991 resultados para 4-Aryl-3


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Background: In intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), a subtype of stroke, the bloodentry into the brain triggers toxicity resulting in a strong loss of neurons andinflammation. Water content is also increases leading to growing intracranial pressure,which worsens neurological outcome. C-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) areactivated in response to stress stimuli. Specific inhibition of JNK by a TAT-coupledpeptide (XG-102) mediates neuroprotection in several models of ischemic stroke.Recently, we have noted that the JNK pathway is also activated in a mouse modelof ICH, raising the question of the efficacy of XG-102 in this model.Method: ICH was induced in the mouse by intrastriatal injection of bacterialcollagenase (0,1U). Three hours later, animals received an i.v. injection of XG-102(100μg/kg). The neuroscore was assessed using a scale (from 0 to 9) based on 3behavioral tests performed daily. Then, mice were sacrificed at 6h, 24h, 48h and 5dafter ICH and histological studies performed.Results: XG-102 significantly improves neurological outcome at 24h (mean score:1,8±1.4 vs 3,4±1.8, p<0.01). Analysis of the lesion volume revealed a significantdecrease of the lesion area in the treated group at 48h (29±11 mm3 vs 39±5 mm3,p = 0.04). XG-102 mainly inhibits the edema component of the lesion. Indeed, asignificant decrease of the brain swelling was observed in treated animals at 48h(14±13% vs 26±9%, p=0.04) and 5d (-0,3±4.5% vs 5,1±3.6%, p=0.01).Conclusions: Inhibition of the JNK pathway by XG-102 appears to lead to asignificant decrease of the cerebral edema in the ICH model providing a furtherbeneficial effect of the XG-102 treatment. This result is of interest becausecurrently, clinical treatment for brain edema is limited. Importantly, the beneficialeffects observed with XG-102 in both stroke models open the possibility to rapidlytreat patients before identifying the stroke subtype by imaging.


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Gafanhotos (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) em áreas de cerrados e lavouras na Chapada dos Parecis, Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Foi determinada a composição e abundância de espécies de gafanhotos usando amostragem com rede entomológica durante 3 anos de estudo na Chapada dos Parecis, estado de Mato Grosso. O levantamento foi feito em áreas de lavouras e com vegetação ainda nativa (cerrados) com, respectivamente, 56 e 59 locais inventariados em cada ambiente. Foram coletados 3.031 indivíduos de gafanhotos de 64 espécies distribuídas entre as famílias e subfamílias: Acrididae (49): Gomphocerinae (21), Ommatolampinae (10), Melanoplinae (6), Acridinae (4) Leptysminae (3), Copiocerinae (3), Proctolabinae (1) e Cyrtacanthacridinae (1); Romaleidae (1): Romaleinae (13) e Ommexechidae (1): Ommexechinae (2), além de 1550 ninfas. A diversidade de espécies foi maior no cerrado (61) do que nas lavouras (16), ocorrendo o inverso com relação à abundância onde as espécies Baeacris punctulatus (Thunberg, 1824) e Orphulella punctata (De Geer, 1773) predominaram representando 49,5% do total de indivíduos coletados em toda a Chapada dos Parecis e, juntas, somam 78,8% da abundância registrada nas áreas de lavouras e tem potencial de se tornarem pragas.


