patients. The trial was registered in the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number Register at http://www. isrctn.org/ as ISRCTN88720134
Background: Few clinical studies have focused on the alcoholindependent cardiovascular effects of the phenolic compounds of red wine (RW). Objective: We aimed to evaluate the effects of ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW on the expression of inflammatory biomarkers related to atherosclerosis in subjects at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Design: Sixty-seven high-risk, male volunteers were included in a randomized, crossover consumption trial. After a washout period, all subjects received RW (30 g alcohol/d), the equivalent amount of dealcoholized red wine (DRW), or gin (30 g alcohol/d) for 4 wk. Before and after each intervention period, 7 cellular and 18 serum inflammatory biomarkers were evaluated. Results: Alcohol increased IL-10 and decreased macrophage-derived chemokine concentrations, whereas the phenolic compounds of RW decreased serum concentrations of intercellular adhesion molecule- 1, E-selectin, and IL-6 and inhibited the expression of lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 in T lymphocytes and macrophage-1 receptor, Sialil-Lewis X, and C-C chemokine receptor type 2 expression in monocytes. Both ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW downregulated serum concentrations of CD40 antigen, CD40 ligand, IL-16, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. Conclusion: The results suggest that the phenolic content of RW may modulate leukocyte adhesion molecules, whereas both ethanol and polyphenols of RW may modulate soluble inflammatory mediators in high-risk patients. The trial was registered in the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number Register at http://www. isrctn.org/ as ISRCTN88720134
Traffic accidents are one of the causes of death for people between 1 and 45 years old. Many studies verify that the road accidents are related with the consumption of alcohol. This problem, is especially important in the young people and it is increased during dawns of the weekends. Some studies underline the lack of information and knowledge of many young people concerning law on alcohol consummation when driving and the effects of this drug on consumers. Another problem is the amount of mistaken beliefs on what to do neutralize the alcohol’s effect before drive. The objective of our study is to evaluate, in university students, the knowledge of the rules of driving behavior included in the circulation code and the personal beliefs about the effects of the alcohol in driving, and to find the frequency and the circumstances in which young people drive after alcohol consummation. The results suggest many actions that may be considered in the design of preventive campaigns that promotes safety road behavior in order to increase their effectivity
OBJECTIVE: to assess alcohol intake in the bariatric surgery pre and postoperative periods. METHODS: Patients were interviewed atSurgery Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - HC/UFPE (Brazil) from July 2011 to March 2012. We analyzed socioeconomic, anthropometric and clinical variables. We used the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT C). RESULTS: One hundred nineteen patients were enrolled (mean age: 41.23+11.30 years), with a predominance of the female gender (83.2%), non-Caucasian race (55%), married individuals or in a stable union (65.5%), with a high school education (40.3%)and active in the job market (37%). Weight and body mass index (BMI) were 128.77+25.28Kg and 49.09+9.26Kg/m2,respectively in the preoperative period (class II obesity) and 87.19+19.16Kg and 33.04+6.21Kg/m2, respectively in the postoperative period (class I obesity) (p<0.001). Hypertension was the most frequent disease in the pre (66.6%) and postoperative (36.5%) periods. The prevalence of alcohol use was 26.6% in the preoperative period, of which 2.2% of high risk, and 35.1% in the postoperative period, of which 1.4% of probable dependence; this difference did not achieve statistical significance (p=0.337). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of abusive alcohol intake and/or probable dependence was low in both the pre and postoperative periods, with little evidence of risky consumption among the patients submitted to bariatric surgery.