967 resultados para ALEPH 500


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The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees' (UNHCR) 2011 statistics on refugee populations residing by region are a stark reminder of the challenge facing states and civil society in the Asia Pacific. In 2011, Africa hosted 2,149,000 refugees; the Americas, Europe, and Middle East and North Africa hosted 513 ,500, 1,605,500 and 1,889,900 respectively, while the Asia Pacific hosted a staggering 3,793,900. The fact that 35 per cent of the world's refugees reside in the Asia Pacific, coupled with the fact that 84 per cent of refugees displaced in Asia remain in the region,raises the questions why so few countries in the region are signatories to the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees ('Refugee Convention') or cognate rights instruments and why no formally binding regional agreement exists for the equitable sharing of responsibilities for refugees...


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This paper explores how the amalgamated wisdom of East and West can instigate a wisdombased renaissance of humanistic epistemology (Rooney & McKenna, 2005) to provide a platform of harmony in managing knowledge-worker productivity, one of the biggest management challenges of the 21st century (Drucker, 1999). The paper invites further discussions from the social and business research communities on the significance of "interpretation realism" technique in comprehending philosophies of Lao Tzu Confucius and Sun Tzu (Lao/Confucius/Sun] written in "Classical Chinese." This paper concludes with a call to build prudent, responsible practices in management which affects the daily lives of many (Rooney & McKenna, 2005) in today's knowledgebased economy. Interpretation Realism will be applied to an analysis of three Chinese classics of Lao/Confucius/Sun which have been embodied in the Chinese culture for over 2,500 years. Comprehending Lao/Confucius/Sun's philosophies is the first step towards understanding Classical Chinese culture. However, interpreting Chinese subtlety in language and the yin and yang circular synthesis in their mode of thinking is very different to understanding Western thought with its open communication and its linear, analytical pattern of Aristotelian/Platonic wisdom (Zuo, 2012). Furthermore, Eastern ways of communication are relatively indirect and mediatory in culture. Western ways of communication are relatively direct and litigious in culture (Goh, 2002). Furthermore, Lao/Confucius/Sun's philosophies are difficult to comprehend as there are four written Chinese formats and over 250 dialects: Pre-classical Chinese Classical Chinese Literary Chinese and modern Vernacular Chinese Because Classical Chinese is poetic, comprehension requires a mixed approach of interpretation realism combining logical reasoning behind "word splitting word occurrences", "empathetic metaphor" and "poetic appreciation of word.


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A number of recent developments in the United State (US), United Kingdom (UK) and Australia suggest that conditions may be ripe for a political shift in the reliance on escalating rates of imprisonment as a default criminal justice strategy for responding to crime. The default position is illustrated by the Yabsleyite response of former New South Wales (NSW) Premier Nathan Rees’s to questioning over the cost of prison building and NSW’s high recidivism rate: ‘[t]he advice to me is we have still got 500 cells empty, I don't mind if we fill them up, and if we fill them up and have to build another jail, we'll build another jail’ (Knox and Tadros 2008)...


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Franchising has become a way to minimise the risks of small business management. There has been little research into the factors that promote franchise relationship success. This study attempts to empirically examine the important elements (relationship quality, customer loyalty and cooperation), which might promote a successful long-term franchising relationship between franchisors and franchisees within the context of convenience stores in Taiwan. A model of these relationships was developed and tested. A total of 500 surveys were mailed to a random sample of convenience stores’ franchisee owners among the four main franchisors in Taiwan. The results show that relationship quality positively influences the cooperation between franchisors and franchisees and is positively correlated with franchisee loyalty. Additionally, the cooperative behaviour between franchisees and franchisors is significantly associated with franchisees’ loyalty.


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Despite the predictions, the true potential of Nb2O5 for electrochromic applications has yet to be fully realized. In this work, three-dimensional (3D) compact and well-ordered nanoporous Nb2O5 films are synthesized by the electrochemical anodization of niobium thin films. These films are formed using RF sputtering and then anodized in an electrolyte containing ethylene glycol, ammonium fluoride, and small water content (4%) at 50 °C which resulted in low embedded impurities within the structure. Characterization of the anodized films shows that a highly crystalline orthorhombic phase of Nb2O5 is obtained after annealing at 450 °C. The 3D structure provides a template consisting of a large concentration of active sites for ion intercalation, while also ensuring low scattering directional paths for electrons. These features enhance the coloration efficiency to 47.0 cm2 C?1 (at 550 nm) for a 500 nm thick film upon Li+ ion intercalation. Additionally, the Nb2O5 electrochromic device shows a high bleached state transparency and large optical modulation.


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Flash flood disasters happen suddenly. The Toowoomba Lockyer Valley flash flood in January 2011 was not forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology until after it had occurred. Domestic and wild animals gave the first warning of the disaster in the days leading up to the event and large animals gave warnings on the morning of the disaster. Twenty-three people, including 5 children in the disaster zone died. More than 500 people were listed as missing. Some of those who died, perished because they stayed in the disaster zone to look after their animals while other members of their family escaped to safety. Some people who were in danger refused to be rescued because they could not take their pets with them. During a year spent recording accounts of the survivors of the disaster, animals were often mentioned by survivors. Despite the obvious perils, people risked their lives to save their animals; people saw animals try to save each other; animals rescued people; people rescued animals; animals survived where people died; animals were used to find human victims in the weeks after the disaster; and animals died. The stories of the flood present challenges for pet owners, farmers, counter disaster planners, weather forecasters and emergency responders in preparing for disasters, responding to them and recovering after them.


