855 resultados para Adaptive Thermogenesis
Diverse roles in cellular functions have been ascribed to nitric oxide (NO), and its involvement in induction of long-term depression in cerebellar Purkinje cells has been demonstrated. Manipulations of NO concentration or its synthesis in cerebellar tissues therefore provide a means for investigating roles of NO in cerebellar functions at both cellular and behavioral levels. We tested adaptive control of locomotion to perturbation in cats, and found that this form of motor learning was abolished by application of either an inhibitor of NO synthase or a scavenger of NO to the cerebellar cortical locomotion area. This finding supports the view that NO in the cerebellum plays a key role in motor learning.
Many proximate factors determine a bird’s laying date, including environmental and social stimuli as well as individual responses to internal and external factors. However, the relative importance of these factors has not been experimentally demonstrated. Here we show that (i) large differences in the onset of first clutches between different populations result from variation in different responses to photoperiod and not from variation in responses to any other proximate factors and (ii) the same response mechanism causes maladaptive laying dates in habitats modified by humans. We present, to our knowledge, the first experimental demonstration that a single response mechanism is responsible for evolutionary adaptive intraspecific variation in a vertebrate life history trait.
The coelacanth, a “living fossil,” lives near the coast of the Comoros archipelago in the Indian Ocean. Living at a depth of about 200 m, the Comoran coelacanth receives only a narrow range of light, at about 480 nm. To detect the entire range of “color” at this depth, the coelacanth appears to use only two closely related paralogous RH1 and RH2 visual pigments with the optimum light sensitivities (λmax) at 478 nm and 485 nm, respectively. The λmax values are shifted about 20 nm toward blue compared with those of the corresponding orthologous pigments. Mutagenesis experiments show that each of these coadapted changes is fully explained by two amino acid replacements.
Bacterial mutation rates can increase and produce genetic novelty, as shown by in vitro and in silico experiments. Despite the cost due to a heavy deleterious mutation load, mutator alleles, which increase the mutation rate, can spread in asexual populations during adaptation because they remain associated with the rare favorable mutations they generate. This indirect selection for a genetic system generating diversity (second-order selection) is expected to be highly sensitive to changes in the dynamics of adaptation. Here we show by a simulation approach that even rare genetic exchanges, such as bacterial conjugation or transformation, can dramatically reduce the selection of mutators. Moreover, drift or competition between the processes of mutation and recombination in the course of adaptation reveal how second-order selection is unable to optimize the rate of generation of novelty.
Examination of the phenotypic effects of specific mutations has been extensively used to identify candidate genes affecting traits of interest. However, such analyses do not reveal anything about the evolutionary forces acting at these loci, or whether standing allelic variation contributes to phenotypic variance in natural populations. The Drosophila gene methuselah (mth) has been proposed as having major effects on organismal stress response and longevity phenotype. Here, we examine patterns of polymorphism and divergence at mth in population level samples of Drosophila melanogaster, D. simulans, and D. yakuba. Mth has experienced an unusually high level of adaptive amino acid divergence concentrated in the intra- and extracellular loop domains of the receptor protein, suggesting the historical action of positive selection on those regions of the molecule that modulate signal transduction. Further analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in D. melanogaster provided evidence for contemporary and spatially variable selection at the mth locus. In ten surveyed populations, the most common mth haplotype exhibited a 40% cline in frequency that coincided with population level differences in multiple life-history traits including lifespan. This clinal pattern was not associated with any particular SNP in the coding region, indicating that selection is operating at a closely linked site that may be involved in gene expression. Together, these consistently nonneutral patterns of inter- and intraspecific variation suggest adaptive evolution of a signal transduction pathway that may modulate lifespan in nature.
Although adaptive evolution is thought to depend primarily on mutations of small effect, major gene effects may underlie many of the important differences observed among species in nature. The Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) has a derived mode of development that is characterized by metamorphic failure (paedomorphosis), an adaptation for an entirely aquatic life cycle. By using an interspecific crossing design and genetic linkage analysis, a major quantitative trait locus for expression of metamorphosis was identified in a local map of amplified fragment length polymorphisms. These data are consistent with a major gene hypothesis for the evolution of paedomorphosis in A. mexicanum.
Light microscopy of thick biological samples, such as tissues, is often limited by aberrations caused by refractive index variations within the sample itself. This problem is particularly severe for live imaging, a field of great current excitement due to the development of inherently fluorescent proteins. We describe a method of removing such aberrations computationally by mapping the refractive index of the sample using differential interference contrast microscopy, modeling the aberrations by ray tracing through this index map, and using space-variant deconvolution to remove aberrations. This approach will open possibilities to study weakly labeled molecules in difficult-to-image live specimens.
To some extent, the genetic theory of adaptive evolution in bacteria is a simple extension of that developed for sexually reproducing eukaryotes. In other, fundamental ways, the process of adaptive evolution in bacteria is quantitatively and qualitatively different from that of organisms for which recombination is an integral part of the reproduction process. In this speculative and opinionated discussion, we explore these differences. In particular, we consider (i) how, as a consequence of the low rates of recombination, “ordinary” chromosomal gene evolution in bacteria is different from that in organisms where recombination is frequent and (ii) the fundamental role of the horizontal transmission of genes and accessory genetic elements as sources of variation in bacteria. We conclude with speculations about the evolution of accessory elements and their role in the adaptive evolution of bacteria.
