992 resultados para 191-1179
本实验以C3植物小麦、大豆为材料研究了不同光合器官和生长发育过程中PEPCase及其有关的酶活性。主要结果如下: 1.C3植物中谱遍存在着一定活性的PEPCase,特别是在结实器官的各部位中有着较高活性和比例的PEPCase以及与PEPCase相邻作用的苹果酸酶和苹果酸脱氢酶,如小麦的内稃,大豆的荚壳,种皮中PEPCase活性高于其本身的RuBPCase活性,说明C3植物的结实器官中存在着活跃的CO2β一羧化作用。 2.大豆、小麦结实器官的14CO2暗固定量均比叶片高,因此在这些器官中存在着活跃的CO2暗固定作用,这对植物经济利用碳素提高光合同化效率和籽粒产量有着十分重要的意义,同时CO2暗固定的中间产物能参与其它代谢途径,因此这些器官中的PEPCase时作用是多方面的。 3.RuPEPCase、PEPCase在植物的生长发育过程中其活性发生明显的变化,二种羧化酶活性在生殖期最高,这对于结实器官的形成和发育是十分有意义的。 4.大豆荚果作为光合器官,具有光合同化CO2的生理生化基础—叶绿素和一足活性的PEPCase、RuBFCas e和结构基础—在一定区域细胞内存在着大量的叶绿体。小麦、大豆的结实器具有一定活性的RuBPCase和较高活性的PEPCase,能进行一定程度的光合碳同化,对作物产量的形成和贡献有着不可低估的作用。
We review the progress made in the emerging field of coastal seascape ecology, i.e. the application of landscape ecology concepts and techniques to the coastal marine environment. Since the early 1990s, the landscape ecology approach has been applied in several coastal subtidal and intertidal biogenic habitats across a range of spatial scales. Emerging evidence indicates that animals in these seascapes respond to the structure of patches and patch mosaics in different ways and at different spatial scales, yet we still know very little about the ecological significance of these relationships and the consequences of change in seascape patterning for ecosystem functioning and overall biodiversity. Ecological interactions that occur within patches and among different types of patches (or seascapes) are likely to be critically important in maintaining primary and secondary production, trophic transfer, biodiversity, coastal protection, and supporting a wealth of ecosystem goods and services. We review faunal responses to patch and seascape structure, including effects of fragmentation on 5 focal habitats: seagrass meadows, salt marshes, coral reefs, mangrove forests, and oyster reefs. Extrapolating and generalizing spatial relationships between ecological patterns and processes across scales remains a significant challenge, and we show that there are major gaps in our understanding of these relationships. Filling these gaps will be crucial for managing and responding to an inevitably changing coastal environment. We show that critical ecological thresholds exist in the structural patterning of biogenic ecosystems that, when exceeded, cause abrupt shifts in the distribution and abundance of organisms. A better understanding of faunal–seascape relationships, including the identifications of threshold effects, is urgently needed to support the development of more effective and holistic management actions in restoration, site prioritization, and forecasting the impacts of environmental change.
Coral ( Porites astreoides ) from eight sites in southwest Puerto Rico were analyzed for approximately 150 chemical contaminants, to provide a preliminary characterization of environmental contamination in the corals, and assess the relationships between chemical contamination in corals and adjacent sediments. Overall, the concentration of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) detected in the limited number of coral samples collected were comparable to concentrations found in sediments. However, the concentration of a chemical contaminant (e.g., PAHs) in the corals at a site was often different from what was found in adjacent sediments. The level of PCBs and DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) in the corals appeared higher just outside of Guanica Bay, and there was some evidence of a downstream concentration gradient for these two contaminant classes. The trace elements copper and zinc were frequently detected in Porites astreoides , and the concentrations were usually comparable to those found in adjacent sediments. Chromium was an exception in that it was not detected in any of the coral samples analyzed, although it was detected in all of the sediment samples.
We examined the summer distribution of marine mammals off the northern Washington coast based on six ship transect surveys conducted between 1995 and 2002, primarily from the NOAA ship McArthur. Additionally, small boat surveys were conducted in the same region between 1989 and 2002 to gather photographic identification data on humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and killer whales (Orcinus orca) to examine movements and population structure. In the six years of ship survey effort, 706 sightings of 15 marine mammal species were made. Humpback whales were the most common large cetacean species and were seen every year and a total of 232 sightings of 402 animals were recorded during ship surveys. Highest numbers were observed in 2002, when there were 79 sightings of 139 whales. Line-transect estimates for humpback whales indicated that about 100 humpback whales inhabited these waters each year between 1995 and 2000; in 2002, however, the estimate was 562 (CV= 0.21) whales. A total of 191 unique individuals were identified photographically and mark recapture estimates also indicated that the number of animals increased from under 100 to over 200 from 1995 to 2002. There was only limited interchange of humpback whales between this area and feeding areas off Oregon and California. Killer whales were also seen on every ship survey and represented all known ecotypes of the Pacific Northwest, including southern and northern residents, transients, and offshore-type killer whales. Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) were the most frequently sighted small cetacean; abundance was estimated at 181−291 individuals, except for 2002 when we observed dramatically higher numbers (876, CV= 0.30). Northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) and elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) were the most common pinnipeds observed. There were clear habitat differences related to distance offshore and water depth for different species.
High-resolution computation of isotopic processes in northern California using a local climate model
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): We describe a coupled local climate/isotope model that can calculate Rayleigh-type processes of distillation and fractionation of hydrogen isotopes along individual air mass flowlines in the western United States.This climate model is an extension of that detailed earlier by Craig and Stamm (1990). ... Volumetric effects of evapotranspiration (ET) are included. The model allows sensitivity studies of the influence of ET recycling.
