996 resultados para Age Hardening
Abstract: The concentration of heavy metals (Cr, Fe, Al, As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Mo, Ni, Se and Zn) was evaluated in the blood of nestling blue macaws (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) captured in the Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul (n=26) in 2012; this was based on the hypothesis that these birds exhibit levels of these heavy metals in their organism and that these interfere in hatching success, weight and age of the chicks. Blood samples were digested with nitric acid and hydrochloric acid and the quantification of metals was performed by ICP-OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy and Inductively Coupled Plasma). Blood samples of nestlings showed concentrations of Cr (0.10μg/g) Fe (3.06μg/g) Al (3.46μg/g), Cd (0.25μg/g) Cu (0.74μg/g), Mo (0.33μg/g), Ni (0.61μg/g), Se (0.98μg/g), and Zn (2.08μg/g). The levels of heavy metals found were not associated with weight, age and hatching success of the chicks.
Different types of laterally extensive sand- and gravel-dominated deposits, up to several tens of metres thick, were investigated in the Suupohja area of western Finland. The studied sediments were deposited in glacial, ice-marginal, glaciofluvial, sea or lake, littoral and terrestrial environments during several glacial-non-glacial cycles. Seventeen pre-Late Weichselian and three Late Weichselian/Holocene sedimentary units were identified. These were divided into ten formally and two informally defined formations that were together termed the Suupohja Group. Every unit are nevertheless not detectable throughout the study area. The informally defined “Karhukangas lower deposits” represent the lowest units in the Suupohja Group. The Karhukangas lower deposits with 5 till units, 3 glaciolacustrine/-marine units and 2 sand units, were interpreted as having been deposited during possibly four glacial-non-glacial cycles before the Late Pleistocene Subepoch (MIS 6 or earlier). The Kankalo Sand above the Karhukangas lower deposits comprises glaciofluvial and aeolian sands of Late Saalian, Eemian or Early Weichselian origin (MIS 6–MIS 5c). The Kariluoma Till above the Kankalo Sand was possibly deposited during the Late Saalian glacial advance, although an Early Weichselian origin is also possible. The Harrinkangas Formation, with glaciofluvial and quiet-water sediments, is interpreted as having been deposited during the Late Saalian and Eemian Stages (MIS 6–MIS 5e). The uppermost units in the deposits studied, the Kodesjärvi Formation (shore deposit), Isojoki Sand (aeolian), Rävåsen Formation (glaciofluvial), Vanhakylä Formation (shore line deposit), Dagsmark Till and Kauhajoki Till, were deposited during the Weichselian Stage (MIS 5d–MIS 2). In addition, Early Holocene (MIS 1) eskers without till cover were informally termed the “Holocene esker deposits”. The Lumikangas Formation represents gravelly shore deposits formed in the Holocene Epoch, when these areas last emerged from the sea. The first Weichselian ice expansion possibly reached the western part of Suupohja in the Early Weichselian Substage (MIS 5d?), but it did not expand further to the east. The second Weichselian glaciation of relatively short duration occupied the southern part of Finland in the later part of Middle Weichselian (MIS 3). Thus, the southern half of the country remained ice-free for the majority (~65–75%) of the Weichselian Stage. Instead, both humid temperate and periglacial conditions alternated. In the initial part of Middle Weichselian, this area was partly submerged, which indicates eastward expansion of the Scandinavian ice sheet(s), depressing the lithosphere. The exceptionally thick sediment cover, multiple lithofacies, relict landscape and preserved preglacially weathered bedrock are evidence of weak glacial erosion in the Suupohja area during the latest as well as earlier glaciations, making this area one of the key areas in Quaternary research.
