976 resultados para 1880


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针对主流无载气、副流以氮气为载气的氧碘化学激光(COIL), 应用求解3维多组分化学反应流方程的数值方法, 对流场和物理化学的耦合过程进行细致研究, 对副流载气变化带来的问题及性能提升的手段、特别是合理的配气方式进行深入分析. 结果表明:传统的在亚声速段进行喷流的配气方式不适用于主流无载气N_2-COIL系统, 必须采用超声速段射流方式; 合理的流量配比条件下, 超声速段射流方式COIL光腔位置处增益可达1.5% cm~(-1); N_2-COIL流场边界层厚度明显减小, 拓宽了增益的有效分布区域


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Cellulose hollow fiber membranes (CHFM) were prepared using a spinning solution containing N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide as solvent and water as a nonsolvent additive. Water was also used as both the internal and external coagulant. It was demonstrated that the phase separation mechanism of this system was delayed demixing. The CHFM was revealed to be homogeneously dense structure after desiccation. The gas permeation properties of CO2, N-2, CH4, and H-2 through CHFM were investigated as a function of membrane water content and operation pressure. The water content of CHFM had crucial influence on gas permeation performance, and the permeation rates of all gases increased sharply with the increase of membrane water content. The permeation rate of CO2 increased with the increase of operation pressure, which has no significant effect on N-2, H-2, and CH4. At the end of this article a detailed comparison of gas permeation performance and mechanism between the CHFM and cellulose acetate flat membrane was given. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The copolymer of acrylonitrile (AN), methyl methacrylate (MMA) and poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (PEGMEMA) is synthesized in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (BMImBF(4)). The dynamic mechanical properties of the resulting gel polymer electrolytes containing ionic liquid are measured.


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Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) is an economically important aquaculture species in China; however, frequent mass mortality seriously affects the development of its industry. Genetic linkage map is useful for genetic improvement and selective breeding of C. farreri. Linkage maps were constructed using an intraspecific F-1 cross and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Thirty-two selected AFLP primer combinations produced 545 AFLP markers that were polymorphic in either of the parents and segregated in the progeny. Of these segregating markers, 166 were mapped to 19 linkage groups of the female framework map, covering a total of 1503.9 cM, with an average marker spacing of 10.2 cM; and 197 markers were assigned to 20 linkage groups of the male map, covering a total of 1630.7 cM, with 9.2 cM per marker. A sex-linked marker was mapped on the female map with zero recombination and a LOD of 27.3. The genetic length of C farreri genome was estimated as 1889.0 cM for the female and 1995.9 cM for the male. The coverage of the framework map was calculated as 79.6% for the female and 81.7% for the male. When the triplets and doublets were considered, the observed length of the map was calculated as 1610.2 cM with coverage of 85.2% for the female, and 1880.5 cM with coverage of 94.2% for the male. The genetic maps presented here will serve as a basis for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map and mapping of economically important genes. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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分析高寒草甸不同土地利用格局下土壤CO2的释放量大小表明,在植物生长季的5~9 月,土壤CO2 释放量大小排序为:金露梅灌丛草甸(1871.40g/ m2) > 矮嵩草草甸(1769.63g/ m2) > 退化金露梅灌丛草甸(1495.60g/m2) > 退化矮嵩草草甸(1191.26g/ m2) ;而在植物非生长季的10月到翌年4月,其土壤CO2 释放量大小与植物生长季略有差异, 表现出矮嵩草草甸(661.46g/ m2 ) > 金露梅灌丛草甸( 550.90g/ m2 ) > 退化矮嵩草草甸(502.50g/ m2) > 退化金露梅灌丛草甸(384.50g/ m2) 的特点;全年内表现为矮嵩草草甸(2431.09g/ m2 ) > 金露梅灌丛草甸(2422.30g/ m2) > 退化金露梅灌丛草甸(1880.10g/ m2 ) > 退化矮嵩草草甸(1694.06g/ m2 ) . 高寒草甸地区不同土地利用格局土壤CO2 释放数量的差异及季节变化,不仅与各利用格局的土壤生物活性及土壤物理化学性状有关,而且与气象条件(特别是温度) 及其土壤冬季冻结期长短关系极为密切。


