785 resultados para vagina cytology
Metabolic flexibility may be generally defined as “the capacity for the organism to adapt fuel oxidation to fuel availability”. The metabolic diversification strategies used by individual bacteria vary greatly from the use of novel or acquired enzymes to the use of plasmid-localised genes and transporters. In this review, we describe the ability of lactobacilli to utilise a variety of carbon sources from their current or new environments in order to grow and survive. The genus Lactobacillus now includes more than 150 species, many with adaptive capabilities, broad metabolic capacity and species/strain variance. They are therefore, an informative example of a cell factory capable of adapting to new niches with differing nutritional landscapes. Indeed, lactobacilli naturally colonise and grow in a wide variety of environmental niches which include the roots and foliage of plants, silage, various fermented foods and beverages, the human vagina and the mammalian gastrointestinal tract (GIT; including the mouth, stomach, small intestine and large intestine). Here we primarily describe the metabolic flexibility of some lactobacilli isolated from the mammalian gastrointestinal tract, and we also describe some of the food-associated species with a proven ability to adapt to the GIT. As examples this review concentrates on the following species - Lb. plantarum, Lb. acidophilus, Lb. ruminis, Lb. salivarius, Lb. reuteri and Lb. sakei, to highlight the diversity and inter-relationships between the catabolic nature of species within the genus.
Background: Obstetric fistula is the development of a necrosis between the bladder and the vagina and/or the bladder and the rectum as a result of prolonged obstructed labor, resulting in urinary or fecal incontinence. In Tanzania surgical repair for obstetric fistula is provided freely by the government but it is estimated that there are over 25,000 women living with an untreated fistula. These women experience high degrees of psycho-social stresses exacerbated by the stigma surrounding their condition. There is a dire need to explore stigma within this population in order to better understand its impact, as stigma affects both treatment seeking behavior as well as long term recovery of those who access surgical repair.
Study Aims: This study aims to understand the experiences of stigma among women with obstetric fistulas by examining both internalized and enacted stigma, and by identifying pertinent correlates of internalized stigma.
Methods: This mixed-methods study utilized both quantitative and qualitative data collected in two related studies at a single hospital in Moshi, Tanzania. All study participants were women receiving surgical repair for an obstetric fistula. In the quantitative portion, cross-sectional survey data were collected from 52 patients. The primary outcome was fistula-related stigma, measured using an adaptation of the HASI-P stigma scale, which included constructs of both internalized and enacted stigma. In the qualitative portion, 45 patients participated in a semi-structured in-depth interview, which explored topics such as stressors caused by the fistula, coping mechanisms, and available support. The transcripts were analyzed using analytic memos and an iterative process of thematic coding using the framework of content analysis.
Results: Expressions of internalized stigma were common in the sample, with a median score of 2.1 on a scale of 0 – 3. Internalized was significantly correlated with negative religious coping, social participation, impact of incontinence and enacted stigma. Qualitative analysis was consistent and demonstrated widespread themes of shame and embarrassment. Experiences of enacted stigma were not as common (median score of 0), although some items, like those pertaining to mockery and blame, were endorsed by up to 25% of the study sample. Themes of anticipated stigma (isolation and non-disclosure due to the possibility of stigmatization) were also evident in the qualitative sample and may explain the low enacted stigma scores observed.
Conclusion: In this sample of women receiving surgical repair for an obstetric fistula, stigma was evident, with internalized stigma resulting in psychological impacts for patients. Experiences of both anticipated and enacted stigma were also observed. There is a need to explore interventions that would decrease stigma while also increasing support for these women, as stigma may be a barrier towards accessing surgical repair and reintegration following surgery.
Keywords: Tanzania, obstetric fistula, stigma, maternal health
Immunocytochemistry (ICC) is a long-established means for clinical laboratories to investigate material for which it is difficult to obtain tissue samples. Unlike immunohistochemistry (IHC), the cells do not retain surrounding tissue environment/architecture. This can be of benefit in that fixation is often immediate and rapid, protecting the cells. Although fixation is frequently observed as the main preanalytic variable of test quality, all cytology preanalytic factors should be identified and controlled. In addition, the validation of ICC should take the same rigorous approach that other molecular pathology techniques follow. A three-step validation protocol is offered here. The end result is a comprehensive, morphomolecular approach to ICC, with an emphasis on therapeutic ICC.
