999 resultados para Acoustic index


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Yangtze finless porpoises were surveyed by using simultaneous visual and acoustical methods from 6 November to 13 December 2006. Two research vessels towed stereo acoustic data loggers, which were used to store the intensity and sound source direction of the high frequency sonar signals produced by finless porpoises at detection ranges up to 300 m on each side of the vessel. Simple stereo beam forming allowed the separation of distinct biosonar sound source, which enabled us to count the number of vocalizing porpoises. Acoustically, 204 porpoises were detected from one vessel and 199 from the other vessel in the same section of the Yangtze River. Visually, 163 and 162 porpoises were detected from two vessels within 300 m of the vessel track. The calculated detection probability using acoustic method was approximately twice that for visual detection for each vessel. The difference in detection probabilities between the two methods was caused by the large number of single individuals that were missed by visual observers. However, the sizes of large groups were underestimated by using the acoustic methods. Acoustic and visual observations complemented each other in the accurate detection of porpoises. The use of simple, relatively inexpensive acoustic monitoring systems should enhance population surveys of free-ranging, echolocating odontocetes. (C) 2008 Acoustical Society of America.


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Adaptive modification and use of Karr's index of biotic integrity (IBI) for the upper Yangtze River, including 12 metrics in five categories, have typically occurred in line with the data collected by 6-year commercial fisheries investigation. These investigations were undertaken annually in four sections of the Upper Yangtze main channel between 1997 and 2002. These four monitoring sections (Yibin - YB, Hejiang - HJ, Mudong - MD, and Yichang - YC) were selected because they represent the part of the river that will be covering a 1000 kin stretch that includes the future Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), upstream of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD), an area influenced by the construction of TGD. in addition, historical data were used to show changes in the watershed by comparison with field investigations recently. The biotic integrity of the four sections were calculated and classified into different levels annually for recognizing its spatial and temporal variations. It was observed that IBI scores were becoming lower diminishingly since 1997 in all the four sections. Because all the data were collected before the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir, it is obvious that human activities, especially over-fishing, must be crucial factor instead of damming in the upper Yangtze River in that period. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Although long chain alkenones (LCKs) occur widely in lacustrine sediments, their origin is not clear. Here, we report a lacustrine source, the non-calcifying species Chrysotila lamellosa Anand (Haptophyceae), collected and isolated from an inland saline water body, Lake Xiarinur (Inner Mongolia, China). Its alketione pattern is similar to those of coastal marine strains of C lamellosa,but the relationship between U-37(K') index and culture temperature for the lacustrine species is quite different from that of the coastal species. A significant feature of the alkenones in this strain of C lamellosa is a lack of C-38 methyl alkenones, which might be used to distinguish the species from the marine haptophyte species Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica. The higher C-38 tetraunsaturated compound abundance might be another important feature for distinguishing the C lamellosa alkenone producer from the coastal species Isochrysis galbana. This alkenone distribution pattern has been detected in many lakes, which suggests that C lamellosa or a closely related species might be a very common alkenone precursor in lacustrine systems. We examined U-37(K') and U-37(K) values for C lamellosa as a function of culture temperature in a batch culture experiment. The calibration for U-37(K') vs. culture temperature (T) was U-37(K') = 0.0011 x T-2 - 0.0157 x T + 0.1057(n = 14, r(2) = 0.99) from 10 degrees C to 22 degrees C or U-37(K') = 0.0257 x T - 0.2608(n = 9, r(2) = 0.97) from 14 degrees C to 22 degrees C. U-37(K) vs. culture temperature was U-37(K) = 0 0377 x T - 0.5992(n = 14, r(2) = 0.98) from 10 degrees C to 22 degrees C. Our experiments show that the alkenone unsaturation index (U-37(K')) is strongly controlled by culture temperature and can be used for palaeoclimate reconstruction. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Understanding combustion instabilities requires accurate measurements of the acoustic velocity perturbation into injectors. This is often accomplished via the use of the two microphone technique, as this only requires two pressure transducers. However, measurements of the actual velocities emerging from the injectors are not often taken, leaving questions regarding the assumptions about the acoustic velocity. A comparison of velocity measured at downstream of the injector with that of two-microphone technique can show the accuracy and limitations of two-microphone technique. In this paper, velocity measurements are taken using both particle image velocimetry (PIV) and the two-microphone technique in a high pressure facility designed for aeroengine injector measurements. The flow is excited using an area modulation device installed on the choked end of the combustion chamber, with PIV measurements enabled by optical access downstream of the injector through a quartz tube and windows. Acoustic velocity perturbations at the injector are determined by considering the Fourier transformed pressure fluctuations for two microphones installed at a known distance upstream of the injector. PIV measurements are realized by seeding the air flow with micrometric water particles under 2.5 bar pressure at ambient temperature. Phase locked velocity fields are realized by synchronizing the acquisition of PIV images with the revolution of the acoustic modulator using the pressure signal measured at the face of injector. The mean velocity fluctuation is calculated as the difference between maximum and minimum velocities, normalized by the mean velocity of the unforced case. Those values are compared with the peak-to-peak velocity fluctuation amplitude calculated by the two-microphone technique. Although the ranges of velocity fluctuations for both techniques are similar, the variation of fluctuation with forcing frequencies diverges significantly with frequency. The differences can be attributed to several limitations associated with of both techniques, such as the quality of the signal, the signal/noise ratio, the accuracy of PIV measurements and the assumption of isentropic flow of the particle velocity from the plenum through the injector. We conclude that two-microphone methods can be used as a reference value for the velocity fluctuation in low order applications such as flame transfer functions, but not for drawing conclusions regarding the absolute velocity fluctuations in the injector. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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This paper reports the first systematic study of acoustic signals during social interactions of the Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis). Sound pressure level (SPL) measurements revealed that Chinese alligators have an elaborate acoustic communication system with both long-distance signal-bellowing-and short-distance signals that include tooting, bubble blowing, hissing, mooing, head slapping and whining. Bellows have high SPL and appear to play an important role in the alligator's long range intercommunion. Sounds characterized by low SPL are short-distance signals used when alligators are in close spatial proximity to one another. The signal spectrographic analysis showed that the acoustic signals of Chinese alligators have a very low dominant frequency, less than 500 Hz. These frequencies are consistent with adaptation to a habitat with high density vegetation. Low dominant frequency sound attenuates less and could therefore cover a larger spatial range by diffraction in a densely vegetated environment relative to a higher dominant frequency sound. (C) 2007 Acoustical Society of America.


