998 resultados para Activation at a distance
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus that may result in blindness. We evaluated the effects of activation of endogenous angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) 2 on the early stages of DR. Rats were administered an intravenous injection of streptozotocin to induce hyperglycemia. The ACE2 activator 1-[[2-(dimethylamino) ethyl] amino]-4-(hydroxymethyl)-7-[[(4-methylphenyl) sulfonyl] oxy]-9H-xanthone 9 (XNT) was administered by daily gavage. The death of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) was evaluated in histological sections, and retinal ACE2, caspase-3, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expressions were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. XNT treatment increased ACE2 expression in retinas of hyperglycemic (HG) rats (control: 13.81±2.71 area%; HG: 14.29±4.30 area%; HG+XNT: 26.87±1.86 area%; P<0.05). Importantly, ACE2 activation significantly increased the RCG number in comparison with HG animals (control: 553.5±14.29; HG: 530.8±10.3 cells; HG+XNT: 575.3±16.5 cells; P<0.05). This effect was accompanied by a reduction in the expression of caspase-3 in RGC of the HG+XNT group when compared with untreated HG rats (control: 18.74±1.59; HG: 38.39±3.39 area%; HG+XNT: 27.83±2.80 area%; P<0.05). Treatment with XNT did not alter the VEGF expression in HG animals (P>0.05). Altogether, these findings indicate that activation of ACE2 reduced the death of retinal ganglion cells by apoptosis in HG rats.
The heme oxygenase-carbon monoxide pathway has been shown to play an important role in many physiological processes and is capable of altering nociception modulation in the nervous system by stimulating soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC). In the central nervous system, the locus coeruleus (LC) is known to be a region that expresses the heme oxygenase enzyme (HO), which catalyzes the metabolism of heme to carbon monoxide (CO). Additionally, several lines of evidence have suggested that the LC can be involved in the modulation of emotional states such as fear and anxiety. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the activation of the heme oxygenase-carbon monoxide pathway in the LC in the modulation of anxiety by using the elevated plus maze test (EPM) and light-dark box test (LDB) in rats. Experiments were performed on adult male Wistar rats weighing 250-300 g (n=182). The results showed that the intra-LC microinjection of heme-lysinate (600 nmol), a substrate for the enzyme HO, increased the number of entries into the open arms and the percentage of time spent in open arms in the elevated plus maze test, indicating a decrease in anxiety. Additionally, in the LDB test, intra-LC administration of heme-lysinate promoted an increase on time spent in the light compartment of the box. The intracerebroventricular microinjection of guanylate cyclase, an sGC inhibitor followed by the intra-LC microinjection of the heme-lysinate blocked the anxiolytic-like reaction on the EPM test and LDB test. It can therefore be concluded that CO in the LC produced by the HO pathway and acting via cGMP plays an anxiolytic-like role in the LC of rats.
Celery (Apium graveolens L. var. secalinum Alef) leaves with 50±0.07 g weight and 91.75±0.15% humidity (~11.21 db) were dried using 8 different microwave power densities ranging between 1.8-20 W g-1, until the humidity fell down to 8.95±0.23% (~0.1 db). Microwave drying processes were completed between 5.5 and 77 min depending on the microwave power densities. In this study, measured values were compared with predicted values obtained from twenty thin layer drying theoretical, semi-empirical and empirical equations with a new thin layer drying equation. Within applied microwave power density; models whose coefficient and correlation (R²) values are highest were chosen as the best models. Weibull distribution model gave the most suitable predictions at all power density. At increasing microwave power densities, the effective moisture diffusivity values ranged from 1.595 10-10 to 6.377 10-12 m2 s-1. The activation energy was calculated using an exponential expression based on Arrhenius equation. The linear relationship between the drying rate constant and effective moisture diffusivity gave the best fit.
