964 resultados para Aggregating digital content


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In an increasingly competitive and globalized world, companies need effective training methodologies and tools for their employees. However, selecting the most suitable ones is not an easy task. It depends on the requirements of the target group (namely time restrictions), on the specificities of the contents, etc. This is typically the case for training in Lean, the waste elimination manufacturing philosophy. This paper presents and compares two different approaches to lean training methodologies and tools: a simulation game based on a single realistic manufacturing platform, involving production and assembly operations that allows learning by playing; and a digital game that helps understand lean tools. This paper shows that both tools have advantages in terms of trainee motivation and knowledge acquisition. Furthermore, they can be used in a complementary way, reinforcing the acquired knowledge.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the impact of consuming ultra-processed foods on the micronutrient content of the Brazilian population’s diet.METHODS This cross-sectional study was performed using data on individual food consumption from a module of the 2008-2009 Brazilian Household Budget Survey. A representative sample of the Brazilian population aged 10 years or over was assessed (n = 32,898). Food consumption data were collected through two 24-hour food records. Linear regression models were used to assess the association between the nutrient content of the diet and the quintiles of ultra-processed food consumption – crude and adjusted for family incomeper capita.RESULTS Mean daily energy intake per capita was 1,866 kcal, with 69.5% coming from natural or minimally processed foods, 9.0% from processed foods and 21.5% from ultra-processed foods. For sixteen out of the seventeen evaluated micronutrients, their content was lower in the fraction of the diet composed of ultra-processed foods compared with the fraction of the diet composed of natural or minimally processed foods. The content of 10 micronutrients in ultra-processed foods did not reach half the content level observed in the natural or minimally processed foods. The higher consumption of ultra-processed foods was inversely and significantly associated with the content of vitamins B12, vitamin D, vitamin E, niacin, pyridoxine, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and zinc. The reverse situation was only observed for calcium, thiamin and riboflavin.CONCLUSIONS The findings of this study highlight that reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods is a natural way to promote healthy eating in Brazil and, therefore, is in line with the recommendations made by the Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira (Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population) to avoid these foods.


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A estereopsia é o 3º grau da visão binocular. Define-se pela perceção de profundidade e baseia-se na disparidade retiniana. Estereopsia global – estereograma de pontos aleatórios (perceção necessita de disparidade retiniana). Estereopsia local – estereogramas com contornos percebidos monocularmente (processo de fusão facilitado). Objectivos do estudo: 1) comparar valores de estereopsia obtidos em cada teste e analisar valores de estereopsia local e global; 2) estudar a correlação de valores de estereopsia nos testes (TNO goldstandard); 3) estudar a associação entre o resultado dos testes; 4) comparar exatidão entre FlyTeste StereoTAB; 5) estudar a sensibilidade e a especificidade do FlyTeste StereoTAB; 6) averiguar a aplicabilidade do SteroTABna prática clínica.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To validate a Spanish version of the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2) for the Chilean population. METHODS Descriptive, transversal, non-experimental validity and reliability study. Four translators, three experts and 92 Chilean children, from five to 10 years, students from a primary school in Santiago, Chile, have participated. The Committee of Experts has carried out translation, back-translation and revision processes to determine the translinguistic equivalence and content validity of the test, using the content validity index in 2013. In addition, a pilot implementation was achieved to determine test reliability in Spanish, by using the intraclass correlation coefficient and Bland-Altman method. We evaluated whether the results presented significant differences by replacing the bat with a racket, using T-test. RESULTS We obtained a content validity index higher than 0.80 for language clarity and relevance of the TGMD-2 for children. There were significant differences in the object control subtest when comparing the results with bat and racket. The intraclass correlation coefficient for reliability inter-rater, intra-rater and test-retest reliability was greater than 0.80 in all cases. CONCLUSIONS The TGMD-2 has appropriate content validity to be applied in the Chilean population. The reliability of this test is within the appropriate parameters and its use could be recommended in this population after the establishment of normative data, setting a further precedent for the validation in other Latin American countries.


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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Rationale and Objectives Computer-aided detection and diagnosis (CAD) systems have been developed in the past two decades to assist radiologists in the detection and diagnosis of lesions seen on breast imaging exams, thus providing a second opinion. Mammographic databases play an important role in the development of algorithms aiming at the detection and diagnosis of mammary lesions. However, available databases often do not take into consideration all the requirements needed for research and study purposes. This article aims to present and detail a new mammographic database. Materials and Methods Images were acquired at a breast center located in a university hospital (Centro Hospitalar de S. João [CHSJ], Breast Centre, Porto) with the permission of the Portuguese National Committee of Data Protection and Hospital's Ethics Committee. MammoNovation Siemens full-field digital mammography, with a solid-state detector of amorphous selenium was used. Results The new database—INbreast—has a total of 115 cases (410 images) from which 90 cases are from women with both breasts affected (four images per case) and 25 cases are from mastectomy patients (two images per case). Several types of lesions (masses, calcifications, asymmetries, and distortions) were included. Accurate contours made by specialists are also provided in XML format. Conclusion The strengths of the actually presented database—INbreast—relies on the fact that it was built with full-field digital mammograms (in opposition to digitized mammograms), it presents a wide variability of cases, and is made publicly available together with precise annotations. We believe that this database can be a reference for future works centered or related to breast cancer imaging.