Hybrids of Sorghum sudanensis (sudangrass) and Sorghum bicolor genotypes can produce high amounts of biomass, sorgoleone (a long chain hydroquinone), and other phytotoxic substances. Shoots and roots of a sorghum-sudangrass hybrid (cv. Trudan 8) were collected 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 days after emergence. Four concentrations of aqueous extracts from the shoots and roots (0, 0.4, 2, and 10 g L-1, w/v) were used to treat seeds of lettuce (Lactuca sativa), tomato (Lycopersicum sculentum), purslane (Portulaca oleracea), and pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus). Seed germination of lettuce, tomato, and pigweed was inhibited by extracts from sorghum-sudangrass shoots at 10 g L-1 when made from sorghum-sudangrass plants 20 days or less in age. Seed germination of purslane was not inhibited by any sorghum-sudangrass extract. Growth of the four species evaluated were systematically inhibited when treated with 10 g L-1 extracts from sorghum-sudangrass shoots harvested up to 10 days after emergence.
The aim of this study was to determine the weed strip control (WSC) required for adequate coffee growth after transplanting. A non-irrigated, field-planted (spaced 3.80 x 0.70 m) crop was used. The experimental design was a randomized block, with four replicates. The treatments were arranged in a 9 x 18 split-plot design to test the WSC of 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 190 cm, which involved continuously hand-weeding at each side of the coffee row, and 18 coffee growth measurements. Multiple regression analyses were carried out relating to growth-variables as a function of both WSC and growth-evaluation times. Brachiaria decumbens was the main weed accomplishing 88.5% of the total weed dry mass. The minimum width of the WSC increases as the crop ages after transplanting. Assuming reductions of 2% and 5% in the maximum coffee growth, the recommended WSC was 75 and 52 cm at 4 months after transplanting (MAT), 104 and 85 cm at 6 MAT, 123 and 105 cm at 9 MAT, 134 and 116 cm at 12 MAT, 142 and 124 cm at 15 MAT, and 148 and 131 cm at 18 MAT, respectively. It was concluded that integrated weed management in young coffee crops must focus on the weed control only in a minimum range along coffee rows, which increases with coffee plant age, keeping natural vegetation in the inter-rows.
The proportion of maternal-age-independent patients estimated among 200 Brazilian Down syndrome children (59.6%) was significantly larger than that of maternal-age-dependent cases (40.4%). The latter proportion is the smallest observed in pertinent literature and due basically to the low mean maternal age of the population analyzed. Based on the remarkable correlation (r = 0.95) between the proportion of maternal-age-dependent patients and the mean maternal age of the general population, a simple predictive equation to estimate the proportion of maternal-age-dependent Down syndrome patients based on the mean maternal age of the general population is suggested in situations where reliable data on the incidence of this syndrome according to maternal age is not available.
High levels of aggressive behaviors against intruders in the nest area are displayed by female rats during the first 10 days after delivery, declining thereafter to very low levels, even though lactation continues. Cross-fostering experiments were undertaken to test the hypothesis that pup age may affect aggression in lactating rats. The behavior of females on the 8th day after delivery when raising fostered 8-day-old pups was compared to that of females on the 8th postpartum day raising older pups (18 days old) for the last 5 days, and females on the 18th day after delivery raising fostered 18-day-old pups were compared to females in the same postpartum period nursing younger pups (8 days of age at the time of the maternal aggression test) for 5 days. Pup retrieval activity and plasma prolactin level were also analyzed. Females on the 8th postpartum day nursing 18-day-old pups were less aggressive than females in the same postpartum period, but with 8-day-old pups. Likewise, females on the 18th postpartum day nursing younger pups were more aggressive and presented higher levels of prolactin than females nursing older pups. Thus, pup development can alter the natural decline of maternal aggressive behavior.
In order to assess the relative influence of age, resting heart rate (HR) and sedentary life style, heart rate variability (HRV) was studied in two different groups. The young group (YG) consisted of 9 sedentary subjects aged 15 to 20 years (YG-S) and of 9 nonsedentary volunteers (YG-NS) also aged 15 to 20. The elderly sedentary group (ESG) consisted of 16 sedentary subjects aged 39 to 82 years. HRV was assessed using a short-term procedure (5 min). R-R variability was calculated in the time-domain by means of the root mean square successive differences. Frequency-domain HRV was evaluated by power spectrum analysis considering high frequency and low frequency bands. In the YG the effort tolerance was ranked in a bicycle stress test. HR was similar for both groups while ESG showed a reduced HRV compared with YG. Within each group, HRV displayed a negative correlation with HR. Although YG-NS had better effort tolerance than YG-S, their HR and HRV were not significantly different. We conclude that HRV is reduced with increasing HR or age, regardless of life style. The results obtained in our short-term study agree with others of longer duration by showing that age and HR are the main determinants of HRV. Our results do not support the idea that changes in HRV are related to regular physical activity.