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We propose a new practical multimode fiber optical launch scheme, providing near single mode group excitation for >5 times transmission bandwidth improvement. Equalization-free transmission of a 10-Gb/s signal over 220-m fiber is achieved in experimental demonstrations. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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Surface acoustic wave devices are extensively used in contemporary wireless communication devices. We used atomic force microscopy to form periodic macroscopic ferroelectric domains in sol-gel deposited lead zirconate titanate, where each ferroelectric domain is composed of many crystallites, each of which contains many microscopic ferroelastic domains. We examined the electro-acoustic characteristics of the apparatus and found a resonator behavior similar to that of an equivalent surface or bulk acoustic wave device. We show that the operational frequency of the device can be tailored by altering the periodicity of the engineered domains and demonstrate high-frequency filter behavior (>8GHz), allowing low-cost programmable high-frequency resonators. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Source levels and phonation intervals of whistles produced by a free-ranging baiji (Chinese river dolphin) were measured in the seminatural reserve of Shishou in Hubei, China. A total of 43 whistles were recorded over 12 recording sessions. The mean dominant frequency (the frequency at the highest energy) was 5.7 kHz (s.d.=0.67). The calculated source level was 143.2 dB rms re 1 mu Pa (s.d.=5.8). Most phonation intervals were shorter than 460 s, and the average interval was 205 s (s.d. = 254). Theoretical detection range of baiji's whistle was 6600 m at the present study site, but it could reduce a couple of hundred meters in practical noisy situation in the Yangtze River. Sporadic phonation (205 s interval on average) with relatively faint signal of baiji was considered, to be difficult to be detected by a towing hydrophone system. Stationed monitoring or slow speed towing of hydrophones along the river current is recommended. (c) 2006 Acoustical Society of America.


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The present study aimed at determining the detection capabilities of an acoustic observation system to recognize porpoises under local riverine conditions and compare the results with sighting observations. Arrays of three to five acoustic data loggers were stationed across the main channel of the Tian-e-zhou Oxbow of China's Yangtze River at intervals of 100-150 m to record sonar. signals of free-ranging finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides). Acoustic observations, concurrent with visual observations, were conducted at two occasions on 20-22 October 2003 and 17-19 October 2004. During a total of 42 h of observation, 316 finless porpoises were sighted and 7041 sonar signals were recorded by loggers. The acoustic data loggers recorded ultrasonic signals of porpoises clearly, and detected the presence of porpoises with a correct detection level of 77.6% and a false alarm level of 5.8% within an effective distance of 150 m. Results indicated that the stationed passive acoustic observation method was effective in detecting the presence of porpoises and showed potential in estimating the group size. A positive linear correlation between the number of recorded signals and the group size of sighted porpoises was indicated, although it is faced with some uncertainty and requires further investigation. (C) 2005 Acoustical Society of America.