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ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe the digital disease detection and participatory surveillance in different countries. The systems or platforms consolidated in the scientific field were analyzed by describing the strategy, type of data source, main objectives, and manner of interaction with users. Eleven systems or platforms, developed from 1996 to 2016, were analyzed. There was a higher frequency of data mining on the web and active crowdsourcing as well as a trend in the use of mobile applications. It is important to provoke debate in the academia and health services for the evolution of methods and insights into participatory surveillance in the digital age.


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Swarm Intelligence (SI) is the property of a system whereby the collective behaviors of (unsophisticated) agents interacting locally with their environment cause coherent functional global patterns to emerge. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a form of SI, and a population-based search algorithm that is initialized with a population of random solutions, called particles. These particles are flying through hyperspace and have two essential reasoning capabilities: their memory of their own best position and knowledge of the swarm's best position. In a PSO scheme each particle flies through the search space with a velocity that is adjusted dynamically according with its historical behavior. Therefore, the particles have a tendency to fly towards the best search area along the search process. This work proposes a PSO based algorithm for logic circuit synthesis. The results show the statistical characteristics of this algorithm with respect to number of generations required to achieve the solutions. It is also presented a comparison with other two Evolutionary Algorithms, namely Genetic and Memetic Algorithms.


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Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofia, Política y Humanidades - Año 9, Nº 18, Segundo semestre de 2007


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Electronics Letters Vol.38, nº 19


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação


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As estruturas orgânicas empresariais estão cada vez mais obrigadas a garantir elevados padrões de qualidade de serviços, possibilitando ao mesmo tempo a sustentabilidade das estruturas e ainda, o alinhamento dos investimentos efetuados com as estratégias de negócio. O seu desenvolvimento obriga a que na área das tecnologias de informação e comunicação exista a necessidade de repensar estratégias em vigor, procurando novos modelos, mais ágeis e mais capazes de se enquadrar nestas novas exigências. Neste âmbito, é de esperar que as plataformas de identidade digital tenham um papel determinante no desenvolvimento destes novos modelos, pois são um instrumento único para se implementarem plataformas heterogéneas, intemperáveis, com elevados níveis de segurança e de garantia de controlo no acesso à informação. O trabalho agora apresentado tem como objectivo investigar e desenvolver uma plataforma de identidade digital e uma plataforma de testes, que permitam ao Politécnico do Porto a aquisição de um infraestrutura de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação que se torne um instrumento fundamental para o desenvolvimento contínuo, de garantia de qualidade e de sustentabilidade de todos os serviços prestados à sua comunidade.


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As the variety of mobile devices connected to the Internet growts there is a correponding increase in the need to deliver content tailored to their heterogeneous characteristics. At the same time, we watch to the increase of e-learning in universities through the adoption of electronic platforms and standards. Not surprisingly, the concept of mLearning (Mobile Learning) appeared in recent years decreasing the limitation of learning location with the mobility of general portable devices. However, this large number and variety of Web-enabled devices poses several challenges for Web content creators who want to automatic get the delivery context and adapt the content to the client mobile devices. In this paper we analyze several approaches to defining delivery context and present an architecture for deliver uniform mLearning content to mobile devices denominated eduMCA - Educational Mobile Content Adaptation. With the eduMCA system the Web authors will not need to create specialized pages for each kind of device, since the content is automatically transformed to adapt to any mobile device capabilities from WAP to XHTML MP-compliant devices.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Informática, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Hoje em dia as fontes de alimentação possuem correção do fator de potência, devido às diversas normas regulamentares existentes, que introduziram grandes restrições no que respeita à distorção harmónica (THD) e fator de potência (FP). Este trabalho trata da análise, desenvolvimento e implementação de um Pré-Regulador de fator de potência com controlo digital. O controlo digital de conversores com recurso a processamento digital de sinal tem vindo a ser ao longo dos últimos anos, objeto de investigação e desenvolvimento, estando constantemente a surgirem modificações nas topologias existentes. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar e implementar um Pré-Regulador Retificador Boost e o respetivo controlo digital. O controlo do conversor é feito através da técnica dos valores médios instantâneos da corrente de entrada, desenvolvido através da linguagem de descrição de hardware VHDL (VHSIC HDL – Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) e implementado num dispositivo FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) Spartan-3E. Neste trabalho são apresentadas análises matemáticas, para a obtenção das funções de transferência pertinentes ao projeto dos controladores. Para efetuar este controlo é necessário adquirir os sinais da corrente de entrada, tensão de entrada e tensão de saída. O sinal resultante do módulo de controlo é um sinal de PWM com valor de fator de ciclo variável ao longo do tempo. O projeto é simulado e validado através da plataforma MatLab/Simulink e PSIM, onde são apresentados resultados para o regime permanente e para transitórios da carga e da tensão de alimentação. Finalmente, o Pré-Regulador Retificador Boost controlado de forma digital é implementado em laboratório. Os resultados experimentais são apresentados para validar a metodologia e o projeto desenvolvidos.