986 resultados para volatilidade do crescimento do produto


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Um experimento foi conduzido para comparar diversos níveis e fontes protéicas utilizados em rações sobre o desempenho, a morfometria intestinal e a relação peso de pâncreas/peso de carcaça de leitões de 36 a 70 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 96 leitões desmamados distribuídos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições de quatro animais. Avaliaram-se seis fontes protéicas (tratamentos): leite em pó desnatado (8,80 e 12,00%); isolado protéico de soja (3,20 e 4,50%); farinha de peixe (5,00%); e levedura seca (10,00%). As dietas, isoenergéticas e isoprotéicas, não afetaram o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar dos animais, contudo, os animais que receberam a dieta contendo leite em pó desnatado apresentaram maior consumo no período de 56 a 63 dias de idade. Não houve efeito significativo das fontes protéicas sobre a altura de vilos, a profundidade de cripta e a relação peso do pâncreas/peso corporal. As fontes protéicas estudadas e os níveis utilizados nas dietas não influenciaram o desempenho, a morfologia intestinal e a relação peso de pâncreas/peso de carcaça em leitões de 36 a 70 dias de idade


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The jangadas (brazilian fishing rafts) are rudimentary artisanal vessels intrinsic to the Northeast of Brazil. The fishery with jangadas is highly representative in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, and source of income for many families in addition to being a strong cultural icon. Is still alive despite the difficulties, bringing the history and customs of the fishermen and their people. However, is in process of extinction due to factors such as the low profitability of the activity, tourism and urbanization. From the understanding of activity involving their context and circumstances, based on identified problems regarding the conditions of use of jangadas as the unpredictability, the risk of accidents, poor working conditions, hygiene and housing, this dissertation aims to: analyzing the design of the jangada on the beach of Ponta Negra and its relationship with the activity in relation to health, safety, productivity and environment, and from such assessments, together with the results achieved during the workshops of the project, proposing a cart to move the raft, adapted to the local fisherman activity studied. To perform analysis of jangadeira activity, we used a methodology based on ergonomic work analysis - AET (WISNER, 1987; GUÈRIN, 2001; VIDAL, 2008, SALDANHA, 2004 and Carvalho, 2005). For data collection were used observational and interaction methods as a conversational action, verbalizations, photographs and video. It is emphasized that the search for solutions appropriate to the jangadeira activity was possible through the collaboration of several people, not just an informational level and understanding during the work activity, but effectively contributing to the making decisions


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The search of the man for more comfort and one better quality of life led to an increment of the production of goods and services, that results, almost always, in aggressions to the nature and to a reduction of this same quality of life. The concern with the ambient problems appears as an important element regarding the material and economic growth and of the quality of life. With this scene a new question, the Ambient Marketing appears. Although the marketing concept to be well ample, the companies use the term ambient marketing to make reference what in fact, many times, are a more specific activity of ambient communication. The ambient communication is a new form to communicate used for the companies with the objective to get advantages of its competitors ahead, since the competitiveness by means of the o price, the stated period and the quality if becomes extremely incited. In view of the current competitive market, where the organizations need distinguishing to get greater have detached front to the competition, and the fact of the society to be each time more worried about the environment and the impacts that the companies cause it, the ambient communication has been used as form to convince its customers. Of this form, she evaluated herself, through a exploratory research and qualitative, the influence of the use of the ambient communication in the decision of purchase and of that she forms the companies when using of this communication can add value to its product. The results had indicated that 77% of the interviewed ones had heard to say on marketing or ambient communication and that the television is main the media for this knowledge, a time that 90.9% of the respondents had affirmed to have seen propagandas of directed products of consumption to the ambient question in this way. In fact, the concern with the environment demonstrated for the companies has its impact, therefore 84% of the respondents had told if to sensetize with this fact. However, only a lesser number of people, 70.5% answered that this concern really influences in its decision of purchase


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Utilizaram-se 17.767 registros de peso de 4.210 cordeiros da raça Santa Inês com o objetivo de comparar modelos de regressão aleatória com diferentes estruturas para modelar a variância residual em estudos genéticos da curva de crescimento. Os efeitos fixos incluídos na análise foram: grupo contemporâneo e idade da ovelha no parto. As regressões fixas e aleatórias foram ajustadas por meio de polinômios de Legendre de ordens 4 e 3, respectivamente. A variância residual foi ajustada por meio de classes heterogêneas e por funções de variância empregando polinômios ordinários e de Legendre de ordens 2 a 8. O modelo considerando homogeneidade de variâncias residuais mostrou-se inadequado. de acordo com os critérios utilizados, a variância residual contendo sete classes heterogêneas proporcionou melhor ajuste, embora um mais parcimonioso, com cinco classes, pudesse ser utilizado sem perdas na qualidade de ajuste da variância nos dados. O ajuste de funções de variância com qualquer ordem foi melhor que o obtido por meio de classes. O polinômio ordinário de ordem 6 proporcionou melhor ajuste entre as estruturas testadas. A modelagem do resíduo interferiu nas estimativas de variâncias e parâmetros genéticos. Além da alteração da classificação dos reprodutores, a magnitude dos valores genéticos preditos apresenta variações significativas, de acordo com o ajuste da variância residual empregado.