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Purpose: Aqueous shunt implantation into the anterior chamber is associated with corneal decompensation in up to a third of eyes. Intracameral tube position may affect corneal endothelial cell loss. The authors set out to examine the efficacy and safety of Baerveldt shunt implantation into the ciliary sulcus combined with surgical peripheral iridectomy (SPI). Methods: One hundred eyes prospectively underwent Baerveldt shunt implantation into the cilliary sulcus combined with SPI, leaving a short intracameral tube length (1-2mm). Pre and post operative measures recorded included patient demographics, visual acuity, IOP, number of glaucoma medications (GMs) and all complications. Pre-existing corneal decompensation was recorded. Success was defined as IOP≤21mmHg and 20% reduction in IOP from baseline with or without GMs. Results: Mean age was 65.4 years (±20.4years). Mean follow-up was 10.8 months. Preoperatively IOP was 25.7mmHg (± 9.9mmHg), GMs were 2.9 (±1.2) and VA was 0.4 (±0.3). At one year postoperatively there was a significant drop in IOP (mean= 13.3mmHg (± 5.0mmHg); p<0.001) and number of GMs (mean= 1.3 (±1.4); p<0.001); and no significant change in VA (mean= 0.4 (±0.3); p=0.93). The success rate at one year was 83%. Complications were minor and non sight threatening (10%), there were no cases of postoperative corneal decompensation, tube blockage or iris/corneal-tube contact. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that placement of Baerveldt shunts into the ciliary sulcus with SPI is a safe and efficacious method of IOP reduction in comparison with standard shunt positioning in the anterior chamber. The intracameral tube position combined with SPI avoided tube-iris contact and corneal decompensation. Sulcus placement of aqueous shunts should be considered in pseudophakic eyes.


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Protein content of leaf-cutting ant queens before the nuptial flight and during the post-claustral phase. This study evaluated the crude protein content of queens of Atta sexdens before the nuptial flight and after the claustral phase in laboratory and field colonies. The hypothesis was that protein is used for survival of the queen and for early colony growth during the claustral phase. Additionally, the nest morphology, live biomass and adult population of field colonies were evaluated. Crude protein was determined by digestion of the organic material with sulfuric acid at high temperatures. The mean crude protein content was 123.23 ± 11.20 mg for females before the nuptial flight and 70.44 ± 12.21 mg for laboratory-reared queens after the claustral phase. The post-claustral crude protein content of field-collected queen was 55.90 ± 9.18 mg. With respect to the loss of crude protein as a function of duration of the claustral phase, laboratory-reared queens lost 52.79 mg and field-collected queens lost 67.33 mg compared to females before the nuptial flight. A positive linear correlation was observed between the weight of field-collected queens (256.4 ± 36.3 mg) and colony biomass (13.02 ± 9.12 g), but there was no correlation between biomass and nest depth (13.11 ± 3.82 cm). As expected, the present results support the hypothesis that protein is used for survival of the queen and for early colony growth, as demonstrated by the reduction in crude protein content as a function of duration of the claustral phase. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide data of the dynamics of protein reserves in leaf-cutting ant queens during the claustral phase.


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Em face da importância do planossolo (Albaqualf) nas atividades agrícolas desenvolvidas na região Sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, estudou-se o efeito de um escarificador sobre alguns parâmetros físicos desse solo, no Campo Experimental de Máquinas Agrícolas da EMBRAPA-CPACT, no Município do Capão-do-Leão, em novembro de 1994. Analisou-se esse efeito sobre a densidade, porosidade e agregação do solo, utilizando três velocidades de operação do escarificador (4,76; 3,63 e 2,58 km h-1) e dois teores de água (119,6 e 71,7 g kg-1) no solo. Não houve efeito significativo da interação teor de água x velocidade de operação sobre os parâmetros físicos do solo. As condições físicas do solo foram melhoradas, quando o solo foi preparado com maior teor de água no solo, com exceção da densidade e macroporosidade do solo, as quais não foram influenciadas pelo teor de água no solo. A velocidade de deslocamento do escarificador não apresentou influência sobre os parâmetros físicos do solo estudados, com exceção do diâmetro médio geométrico e estabilidade dos agregados do solo, que apresentaram melhores resultados na menor velocidade de deslocamento.


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Em casa de vegetação da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba (SP), no período de janeiro a agosto de 1992, foi desenvolvido um experimento com amostra superficial de um latossolo vermelho-amarelo textura argilosa. Utilizou-se um esquema fatorial 4 x 3 x 4, com doses de calcário (0; 380; 760 e 1.140 mg kg-1 de terra), doses de potássio (0; 40 e 120 mg kg-1 de terra) e quatro cultivares de alfafa (Crioula, Moapa, Florida 77 e CUF 101). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Efetuou-se o primeiro corte 70 dias após a semeadura, enquanto o segundo corte foi realizado entre 34 e 41 dias após o primeiro. Os cultivares de maior rendimento de matéria seca no primeiro corte foram Florida 77 e CUF 101, que se igualaram aos cultivares Crioula e Moapa no segundo corte. As máximas produções de matéria seca e quantidades totais de nitrogênio estimadas corresponderam às doses de calcário dolomítico entre 886 e 1.095 mg kg-1, que elevaram a saturação por bases do solo para 64,8 a 68,6%, enquanto, para o potássio, esses pontos de máximo foram estimados para doses entre 44,7 e 74,2 mg kg-1. Sintomas visuais de deficiência de potássio foram observados na alfafa, nos tratamentos sem adubação potássica.


