939 resultados para web platform
Cellular behavior is strongly influenced by the architecture and pattern of its interfacing extracellular matrix (ECM). For an artificial culture system which could eventually benefit the translation of scientific findings into therapeutic development, the system should capture the key characteristics of a physiological microenvironment. At the same time, it should also enable standardized, high throughput data acquisition. Since an ECM is composed of different fibrous proteins, studying cellular interaction with individual fibrils will be of physiological relevance. In this study, we employ near-field electrospinning to create ordered patterns of collagenous fibrils of gelatin, based on an acetic acid and ethyl acetate aqueous co-solvent system. Tunable conformations of micro-fibrils were directly deposited onto soft polymeric substrates in a single step. We observe that global topographical features of straight lines, beads-on-strings, and curls are dictated by solution conductivity; whereas the finer details such as the fiber cross-sectional profile are tuned by solution viscosity. Using these fibril constructs as cellular assays, we study EA.hy926 endothelial cells' response to ROCK inhibition, because of ROCK's key role in the regulation of cell shape. The fibril array was shown to modulate the cellular morphology towards a pre-capillary cord-like phenotype, which was otherwise not observed on a flat 2-D substrate. Further facilitated by quantitative analysis of morphological parameters, the fibril platform also provides better dissection in the cells' response to a H1152 ROCK inhibitor. In conclusion, the near-field electrospun fibril constructs provide a more physiologically-relevant platform compared to a featureless 2-D surface, and simultaneously permit statistical single-cell image cytometry using conventional microscopy systems. The patterning approach described here is also expected to form the basics for depositing other protein fibrils, seen among potential applications as culture platforms for drug screening.
Food web structure was studied by using carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in a hypereutrophic subtropical Chinese lake, Lake Donghu. High external nutrient loading and the presence of abundant detritus from submersed macrophytes were responsible for the high sediment delta(15)N and delta(13)C, respectively. C-13 was significantly higher in submersed macrophytes than in other macrophytes. The similar delta(13)C values in phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos, and planktivorous fish indicate that phytoplankton was the major food source for the consumers. By using a delta(15)N mass balance model, we estimate that the contributions of zooplankton to the diet of silver carp and bighead carp were 54% and 74%, respectively, which is in agreement with previous microscopic observations on intestinal contents of these fishes.
Web services can be seen as a newly emerging research area for Service-oriented Computing and their implementation in Service-oriented Architectures. Web services are self-contained, self-describing modular applications or components providing services. Web services may be dynamically aggregated, composed, and enacted as Web services Workflows. This requires frameworks and interaction protocols for their co-ordination and transaction support. In a Service-oriented Computing setting, transactions are more complex, involve multiple parties (roles), span many organizations, and may be long-running, consisting of a highly decentralized service partner and performed by autonomous entities. A Service-oriented Transaction Model has to provide comprehensive support for long-running propositions including negotiations, conversations, commitments, contracts, tracking, payments, and exception handling. Current transaction models and mechanisms including their protocols and primitives do not sufficiently cater for quality-aware and long running transactions comprising loosely-coupled (federated) service partners and resources. Web services transactions require co-ordination behavior provided by a traditional transaction mechanism to control the operations and outcome of an application. Furthermore, Web services transactions require the capability to handle the co-ordination of processing outcomes or results from multiple services in a more flexible manner. This requires more relaxed forms of transactions—those that do not strictly have to abide by the ACID properties—such as loosely-coupled collaboration and workflows. Furthermore, there is a need to group Web services into applications that require some form of correlation, but do not necessarily require transactional behavior. The purpose of this paper is to provide a state-of-the-art review and overview of some proposed standards surrounding Web services composition, co-ordination, and transaction. In particular the Business Process Execution Language for Web services (BPEL4WS), its co-ordination, and transaction frameworks (WS-Co-ordination and WS-Transaction) are discussed.