通过调查东灵山地区7个典型植被类型的物种多样性,并测定各林型中植物叶片养分特征,凋落物品质,土壤理化特性,豆科植物的生物固氮作用以及土壤有机质的净N矿化与硝化作用,研究了不同林型及其物种多样性对氮素转化过程的可能影响。结果表明: 1) 各林型乔灌草三层13个物种多样性指数之间都不同程度存在差异,且都表现基本一致的大小顺序,各样地乔灌草三层3个丰富度指数和5个多样性指数之间大都表现草本层>灌木层>乔木层的大小顺序。 2) 林型对植物叶片养分特征、叶片凋落物品质指标、土壤的大多数理化特性都有显著影响,其中,落叶阔叶林与针叶林之间的差异最为明显,优势种不同的针叶林之间也不同程度地存在差异。各林型物种多样性对植物叶片养分特征,凋落物品质和土壤理化特性也都不同程度存在显著影响,且乔灌草三层的物种多样性的影响不同。我们的结果支持物种多样性对生态系统过程存在显著影响的观点。 3) 胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)%FNDA值较低,在0~53.3%之间,与国外学者对某些木本豆科固氮植物的研究结果接近,但低于三叶草、野豌豆等草本豆科固氮植物。胡枝子生物固氮具有明显的季节差异,不同样地生境对胡枝子%FNDA值也存在显著影响,大都都表现铁塔辽东栎样地>重力点样地>站下灌丛样地>垭口样地的趋势。除胡枝子之外的其他豆科植物的%FNDA都高于胡枝子,且存在种间差异,以三籽两型豆(Amphicarpaea capillipes)最高(100%),歪头菜(Vicia unijuga)最低(平均66.4%),这些结果与国外相关研究接近。不同林型之间和同一林型不同样地之间也影响豆科植物的%FNDA。东灵山地区有相当数量的植物种具有和固氮植物相近的δ15N值和全N含量,具有潜在的生物固氮能力。6个林型中所有豆科植物的%FNDA平均值主要受乔木层和草本层物种多样性的影响,乔木层和草本层物种多样性提高,豆科植物的%FNDA将随之显著降低。 4) 气温、土壤温度和降水量显著影响各林型净氮硝化速率的季节动态,都表现为温度升高,降水量增加,净氮硝化速率也随之增大。 5) 在不同取样时间,不同林型在土壤NH4+、N03-含量,矿化、硝化速率以及年度总净矿化、硝化量之间均不同程度存在显著差异,其中,以辽东栎落叶阔叶林与针叶林之间,常绿针叶林与落叶针叶林之间,纯林与混交林之间的差异最为明显。 6) 土壤初始N0_3含量与年度总净硝化量,年度总净矿化量及其占TKN的百分比呈显著正相关关系;植物叶片全N浓度与净氮矿化、硝化作用呈显著负相关:植物叶片凋落物的品质指标与净氮矿化、硝化作用没有显著相关。 7) 胡枝子固氮作用(%FNDA值)越强,土壤有机氮的净硝化量就越大,胡枝子在从大气中获取大量N,的同时,很可能会增加氮素的淋溶损失量。胡枝子固氮作用(%FNDA值)与净氮矿化量不存在显著相关关系。 8) 只有乔木层和草本层部分种多样性指数对净氮矿化、硝化量存在显著影响。乔木层均匀度提高,土壤净氮碳化量将随之增大;而草本层物种多样性提高,均匀度提高,净氮矿化、硝化作用将随之降低,草本层植物对土壤氮素矿化作用具有显著抑制作用。 9) 落叶阔叶林与针叶林的供氮能力和维持无机氮素的能力之间存在比较明显的差异,而不同针叶林的矿化/硝化作用也有所差别。其中,辽东栎落叶阔叶林的供氮能力和维持氮素能力均高于针叶林和山杏灌丛;油松林的供氮能力与防止氮素损失的能力显然要强于落叶松林和山杏灌丛。 10) 尽管箭叶锦鸡儿灌丛植物叶片与凋落物中全N、全P浓度在大多数取样点上都低于硕桦(高于草甸),但表层土中全N浓度高于硕桦和草甸,且其土壤有机质的供氮能力以及维持氮素能力都高于硕桦林和草甸,表明,锦鸡儿灌丛为侵入草甸和硕桦入侵提供了良好的养分条件,在该演替序列的发展过程中起了一定的推动作用。
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): A varve chronology with annual resolution (AD 1117-1992) has been developed recently for Santa Barbara Basin. Varve thickness and water content show an exponential trend consistent with expected patterns in the presence of sediment compaction over time. Annual varve thickness was decomposed into orthogonal components using singular spectrum analysis (SSA) to identify and retrieve inter-decadal oscillations. ... This suggests a connection with global-scale decadal cycles identified in the subtropical Pacific gyre circulation and, possibly, with solar-driven phenomena. The near-1600 AD event coincides with (a) a similarly sudden change of state in nearby Santa Monica Basin that triggered the onset of anoxic conditions and the preservation of laminated sediments, (b) an extreme drought over the American Southwest, (c) a transformation of the age structure in a number of forest populations throughout Arizona and New Mexico. Total organic carbon burial flux in Santa Barbara Basin varves also shows a marked change after AD 1600. A possible climatic link is proposed that involves pathways for moisture transport in the Southwest at decadal and longer time scales.