Proteins of the Ras family are central regulators of crucial cellular processes, such as proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Their importance is emphasized in cancer, in which the isoforms H-ras, N-ras and K-ras are misregulated by mutations in approximately 20 – 30 % of cases. Thus, they represent major cancer oncogenes and one of the most important targets for cancer drug development. Ras proteins are small GTPases, which cycle between the GTP-bound active and GDP-bound inactive state. Despite the tremendous research conducted in the last three decades, many fundamental properties of Ras proteins remain poorly understood. For instance, although new concepts have recently emerged, the understanding of Ras behavior in its native environment, the membrane, is still largely missing. On the membrane Ras organizes into nanoscale clusters, also called nanoclusters. They differ between isoforms, but also between activation states of Ras. It is considered that nanoclusters represent the basic Ras signaling units. Recently, it was demonstrated that on the membrane Ras adopts distinct conformations, the so-called orientations, which are dependent on the Ras activations state. The membrane-orientation of H-ras is stabilized by the helix α4 and the C-terminal hypervariable region (hvr). The novel switch III region was proposed to be involved in mediating the change between different H-ras orientations. When the regions involved in this mechanism are mutated, H-ras activity is changed by an unknown mechanism. This thesis has explained the connection between the change of Ras orientation on the membrane and Ras activity. We demonstrated that H-ras orientation mutants exhibit altered diffusion properties on the membrane, which reflect the changes in their nanoclustering. The altered nanoclustering consequently rules the activity of the mutants. Moreover, we demonstrated that specific cancer-related mutations, affecting the switch III region of different Ras isoforms, exhibit increased nanoclustering, which consequently leads to stronger Ras signaling and tumorigenicity. Thus, we have discovered nanoclustering increase as a novel mechanism of Ras activity modulation in cancer. The molecular architecture of complexes formed on the membrane upon Ras activation is another poorly understood property of Ras. The following work has provided novel details on the regulation of Ras nanoclustering by a known H-ras-GTP nanoclustering stabilizer galectin-1 (Gal-1). Our study demonstrated that Gal-1 is not able to bind Ras directly, as it was previously proposed. Instead, its effect on H-ras-GTP nanoclustering is indirect, through binding of the effector proteins. Collectively, our findings represent valuable novel insights in the behavior of Ras, which will help the future research to eventually develop new strategies to successfully target Ras in cancer.
Hammaslääketieteessä käytetettävien komposiittien valonläpäisevyys vaihtelee. Samoin LED-valokovettimet eroavat toisistaan valotehonsa ja muotoilunsa perusteella. On yleisesti tiedossa, että valokovettimesta tulevan valon intensiteetti pinta-alayksikköä kohden heikkenee, kun kovettimen etäisyys kasvaa. Toisaalta ei ole tiedossa, miten valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin sijoitettu materiaali tarkalleenottaen vaikuttaa valon intensiteettiin eri etäisyyksiä käytettäessä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin asetettava etukäteen polymerisoitu materiaali vaikuttaa valon intensiteettiin eri etäisyyksillä. Tutkimus suoritettiin käyttämällä kahta eri valokovetinta. Jotta etäisyyden vaikutusta valotustehoon voitiin demonstroida, vaihdettiin kovettimen etäisyyttä sensorista 0,2,4,6,8,10mm välillä. Valotehot rekisteröitiin MARC resin calibrator -laitteella. Sensorin ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin asetettavat erilaiset komposiittilevyt olivat valmiiksi kovetettuja,1mm paksuisia, filleripitoisuuksiltaan neljää erilaista muovia. Valotehot rekisteröitiin jokaiselta etäisyydeltä komposiitin ollessa sensorin päällä. Rinnakkaisesti verrattiin myös etäisyyden vaikutusta valotehoon ilman esikovetettua materiaalia kovettimen kärjen ja valoa mittaavan sensorin välissä. Vertailun suorittamiseksi laskettiin intensiteettisuhdeluku muovillisen ja muovittoman arvon välillä aina tietyllä etäisyydellä Valokovettimen kärjen etäisyyden kasvattaminen sensorista (eli valokovetettavasta kohteesta) odotusten mukaisesti pienensi valotehoa. Laittamalla sensorin ja kovettimen väliin