917 resultados para wing
B cell diffuse large cell lymphoma (B-DLCL) is a heterogeneous group of tumors, based on significant variations in morphology, clinical presentation, and response to treatment. Gene expression profiling has revealed two distinct tumor subtypes of B-DLCL: germinal center B cell-like DLCL and activated B cell-like DLCL. In a separate study, we determined that B-DLCL can also be subdivided into two groups based on the presence or absence of ongoing Ig gene hypermutation. Here, we evaluated the correlation between these B-DLCL subtypes established by the two different methods. Fourteen primary B-DLCL cases were studied by gene expression profiling using DNA microarrays and for the presence of ongoing mutations in their Ig heavy chain gene. All seven cases classified as germinal center B cell-like DLCL by gene expression showed the presence of ongoing mutations in the Ig genes. Five of the seven cases classified by gene expression as activated B cell-like DLCL had no ongoing somatic mutations, whereas, in the remaining two cases, a single point mutation was observed in only 2 of 15 and 21 examined molecular clones of variable heavy (VH) chain gene, respectively. These two cases were distantly related to the rest of the activated B cell-like DLCL tumors by gene expression. Our findings validate the concept that lymphoid malignancies are derived from cells at discrete stages of normal lymphocyte maturation and that the malignant cells retain the genetic program of those normal cells.
The process of wing patterning involves precise molecular mechanisms to establish an organizing center at the dorsal–ventral boundary, which functions to direct the development of the Drosophila wing. We report that misexpression of dLMO, a Drosophila LIM-only protein, in specific patterns in the developing wing imaginal disc, disrupts the dorsal–ventral (D-V) boundary and causes errors in wing patterning. When dLMO is misexpressed along the anterior–posterior boundary, extra wing outgrowth occurs, similar to the phenotype seen when mutant clones lacking Apterous, a LIM homeodomain protein known to be essential for normal D-V patterning of the wing, are made in the wing disc. When dLMO is misexpressed along the D-V boundary in third instar larvae, loss of the wing margin is observed. This phenotype is very similar to the phenotype of Beadex, a long-studied dominant mutation that we show disrupts the dLMO transcript in the 3′ untranslated region. dLMO normally is expressed in the wing pouch of the third instar wing imaginal disc during patterning. A mammalian homolog of dLMO is expressed in the developing limb bud of the mouse. This indicates that LMO proteins might function in an evolutionarily conserved mechanism involved in patterning the appendages.
A new thermodynamic database for normal and modified nucleic acids has been developed. This Thermodynamic Database for Nucleic Acids (NTDB) includes sequence, structure and thermodynamic information as well as experimental methods and conditions. In this release, there are 1851 sequences containing both normal and modified nucleic acids. A user-friendly web-based interface has been developed to allow data searching under different conditions. Useful thermodynamic tools for the study of nucleic acids have been collected and linked for easy usage. NTDB is available at http://ntdb.chem.cuhk.edu.hk.
Neuropathological and brain imaging studies suggest that schizophrenia may result from neurodevelopmental defects. Cytoarchitectural studies indicate cellular abnormalities suggestive of a disruption in neuronal connectivity in schizophrenia, particularly in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Yet, the molecular mechanisms underlying these findings remain unclear. To identify molecular substrates associated with schizophrenia, DNA microarray analysis was used to assay gene expression levels in postmortem dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic and control patients. Genes determined to have altered expression levels in schizophrenics relative to controls are involved in a number of biological processes, including synaptic plasticity, neuronal development, neurotransmission, and signal transduction. Most notable was the differential expression of myelination-related genes suggesting a disruption in oligodendrocyte function in schizophrenia.
Specification of unequal daughter cell fates in the Drosophila external sense organ lineage requires asymmetric localization of the intrinsic determinant Numb as well as cell-cell interactions mediated by the Delta ligand and Notch receptor. Previous genetic studies indicated that numb acts upstream of Notch, and biochemical studies revealed that Numb can bind Notch. For a functional assay of the action of Numb on Notch signaling, we expressed these proteins in cultured Drosophila cells and used nuclear translocation of Suppressor of Hairless [Su(H)] as a reporter for Notch activity. We found that Numb interfered with the ability of Notch to cause nuclear translocation of Su(H); both the C-terminal half of the phosphotyrosine binding domain and the C terminus of Numb are required to inhibit Notch. Overexpression of Numb during wing development, which is sensitive to Notch dosage, revealed that Numb is also able to inhibit the Notch receptor in vivo. In the external sense organ lineage, the phosphotyrosine binding domain of Numb was found to be essential for the function but not for asymmetric localization of Numb. Our results suggest that Numb determines daughter cell fates in the external sense organ lineage by inhibiting Notch signaling.