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Gas phase peroxyl radicals are central to our chemical understanding of combustion and atmospheric processes and are typically characterized by strong absorption in the UV (lambda(max) approximate to 240 nm). The analogous maximum absorption feature for arylperoxyl radicals is predicted to shift to the visible but has not previously been characterized nor have any photoproducts arising from this transition been identified. Here we describe the controlled synthesis and isolation in vacuo of an array of charge-substituted phenylperoxyl radicals at room temperature, including the 4-(N,N,N-trimethylammonium)methyl phenylperoxyl radical cation (4-Me3N[+]CH2-C6H4OO center dot), using linear ion-trap mass spectrometry. Photodissociation mass spectra obtained at wavelengths ranging from 310 to 500 nm reveal two major photoproduct channels corresponding to homolysis of aryl-OO and arylO-O bonds resulting in loss of O-2 and O, respectively. Combining the photodissociation yields across this spectral window produces a broad (FWHM approximate to 60 nm) but clearly resolved feature centered at lambda(max) = 403 nm (3.08 eV). The influence of the charge-tag identity and its proximity to the radical site are investigated and demonstrate no effect on the identity of the two dominant photoproduct channels. Electronic structure calculations have located the vertical (B) over tilde <- (X) over tilde transition of these substituted phenylperoxyl radicals within the experimental uncertainty and further predict the analogous transition for unsubstituted phenylperoxyl radical (C6H5OO center dot) to be 457 nm (2.71 eV), nearly 45 nm shorter than previous estimates and in good agreement with recent computational values.


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This report describes the key findings of a longitudinal study (2004—2008) investigating the experiences of settlement among a group of 120 recently arrived young people with refugee backgrounds settling in Melbourne, Australia. Each year, less than one per cent of the world’s refugees are offered resettlement in one of 18 countries participating in The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) resettlement programme. Australia offers places to around 13,500 people per year, of whom about 26 per cent are between the ages of 10 and 19. What are the experiences of these young people in their early settlement years? How do they negotiate the transition from childhood to adulthood given the traumas of their past and the challenges of their present and future in Australia? What are the key social determinants of wellbeing and good settlement and what can we learn from these young people about what social policies and services will most effectively support them to make successful lives in their new home? This study explores these questions, the overall aim being to identify the key social determinants of wellbeing and settlement and to describe the lived experiences of these young people as they shape their lives in Australia.


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Sorghum is a food and feed cereal crop adapted to heat and drought and a staple for 500 million of the world’s poorest people. Its small diploid genome and phenotypic diversity make it an ideal C4 grass model as a complement to C3 rice. Here we present high coverage (16–45 × ) resequenced genomes of 44 sorghum lines representing the primary gene pool and spanning dimensions of geographic origin, end-use and taxonomic group. We also report the first resequenced genome of S. propinquum, identifying 8 M high-quality SNPs, 1.9 M indels and specific gene loss and gain events in S. bicolor. We observe strong racial structure and a complex domestication history involving at least two distinct domestication events. These assembled genomes enable the leveraging of existing cereal functional genomics data against the novel diversity available in sorghum, providing an unmatched resource for the genetic improvement of sorghum and other grass species.


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For TREC Crowdsourcing 2011 (Stage 2) we propose a networkbased approach for assigning an indicative measure of worker trustworthiness in crowdsourced labelling tasks. Workers, the gold standard and worker/gold standard agreements are modelled as a network. For the purpose of worker trustworthiness assignment, a variant of the PageRank algorithm, named TurkRank, is used to adaptively combine evidence that suggests worker trustworthiness, i.e., agreement with other trustworthy co-workers and agreement with the gold standard. A single parameter controls the importance of co-worker agreement versus gold standard agreement. The TurkRank score calculated for each worker is incorporated with a worker-weighted mean label aggregation.


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Objective: To develop a system for the automatic classification of pathology reports for Cancer Registry notifications. Method: A two pass approach is proposed to classify whether pathology reports are cancer notifiable or not. The first pass queries pathology HL7 messages for known report types that are received by the Queensland Cancer Registry (QCR), while the second pass aims to analyse the free text reports and identify those that are cancer notifiable. Cancer Registry business rules, natural language processing and symbolic reasoning using the SNOMED CT ontology were adopted in the system. Results: The system was developed on a corpus of 500 histology and cytology reports (with 47% notifiable reports) and evaluated on an independent set of 479 reports (with 52% notifiable reports). Results show that the system can reliably classify cancer notifiable reports with a sensitivity, specificity, and positive predicted value (PPV) of 0.99, 0.95, and 0.95, respectively for the development set, and 0.98, 0.96, and 0.96 for the evaluation set. High sensitivity can be achieved at a slight expense in specificity and PPV. Conclusion: The system demonstrates how medical free-text processing enables the classification of cancer notifiable pathology reports with high reliability for potential use by Cancer Registries and pathology laboratories.