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At present the main object of the exploration and development (E&D) of oil and gas is not the structural oil-gas pools but the subtle lithological oil-gas reservoir. Since the last 90's, the ratio of this kind of pools in newly-added oil reserves is becoming larger and larger, so is the ratio in the eastern oilfields. The third oil-gas resource evaluation indicates the main exploration object of Jiyang depression is the lithological oil-gas pools in future. However, lack of effective methods that are applied to search for this kind of pool makes E&D difficult and the cost high. In view of the urgent demand of E&D, in this paper we deeply study and analyze the theory and application in which the seismic attributes are used to predict and describe lithological oil-gas reservoirs. The great results are obtained by making full use of abundant physics and reservoir information as well as the remarkable lateral continuity involved in seismic data in combination with well logging, drilling-well and geology. ①Based on a great deal of research and different geological features of Shengli oilfield, the great progresses are made some theories and methods of seismic reservoir prediction and description. Three kinds of extrapolation near well seismic wavelet methods-inverse distance interpolation, phase interpolation and pseudo well reflectivity-are improved; particularly, in sparse well area the method of getting pseudo well reflectivity is given by the application of the wavelet theory. The formulae for seismic attributes and coherent volumes are derived theoretically, and the optimal method of seismic attributes and improved algorithms of picking up coherent data volumes are put forward. The method of making sequence analysis on seismic data is put forward and derived in which the wavelet transform is used to analyze not only qualitatively but also quantitatively seismic characteristics of reservoirs.② According to geologic model and seismic forward simulation, from macro to micro, the method of pre- and post-stack data synthetic analysis and application is put forward using seismic in close combination with geology; particularly, based on making full use of post-stack seismic data, "green food"-pre-stack seismic data is as possible as utilized. ③ In this paper, the formative law and distributing characteristic of lithologic oil-gas pools of the Tertiary in Jiyang depression, the knowledge of geological geophysics and the feasibility of all sorts of seismic methods, and the applied knowledge of seismic data and the geophysical mechanism of oil-gas reservoirs are studied. Therefore a series of perfect seismic technique and software are completed that fit to E&D of different categories of lithologic oil-gas reservoirs. ④ This achievement is different from other new seismic methods that are put forward in the recent years, that is multi-wave multi-component seismic, cross hole seismic, vertical seismic, and time-lapse seismic etc. that need the reacquisition of seismic data to predict and describe the oil-gas reservoir. The method in this paper is based on the conventional 2D/3D seismic data, so the cost falls sharply. ⑤ In recent years this technique that predict and describe lithologic oil-gas reservoirs by seismic information has been applied in E&D of lithologic oil-gas reservoirs on glutenite fans in abrupt slop and turbidite fans in front of abrup slop, slump turbidite fans in front of delta, turbidite fans with channel in low slope and channel sanbody, and a encouraging geologic result has been gained. This achievement indicates that the application of seismic information is one of the most effective ways in solving the present problem of E&D. This technique is significant in the application and popularization, and positive on increasing reserves and raising production as well as stable development in Shengli oilfield. And it will be directive to E&D of some similar reservoirs


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Idea uczenia się przez całe życie jest jedną z istotnych założeń w budowaniu społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy. Jest również jednym z kluczowych czynników Procesu Bolońskiego. Pragnienie uczenia się przez całe życie ma na celu stworzenie społeczeństwa wiedzy. Jednakże możliwe jest to tylko wówczas, gdy wyzwolimy w jednostkach takie mechanizmy samorozwojowe jak: samopoznanie, samoocena, poczucie własnej skuteczności, samokształcenie. Uwalniają się one oraz dojrzewają jako skutek komunikacji interpersonalnej. Znaczącą rolę w rozwoju wspomnianych mechanizmów odgrywają nauczyciele akademiccy. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera rozważania teoretyczne oraz doniesienia z badań empirycznych.


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