994 resultados para Acidente cerebral vascular : Idoso


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Introdução: A angioplastia primária é a terapêutica de reperfusão com melhores resultados no enfarte agudo do miocárdio (EAM). Este facto assume particular relevância na população acima dos 75 anos, em que o risco hemorrágico relacionado com a trombólise se associa ao acréscimo de mortalidade condicionado pela idade. Objectivos: Avaliar em doentes com síndrome coronário agudo (SCA) com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST e submetidos a angioplastia directa, a influência da idade nos resultados, incluindo evolução clínica, morbilidade e mortalidade intrahospitalar. População e métodos: Análise retrospectiva de 245 doentes consecutivos admitidos entre Janeiro de 2000 e Dezembro de 2001 por SCA com supradesnivelamento ST, com idades entre os 31 e 90 anos (63+-13), submetidos a angioplastia primária. Destes, 46 doentes (18,8%) com idade superior a 75 anos foram comparados com os restantes. Avaliaram-se os seguintes parâmetros: factores de risco cardiovascular – hipertensão arterial (HTA), diabetes mellitus (DM), tabagismo, dislipidémia, história familiar -, antecedentes de angina ou EAM e angioplastia prévia; extensão de doença coronária, resultados, evolução clínica e mortalidade intrahospitalar. Resultados: Nos doentes com idade superior a 75 anos, o sexo feminino foi predominante (26 doentes, 56,5%), assim como a existência de HTA, angina e DM tipo2, embora sem significado estatístico. O tabagismo foi mais prevalente em idades inferiores (54,3% vs 13%;p<0,001), assim como EAM antigo (p<0,05). A taxa de sucesso primário global foi de 96,7% (93,5% no grupo acima de 75 anos). A doença de 3 vasos foi significativamente mais frequente na população idosa (41,3% vs 26,2%; p<0,05); a utilização de inibidores da glicoproteína IIb/IIIa foi menor (80,4% vs 91%;p<0,05). A evolução em classe clínica Killip (KK) foi mais favorável no grupo com menos de 75 anos (KKI: 88,4% vs 69,8%;p<0,001). Dos eventos estudados, observámos na população idosa maior ocorrência de complicações hemorrágicas minor (3,5% vs 13,0%; p<0,05) e de morte intrahospitalar (4,5% vs 19,6%; p<0,001). Conclusão: A angioplastia primária mantém nesta população uma taxa de sucesso primário semelhante. A maior incidência de complicações hemorrágicas implica um maior cuidado na selecção da terapêutica antitrombótica adjuvante. A mortalidade significativamente mais alta neste grupo etário mantém-se, mesmo quando a angioplastia é o método de reperfusão escolhido.


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The treatment of vascular lesions of the tongue is a very challenging procedure since the maintenance of the lingual tissue is of critical importance. Numerous treatment options have been described in literature but the Nd:YAG Laser appears to be one of the safest therapeutic options. We described a successful treatment of vascular lesions of the tongue with an excellent clinical result after only one treatment session with the Nd:YAG laser, with conservation of the lingual tissue and its functionality.


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There is a body of evidence that supports the important role of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in atherosclerotic disease and in the cardiovascular disease continuum: from endothelial dysfunction to vascular occlusion. In the earlier stages of vascular disease, the RAS promotes functional changes, of which endothelial dysfunction is the best example. The deposition of atherogenic lipoproteins in the intima, their oxidative modification and the onset and amplification of the inflammatory response strengthens the atherogenic role of the RAS. Inflammatory cells are one of the main sources of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotensin II (Ang II) in the vascular wall, in a process that leads to structural changes in the artery and progression of atherosclerotic disease. Ang II promotes the migration of vascular smooth muscle cells and their phenotypic differentiation in synthesis that accelerates vascular disease. By modulating the inflammatory response and, in general, all the elements of the plaque, Ang II plays a part in its instability, in the onset of acute events and in the promotion of the local prothrombotic state that leads to infarction.


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A trombose venosa cerebral é uma entidade ainda não completamente compreendida no que se refere à sua fisiopatologia, história natural e prognóstico. A abordagem terapêutica não é consensual, preconizando-se contudo o uso de anticoagulantes associados ou não à trombólise. Os autores reportam a repermeabilização com sucesso dos seios venosos durais após trombólise mecânica e quimica (rt-PA).