Varhaislapsuuden antibioottialtistuksen vaikutus atooppiseen herkistymiseen 12 kuukauden ikään mennessä Bakteerien vaikutus terveyteen on merkittävä: ne ovat toisaalta hengenvaarallisten infektioiden aiheuttajia, mutta samanaikaisesti niiden läsnäolo on välttämätöntä terveen immuunipuolustuksen kehittymiseksi. Ensimmäisen elinvuoden aikana suoliston bakteerikanta on altis ulkoisten tekijöiden vaikutuksille. Varhaislapsuuden antibioottihoidolla voi olla tuhoisat seuraukset eri bakteerilajien suhteille, ja sen tiedetään altistavan erilaisille immuunivälitteisille sairauksille, kuten atopialle. Ei ole kuitenkaan selvitetty, onko tämä vaikutus johtunut käynnissä olevan infektion aiheuttamista muutoksista kehittyvään immuunijärjestelmään vai onko siihen ollut syynä infektioon aloitettu antibioottihoito. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin eroja kahden, varhaista antibioottihoitoa saaneen ryhmän välillä ja päätetapahtumaksi katsottiin myöhemmin lapsuudessa ilmenevä atopiataipumus. Toinen ryhmä sai antibioottihoitoa kliinisesti todistettuun bakteeri-infektioon (varhaiseen sepsikseen). Toinen ryhmä taas sai antibioottihoidon pelkästään infektioepäilyyn eli ns. empiirisen hoidon, joka lopetettiin alle viiden vuorokauden kuluessa kun katsottiin, ettei oireiden taustalla ollutkaan bakteeri-infektiota. Mukana vertailussa oli lisäksi ryhmä, joka ei saanut lainkaan varhaista antibioottihoitoa. Antibioottihoidon pitkäaikaisvaikutusta arvioitiin ihon prick-testillä, joka kertoo atopiaan liittyvästä IgE-välitteisestä herkistymisestä. Varhaisella antibioottihoidolla tarkoitetaan tässä alle 72 tunnin sisällä syntymästä alkanutta hoitoa G-penisilliinin ja gentamysiinin yhdistelmällä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui 755 vastasyntyneen lapsen seurantadatasta, joka saatiin neljän käynnissä olevan allergian ehkäisytutkimuksen aineistosta. Tutkimuksen mukaanottokriteereinä pidettiin sitä, että saatavilla oli tiedot sekä mahdollisen antibioottialtistuksen kestosta että ihon prick-testituloksesta joko 6 tai 12 kuukauden iässä. Tulokset analysoitiin logistisella regressioanalyysillä huomioiden mahdolliset sekoittavat tekijät: äidin allergia, ennenaikaisuus, tutkimusprobiootti, imetyksen kesto, äidin raskauden aikainen tupakointi ja synnytystapa. Potilasryhmässä, joka sai antibioottihoitoa ilman samanaikaista infektiota, nähtiin tilastollisesti merkittävästi vähemmän positiivisia prick-testituloksia verrattuna lapsiin, jotka eivät altistuneet antibiooteille. Tulos on merkittävä, sillä se osoittaa, että varhaisella antibioottihoidolla on kauaskantoisia vaikutuksia kehittyvään immuunijärjestelmään.