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This paper describes the design and implementation of a wireless neural telemetry system that enables new experimental paradigms, such as neural recordings during rodent navigation in large outdoor environments. RoSco, short for Rodent Scope, is a small lightweight user-configurable module suitable for digital wireless recording from freely behaving small animals. Due to the digital transmission technology, RoSco has advantages over most other wireless modules of noise immunity and online user-configurable settings. RoSco digitally transmits entire neural waveforms for 14 of 16 channels at 20 kHz with 8-bit encoding which are streamed to the PC as standard USB audio packets. Up to 31 RoSco wireless modules can coexist in the same environment on non-overlapping independent channels. The design has spatial diversity reception via two antennas, which makes wireless communication resilient to fading and obstacles. In comparison with most existing wireless systems, this system has online user-selectable independent gain control of each channel in 8 factors from 500 to 32,000 times, two selectable ground references from a subset of channels, selectable channel grounding to disable noisy electrodes, and selectable bandwidth suitable for action potentials (300 Hz–3 kHz) and low frequency field potentials (4 Hz–3 kHz). Indoor and outdoor recordings taken from freely behaving rodents are shown to be comparable to a commercial wired system in sorting for neural populations. The module has low input referred noise, battery life of 1.5 hours and transmission losses of 0.1% up to a range of 10 m.


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Recently, we defined a new syndromic form of X-linked mental retardation in a 4-generation family with a unique clinical phenotype characterized by mild mental retardation, choreoathetosis, and abnormal behavior (MRXS10). Linkage analysis in this family revealed a candidate region of 13.4 Mb between markers DXS1201 and DXS991 on Xp11; therefore, mutation analysis was performed by direct sequencing in most of the 135 annotated genes located in the region. The gene (HADH2) encoding L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase II displayed a sequence alteration (c.574 C-->A; p.R192R) in all patients and carrier females that was absent in unaffected male family members and could not be found in 2,500 control X chromosomes, including in those of 500 healthy males. The silent C-->A substitution is located in exon 5 and was shown by western blot to reduce the amount of HADH2 protein by 60%-70% in the patient. Quantitative in vivo and in vitro expression studies revealed a ratio of splicing transcript amounts different from those normally seen in controls. Apparently, the reduced expression of the wild-type fragment, which results in the decreased protein expression, rather than the increased amount of aberrant splicing fragments of the HADH2 gene, is pathogenic. Our data therefore strongly suggest that reduced expression of the HADH2 protein causes MRXS10, a phenotype different from that caused by 2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, which is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by missense mutations in this multifunctional protein.


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We have studied a mineral sample of mottramite PbCu(VO4)(OH) from Tsumeb, Namibia using a combination of scanning electron microscopy with EDX, Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Chemical analysis shows principally the elements V, Pb and Cu. Ca occurs as partial substitution of Pb as well as P and As in substitution to V. Minor amounts of Si and Cr were also observed. The Raman band of mottramite at 829 cm-1, is assigned to the ν1 symmetric (VO-4) ) stretching mode. The complexity of the spectra is attributed to the chemical composition of the Tsumeb mottramite. The ν3 antisymmetric vibrational mode of mottramite is observed as very low intensity bands at 716 and 747 cm-1. The series of Raman bands at 411, 439, 451 cm-1 and probably also the band at 500 cm-1 are assigned to the (VO-4) ν2 bending mode. The series of Raman bands at 293, 333 and 366 cm-1 are attributed to the (VO-4) ) ν4 bending modes. The ν3, ν3 and ν4 regions are complex for both minerals and this is attributed to symmetry reduction of the vanadate unit from Td to Cs.


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DeepBlue is much more than just an orchestra. Their innovative approach to audience engagement led it to develop ESP, their Electronic Show Programme web app which allows for real-time (synchronous) and delayed (asynchronous) audience interaction, customer feedback and research. The show itself is driven invisibly by a music technology operating system (currently QUT's Yodel) that allows them to adapt to a wide range of performance venues and varied types of presentation. DeepBlue's community engagement program has enabled over 5,500 young musicians and community choristers to participate in professional productions, it is also a cornerstone of DeepBlue's successful business model. You can view the ESP mobile web app at m.deepblue.net.au if you view this and only the landing page is active, there is not a show taking place or imminent. ESP prototype has already been used for 18 months. Imagine knowing what your audience really thinks – in real time so you can track their feelings and thoughts through the show. This tool has been developed and used by the performing group DeepBlue since late 2012 in Australia and Asia (even translated into Vietnamese). It has mostly superseded DeepBlue's SMS realtime communication during a show. It enables an event presenter or performance group to take the pulse of an audience through a series of targeted questions that can be anonymous or attributed. This will help build better, long-lasting, and more meaningful relationships with groups and individuals in the community. This can take place on a tablet, mobile phone or future platforms. There are three organisations trialling it so far.