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O experimento foi desenvolvido em solução nutritiva, em condições de casa de vegetação do Departamento de Ciência do Solo da Universidade Federal de Lavras, e teve, como objetivo, avaliar a influência de diferentes proporções de NH4+:NO3- sobre o crescimento, nutrição e eficiência de utilização de nitrogênio na fase inicial de crescimento de três cultivares de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Rio Tibagi, Eriparsa e Carioca. Mediu-se a resposta a 4 mmol L-1 de nitrogênio, suprido nas proporções de NH4+:NO3- de 0:4, 1:3, 2:2, 3:1 e 4:0, por meio da matéria seca de raiz e parte aérea, bem como os teores de P, S, Ca, Mg, K e a avaliação da eficiência de utilização de nitrogênio. Os cultivares de feijoeiro foram afetados pela relação NH4+:NO3-. A maior produção de matéria seca foi verificada com o suprimento de amônio e nitrato, em igual proporção. Com o predomínio de nitrato, os cultivares Carioca e Rio Tibagi mostraram maior e menor eficiência de utilização de N, respectivamente. O suprimento exclusivo de amônio, para os cultivares de feijoeiro estudados, resultou em sérios prejuízos ao sistema radicular, com conseqüente redução na absorção de nutrientes, notadamente de cálcio.


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El Crucero BIC Humboldt 0209 se realizó del 8 al 27 de setiembre entre Huarmey y Puerto Pizarro. Las observaciones más importantes fueron: (1) recuperación de las condiciones frías al sur de 5°S, con ATSM por encima de lo normal, principalmente entre 4°-5°S (+3 °C), debido al desplazamiento hacia el sur del frente ecuatorial; (2) mayor presencia de las aguas costeras frías (ACF) asociadas al afloramiento, que dio lugar al retiro parcial de las aguas subtropicales superficiales (ASS), que estuvieron próximas a la costa en meses anteriores, y al repliegue de la Extensión Sur de la Corriente de Cromwell (ESCC); (3) ascenso de isoter-mas subsuperficiales, que en los cruceros 0205 y 0208 se hallaron profundizadas; (4) reactivación de zonas de afloramiento, aunque no muy marcadas, frente a Casma, Chicama, Punta Falsa y Paita.


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This retrospective, multicentre study evaluated patients with lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) and pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension (PH) by right heart catheterisation. It was conducted in 20 females with a mean ± SD age of 49 ± 12 yrs and a mean ± SD time interval between LAM and PH diagnoses of 9.2 ± 9.8 yrs. All, except for one patient, were receiving supplemental oxygen. 6-min walking distance was mean ± SD 340 ± 84 m. Haemodynamic characteristics were: mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) 32 ± 6 mmHg, cardiac index 3.5 ± 1.1 L · min(-1) · m(-2) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) 376 ± 184 dyn · s · cm(-5). Mean PAP was >35 mmHg in only 20% of cases. The forced expiratory volume in 1 s was 42 ± 25%, carbon monoxide transfer factor was 29 ± 13%, and arterial oxygen tension (P(a,O(2))) was 7.4 ± 1.3 kPa in room air. Mean PAP and PVR did not correlate with P(a,O(2)). In six patients who received oral pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) therapy, the PAP decreased from 33 ± 9 mmHg to 24 ± 10 mmHg and the PVR decreased from 481 ± 188 dyn · s · cm(-5) to 280 ± 79 dyn · s · cm(-5). The overall probability of survival was 94% at 2 yrs. Pre-capillary PH of mild haemodynamic severity may occur in patients with LAM, even with mild pulmonary function impairment. PAH therapy might improve the haemodynamics in PH associated with LAM.