We investigated the effect of age and sex on the serum activity of hexosaminidase (HEX) and ß-glucuronidase (BGLU) in 275 normal term infants aged 12 h to 12 months. Up to six weeks of life, HEX was significantly higher in boys (P<=0.023). During the age period of 1-26 weeks, BGLU was also higher in boys, but differences were significant only at 2-6 and 7-15 weeks (P<=0.016). The developmental pattern of HEX and BGLU was sex dependent. HEX activity increased in both sexes from 4-7 days of life, reaching a maximum of 1.4-fold the birth value at 2-6 weeks of age in boys (P<0.001) and a maximum of 1.6-fold at 7-15 weeks in girls (P<0.001). HEX activity gradually decreased thereafter, reaching significantly lower levels at 27-53 weeks than during the first three days of life in boys (P = 0.002) and the same level of this age interval in girls. BGLU increased in both sexes from 4-7 days of age, showing a maximum increase at 7-15 weeks (3.3-fold in boys and 2.9-fold in girls, both P<0.001). Then BGLU decreased in boys to a value similar to that observed at 4-7 days of age. In girls, BGLU remained elevated until the end of the first year of life. These results indicate a variation of HEX and BGLU activities during the first year of life and a sex influence on their developmental pattern. This observation should be considered in the diagnosis of GM2 gangliosidosis and mucopolysaccharidosis type VII.
Short stature, a marker for undernutrition early in life, has been associated with obesity in Brazilian women, but not in men. We tested the hypothesis that weight gain during the reproductive years could explain this gender difference. A national two-stage household survey of mothers with one or more children under five years of age was conducted in Brazil in 1996. The subjects were women aged 20 to 45 years (N = 2297), with last delivery seven months or more prior to the interview. The regions of the country were divided into rural, North/Northeast (urban underdeveloped) and South/Southeast/Midwest (urban developed). The dependent variables were current body mass index (BMI) measured, BMI prior to childbearing (reported), and BMI change. Socioeconomic variables included mother's years of education and family purchasing power score. A secondary analysis was restricted to primiparous women. The prevalence of current overweight and overweight prior to childbearing (BMI > or = 25 kg/m²) was higher among shorter women (<1.50 m) compared to normal stature women only in the urban developed region (P < 0.05). After adjustment for socioeconomic variables, age, parity, BMI prior to childbearing, and age at first birth, current BMI was 2.39 units higher (P = 0.008) for short stature women living in the urban developed area compared with short stature women living in the urban underdeveloped area. For both multiparous and primiparous women, BMI gain compared to the value prior to childbearing was significantly higher among short stature women living in the urban developed region (P <= 0.04). These results provide clear evidence that short stature was associated with a higher BMI and with an increased risk of weight gain/retention with pregnancy in the developed areas of Brazil, but not in the underdeveloped ones.
The multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein is a transmembrane efflux pump expressed by lymphocytes and is involved in their cytolytic activity. In the present study, we investigated the age-related changes of P-glycoprotein function in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes. Blood samples from 90 normal volunteers (age range, 0 to 86 years) were analyzed. P-glycoprotein function was assessed by the flow cytometric rhodamine 123 assay. P-glycoprotein function was highest in cord blood and progressively declined with age in peripheral blood T CD4+ and CD8+ cells. In contrast, P-glycoprotein function did not vary with age in CD19+ B or CD16+CD56+ natural killer cells. These data suggest that the decline in P-glycoprotein function in T CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes as a function of age may contribute to the decrease in T cell cytolytic activity with aging.
