814 resultados para Advanced cardiac life support
We construct a simple growth model where agents with uncertain survival choose schooling time, life-cycle consumption and the number of children. We show that rising longevity reduces fertility but raises saving, schooling time and the growth rate at a diminishing rate. Cross-section analyses using data from 76 countries support these propositions: life expectancy has a significant positive effect on the saving rate, secondary school enrollment and growth but a significant negative effect on fertility. Through sensitivity analyses, the effect on the saving rate is inconclusive, while the effects on the other variables are robust and consistent. These estimated effects are decreasing in life expectancy. Copyright The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2005.
In the context of an European collaborative research project (EURELD), a study on attitudes towards medical end-of-life decisions was conducted among physicians in Belgium, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. Australia also joined the consortium. A written questionnaire with structured questions was sent to practising physicians from specialties frequently involved in the care of dying patients. 10,139 questionnaires were studied. Response rate was equal to or larger than 50% in all countries except Italy (39%). Apart from general agreement with respect to the alleviation of pain and symptoms with possible life-shortening effect, there was large variation in support-between and within countries-for medical decision that may result in the hastening of death. A principal component factor analysis found that 58% of the variance of the responses is explained by four factors. 'Country' explained the largest part of the variation of the standardized factor scores. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Patients with advanced, non-curable cancer face difficult decisions on further treatment, where a small increase in survival time must be balanced against: the toxicity of the treatment. If patients want to be involved in these decisions, in keeping with current notions of autonomy and empowerment, they also require to be adequately informed both on the treatments proposed and on their own disease status and prognosis. A systematic review was performed on decision-making and information provision in patients with advanced cancer. Studies of interventions to improve information giving and encourage participation in decision-making were reviewed, including both randomised controlled trials and uncontrolled studies. Almost all patients expressed a desire for full information, but only about two-thirds wished to participate actively in decision-making. Higher educational level, younger age and female sex were predictive of a desire to participate in decision-making. Active decision-making was more common in patients with certain cancers (e.g. breast) than others (e.g. prostate). A number of simple interventions including question prompt sheets, audio-taping of consultations and patient decision aids have been shown to facilitate such involvement. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common invasive cancers, and is responsible for considerable physical and psychosocial morbidity. Understanding the quality of life experienced by colorectal cancer patients is essential for evaluating the full impact of the disease on individuals, their families and their communities. Patient perspective is essential in establishing a proper understanding of the quality of life of colorectal cancer patients. Despite this, few studies have employed a qualitative methodology to explore quality of life issues for colorectal cancer patients. A review of the literature identified only seven qualitative studies pertaining to quality of life issues for colorectal cancer patients, a surprising finding given the prevalence of this cancer. Accordingly, this study sought to build on the findings of previous qualitative research by providing descriptive data on the quality of life and psychosocial variables most salient to colorectal cancer patients. Six core themes emerged from interview and focus group data: Satisfaction with diagnosis and treatment; support (including information provision); quality of life; benefits of diagnosis; making sense of the cancer experience; and coping strategies. The information derived from this study will help inform the development of supportive care services to address the needs of the increasing number of people diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among long-term survivors of coronary artery bypass surgery is an important outcome that has been little studied at the population level. Methods A postal survey was conducted in 1999 to 2000 in patients 6 to 20 years after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery in Western-Australia. A random stratified sample of 2500 was drawn from 8910 patients who had their first CABG surgery in 1980 to 1993. Health-related quality of life was measured with Short Form 36 and EuroQol visual analogue scale. Results Response was 82% (n = 2061). Health-related quality of life declined with age and was similar for men and women, although scores for women were worse for physical functioning. Compared with Australian population norms, the age- and sex-standardized scores of survivors of CABG were generally worse, mainly in the physical domain. Reported angina at the time of follow-up (33%), symptoms of heart failure equivalent to New York Heart Association (NYHA) classes II to IV (34%), and comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension were associated with poorer HRQOL. For both men and women without angina or heart failure at follow-up, HRQOL was no different from that of the general population. Conclusion Overall, the quality of life among long-term survivors of CABG is worse than that of the general population, the difference being mainly attributable to recurrent symptoms and comorbidities. Quality of life for those without angina or heart failure at follow-up was equivalent to the population norms, providing an incentive to maximize efforts to abolish angina and ameliorate heart failure symptoms.