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Cork is the bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber L), a renewable and biodegradable raw bioresource concentrated mainly in the Mediterranean region. Development of its potential uses as a biosorbent will require the investigation of its chemical composition; such information can be of help to understand its interactions with organic pollutants. The present study investigates the summative chemical composition of three bark layers (back, cork, and belly) of five Spanish cork samples and one cork sample from Portugal. Suberin was the main component in all the samples (21.1 to 53.1%), followed by lignin (14.8 to 31%), holocellulose (2.3 to 33.6%), extractives (7.3 to 20.4%), and ash (0.4 to 3.3%). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine whether the variations in chemical composition with respect to the production area and bark layers were significant. The results indicate that, with respect to the bark layer, significant differences were found only for suberin and holocellulose contents: they were higher in the belly and cork than in the back. Based on the results presented, cork is a material with a lot of potential because of its heterogeneity in chemical composition


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BACKGROUND: Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) for stroke seems to be beneficial independent of the underlying etiology. Recent observations raised concern that IVT might cause harm in patients with strokes attributable to small artery occlusion (SAO). OBJECTIVE: The safety of IVT in SAO-patients is addressed in this study. METHODS: We used the Swiss IVT databank to compare outcome and complications of IVT-treated SAO-patients with IVT-treated patients with other etiologies (non-SAO-patients). Main outcome and complication measures were independence (modified Rankin scale <or=2) at 3 months, intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), and recurrent ischaemic stroke. RESULTS: Sixty-five (6.2%) of 1048 IVT-treated patients had SAO. Amongst SAO-patients, 1.5% (1/65) patients died, compared to 11.2% (110/983) in the non-SAO-group (P = 0.014). SAO-patients reached independence more often than non-SAO-patients (75.4% versus 58.9%; OR 2.14 (95% CI 1.20-3.81; P = 0.001). This association became insignificant after adjustment for age, gender, and stroke severity (OR 1.41 95% CI 0.713-2.788; P = 0.32). Glucose level and (to some degree) stroke severity but not age predicted 3-month-independence in IVT-treated SAO-patients. ICHs (all/symptomatic) were similar in SAO- (12.3%/4.6%) and non-SAO-patients (13.4%/5.3%; P > 0.8). Fatal ICH occurred in 3.3% of the non-SAO-patients but none amongst SAO-patients. Ischaemic stroke within 3 months after IVT reoccurred in 1.5% of SAO-patients and in 2.3% of non-SAO-patients (P = 0.68). CONCLUSION: IVT-treated SAO-patients died less often and reached independence more often than IVT-treated non-SAO-patients. However, the variable 'SAO' was a dependent rather than an independent outcome predictor. The absence of an excess in ICH indicates that IVT seems not to be harmful in SAO-patients.