komposiittilevy, valoteho pieneni odotetusti vielä enemmän. Tutkittaessa intensiteettisuhdetta (valoteho muovin kanssa : valoteho ilman muovia) kuitenkin huomattiin, että 4-6mm:n kohdalla suhdeluku oli suurempi kuin 0,2,8 ja 10mm kohdalla. Johtopäätöksenä oli, että suurin mahdollinen valokovetusteho saavutetan laittamalla kovetuskärki mahdollisimman lähelle kohdetta. Jos valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen välissä oli kiinteä komposiittipalanen, suurin mahdollinen valokovetusteho kohteeseen saavutetaan edelleen laittamalla kovetuskärki kiinni muoviin. Jos etäisyyttä muovin pinnasta sen sijaan kasvatettiin, valokovetusteho ei laskenutkaan niin nopeasti kuin oli odotettu. Tämä voi liittyä siihen, että tehokkaan valokeilan halkaisijan koko on suurempi verrattuna komposiitin sekä sensorin halkaisian kokoon. Toiseksi on arvioitu, että resiinikomposiitin täyteaineet voisivat fokusoida läpi kulkevaa valoa sensoriin. Se, pitääkö tämä ilmiö paikkansa, vaatii kuitenkin enemmän tutkimusta
Molecular oxygen (O2) is a key component in cellular respiration and aerobic life. Through the redox potential of O2, the amount of free energy available to organisms that utilize it is greatly increased. Yet, due to the nature of the O2 electron configuration, it is non-reactive to most organic molecules in the ground state. For O2 to react with most organic compounds it must be activated. By activating O2, oxygenases can catalyze reactions involving oxygen incorporation into organic compounds. The oxygen activation mechanisms employed by many oxygenases to have been studied, and they often include transition metals and selected organic compounds. Despite the diversity of mechanisms for O2 activation explored in this thesis, all of the monooxygenases studied in the experimental part activate O2 through a transient carbanion intermediate. One of these enzymes is the small cofactorless monooxygenase SnoaB. Cofactorless monooxygenases are unusual oxygenases that require neither transition metals nor cofactors to activate oxygen. Based on our biochemical characterization and the crystal structure of this enzyme, the mechanism most likely employed by SnoaB relies on a carbanion intermediate to activate oxygen, which is consistent with the proposed substrate-assisted mechanism for this family of enzymes. From the studies conducted on the two-component system AlnT and AlnH, both the functions of the NADH-dependent flavin reductase, AlnH, and the reduced flavin dependent monooxygenase, AlnT, were confirmed. The unusual regiochemistry proposed for AlnT was also confirmed on the basis of the structure of a reaction product. The mechanism of AlnT, as with other flavin-dependent monooxygenases, is likely to involve a caged radical pair consisting of a superoxide anion and a neutral flavin radical formed from an initial carbanion intermediate. In the studies concerning the engineering of the S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) dependent 4-O-methylase DnrK and the homologous atypical 10-hydroxylase RdmB, our data suggest that an initial decarboxylation of the substrate is catalyzed by both of these enzymes, which results in the generation of a carbanion intermediate. This intermediate is not essential for the 4-O-methylation reaction, but it is important for the 10-hydroxylation reaction, since it enables substrate-assisted activation of molecular oxygen involving a single electron transfer to O2 from a carbanion intermediate. The only role for SAM in the hydroxylation reaction is likely to be stabilization of the carbanion through the positive charge of the cofactor. Based on the DnrK variant crystal structure and the characterizations of several DnrK variants, the insertion of a single amino acid in DnrK (S297) is sufficient for gaining a hydroxylation function, which is likely caused by carbanion stabilization through active site solvent restriction. Despite large differences in the three-dimensional structures of the oxygenases and the potential for multiple oxygen activation mechanisms, all the enzymes in my studies rely on carbanion intermediates to activate oxygen from either flavins or their substrates. This thesis provides interesting examples of divergent evolution and the prevalence of carbanion intermediates within polyketide biosynthesis. This mechanism appears to be recurrent in aromatic polyketide biosynthesis and may reflect the acidic nature of these compounds, propensity towards hydrogen bonding and their ability to delocalize π-electrons.