Objective: To examine adjustment in children of a parent with multiple sclerosis within a stress and coping framework and compare them with those who have 'healthy' parents. Subjects: A total of 193 participants between 10 and 25 years completed questionnaires; 48 youngsters who had a parent with multiple sclerosis and 145 youngsters who reported that they did not have a parent with an illness or disability. Method: A questionnaire survey methodology was used. Variable sets included caregiving context (e.g. additional parental illness, family responsibilities, parental functional impairment, choice in helping), social support (network size, satisfaction), stress appraisal, coping (problem solving, seeking support, acceptance, wishful thinking, denial), and positive (life satisfaction, positive affect, benefits) and negative (distress, health) adjustment outcomes. Results: Caregiving context variables significantly correlated with poorer adjustment in children of a parent with multiple sclerosis included additional parental illness, higher family responsibilities, parental functional impairment and unpredictability of the parent's multiple sclerosis, and less choice in helping. As predicted, better adjustment in children of a parent with multiple sclerosis was related to higher levels of social support, lower stress appraisals, greater reliance on approach coping strategies (problem solving, seeking support and acceptance) and less reliance on avoidant coping (wishful thinking and denial). Compared with children of 'healthy' parents, children of a parent with multiple sclerosis reported greater family responsibilities, less reliance on problem solving and seeking social support coping, higher somatization and lower life satisfaction and positive affect. Conclusions: Findings delineate the key impacts of young caregiving and support a stress and coping model of adjustment in children of a parent with multiple sclerosis.
In many advanced applications, data are described by multiple high-dimensional features. Moreover, different queries may weight these features differently; some may not even specify all the features. In this paper, we propose our solution to support efficient query processing in these applications. We devise a novel representation that compactly captures f features into two components: The first component is a 2D vector that reflects a distance range ( minimum and maximum values) of the f features with respect to a reference point ( the center of the space) in a metric space and the second component is a bit signature, with two bits per dimension, obtained by analyzing each feature's descending energy histogram. This representation enables two levels of filtering: The first component prunes away points that do not share similar distance ranges, while the bit signature filters away points based on the dimensions of the relevant features. Moreover, the representation facilitates the use of a single index structure to further speed up processing. We employ the classical B+-tree for this purpose. We also propose a KNN search algorithm that exploits the access orders of critical dimensions of highly selective features and partial distances to prune the search space more effectively. Our extensive experiments on both real-life and synthetic data sets show that the proposed solution offers significant performance advantages over sequential scan and retrieval methods using single and multiple VA-files.
Background: In 1992, Frisch et al (Psychol Assess. 1992;4:92- 10 1) developed the Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI) to measure the concept of quality of life (QOL) because it has long been thought to be related to both physical and emotional well-being. However, the psychometric properties of the QOLI in clinical populations are still in debate. The present study examined the factor structure of QOLI and reported its validity and reliability in a clinical sample. Method: Two hundred seventeen patients with anxiety and depressive disorders completed the QOLI and additional questionnaires measuring symptoms (Zung Self-rating Depression Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Fear Questionnaire, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-Stress) and subjective well-being (Satisfaction With Life Scale) were also used. Results: Exploratory factor analysis via the principal components method, with oblique rotation, revealed a 2-factor structure that accounted for 42.73% of the total variance, and a subsequent confirmatory factor analysis suggested a moderate fit of the data to this model. The 2 factors appeared to describe self-oriented QOL and externally oriented QOL. The Cronbach alpha coefficients were 0.85 for the overall QOLI score, 0.81 for the first factor, and 0.75 for the second factor. Conclusion: Consistent evidence was also found to support the concurrent, discriminant, predictive, and criterion-related validity of the QOLI. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The biphasic (pelagobenthic) life cycle is found throughout the animal kingdom, and includes gametogenesis, embryogenesis, and metamorphosis. From a tangled web of hypotheses on the origin and evolution of the metazoan pelagobenthic life cycle, current opinion appears to favor a simple, larval-like holopelagic ancestor that independently settled multiple times to incorporate a benthic phase into the life cycle. This hypothesis derives originally from Haeckel's (1874) Gastraea theory of ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny, in which the gastrula is viewed as the recapitulation of a gastracan ancestor that evolved via selection on a simple, planktonic hollow ball of cells to develop the capacity to feed. Here, we propose an equally plausible hypothesis that the origin of the metazoan pelagobenthic life cycle was a direct consequence of sexual reproduction in a likely holobenthic ancestor. In doing so, we take into account new insights from poriferan development and from molecular phylogenies. In this scenario, the gastrula does not represent a recapitulation, but simply an embryological stage that is an outcome of sexual reproduction. The embryo can itself be considered as the precursor to a biphasic lifestyle, with the embryo representing one phase and the adult another phase. This hypothesis is more parsimonious because it precludes the need for multiple, independent origins of the benthic form. It is then reasonable to consider that multilayered, ciliated embryos ultimately released into the water column are subject to natural selection for dispersal/longevity/feeding that sets them on the evolutionary trajectory towards the crown metazoan planktonic larvae. These new insights from poriferan development thus clearly support the intercalation hypothesis of bilaterian larval evolution, which we now believe should be extended to discussions of the origin of biphasy in the metazoan last common ancestor.