In vivo ubiquinone (UQ) reduction levels were measured during the development of the inflorescences of Arum maculatum and Amorphophallus krausei. Thermogenesis in A. maculatum spadices appeared not to be confined to a single developmental stage, but occurred during various stages. The UQ pool in both A. maculatum and A. krausei appendices was approximately 90% reduced during thermogenesis. Respiratory characteristics of isolated appendix mitochondria did not change in the period around thermogenesis. Apparently, synthesis of the required enzyme capacity is regulated via a coarse control upon which a fine control of metabolism that regulates the onset of thermogenesis is imposed.
Most evolutionary studies of oceanic islands have focused on the Pacific Ocean. There are very few examples from the Atlantic archipelagos, especially Macaronesia, despite their unusual combination of features, including a close proximity to the continent, a broad range of geological ages, and a biota linked to a source area that existed in the Mediterranean basin before the late Tertiary. A chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction site analysis of Argyranthemum (Asteraceae: Anthemideae), the largest endemic genus of plants of any volcanic archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, was performed to examine patterns of plant evolution in Macaronesia. cpDNA data indicated that Argyranthemum is a monophyletic group that has speciated recently. The cpDNA tree showed a weak correlation with the current sectional classification and insular distribution. Two major cpDNA lineages were identified. One was restricted to northern archipelagos--e.g., Madeira, Desertas, and Selvagens--and the second comprised taxa endemic to the southern archipelago--e.g., the Canary Islands. The two major radiations identified in the Canaries are correlated with distinct ecological habitats; one is restricted to ecological zones under the influence of the northeastern trade winds and the other to regions that are not affected by these winds. The patterns of phylogenetic relationships in Argyranthemum indicate that interisland colonization between similar ecological zones is the main mechanism for establishing founder populations. This phenomenon, combined with rapid radiation into distinct ecological zones and interspecific hybridization, is the primary explanation for species diversification.
Adaptive reversions of a lac frameshift mutation in Escherichia coli are -1 deletions in small mononucleotide repeats, whereas growth-dependent reversions are heterogeneous. The adaptive mutations resemble instability of simple repeats, which, in hereditary colon cancer, in yeast, and in E. coli occurs in the absence of mismatch repair. The postulate that mismatch repair is disabled transiently during adaptive mutation in E. coli is supported here by the demonstration that the growth-dependent mutation spectrum can be made indistinguishable from adaptive mutations by disallowing mismatch repair during growth. Physiologically induced mismatch repair deficiency could be an important mutagenic mechanism in cancers and in evolution.
The role of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase (Pol) II in producing or avoiding mutations was investigated by replacing the chromosomal Pol II gene (polB+) by a gene encoding an exonuclease-deficient mutant Pol II (polBex1). The polBex1 allele increased adaptive mutations on an episome in nondividing cells under lactose selection. The presence of a Pol III antimutator allele (dnaE915) reduced adaptive mutations in both polB+ cells and cells deleted for polB (polB delta 1) to below the wild-type level, suggesting that both Pol II and Pol III are synthesizing episomal DNA in nondividing cells but that in wild-type cells Pol III generates the adaptive mutations. The adaptive mutations were mainly -1 frame-shifts occurring in short homopolymeric runs and were similar in wild-type, polB delta 1, and polBex1 strains. Mutations produced by both Pol III and Pol II ex1 were corrected by the mutHLS mismatch repair system.
Adaptive reversion of a lac- frameshift mutation in Escherichia coli appears to be due to DNA polymerase errors, implying that DNA is being synthesized although the cells are not dividing. Here we report that the production of adaptive lac+ revertants (i) is much higher when the mutational target is on the F' episome than when it is on the bacterial chromosome; (ii) is enhanced by functions required for conjugation; but (iii) does not require conjugation per se. These results suggest that, in static cells, DNA synthesis is initiated from the conjugal origin of transfer. Mutations may arise as polymerase errors during this synthesis or during synthesis stimulated by recombination among the multiple gene copies.
The cells in most tumors are found to carry multiple mutations; however, based upon mutation rates determined by fluctuation tests, the frequency of such multiple mutations should be so low that tumors are never detected within human populations. Fluctuation tests, which determine the cell-division-dependent mutation rate per cell generation in growing cells, may not be appropriate for estimating mutation rates in nondividing or very slowly dividing cells. Recent studies of time-dependent, "adaptive" mutations in nondividing populations of microorganisms suggest that similar measurements may be more appropriate to understanding the mutation origins of tumors. Here I use the ebgR and ebgA genes of Escherichia coli to measure adaptive mutation rates where multiple mutations are required for rapid growth. Mutations in either ebgA or ebgR allow very slow growth on lactulose (4-O-beta-D-galactosyl-D-fructose), with doubling times of 3.2 and 17.3 days, respectively. However, when both mutations are present, cells can grow rapidly with doubling times of 2.7 hr. I show that during prolonged (28-day) selection for growth on lactulose, the number of lactulose-utilizing mutants that accumulate is 40,000 times greater than can be accounted for on the basis of mutation rates measured by fluctuation tests, but is entirely consistent with the time-dependent adaptive mutation rates measured under the same conditions of prolonged selection.