955 resultados para Östman, Jan-Ola: Handbook of pragmatics
In spite of the increasing significance of broadband Internet, there are not many research papers explicitly addressing issues pertaining to its adoption and postadoption. Previous research on broadband has mainly focused on the supply side aspect at the national level, ignoring the importance of the demand side which may involve looking more deeply into the use, as well as factors impacting organizational and individual uptake. In an attempt to fill this gap, the current study empirically verifies an integrated theoretical model comprising the theory of planned behavior and the IS continuance model to examine factors influencing broadband Internet adoption and postadoption behavior of some 1,500 organizations in Singapore. Overall, strong support for the integrated model has been manifested by our results, providing insight into influential factors. At the adoption stage, perceived behavioral control has the greatest impact on behavioral intention. Our findings also suggest that, as compared to attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control more significantly affect the broadband Internet adoption decision. At the postadoption stage, intention is no longer the only determinant of broadband Internet continuance; rather, initial usage was found to significantly affect broadband Internet continuance.
The team, rather than the individual, is increasingly seen as the building block of organizations and a key source of competitive advantage. Despite this, not enough is understood about how to build successful teams in modern organizations. The Essentials of Teamworking broadens this understanding by offering a selection of key chapters on teamwork from the International Handbook of Organizational Teamwork and Cooperative Working. This concise paperback edition reveals the complexity of teamwork and offers empirically based guidance on how teamwork can be effectively developed in modern organizations. Bringing together leading international scholars, The Essentials of Teamworking offers challenging perspectives on teamwork that will inform future research and practice. It is an invaluable resource for professionals, researchers and students alike.
Metaphor has been widely discussed within the discipline of Translation Studies, predominantly with respect to translatability and transfer methods. It has been argued that metaphors can become a translation problem, since transferring them from one language and culture to another one may be hampered by linguistic and cultural differences. A number of translation procedures for dealing with this problem have been suggested, e.g., substitution (metaphor into different metaphor), paraphrase (metaphor into sense), or deletion. Such procedures have been commented on both in normative models of translation (how to translate metaphors) and in descriptive models (how metaphors have been dealt with in actual translations). After a short overview of how metaphor has been dealt with in the discipline of Translation Studies, this paper discusses some implications of a cognitive approach to metaphors for translation theory and practice. Illustrations from authentic source and target texts (English and German, political discourse) show how translators handled metaphorical expressions, and what effects this had for the text itself, for text reception by the addressees, and for subsequent discursive developments. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All right reserved.
In this thesis we present an approach to automated verification of floating point programs. Existing techniques for automated generation of correctness theorems are extended to produce proof obligations for accuracy guarantees and absence of floating point exceptions. A prototype automated real number theorem prover is presented, demonstrating a novel application of function interval arithmetic in the context of subdivision-based numerical theorem proving. The prototype is tested on correctness theorems for two simple yet nontrivial programs, proving exception freedom and tight accuracy guarantees automatically. The prover demonstrates a novel application of function interval arithmetic in the context of subdivision-based numerical theorem proving. The experiments show how function intervals can be used to combat the information loss problems that limit the applicability of traditional interval arithmetic in the context of hard real number theorem proving.
Based on a corpus of English, German, and Polish spoken academic discourse, this article analyzes the distribution and function of humor in academic research presentations. The corpus is the result of a European research cooperation project consisting of 300,000 tokens of spoken academic language, focusing on the genres research presentation, student presentation, and oral examination. The article investigates difference between the German and English research cultures as expressed in the genre of specialist research presentations, and the role of humor as a pragmatic device in their respective contexts. The data is analyzed according to the paradigms of corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS). The findings show that humor is used in research presentations as an expression of discourse reflexivity. They also reveal a considerable difference in the quantitative distribution of humor in research presentations depending on the educational, linguistic, and cultural background of the presenters, thus confirming the notion of different research cultures. Such research cultures nurture distinct attitudes to genres of academic language: whereas in one of the cultures identified researchers conform with the constraints and structures of the genre, those working in another attempt to subvert them, for example by the application of humor. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
With few exceptions (e.g. Fincham & Clark, 2002; Lounsbury, 2002, 2007; Montgomery & Oliver, 2007), we know little about how emerging professions, such as management consulting, professionalize and establish their services as a taken-for-granted element of social life. This is surprising given that professionals have long been recognized as “institutional agents” (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983; Scott, 2008) (see Chapter 17) and professionalization projects have been closely associated with institutionalization (DiMaggio, 1991). Therefore, in this chapter we take a closer look at a specific type of entrepreneurship in PSFs; drawing on the concept of “institutional entrepreneurship” (DiMaggio, 1988; Garud, Hardy, & Maguire, 2007; Hardy & Maguire, 2008) we describe some generic strategies by which proto-professions can enhance their “institutional capital” (Oliver, 1997), that is, their capacity to extract institutionally contingent resources such as legitimacy, reputation, or client relationships from their environment.
In this article I propose an augmented pragmatic framework for interpreting metaphors of identity, built upon Grice's co-operative principle and incorporating Levinson's concept of uptake and Austin's notion of felicity. The framework is applied to a selection of intertextual identity metaphors drawn from The Guardian's dating ad column, ‘Soulmates’. First I provide a detailed exposition of the textual and discursive workings of a small selection of typical fictional metaphors in these dating ads, to show how co-textual selections steer interpretation and contribute to a metaphor's success, or felicity. Then discussion turns to consideration of how these textual and discursive processes might be mapped onto the proposed pragmatic framework of recognition, uptake and felicity.