Objective: To determine the prevalence and predictors of left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction in older adults. Design, setting and participants: A cross-sectional survey of 1275 randomly selected residents of Canberra, aged 60 to 86 years (mean age 69.4; 50% men), conducted between February 2002 and June 2003. Main outcome measures: Prevalence of LV diastolic dysfunction as characterised by comprehensive Doppler echocardiography. Results: The prevalence of any diastolic dysfunction was 34.7% (95% CI 32.1% to 37.4%) and that of moderate to severe diastolic dysfunction was 7.3% (95% CI 5.9% to 8.9%). Of subjects with moderate to severe diastolic dysfunction, 77.4% had an LV ejection fraction (EF) > 50% and 76.3% were in a preclinical stage of disease. Predictors of diastolic dysfunction were higher age (p < 0.0001), reduced EF (p < 0.0001), obesity (p < 0.0001) and a history of hypertension (p < 0.0001), diabetes (p = 0.02) and myocardial infarction (p = 0.003). Moderate to severe diastolic dysfunction with normal EF, although predominantly preclinical, was independently associated with increased LV mass (p < 0.0001), left atrial volume (p < 0.0001), and circulating amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide concentrations (p < 0.0001), and with decreased quality of life (p < 0.005). Conclusion: Diastolic dysfunction is common in the community and often unaccompanied by overt congestive heart failure. Despite the lack of symptoms, advanced diastolic dysfunction with normal EF is associated with reduced quality of life and structural abnormalities that reflect increased cardiovascular risk.
The improvement of exercise capacity due to exercise training in heart failure has been associated with peripheral adaptation, but the contribution of cardiac responses is less clear. We sought the extent to which the improvement of functional capacity in patients undergoing exercise training for heart failure was related to myocardial performance. Thirty-seven patients (35 men, age 64 +/- 11) with symptomatic heart failure and left ventricular ejection fraction
Background Depression is the most prevalent functional mental disorder of later life. It is estimated that about 5% of the elderly population of Hong Kong are suffering from depression. Aim To investigate the self-rated quality of life of community-dwelling elderly people diagnosed with depression, and to examine the relationships between quality of life and mental, physical health, functional status and social support. Methods and results A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted in psychiatric outpatient clinics. A convenience sample of 80 Chinese elderly people with a diagnosis of depressive disorder was recruited. Perception of quality of life was measured by the Hong Kong Chinese World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale-Brief Version. Participants' mental status, functional abilities, physical health condition, and social support status were assessed. Sixty-one (76.3%) participants were female. They were least satisfied with meaningfulness of life, life enjoyment, concentration and thinking, energy and work capacity. Functional abilities had a positive association with participants' perceived quality of life, level of depression and number of physical health conditions had a negative association. Participants had low ratings of quality of life when compared with healthy persons and persons with chronic physical problems. Findings are discussed in light of the socio-cultural environment in Hong Kong. Conclusion Comprehensive treatment and better control of depression, including different modes of medical and psychosocial intervention, could help to improve participants' perception of quality of life. A longitudinal study with a larger sample with various levels of depression and socio-demographic characteristics is recommended. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.