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the feasibility of performing pulmonary angiography using MRI with contrast enhancement in patients with pulmonary vascular disease. METHODS: We present our experience in ten individuals, two controls and eight patients who underwent the exam after injection of a gadolinium-based contrast agent on a 1 Tesla MR scanner using a time-of-flight sequence and breath-holding during injection of contrast. RESULTS: Pathology in the main pulmonary artery and its major branches was detected easily while resolution at the segmental and subsegmental levels was inadequate. CONCLUSION: Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance pulmonary angiography is feasible on a 1 Tesla MR scanner for the study of pathology of the main pulmonary artery and its major branches, like massive pulmonary embolism. However its ability to detect and define distal vessel pathology as found in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension and small pulmonary emboli is limited.


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A manutenção de uma adequada pressão de perfusão cerebral é essencial para a prevenção de isquémia cerebral. Flutuações fisiológicas da pressão arterial a montante são compensadas localmente pela autoregulação cerebral. A reserva vascular cerebral necessária à eficácia desta autoregulação pode ser determinada medindo as modificações no fluxo sanguíneo cerebral em resposta a estímulos vasodilatadores. O Doppler Transcraneano tem sido usado para a determinação da velocidade do fluxo sanguíneo cerebral modificada por esses estímulos. Descrevemos um método de análise da capacidade de reserva da circulação cerebral pelo Doppler Transcraneano sob efeito do CO2. Este método pode ser útil para a caracterização das alterações hemodinâmicas que ocorrem em vários tipos de doença isquémica cerebral.


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Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de um indivíduo do sexo masculino, de 29 anos de idade, saudável, vítima de acidente de viação com traumatismo craniano e torácico, de que resultou um período de internamento em unidade de cuidados intensivos durante cerca de 60 dias. Após a alta hospitalar, referiu o aparecimento de massa pulsátil na região supraclavicular esquerda, associada a crescimento lento e ao aparecimento de dor local e irradiada ao membro superior esquerdo. A investigação realizada demonstrou a existência de um falso aneurisma complexo, com fístulas arterio-venosas associadas, dissecando planos musculares cervicais e envolvendo o plexo braquial. Foi submetido a intervenção cirúrgica que consistiu na laqueação da artéria escapular aferente e da comunicação para a veia jugular interna, com redução franca do fluxo luminal. Foi posteriormente realizada injecção eco-guiada de trombina sob manobra de Valsalva, com trombose subsequente do falso aneurisma. Verificou-se desaparecimento rápido das queixas e redução progressiva do volume de massa (follow-up de 6 meses). Os autores discutem a etiopatogenia, a abordagem cirúrgica e a técnica de exclusão do falso aneurisma por meio de injecção eco-guiada de trombina.


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Cerebral aspergillosis is a rare cause of brain expansive lesion in AIDS patients. We report the first culture-proven case of brain abscess due to Aspergillus fumigatus in a Brazilian AIDS patient. The patient, a 26 year-old male with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and history of pulmonary tuberculosis and cerebral toxoplasmosis, had fever, cough, dyspnea, and two episodes of seizures. The brain computerized tomography (CT) showed a bi-parietal and parasagittal hypodense lesion with peripheral enhancement, and significant mass effect. There was started anti-Toxoplasma treatment. Three weeks later, the patient presented mental confusion, and a new brain CT evidenced increase in the lesion. He underwent brain biopsy, draining 10 mL of purulent material. The direct mycological examination revealed septated and hyaline hyphae. There was started amphotericin B deoxycholate. The culture of the material demonstrated presence of the Aspergillus fumigatus. The following two months, the patient was submitted to three surgeries, with insertion of drainage catheter and administration of amphotericin B intralesional. Three months after hospital admission, his neurological condition suffered discrete changes. However, he died due to intrahospital pneumonia. Brain abscess caused by Aspergillus fumigatus must be considered in the differential diagnosis of the brain expansive lesions in AIDS patients in Brazil.


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Neuroschistosomiasis (NS) is the second most common form of presentation of infection by the trematode, Schistosoma mansoni. Granulomatous inflammatory reaction occurs as a result of schistosome eggs being transmitted to spinal cord or brain via the vascular system, or by inadvertent adult worm migration to these organs. The two main clinical syndromes are spinal cord neuroschistosomiasis (acute or subacute myelopathy) and localized cerebral or cerebellar neuroschistosomiasis (focal CNS impairment, seizures, increased intracranial pressure). Presumptive diagnosis of NS requires confirming the presence of S. mansoni infection by stool microscopy or rectal biopsy for trematode eggs, and serologic testing of blood and spinal fluid. The localized lesions are identified by signs and symptoms, and confirmed by imaging techniques (contrast myelography, CT and MRI). Algorithms are presented to allow a stepwise approach to diagnosis.