Comparer aussi, Cat. imp., liv. 106, f. 21 (Xin fa suan shu, 100 livres).Publiée par ordre impérial avant 1644, par Xu Guang qi et le P. Terenz (1576-1630).
This study had three purposes related to the effective implem,entation and practice of computer-mediated online distance education (C-MODE) at the elementary level: (a) To identify a preliminary framework of criteria 'or guidelines for effective implementation and practice, (b) to identify areas ofC-MODE for which criteria or guidelines of effectiveness have not yet been developed, and (c) to develop an implementation and practice criteria questionnaire based on a review of the distance education literature, and to use the questionnaire in an exploratory survey of elementary C-MODE practitioners. Using the survey instrument, the beliefs and attitudes of 16 elementary C'- MODE practitioners about what constitutes effective implementation and practice principles were investigated. Respondents, who included both administrators and instructors, provided information about themselves and the program in which they worked. They rated 101 individual criteria statenlents on a 5 point Likert scale with a \. point range that included the values: 1 (Strongly Disagree), 2 (Disagree), 3 (Neutral or Undecided), 4 (Agree), 5 (Strongly Agree). Respondents also provided qualitative data by commenting on the individual statements, or suggesting other statements they considered important. Eighty-two different statements or guidelines related to the successful implementation and practice of computer-mediated online education at the elementary level were endorsed. Response to a small number of statements differed significantly by gender and years of experience. A new area for investigation, namely, the role ofparents, which has received little attention in the online distance education literature, emerged from the findings. The study also identified a number of other areas within an elementary context where additional research is necessary. These included: (a) differences in the factors that determine learning in a distance education setting and traditional settings, (b) elementary students' ability to function in an online setting, (c) the role and workload of instructors, (d) the importance of effective, timely communication with students and parents, and (e) the use of a variety of media.
During maturation, muscle strength is enhanced through muscle growth, although neuro-muscular factors are also believed to be involved. In adults, training for power sports has been shown to enhance muscle strength and activation. The purpose of this study was to examine muscle strength and activation in power-trained athletes (POW) compared with non-athletes (CON), in boys and in adults. After familiarization subjects performed ten 5-s explosive maximal voluntary contractions for elbow and knee flexion and extension. The adults were stronger then the boys and the adult POW were stronger then the adult CON, even after correction for muscle size. Normalized rate of torque development was higher in the adults then in the boys and higher in the POW then CON boys. The rate of muscle activation was higher in the adults and POW groups. The results suggest that maturation and power-training have an additive effect on muscle activation.
The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is involved in performance-monitoring and has been implicated in the generation of several electrocortical responses associated with self-regulation. The error-related negativity (ERN), the inhibitory Nogo N2 (N2), and the feedback-related negativity (FRN) are event-related potential (ERP) components which reflect mPFC activity associated with feedback to behavioural (ERN, N2) and environmental (FRN) consequences. Our main goal was to determine whether or not rnPFC activation varies as a function of motivational context (e.g., those involving performance-related incentives) or the use of internally versus externally generated feedback signals (i.e., errors). Additionally, we assessed medial prefrontal activity in relation to individual differences in personality and temperament. Participants completed a combination of tasks in which performance-related incentives were associated with task performance and feedback generated from internal versus external responses. MPFC activity was indexed using both ERP scalp voltage peaks and intracerebral current source density (CSD) of dorsal and ventral regions. Additionally, participants completed several questionnaires assessing personality and temperament styles. Given previous studies have shown that enhanced mPFC activity to loss (or negative) feedback, we expected that activity in the mPFC would generally be greater during the Loss condition relative to the Win condition for both the ERN and N2. Also, due to the evidence that the (vmPFC) is engaged in arousing contexts, we hypothesized that activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) would be greater than activity