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This study examined whether people born in other countries had higher rates of death and hospitalization due to road crashes than people born in Australia. Data on deaths that occurred in the whole of Australia between 1994 and 1997 and hospitalizations that occurred in the state of New South Wales, Australia, between I July 1995 and 30 June 1997 due to road crashes were analyzed. The rates of death and hospitalization, adjusted for age and area of residence, were calculated using population data from the 1996 Australian census. The study categorized people born in other countries according to the language (English speaking, non-English speaking) and the road convention (left-hand side, right-hand side) of their country of birth. Australia has the left-hand side driving convention. The study found that drivers born in other countries had rates of death or hospitalization due to road trauma equal to or below those of Australian born drivers. In contrast, pedestrians born in other countries, especially older pedestrians had higher rates of death and hospitalization due to road crashes. Pedestrians aged 60 years or more born in non-English speaking countries where traffic travels on the right-hand side of the road had risks about twice those of Australian born pedestrians in the same age group. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reflexivity involves turning one's reflexive gaze oil discourse-turning language back on itself to see the Work it does in constituting the world. The subject/researcher sees simultaneously the object of her or his gaze and the means by which the object (which may include oneself as subject) is being constituted. The consciousness of self that reflexive writing sometimes entails may be seen to slip inadvertently into constituting the very (real) self that seems to contradict a focus on the constitutive power of discourse. This article explores this site of slippage and of ambivalence. In a collective biography oil the topic of reflexivity, the authors tell and write stories about reflexivity and in a doubled reflexive arc, examine themselves at work during the workshop. Examining their own memories and reflexive practices, they explore this place of slippage and provide theoretical and practical insight into what is going on in reflexive research and writing.
We construct the Drinfeld twists ( factorizing F-matrices) of the gl(m-n)-invariant fermion model. Completely symmetric representation of the pseudo-particle creation operators of the model are obtained in the basis provided by the F-matrix ( the F-basis). We resolve the hierarchy of the nested Bethe vectors in the F-basis for the gl(m-n) supersymmetric model.
The concept of local concurrence is used to quantify the entanglement between a single qubit and the remainder of a multiqubit system. For the ground state of the BCS model in the thermodynamic limit the set of local concurrences completely describes the entanglement. As a measure for the entanglement of the full system we investigate the average local concurrence (ALC). We find that the ALC satisfies a simple relation with the order parameter. We then show that for finite systems with a fixed particle number, a relation between the ALC and the condensation energy exposes a threshold coupling. Below the threshold, entanglement measures besides the ALC are significant.
Hatschekia plectropomi, an ectoparasitic copepod found on the gills, infected Plectropomus leopardus from Heron Island Reef with 100% prevalence (n = 32) and a mean +/- S.E. infection intensity of 131.9 +/- 22.1. The distribution of 4222 adult female parasites across 32 individual host fish was investigated at several organizational levels ranging from the level of holobranch pairs to that of individual filaments. Parasites demonstrated a site preference for the two central holobranchs (2 and 3). Along the lengths of hemibranchs, filaments near the dorsal and ventral ends and those in the proximity of the bend region were rarely occupied. The probability of coming into contact with a suitable attachment site and the ability to withstand ventilation forces at that site were proposed as the major factors affecting distribution. Two H. plectropomi morphotypes were identified based on the direction of body curvature. Regardless of morphotype, 99.9% of individuals were attached such that the convex side of the body was oriented towards the oncoming ventilating water currents. Further, 93.3% of individuals attached to the posterior faces of filaments, leading to a predictable pattern of attachment for this species. It is suggested that the direction of body curvature develops in response to the direction of the ventilating water currents. (c) 2006 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Sulfate is required for detoxification of xenobiotics such as acetaminophen (APAP), a leading cause of liver failure in humans. The NaS1 sulfate transporter maintains blood sulfate levels sufficiently high for sulforiation reactions to work effectively for drug detoxification. In the present study, we identified two loss-of-function polymorphisms in the human NaS1 gene and showed the Nas1-null mouse to be hypersensitive to APAP hepatotoxicity. APAP treatment led to increased liver damage and decreased hepatic glutathione levels in the hyposulfatemic Nas1-null mice compared with that in normosulfatemic wild-type mice. Analysis of urinary APAP metabolites revealed a significantly lower ratio of APAP-sulfate to APAP-glucuronide in the Nas1-null mice. These results suggest hyposulfatemia increases sensitivity to APAP-induced hepatotoxicity by decreasing the sulfonation capacity to metabolize APAP. In conclusion, the results of this study highlight the importance of plasma sulfate level as a key modulator of acetaminophen metabolism and suggest that individuals with reduced NaS1 sulfate transporter function would be more sensitive to hepatotoxic agents.
Short-term (one week) and chronic (six week) cardiovascular effects of orally administered perindopril were examined in the rabbit to demonstrate if short-term results can predict chronic outcomes. In short-term treatment, five doses of perindopril were examined in random order separated by a one week recovery period in each of six rabbits. Two doses of perindopril which resulted in a moderate hypotensive effect (-14 mmHg) and no hypotensive effect, respectively, were then selected for long-term treatment. Each rabbit in the short-term study received perindopril in doses of 0.01, 0.06, 0.32, 1.8 and 10 mg kg(-1) day(-1) for a week at a time. Rabbits on long-term treatment received either 0.3 or 0.01 mg kg(-1) day(-1) perindopril for six weeks. All rabbits had their mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate recorded throughout treatment. Plasma angiotensin I (AngI), perindoprilat, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition were also assayed. Perindopril treatment for one week produced a dose-dependent hypotensive effect with the threshold dose, 0.06 mg kg(-1) day(-1), producing a 6.5+/-1.8 mmHg fall in MAP. The highest dose (10.0 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) produced a large fall in blood pressure of -29.6+/-4.2 mmHg. The 0.01 and 0.06 mg kg(-1) day(-1) doses of perindopril produced an average 2.65 fold increase in plasma AngI levels compared to the initial control. The three higher doses (0.32-10.0 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) of perindopril produced an equivalent 5.7 fold increase in plasma AngI levels compared to the initial controls. However, over six weeks 0.01 mg kg(-1) day(-1) perindopril induced a similar decrease in MAP as the 30 fold higher dose (-9.3 mmHg compared to -11.7 mmHg,). This was in spite of a 3 fold difference in plasma perindoprilat concentrations between the high and low dose perindopril groups. Plasma ACE inhibition was >80% with both doses of perindopril. The results indicate that while perindopril decreases MAP in a dose-dependent manner in short-term (one week) periods, over longer treatment times (six weeks) low concentrations of perindopril, non-hypotensive with shortterm treatment, may be as anti-hypertensive as considerably higher doses. (C) 1996 The Italian Pharmacological Society.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a specific cognitive race plan on 100 m sprint performance, Twelve elite sprinters (11 male and 1 female) performed 100 m time trials under normal (control) conditions and then under experimental conditions (use of race cues). In the experimental condition, participants were asked to think about specific thought content in each of three segments of the 100 m. A multiple baseline design was employed. A mean improvement of 0.26 s was found. Eleven of the 12 participants showed improvement using the specific cognitive race plan (p < .005). Participants also produced more consistent sprint performances when using the cues (p < .01). Subjective evaluations made by the participants unanimously supported the use of the race plan for optimizing sprint performance. Environmental conditions, effort, and practice effects were considered as possible influences on the results.