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Protozoan were collected from 16 stations in water system of Changde City (China) using the PFU method. Sampling programs were conduced on a yearly basis, with seasonal frequency at diverse sites in the water system and 488 species of protozoa was identified. At the same time, Water sampling from these stations was conducted and various water chemical parameters, including DO, COD, BOD5, NH3, TP, and Volatile Phenol, were analyzed. The aim of the research was, on one hand, using chemical method to take an investigation to the water pollution status of Changde City; on the other hand, using protozoan to make an evaluation to the water quality. With the chemical water parameters and protozoa data, a biotic index was derived for the investigated region. The species pollution value (SPV) of 469 protozoa species was established, and the community pollution value (CPV) calculated from SPV was used to evaluate water quality. The method of the biotic index was tested and the result showed that CPV calculated from SPV had a close correlation with the degree of water pollution (p < 0.00001). This indicated that the method of the biotic index is reliable. The water quality degrees divided by CPV were suggested. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the novel nanocrystalline film ZnO surface acoustic wave devices, which demonstrate their great potential for the portable disease diagnostic system with integrated functions of microfluidic transport, mixing and biosensing. The devices can be easily integrated with electronic control circuitry and fabricated with low temperature process on Si, glass or even polymer substrates. The liquid convection and internal streaming patterns was easily induced by acoustic wave at signal voltages. With further increase in applied voltage to above 20V, the liquid droplet was pushed forward. Immunoreaction-based bio-detection PSA/ACT, all based on SAW devices on thin film piezoelectric ZnO on Si substrate was demonstrated. © 2009 CBMS.


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A method of comparing data on protozoan communities with chemical parameters is presented. Using data from an extensive survey of the River Hanjiang in China, each species of protozoa has been given a species pollution value (SPV) related to its occurrence in waters with different degrees of pollution. A comprehensive chemical index is calculated for each site based on water quality standards for eight chemical parameters. The index is calculated from the relationship between the observed levels of each chemical at a site, compared with the limits of the drinking water quality standards of the People's Republic of China. From the distribution of each species at sites with differing chemical index values, a SPV is calculated. The SPV for each species is obtained by summing the logarithmic value of 10 times the chemical pollution divided by the number of chemical parameters, then divided by the stations where the species occurs. The community pollution value (CPV), which is the average SPVs of all protozoa at a site, is used to evaluate water quality. The CPV has been shown to have a close correlation with the degree of water pollution. It is not necessary for all the protozoa in a sample to have SPVs listed in this paper, provided at least 56% of the protozoa in a sample have an SPV value, the CPV will be applicable.


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Protozoans of Lake Donghu were collected from five stations using the PFU method. The sampling was conducted for one year and two times a month. The aim of this research was to test the applicability of a new protozoa biotic index, species pollution value (SPV) and community pollution value (CPV), established by the authors using data from the River Hanjiang. Each station's CPV was calculated from the SPV and the correlation analysis between the CPV and the comprehensive chemical index of stations I, II, III showed a significant correlation between them. The pollution status of the five stations was correctly evaluated by the CPV. These results suggested that the biotic index could be applied in water systems other than the River Hanjiang. The SPV of some protozoa species in Lake Donghu, not observed in the River Hanjiang were established. In order to further test the applicability of the biotic index, protozoan and chemistry data from the Rivers Torrente Stirone and Parma of Italy were used. The results showed that the CPV for the two rivers had a close relationship with the chemical water quality, which indicated that the biotic index could be applied in other parts of the world for the monitoring and estimating of water quality. Since the results of testing and verifying the biotic index in some other water systems in China were also satisfactory, this indicated that the biotic index has an extensive suitability for freshwater ecosystems. As long as more than 50% of the species in a sample have a SPV, the CPV calculated from the SPV is reliable for monitoring and evaluating water quality.


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Recently, sonar signals and other sounds produced by cetaceans have been used for acoustic detection of individuals and groups in the wild. However, the detection probability ascertained by concomitant visual survey has not been demonstrated extensively. The finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) have narrow band and high-frequency sonar signals, which are distinctive from background noises. Underwater sound monitoring with hydrophones (B&K8103) placed along the sides of a research vessel, concurrent with visual observations was conducted in the Yangtze River from Wuhan to Poyang Lake in 1998 in China. The peak to peak detection threshold was set at 133 dB re 1 mu Pa. With this threshold level, porpoises could be detected reliably within 300 m of the hydrophone. In a total of 774-km cruise, 588 finless porpoises were sighted by visual observation and 44 864 ultrasonic pulses were recorded by the acoustical observation system. The acoustic monitoring system could detect the presence of the finless porpoises 82% of the time. A false alarm in the system occurred with a frequency of 0.9%. The high-frequency acoustical observation is suggested as an effective method for field surveys of small cetaceans, which produce high-frequency sonar signals. (C) 2001 Acoustical Society of America.


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A 1.55 mu m InGaAsP-InP index-coupled two-section DFB self-pulsation laser (SPL) with a varied ridge width has been fabricated. A record wide self-pulsation tuning range above 450 GHz has been achieved for this index-coupled DFB SPL. Furthermore, frequency locking to an optically injected modulated signal is successfully demonstrated.