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Discusses the concepts occupational knowledge and scientific knowledge, taking into account the existence of the field of Information Science formed by sub-professional and scientific fields. Displays incursions in profession sociology and systems theory of profession, in order to expand the vision of the knowledge base among information professionals.
This article aims to present dada from a research about the construction of social knowledge under the Piagetian perspective. Beliefs of children and adolescents about not to learn were investigated. 80 individuals aged 6 to 16 years participated of this study. They had to answer to three methodological tools: a drawing, the analysis of a history and the analysis of a film which involved situations of not learning. It will be presented here the main results of the drawing task. Among other results, data indicate that a significant part of the participants blame the students themselves for not learning, by factors such as indiscipline and lack of motivation. Results also show that Brazilian individuals are not in advanced levels of understanding of social reality, even at older ages.
O artigo apresenta parte de um estudo evolutivo a respeito das idias de crianas e adolescentes sobre a violncia urbana, fundamentado na teoria piagetiana. No presente trabalho so apresentados os dados obtidos a partir do primeiro instrumento metodolgico (entrevista clnica) utilizado na pesquisa. Os resultados demonstraram que tanto as crianas como os adolescentes constroem idias sobre a temtica e que essas idias no so cpias da realidade, mas reconstrues originais do sujeito. Tambm foi possvel evidenciar que, dados ressaltam a importncia de um trabalho adequado dentro da escola que leve em considerao as idias que os alunos possuem sobre o mundo social.
Ps-graduao em Educao - FCT
Ps-graduao em Educao Escolar - FCLAR
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
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Optics consists in the study of interaction of light with physical systems. The human vision is a product of the interaction of light with the eye (a very peculiar physical system). Here we present a basic study of the relationship between the optics and human vision, including: - The fundaments and physicals properties who characterize the light and the colors and the characteristics of the incidence mediums. - The basics laws of geometrical optics, based in the rectilinear propagation of light in the form of a light ray, in the independence of light rays and in the principle of reversibility of the light beams. This principle is present in the process of image formations in lenses and mirrors and applied in the study of image formation in the human eye. - The refraction and reflection laws and types of lenses, who permits the construction of optics devices for the study of physical universe, and the appliances to correct vision diseases. - Presents the human vision process as consisting in the reception of light (electromagnetic radiation in the zone of wavelength visible to us) through the eye and the sending of information obtained by the retina to the brain where it is interpreted. The vision involves a biophysical relation between the light and the biological structure of the eye who is constituted by cornea, iris, crystalline and retina. Analyzes is made of how some parts of the eye performs a function in the reception and sending of information of the images to the brain
Along of the Brazilian territory is to encourage a lot of self-management communities, seeking a new way of social organization through of cultural practices and economic antagonistic logic of the capitalist system. These communities create a lifestyle which we are not used in the context of modern life, they are focused to a greater preservation of nature, to an economy based on spiritualization and cultural exchange. The peculiarity of these communities is to offer the same structure as a modern city, electricity, clothing, basic sanitation, food among others, which the state already offers, but with alternative ways.For a more specific study was selected community-Porangaba Future Vision, So Paulo. Through this case of study, it is thought to enable a better understanding of how it is possible within a country emerge a community that creates its own structure encompassed by cultural practices and economic characteristics and finally understanding what are the effects on the geographic area
This paper objective is to analyze the Theory of Increasing and Diminishing Returns from the perspective of the Symposium of 1930, written by Robertson, Sraffa and Shove. Besides these authors, are also treated other texts Robetson and Sraffa, and texts by Pigou and Robbins, expressing the similarity and difference of thought of each author with respect to the Laws
In this work concepts of flammability limits of anhydrous and hydrated ethanol to pressures below atmospheric, using the Dalton model for gaseous mixtures. Theoretical and experimental methods for determining the boundaries and the influence of parameters such as concentration, temperature and pressure were introduced. Analyzes from partial pressures of fuel vapor and correlations with temperature and total pressure were made. Finally presents an overview of aviation fuels, their requisites and trends in the use of biofuels in commercial aviation industry
O presente trabalho trata de uma Avaliao Ps Ocupao (APO) e uma avaliao da percepo ambiental dos usurios do Lar Escola Santa Luzia para Cegos, localizado na cidade de Bauru-SP. De maneira geral, a percepo humana tende a valorizar e utilizar mais o sentido da viso, porm de extrema importncia que os demais sentidos sejam tambm explorados. Por no ter o sentido da viso o deficiente visual desenvolve mais os outros sentidos, aguando-os, o que lhe permite vivenciar experincias nicas de diferentes sensaes. A arquitetura, como forma de arte, deve buscar no apenas ser vista, mas sim experimentada, pelo tato, olfato, audio, sensaes trmicas, entre outros fatores cognitivos. A pesquisa se constituiu do levantamento de dados sobre o funcionamento da entidade, dos aspectos tcnicos, funcionais e da percepo que os usurios tm do ambiente, e a maneira que se relacionam e se comportam nele. A APO, atravs de visitas exploratrias, dados coletados e entrevistas com usurios, nos permite conhecer as necessidades e opinies das pessoas que vivenciam o espao diariamente. As avaliaes de percepo nos levam ao conhecimento do mundo sensitivo dos deficientes visuais, de que maneira seus sentidos atuam para que se localizem e se movimentem em edifcios, ruas e na cidade em geral. Como resultado final uma proposta projetual foi desenvolvida a fim de criar um espao onde os deficientes visuais possam realizar atividades de convivncia, culturais e didticas de maneira adequada