The pharmacokinetics of scorpion venom and its toxins has been investigated in experimental models using adult animals, although, severe scorpion accidents are associated more frequently with children. We compared the effect of age on the pharmacokinetics of tityustoxin, one of the most active principles of Tityus serrulatus venom, in young male/female rats (21-22 days old, N = 5-8) and in adult male rats (150-160 days old, N = 5-8). Tityustoxin (6 µg) labeled with 99mTechnetium was administered subcutaneously to young and adult rats. The plasma concentration vs time data were subjected to non-compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis to obtain estimates of various pharmacokinetic parameters such as total body clearance (CL/F), distribution volume (Vd/F), area under the curve (AUC), and mean residence time. The data were analyzed with and without considering body weight. The data without correction for body weight showed a higher Cmax (62.30 ± 7.07 vs 12.71 ± 2.11 ng/ml, P < 0.05) and AUC (296.49 ± 21.09 vs 55.96 ± 5.41 ng h-1 ml-1, P < 0.05) and lower Tmax (0.64 ± 0.19 vs 2.44 ± 0.49 h, P < 0.05) in young rats. Furthermore, Vd/F (0.15 vs 0.42 l/kg) and CL/F (0.02 ± 0.001 vs 0.11 ± 0.01 l h-1 kg-1, P < 0.05) were lower in young rats. However, when the data were reanalyzed taking body weight into consideration, the Cmax (40.43 ± 3.25 vs 78.21 ± 11.23 ng kg-1 ml-1, P < 0.05) and AUC (182.27 ± 11.74 vs 344.62 ± 32.11 ng h-1 ml-1, P < 0.05) were lower in young rats. The clearance (0.03 ± 0.002 vs 0.02 ± 0.002 l h-1 kg-1, P < 0.05) and Vd/F (0.210 vs 0.067 l/kg) were higher in young rats. The raw data (not adjusted for body weight) strongly suggest that age plays a pivotal role in the disposition of tityustoxin. Furthermore, our results also indicate that the differences in the severity of symptoms observed in children and adults after scorpion envenomation can be explained in part by differences in the pharmacokinetics of the toxin.
The aim of the present study was to establish the extent of in vitro radioresponse of lymphocytes among 62 healthy adults of both genders and to estimate the distribution of baseline micronuclei and radiosensitivity among individuals of the study population using the cytochalasin block micronucleus test. A younger study group consisted of 10 males (mean age, 22.4 years; range, 21-27) and 12 females (mean age, 24.8 years; range, 20-29), whereas an older study group consisted of 18 males (mean age, 35.1 years; range, 30-44) and 22 females (mean age, 38.5 years; range, 30-48). For evaluation of radiosensitivity blood samples were irradiated in vitro using 60Co g-ray source. The radiation dose employed was 2 Gy, the dose rate 0.45 Gy/min. The study revealed a significant gender effect on baseline micronuclei favoring females (Z = 3.25, P < 0.001), while yields of radiation-induced micronuclei did not differ significantly (Z = 0.56, P < 0.56) between genders. The distribution of baseline micronuclei among the individuals tested followed Poisson distribution in both study groups and in both genders, whereas the distribution of radiosensitivity among individuals of the older study group did not fulfill Poisson expectations (Kolmogorov-Smirnof test, P < 0.01). In contrast to a nonsignificant difference in radiosensitivity between males and females of the same age group (Z = 1.97, P < 0.56), a statistically significant difference in radiosensitivity between younger and older group for both genders was found (Z = 3.03, P < 0.03). Since the individuals tested were healthy, the observed variability in radiation response is considered to be an early effect of ageing.
Although healthy preterm infants frequently seem to be more attentive to visual stimuli and to fix on them longer than full-term infants, no difference in visual acuity has been reported compared to term infants. We evaluated the contrast sensitivity (CS) function of term (N = 5) and healthy preterm (N = 11) infants at 3 and 10 months of life using sweep-visual evoked potentials. Two spatial frequencies were studied: low (0.2 cycles per degrees, cpd) and medium (4.0 cpd). The mean contrast sensitivity (expressed in percentage of contrast) of the preterm infants at 3 months was 55.4 for the low spatial frequency (0.2 cpd) and 43.4 for the medium spatial frequency (4.0 cpd). At 10 months the low spatial CS was 52.7 and the medium spatial CS was 9.9. The results for the term infants at 3 months were 55.1 for the low spatial frequency and 34.5 for the medium spatial frequency. At 10 months the equivalent values were 54.3 and 14.4, respectively. No difference was found using the Mann-Whitney rank sum T-test between term and preterm infants for the low frequency at 3 or 10 months or for the medium spatial frequency at 3 or 10 months. The development of CS for the medium spatial frequency was equally fast for term and preterm infants. As also observed for visual acuity, CS was equivalent among term and preterm infants, suggesting that visual experience does not modify the development of the primary visual pathway. An earlier development of synapses in higher cortical visual areas of preterm infants could explain the better use of visual information observed behaviorally in these infants.