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The objective of this Thesis is to investigate the strategic alignment between market end operations in the retail supermarket sector applying the concept product profiling by Hill (1993). To the developing was utilized a methodology of the cases study had were a evolvement if the action research into on of the RedeMais supermarkets. Through the interview, discussion and direct action became possible collect information necessary to direction this work, absorbing and understanding the methodology and thought form, action and management. This work contribute to development the create of the model adapted of the manufactory to service, the product matrix of the Hill, in which serve a tool to uncover the origins of misalignment that occur over time and to illustrate the phenomenon to executives gone support to decision


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The probiotics are live microorganisms, in latency state, that benefices the development of the animals. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the Bacillus subtilis in different doses about the growing, survival and immunological and hematological analyses in the Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) froglets. The test was developed in Experimental Frog farm of Agriculture Department, Pindamonhangaba, SP. Three doses of probiotics were tested (T1 - 2.5 g/Kg, T2 - 5 g/Kg and T3 - 10 g/Kg of food). The test was carried out with three simultaneous replicates, plus control group. The products were added to froglet's diet and mixed to the meal. The animals were previously feed with this diet for a period of 14 days and accompanied for about 42 days after metamorphose. Biometrics were performed every 7 days. It was evaluated the final weight, the survival, phagocytic capacity, phagocytic index and hematological analyses as hematocrit, hemoglobin level, erythrocyte number, absolute indices hematimetrycs (MCV and MCHC), differential counting of leucocytes and total counting of leucocytes and trombocytes. The results had shown that the doses of the probiotics had produced none effect on the final weight and survival. The immunological analyses had shown that the probiotics have presented immunostimulator effect, but haven't influenced the hematological parameters of the animals.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os fatores que afetam a altura da garupa em diferentes idades, em bovinos Nelore, e estimar a herdabilidade e as correlações genéticas entre esse caractere e as características reprodutivas e de crescimento. Os caracteres avaliados foram: altura da garupa à desmama, altura da garupa ao sobreano, peso à desmama, peso ao sobreano, perímetro escrotal e idade ao primeiro parto. Os fatores considerados foram: ano e mês de nascimento, rebanho, sexo, idade da vaca ao parto e idade do bezerro. Os componentes de variância e covariância foram estimados pela metodologia de máxima verossimilhança restrita, tendo-se utilizado um modelo animal. Todos os efeitos foram significativos para altura de garupa nas diferentes idades. As estimativas de herdabilidade quanto ao efeito genético direto indicaram que as características de crescimento e reprodutivas respondem à seleção, exceto a idade ao primeiro parto. As correlações genéticas entre as características de crescimento foram todas positivas e elevadas, de 0,42 a 0,90, o que indica que são determinadas em grande parte pelos mesmos conjuntos de genes de ação aditiva. em razão das baixas magnitudes das estimativas de correlação genética (entre -0,14 e 0,16), a eficiência reprodutiva é pouco influenciada pela seleção quanto à altura de garupa.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Esta pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da endogamia e suas possíveis influências sobre o crescimento de bovinos de corte. Foram utilizadas 27.406 observações de peso à desmama, padronizado aos 205 dias (PD), e 14.317 informações de peso ao ano, padronizado aos 365 dias (PA), de animais da raça Gir, no período de 1970 a 1995. As análises foram feitas pelo método dos quadrados mínimos, incluindo-se o efeito aleatório de grupo contemporâneo e os efeitos fixos de geração (discreto), idade da vaca ao parto e taxa de endogamia do bezerro e da vaca como variáveis contínuas, considerando-se os efeitos linear e quadrático. Apenas 11,65% das vacas, 19,84% dos touros e 9,23% dos bezerros da raça Gir estudados apresentaram algum grau de endogamia e as estimativas das médias de endogamia foram de pequena magnitude, constatando-se valores de 1,04; 0,96; e 1,66% para vacas, touros e bezerros, respectivamente. O efeito da endogamia do animal foi significativo e quadrático para as duas características estudadas. Os resultados mostraram depressão endogâmica para ambas as características (PD e PA). Recomenda-se evitar os acasalamentos, intencionalmente, endogâmicos e monitorar os acasalamentos com base no parentesco entre os indivíduos, visando manter baixas as taxas de endogamia.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo nesta pesquisa foi avaliar o potencial de crescimento, desempenho zootécnico e as características de rendimento da carcaça, das partes e dos órgãos e a qualidade da carne de três linhagens de frango de corte: Cobb (CB), Paraíso Pedrês (PP) e ISA Label (IL). O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições de 29 aves por tratamento. Semanalmente, com os dados obtidos para peso corporal médio, foi descrito o crescimento das aves, utilizando-se a equação de Gompertz e, com sua derivada, foi obtida a taxa de crescimento das aves. Três aves de cada repetição foram selecionadas e abatidas para análises do rendimento da carcaça, das partes e dos órgãos. As características físico-químicas da carne foram avaliadas utilizando-se o peito de duas destas aves. As aves CB apresentaram maior potencial de crescimento e, entre as caipiras o maior potencial foi observado para PP. Quanto ao desempenho, observou-se que a linhagem CB apresentou maior ganho de peso e consumo de ração, seguida pelas aves PP e IL. Maiores rendimentos de carcaça, de peito, sobrecoxa, fígado, intestinos e proventrículo foram obtidos com as aves CB em relação às caipiras, que não diferiram entre si. As aves CB apresentaram carne de peito com maior pH e maior capacidade de retenção de água que as de linhagens caipiras, que apresentaram carne de peito menos macia e com maior intensidade da cor vermelha. Maior potencial de crescimento e maiores rendimentos de pés, coxa, coxa+sobrecoxa e de coração foram verificados nos machos, enquanto, nas fêmeas, maiores rendimentos de peito, porcentagem de gordura abdominal, fígado, moela e proventrículo. As aves CB em relação às caipiras possuíram maior potencial de crescimento e maior rendimento de partes nobres, mas as caipiras apresentaram atributos diferenciados que justificam sua criação.