Boundary or insulator elements set up independent territories of gene activity by establishing higher order domains of chromatin structure. The gypsy retrotransposon of Drosophila contains an insulator element that represses enhancer-promoter interactions and is responsible for the mutant phenotypes caused by insertion of this element. The gypsy insulator inhibits the interaction of promoter-distal enhancers with the transcription complex without affecting the functionality of promoter-proximal enhancers; in addition, these sequences can buffer a transgene from chromosomal position effects. Two proteins have been identified that bind gypsy insulator sequences and are responsible for their effects on transcription. The suppressor of Hairy-wing [su(Hw)] protein affects enhancer function both upstream and downstream of its binding site by causing a silencing effect similar to that of heterochromatin. The modifier of mdg4 [mod(mdg4)] protein interacts with su(Hw) to transform this bi-directional repression into the polar effect characteristic of insulators. These effects seem to be modulated by changes in chromatin structure.
Establishment of loss-of-function phenotypes is often a key step in determining the biological function of a gene. We describe a procedure to obtain mutant petunia plants in which a specific gene with known sequence is inactivated by the transposable element dTph1. Leaves are collected from batches of 1000 plants with highly active dTph1 elements, pooled according to a three-dimensional matrix, and screened by PCR using a transposon- and a gene-specific primer. In this way individual plants with a dTph1 insertion can be identified by analysis of about 30 PCRs. We found insertion alleles for various genes at a frequency of about 1 in 1000 plants. The plant population can be preserved by selfing all the plants, so that it can be screened for insertions in many genes over a prolonged period.
The suppressor of Hairy-wing [su(Hw)] protein exerts a polar effect on gene expression by repressing the function of transcriptional enhancers located distally from the promoter with respect to the location of su(Hw) binding sequences. The directionality of this effect suggests that the su(Hw) protein specifically interferes with the basic mechanism of enhancer action. Moreover, mutations in modifier of mdg4 [mod(mdg4)] result in the repression of expression of a gene when the su(Hw) protein is bound to sequences in the copy of this gene located in the homologous chromosome. This effect is dependent on the presence of the su(Hw) binding region from the gypsy retrotransposon in at least one of the chromosomes and is enhanced by the presence of additional gypsy sequences in the other homology. This phenomenon is inhibited by chromosomal rearrangements that disrupt pairing, suggesting that close apposition between the two copies of the affected gene is important for trans repression of transcription. These results indicate that, in the absence of mod-(mdg4) product, the su(Hw) protein present in one chromosome can act in trans and inactivate enhancers located in the other homolog.
Este trabalho tem por finalidade mostrar a aplicação e a utilização de um aeromodelo elétrico de asa fixa, também conhecido como veículo aéreo não tripulado (VANT), com controle manual ou automático, para coleta de dados e imagens em propriedades rurais, com a premissa de auxiliar os gestores no processo de gestão e tomada de decisão. A metodologia utilizada para a realização das coletas foi feita por meio de voos programados em dias e condições diferentes, para verificação e análise de desempenho do aeromodelo. Os resultados obtidos com os voos foram acima do esperado, gerando excelentes imagens e dados confiáveis. Sendo assim, pôde-se concluir que a utilização de VANTs, em coletas de dados e imagens em propriedades rurais foi satisfatória e auxiliou os gestores no processo de gerenciamento e rotacionamento de animais no pasto, uma vez que as imagens permitiram uma boa visualização e o aeromodelo desenvolvido cumpriu o seu objetivo com bom desempenho e agilidade.
Nos estudos sobre a teoria da Seleção Sexual, as libélulas têm sido amplamente estudadas devido à grande variedade de padrões comportamentais, de coloração e táticas reprodutivas. Como forma de demonstrar táticas reprodutivas adotadas por duas espécies de libélulas, esta dissertação teve como objetivos principais: i) investigar o papel de traços secundários como a coloração corporal na competição intra-sexual de uma espécie territorial e ii) analisar se os traços corporais como tamanho e morfologia das asas predizem a tática de acasalamento adotada por machos de uma espécie nãoterritorial. Sugere-se que a coloração corporal pode predizer o resultado de lutas e também se correlacionar positivamente com a condição física dos machos territoriais de Tigriagrion aurantinigrum. Ademais, traços corporais como o tamanho e a morfologia das asas influenciam na tática reprodutiva utilizada por machos não-territoriais de Epipleoneura williamsoni. Portanto, com os resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a variação nos sinais visuais exerce um papel essencial na comunicação animal e na resolução de conflitos, indicando ainda que pode haver uma sinalização da condição física dos machos. Além disso, os resultados mostraram evidências em como diferentes táticas reprodutivas se relacionam com traços corporais como agilidade e tamanho corporal, os quais podem influenciar no sucesso reprodutivo dos indivíduos.