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A trombose venosa cerebral (TVC) é uma doença relativamente rara mas grave, potencialmente reversível com diagnóstico atempado e terapêutica médica adequada. A gravidez e o puerpério são um factor predisponente de TVC, que é responsável por 6% das causas de morte materna. As manifestações clínicas dependem da localização, extensão do trombo, bem como da rede de colaterais existente. Apresentamos o caso duma doente do sexo feminino, 33 anos, grávida de 13 semanas que recorreu ao serviço de urgência por quadro de cefaleias e cujo estudo por Ressonância Magnética revelou aspectos compatíveis com doença venosa oclusiva subtotal do seio longitudinal superior em fase aguda. A propósito deste caso discutimos as manifestações imagiológicas da trombose venosa dural na fase aguda.


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In this article the author evokes the figures of the past-presidents of the Portuguese Society for Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, since its foundation, and enhances their qualities, regarded as examples for the new generations of cardio-thoracic and vascular surgeons in training. He approaches and describes the skills and personal requirements considered as essentials to be developed nowadays, by all those who dedicate their lives to those exciting and passionate surgical specialities.


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Periferal vascular disease usually results from a systemic entity in which atherothrombosis develops in different vascular territories, having common risk factors. It is hence usual to find coexistent, often subclinical, coronary artery disease, which is responsible for most of perioperatory morbidity and mortality in patients submitted to vascular surgery. An adequate preoperatory risk stratification must be accomplished, having in mind the clinical manifestations, risk factors, comorbidities, functional capacity and global left ventricular systolic function of the patient. He should be included in one of three different subgroups: low, high or intermediate risk, which might reinforce the need for further testing, most often aiming at the detection of coronary artery disease and foresee the short, medium and long term outcome. This strategy is very important and it is in part due to it and to better medical/surgical and anesthetic care that the surgical results have markedly improved in recent years. In this paper a state of the art is done of the guidelines to follow and the results of several studies performed on this subject. The role of methods to detect coronary ischemia is remarked, using either nuclear or echocardiographic techniques for this purpose.


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Abdominal aortic pseudoaneurysms are rare, particularly when they are related to blunt abdominal trauma. The authors report the clinical case of a 65 years old man with an abdominal aortic pseudoaneurysm related to a blunt abdominal trauma, that occurred three years ago. The patient complained of a diffuse abdominal pain, increased while walking. The diagnosis was confirmed by angiography and by angio-CT. An aortic resection and interposition graft was performed, according to the age of the patient and the low operative risk. A discussion on the therapeutic option was made, followed by a revision of the literature on the subject, and the authors conclude by emphasizing the need of a detection of this type of pathology, particularly in patients who had suffered in the past violent trauma.


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A 75-year old female patient, with previous inferior acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in December 2000, was admitted in April 2001 with angina and heart failure. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) was suggestive of a postero-inferior pseudoaneurysm (PA) of the left ventricle (LV), with 61x49 mm. of size and mitral regurgitation. Cardiac catheterization was suspected of a PA of the LV and revealed a three vessels coronary artery disease. On 20th April she was submitted to cardiac surgery with resection of a large LV aneurysm (AN) and triple coronary artery bypass surgery. Afterwards, she was on NYHA class III and subsequent TTE and transesophagic echocardiography (TEE) were suggestive of a 90x60 mm LV posterior PA (confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance) and severe mitral regurgitation, with good LV systolic function. She underwent a new cardiac surgery on 31st May 2002, with resuturing of the LV postero-inferior wall patch and removal of the PA. The patient is in good condition and on NYHA functional class I-II.


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Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de uma doente que se encontrava sob dupla antiagregação plaquetária com hemotórax traumático maciço e choque hemorrágico, no Serviço de Urgência do nosso hospital. Foi submetida a uma toracotomia de emergência, durante a qual se verificou instabilidade hemodinâmica grave. No pós-operatório, observou-se boa evolução clínica com alta para o domicílio.