in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC), especially in the Loss condition of the GoNogo task (ERN). Similarly, loss feedback in the BART (FRN) was expected to engage the vmPFC more than the dmPFC. Finally, we predicted that persons rating themselves as more willing to engage in approach-related behaviours or to exhibit rigid cognitive styles would show reduced activity of the mPFC. Overall, our results emphasize the role of affective evaluations of behavioural and environmental consequences when self-regulating. Although there were no effects of context on brain activity, our data indicate that, during the time of the ERN and N2 on the MW Go-Nogo task and the FRN on the BART, the vrnPFC was more active compared to the dmPFC. Moreover, regional recruitment in the mPFC was similar across internally (ERN) and externally (FRN) generated errors signals associated with loss feedback, as reflected by relatively greater activity in the vmPFC than the dmPFC. Our data also suggest that greater activity in the mPFC is associated with better inhibitory control, as reflected by both scalp and CSD measures. Additionally, deactivation of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) and lower levels of self-reported positive affect were both related to increased voluntary risk-taking on the BART. Finally, persons reporting higher levels of approach-related behaviour or cognitive rigidity showed reduced activity of the mPFC. These results are in line with previous research emphasizing that affect/motivation is central to the processes reflected by mediofrontal negativities (MFNs), that the vmPFC is involved in regulating demands on motivational/affective systems, and that the underlying mechanisms driving these functions vary across both individuals and contexts.
The electromyographic threshold (EMGTh), defined as an upward inflexion in the rising EMG signal during progressive exercise, is thought to reflect the onset of increased type-II MU recruitment. The study’s objective was to compare the relative exercise intensity at which the EMGTh occurs in boys vs. men. Participants included 21 men (23.4±4.1 yrs) and 23 boys (11.1±1.1 yrs). Ramped cycle-ergometry was conducted to volitional exhaustion with surface EMG recorded from the vastus lateralis muscles. The EMGTh was mathematically determined using a composite of both legs. EMGTh was detected in 95.2% of the men and in 78.3% of the boys (χ2(1, n=44) =2.69, p =.10). The boys’ EMGTh was significantly higher than the men’s (86.4±9.6 vs. 79.7±10.0% of peak power-output at exhaustion; p <.05). These findings suggest that boys activate their type-II MUs to a lesser extent than men during progressive exercise and support the hypothesis of differential child–adult MU activation.
The Feedback-Related Negativity (FRN) is thought to reflect the dopaminergic prediction error signal from the subcortical areas to the ACC (i.e., a bottom-up signal). Two studies were conducted in order to test a new model of FRN generation, which includes direct modulating influences of medial PFC (i.e., top-down signals) on the ACC at the time of the FRN. Study 1 examined the effects of one’s sense of control (top-down) and of informative cues (bottom-up) on the FRN measures. In Study 2, sense of control and instruction-based (top-down) and probability-based expectations (bottom-up) were manipulated to test the proposed model. The results suggest that any influences of medial PFC on the activity of the ACC that occur in the context of incentive tasks are not direct. The FRN was shown to be sensitive to salient stimulus characteristics. The results of this dissertation partially support the reinforcement learning theory, in that the FRN is a marker for prediction error signal from subcortical areas. However, the pattern of results outlined here suggests that prediction errors are based on salient stimulus characteristics and are not reward specific. A second goal of this dissertation was to examine whether ACC activity, measured through the FRN, is altered in individuals at-risk for problem-gambling behaviour (PG). Individuals in this group were more sensitive to the valence of the outcome in a gambling task compared to not at-risk individuals, suggesting that gambling contexts increase the sensitivity of the reward system to valence of the outcome in individuals at risk for PG. Furthermore, at-risk participants showed an increased sensitivity to reward characteristics and a decreased response to loss outcomes. This contrasts with those not at risk whose FRNs were sensitive to losses. As the results did not replicate previous research showing attenuated FRNs in pathological gamblers, it is likely that the size and time of the FRN does not change gradually with increasing risk of maladaptive behaviour. Instead, changes in ACC activity reflected by the FRN in general can be observed only after behaviour becomes clinically maladaptive or through comparison between different types of gain/loss outcomes.