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Aims/hypothesis We assessed systemic and local muscle fuel metabolism during aerobic exercise in patients with type I diabetes at euglycaemia and hyperglycaemia with identical insulin levels.Methods This was a single-blinded randomised crossover study at a university diabetes unit in Switzerland. We studied seven physically active men with type I diabetes (mean +/- SEM age 33.5 +/- 2.4 years, diabetes duration 20.1 +/- 3.6 years, HbA(1c) 6.7 +/- 0.2% and peak oxygen uptake [VO2peak] 50.3 +/- 4.5 ml min(-1) kg(-1)). Men were studied twice while cycling for 120 min at 55 to 60% of VO2peak, with a blood glucose level randomly set either at 5 or 11 mmol/l and identical insulinaemia. The participants were blinded to the glycaemic level; allocation concealment was by opaque, sealed envelopes. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to quantify intramyocellular glycogen and lipids before and after exercise. Indirect calorimetry and measurement of stable isotopes and counter-regulatory hormones complemented the assessment of local and systemic fuel metabolism.Results The contribution of lipid oxidation to overall energy metabolism was higher in euglycaemia than in hyperglycaemia (49.4 +/- 4.8 vs 30.6 +/- 4.2%; p<0.05). Carbohydrate oxidation accounted for 48.2 +/- 4.7 and 66.6 +/- 4.2% of total energy expenditure in euglycaemia and hyperglycaemia, respectively (p<0.05). The level of intramyocellular glycogen before exercise was higher in hyperglycaemia than in euglycaemia (3.4 +/- 0.3 vs 2.7 +/- 0.2 arbitrary units [AU]; p<0.05). Absolute glycogen consumption tended to be higher in hyperglycaemia than in euglycaemia (1.3 +/- 0.3 vs 0.9 +/- 0.1 AU). Cortisol and growth hormone increased more strongly in euglycaemia than in hyperglycaemia (levels at the end of exercise 634 52 vs 501 +/- 32 nmol/l and 15.5 +/- 4.5 vs 7.4 +/- 2.0 ng/ml, respectively; p<0.05).Conclusions/interpretation Substrate oxidation in type I diabetic patients performing aerobic exercise in euglycaemia is similar to that in healthy individuals revealing a shift towards lipid oxidation during exercise. In hyperglycaemia fuel metabolism in these patients is dominated by carbohydrate oxidation. Intramyocellular glycogen was not spared in hyperglycaemia.


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Foi desenvolvido um experimento com as fontes uréia e uran aplicadas superficialmente ou incorporadas (5-7 cm) na cobertura nitrogenada de milho, no sistema plantio direto, com o objetivo de efetuar, na colheita, um balanço do N-uréia (15N) e quantificar as perdas por volatilização de N-NH3 nesses tratamentos, assim como nos adicionais, testemunha e misturas de uréia + KCl (sólida) e uran + KCl (fluida), na formulação 6-0-9 (N-P2O5-K2O), aplicadas somente em superfície. Os tratamentos originaram-se de um fatorial 1 + (2 x 2) + 2, sendo a testemunha + o fatorial 2 x 2 (duas fontes; uréia e uran x duas formas de localização) + dois tratamentos adicionais, misturas uréia + KCl (sólida) e uran + KCl (fluida), dispostos em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. O ensaio foi realizado em Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro muito argiloso fase cerrado relevo plano, no Centro de Pesquisa Novartis - Seeds do município de Uberlândia (MG). Cerca de 100 kg ha-1 de N foram aplicados no estádio fenológico de seis a oito folhas. Após 26 dias da adubação, as perdas acumuladas de N-NH3 nos tratamentos em superfície foram de 54, 41, 17 e 14% do N aplicado, para uréia, uréia + KCl, uran e uran + KCl, respectivamente. Quando a uréia e o uran foram incorporados ao solo, as perdas acumuladas de N-NH3 foram de 5,0 e 3,5% do N aplicado, respectivamente. Na colheita, o N da uréia absorvido pela planta (raízes + colmos + folhas + grãos) foi de 19,9 kg ha-1 (20,8% do N aplicado) e de 29,5 kg ha-1 (29,5% do N aplicado), quando aplicado na superfície e incorporado, respectivamente. O N-uréia do uran absorvido pela planta foi de 11,4 kg ha-1 (26,1% do N aplicado) e de 11,7 kg ha-1 (26,8% do N aplicado), quando aplicado na superfície ou incorporado, respectivamente. O N da uréia imobilizado na camada de 0-45 cm de profundidade foi, em média, de 9,9 kg ha-1 (10,0% do N aplicado), da aplicação superficial ou incorporada, e do N-uréia do uran foi de 3,3 kg ha-1 (7,6% do N aplicado). O N-mineral no solo derivado do N da uréia e do N-uréia do uran aplicados na superfície, no perfil de 0-150 cm, foi, respectivamente, de 2,4 e 3,2%, e de 5,9 e 2,5%, com as fontes incorporadas. No balanço global de N, em média, 13,7 e 50,3% do N da uréia não foram recuperados no sistema solo-planta, respectivamente, para a aplicação superficial ou incorporada; para o N-uréia do uran, obtiveram-se, respectivamente, 47,7 e 57,6%.