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The use of Natural Gas Vehicle has had a fast increase lately. However, in order to have a continuous success this Program needs to develop converting devices of Otto-cycle engines, gasoline or alcohol, to the use of NGV (Natural Gas Vehicle) that presents low cost, maintaining the same original development of the vehicle and low level of emissions, considering the PROCONVE rules. Due to the need to diversify the matrix in order to avoid energetic dependence and due to strict pollution control, it has increased in the Brazilian market the number of vehicles converted to the use of NGV. The recent regulation of the PROCONVE, determining that the converted engines with kits should be submitted to emission testing, comes to reinforce the necessity of the proposed development. Therefore, if we can obtain kits with the characteristics already described, we can reach a major trust in the market and obtain an increase acceptance of the vehicle conversion for NGV. The use of natural gas as vehicle fuel presents several advantages in relation to liquid fuels. It is a vehicle fuel with fewer indexes of emissions when compared to diesel; their combustion gases are less harmful, with a major level of safety than liquid fuels and the market price is quite competitive. The preoccupation that emerges, and the motivation of this project, is to know which are the main justifications for such technology, well accepted in other countries, with a low index or emission, with a high level of safety, where its maintenance becomes low, reminding that for this it is necessary that this technology has to be used properly, and once available in the market will not motivate interest in the urban transportation companies in Brazil, in research centers in general. Therefore this project exists to show the society in a general way the current vision of the main governmental factors, of the national research centers and of the private companies concerning the use of natural gas vehicles in urban transport vehicles, in order to give a major reliability to the population as well as to motivate national market competitiveness with a low cost and reliable product and to enrich the national technology


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This work treats of a field research in restaurants of Natal. The principal objective of the research was to verify the companies they would be using some type of acting evaluation with base in no-financial perspectives, that if they assimilated to Balanced Scorecard proposal, in the dimension of the Learning and Growth. In the statistical treatment, the descriptive analysis was accomplished with part of the Descriptive Statistics. The crossed analysis was made with Cluster Analysis employment. It was reached the conclusion that would not be careful to affirm the exact percentile of the ones that they use them referred practices, because there is not an uniform use on the part of the establishments. It is admitted that, even in an informal way, intentionally or not, partly, the companies are been worth of some investigated methods. It is also concluded that the adoption of instruments of that nature can take the companies they advance her/it in competitiveness, strengthening to your continuity possibilities and of growth. The word-key of this healthy work Balanced Scorecard, Knowledge Organizacional, Evaluation of Acting, Strategy and Competitiveness