SSL Web代理能有效保护Internet上数据传输和存有敏感信息的Web服务器的安全。但是SSL协议中大量的数据处理带来的性能瓶须和协议实现中受到的安全威胁将严亚影响SSL Web代理的效用。该文在分析SSL/TLS协议性能和安全的基础上,设计并实现了一种高效的、安全的SSL-TLS Web代理。
随着计算机的普及和网络技术的发展,Internet上的Web用户爆炸性增长。作为Web应用主要支撑平台的Web应用服务器经常面临过载的问题。Web应用服务器集群技术是解决这一问题的有效手段。然而,集群规模变大导致的集群拓扑结构复杂、计算环境的高度异构以及应用对性能等非功能需求的多样化使得Web应用服务器集群的安装、配置和维护等管理过程难度大大增加。Web应用服务器集群迫切需要改变目前静态、被动的管理方式,而通过自管理方式来降低其管理成本、适应计算环境变化以及应用的个性化非功能需求。 Web应用服务器集群管理主要包括拓扑结构、资源以及负载等方面的管理。本文设计了一个Web应用服务器集群管理系统。针对集群拓扑结构管理,设计了基于广播的集群节点自配置设施,并通过基于Cookie Insertion的请求会话粘滞设计实现了多个负载均衡器的协同工作;针对集群资源管理,设计了基于Java规则引擎的动态资源管理框架,并在此基础上实现了集群规模的动态调整;针对集群负载管理,设计了基于反馈-控制机制的动态负载均衡算法,可根据节点负载动态调整权值,使集群能够适应负载变化。 基于上述设计,本论文在Web应用服务器系统OnceAS中实现了该集群管理系统,包括支持多种通信模式的集群通信组件,拓扑结构管理器,资源管理器,负载均衡器,以及节点管理器,同时提供了相应的管理工具。系统测试结果表明,该系统支持集群拓扑结构、资源和负载的管理,能够更好地适应负载变化,提高Web应用服务器的整体性能表现。
随着网络技术的发展,采用多层架构的Web应用逐渐成为重要的软件发展趋势,Web应用服务器通过简化Web应用的开发管理,已经成为多层Web应用的主流支撑平台。然而由于Web应用服务器对Web应用采用透明式服务,因此二者之间的交互难以理解,难以监视和诊断Web应用的性能瓶颈。如何通过Web应用服务器的监视与诊断快速定位多层Web应用中的性能瓶颈是非常值得研究的问题。 本论文在分析现有监视与诊断技术的基础上,首先将多层Web应用中组件、服务间的复杂交互关系抽象为资源调用链,分解多层Web应用的性能瓶颈范围;其次,以比较稳定的资源服务时间代替传统的性能度量作为监视对象,并提出了一种基于服务时间标记的性能异常诊断方法;最后,基于上述工作设计实现了一种Web应用服务器性能监视与诊断框架。 目前该框架已经集成到Web应用服务器OnceAS中,系统测试结果表明,该框架可以有效地发现由于负载变化和业务逻辑设计引起的性能瓶颈。
Web服务作为面向服务计算范型的主要实现技术,能有效提高异构环境下分布式应用的开发效率,降低其开发成本。而Web服务应用系统的运行时质量保证及优化则可以通过采用监测机制实现。但是,由于Web服务具有高度的分布性、动态性,自主性等特点,Web服务应用系统的系统行为难以预期,这对Web服务应用的监测提出了很大的挑战。 论文首先分析了Web服务系统的监测需求,确定了Web服务QoS监测,流程运行时监测以及复合服务QoS评估三个方面的研究内容。在对以上问题进行深入分析的基础上,论文设计了一种基于监测事件时序图匹配的流程运行时监测方法。通过将BPEL流程转换成对应的监测事件时序图,并在运行时将监测事件与时序图进行动态匹配,解决了流程运行时监测中的监测事件展现乱序,流程执行路径难以确定等问题;通过综合考虑流程结构,流程执行历史信息和成员Web服务QoS,设计了一种复合服务QoS评估方法,能够对业务流程运行时动态服务绑定下的QoS进行评估,为业务流程的设计及运行时的服务选择提供了有力的依据。 最后论文基于网驰服务计算平台,设计和实现了服务计算平台监测工具,将前述研究成果引入其中。并通过在线旅游预订的应用案例,对监测工具进行了功能性测试。
以Web应用服务器为代表的分布式组件中间件系统(如EJB,CORBA,.NET)已发展为Web计算环境中的主要基础软件。中间件系统通过屏蔽底层平台的异构性,提供大量应用所需要的服务(如事务、安全等),极大地简化了大规模复杂分布式系统的开发;另外,通过定义良好的组件模型,大量COTS组件能部署到任何与标准兼容的中间件平台实现上,提高了软件复用的程度。 中间件在支持应用的功能性需求方面虽然取得了较好的效果,然而在非功能性支持方面,中间件尚处于“尽力而为”的阶段,缺乏相应的服务质量保障机制,难以满足复杂多变的计算环境的要求。性能是应用系统一种非常关键的非功能特征,基于组件的应用,其性能不但受到应用设计的影响,同时受到应用所部署的中间件系统的影响,而这种影响很大程度上是中间件资源参数配置引起的(下文中如无明确说明,资源配置简称为配置)。目前大部分中间件系统只支持静态配置方式,必须通过反复地试运行来确定手工配置的参数是否能够满足应用的性能需求,该方式效率低下,而且对管理人员的要求很高;同时,对于诸如e-commerce之类的计算环境,负载始终处于高动态变化之中,静态配置方式也难以适应这种负载变化。针对上述问题,本文以EJB中间件为目标平台,提出了一种基于性能模型的自适应配置框架,能够在系统负载变化的情况下,自适应地调整中间件配置参数,更好地满足应用的性能需求。 首先,本文研究了自适应配置框架的总体架构。该框架的核心是一个基于分层排队网络的性能模型,它能够预测在给定中间件配置和负载下的性能度量。在配置决定过程中,性能模型用于评估不同候选配置,指导搜索最优的配置,从而提高性能保障的准确性和有效性。 其次,本文研究了基于分层排队网络模型的EJB性能建模技术。通过分析不同类型组件容器的请求处理行为,我们为不同类型组件建立性能模板。通过基于模型分解/组合的建模方法和模版实例化构建整个EJB应用的完整性能模型。 最后,本文描述了自适应配置框架在OnceAS2.0应用服务器上的原型实现,以及相关实验对该框架有效性的验证。