This paper provides a brief review of the connecting literature in management science, economics and finance, and discusses some research that is related to the three disciplines. Academics could develop theoretical models and subsequent econometric models to estimate the parameters in the associated models, and analyze some interesting issues in the three disciplines.
En los últimos años estamos asistiendo a un estudio, cada vez más pormenorizado, de las figuras locales que han marcado la propia evolución de la dictadura a escala local –caso del alcalde Porcioles para Barcelona–. Ello ha permitido profundizar en los apoyos, evolución ideológica y rupturas dentro del propio régimen franquista. Para el caso de la ciudad de Valencia, aparte de las biografías conocidas de miembros de la oposición al régimen, nos falta un estudio en profundidad de determinados perfiles políticos que ayudaron en la instauración del franquismo y lo apoyaron prácticamente hasta el final. Uno de ellos fue Adolfo Rincón de Arellano, presidente de la Diputación, alcalde de Valencia y Consejero Nacional del Movimiento años después. Un estudio en profundidad de su vida y evolución ideológica permite comprender las características propias de la dictadura en territorio valenciano.
El regreso de los Borbones en 1814, a pesar del agresivo programa de extrema derecha que trajo consigo, según el cual pretendía acabar con el aparato del Estado centralizado por considerarlo la fuente misma del “peligro revolucionario”, no mermó en ningún caso el poder de una administración que había sido muy poco depurada. El realismo ultra rápidamente demostró su incapacidad para estabilizar la economía y la sociedad mediante un compromiso histórico que, sin embargo, fue rápidamente organizado por una tecnocracia compuesta por una fusión de los despachos de la Francia anterior a 1789 y los del episodio revolucionario e imperial. Entre lecciones de Turgot y de Corbert, el Estado se hizo el guardián y el tutor de un liberalismo económico y social que dotó de un nuevo impuso a la industrialización de Francia y a la formación de un mercado nacional protegido. Esta identidad modernizadora del Estado supo evolucionar. Sobrevivió al giro a la derecha de la vida política propiciado por Villèle y, para hacer frente a las dificultades que se encontró Francia en su modernización a partir de 1828, el Estado se propuso aprender de los “métodos ingleses” que hicieron evolucionar la rigidez de la administración napoleónica.
En España, el fenómeno de las adopciones internacionales irrumpe en la década de 1990. En 2004, se convirtió en el segundo país del mundo que las llevaba a cabo. Con el objetivo de incrementar el conocimiento sociológico sobre la familia adoptiva internacional española, se realizó la encuesta a través de web titulada Las familias adoptivas y sus estilos de vida. A partir de las respuestas ofrecidas por 230 madres y padres adoptivos, se dibuja el perfil sociodemográfico de sus hogares. Estos se caracterizarían por contar con progenitores con elevado nivel formativo, no adscritos a ninguna religión, que defienden políticas de izquierdas y que comparten un sistema de valores posmodernos respecto a la institución familiar. La identificación de la estructura doméstica según su tipo de alianza (biparental o monoparental) y su tipo de filiación (adoptiva o mixta) nos permite situar a la adopción contemporánea como una opción de filiación elegida y no, exclusivamente, como alternativa ante la imposibilidad de tener hijos biológicos. Adicionalmente, los resultados arrojados por la encuesta nos permiten adentrarnos en uno de los aspectos menos abordados en el estudio sociológico de la familia adoptiva: el papel de las actitudes sociales hacia la adopción y su impacto en aquella. La mayoría de los encuestados perciben el estigma social del que es objeto su familia adoptiva, pues, desde su punto de vista, la sociedad las considera como una forma de hogar menos satisfactoria que la basada en lazos biológicos.
Tree hollows offer an ideal niche for saproxylic insects in mature Mediterranean forests, where Diptera and Coleoptera are the richest groups. Co-occurrence is frequently observed among many species of both groups in these microhabitats, and some of these species have been considered to facilitate the presence of other species by acting as ecosystem engineers. One of the systems that is found in Mediterranean tree hollows is formed by cetonid (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) and syrphid (Diptera: Syrphidae) larvae. Here, cetonid larvae feed on wood and litter and produce a substrate that is easier to decompose. To assess the possible role of these larvae as facilitating agents for the saproxylic guild, we studied whether the presence of saprophagous Syrphidae inside tree hollows is associated with the activity of cetonid larvae. Furthermore, in laboratory conditions, we tested whether cetonid larvae activity can improve the development and fitness of the saprophagous syrphid species. Our results show that “cetonid activity” was the variable that best explained the presence of saprophagous syrphid species in natural conditions. Myathropa florea (L., 1758) was one of the species most influenced by this activity. The laboratory experiment gave similar results, demonstrating that an enriched substrate with Cetonia aurataeformis Curti, 1913 larval feces improves syrphid larval growth rate and fitness of adults (measured as longer wing length) of M. florea.