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is the more accurate diagnostic method for cervical lymph node (CLN) metastasis from differentiated thyroid cancers (DTC). However, FNAC diagnosis of cystic CLN is, in most cases, uninformative due to inadequate cellularity. Recently, thyroglobulin (Tg) detection in FNAC needle washout fluid has been shown to improve the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC, and its routine association with cytology is recommended. We here describe the case of a 20 yr old girl complaining of the recent appearance of palpable non-painful laterocervical nodes in the neck. Ultrasound examination revealed the presence of 3 cystic CLNs and 2 mixed thyroid nodules, with the larger one showing irregular margins. On the latter, and on 2 larger CLNs, FNAC was performed, and both Tg protein and mRNA were determined in the needle washout. The cytological analysis was not diagnostic for the two CLNs, while that of the thyroid nodule reported the presence of colloid and groups of thyrocytes with normal morphology. Both CLNs showed, however, high levels of Tg protein and were positive for Tg mRNA, suggestive of metastatic DTC. Based on these findings, the FNAC analysis was performed on the second smaller thyroid nodule suggesting (Tir4) the presence of PTC. The patient was then subjected to total thyroidectomy with lymph nodes resection of the central and homolateral compartments. The histological diagnosis confirmed the presence of a PTC in the small nodule and metastatic lymph nodes. In conclusion, this case confirms that the cytological diagnosis of cystic lymph nodes is challenging, and that the measurement of Tg protein and/or mRNA in the needle washout may overcome this limitation.
Increased incidence of incidental cancer in patients operated for benign thyroid disease has been reported. We report our experience about incidental thyroid cancer (ITC) in order to better characterize this nosologic entity. Between 2001 and 2009 a total of 568 patients underwent surgery for benign thyroid disease. Patients with preoperative cytology undetermined or positive for malignancy were excluded. The most frequent indication for surgery was multinodular or diffuse nontoxic goiter. We performed total thyroidectomy in 499 cases and emithyroidectomy in 69 cases. Final histology revealed ITC in 53 patients (9.3%): 44 had papillary carcinoma (20 classic variant and 24 follicular variant), 4 follicular carcinoma, 4 medullary carcinoma and 1 primitive thyroid paraganglioma. The preoperative diagnosis was multinodular or diffuse goiter in 45 cases of ITC and uninodular goiter in 8 cases. We performed total thyroidectomy in 46 case, emithyroidectomy in 4 patients with past history of lobectomy, emithyroidectomy in 3 patients with following radicalization and central neck dissection. In 14 patients the tumor was multifocal and in 12 of these patients the tumor foci were bilateral. The lesion was a microcarcinoma in 34 cases. Mean diameter of the ITC was 1.14 cm. We retrospectively reconsidered the results of preoperative ultrasound examinations in relation to the exact position of the tumor in the specimens and we found a statistically significant association between echogenicity and papillary histotype. Twenty-six patients were followed up at our Hospital. The mean follow-up period was 38.2 months. A relapse was observed in 3/26 patients. Incidental thyroid cancer in patients operated for benign disease has its own surgical and oncological relevance. A correct preoperative assessment, with a careful selection of nodules for fine-needle aspiration cytology on the basis of ultrasound pattern, could better address the choice of surgical procedure. The non irrelevant incidence of incidental thyroid cancer, the eventuality of multifocality and bilaterality and the possible occurrence of relapse, support that total thyroidectomy without residuum is a valuable option for treating benign thyroid conditions such as multinodular goitre. When an incidental cancer is diagnosed after emithyroidectomy, a radicalization with central neck dissection could be considered. We suggest that natural history of papillary microtumors and the correct surgical approach for these lesions could be better defined with a more extensive use of “Porto proposal” criteria. Incidental thyroid cancer, Papillary microcarcinoma, Papillary microtumors, Total thyroidectomy.
Se analizó un estudio de caso atendido en la Clínica “VIDA ” el 21 de noviembre del 2013. Inicialmente se procedió a la valoración de su estado físico y de salud considerando la edad de la paciente. A partir de la inspección clínica y anamnesis se procedió a brindar un diagnóstico de la patología que presentaba, para fundamentar las principales causas y consecuencia que gen eran las patologías reproductivas en la especie canina. El estudio de caso es una investigación cualitativa de tipo participativa, cuya base es la descripción de sucesos ocurridos en un momento determinado el cual consistía en el análisis de un estudio de caso que no pueden duplicarse por las condiciones individuales del sujeto y de su entorno en particular . El paciente era una perra de 12 años , llamada princesa que t enía completo su programa de vacunación y desparasitación. Después del último celo tuvo descargas vaginal es hemorrágicas , durante 6 días el cual alarmó a la dueña, ya que no mostró síntomas característicos de postraciones . Era alimentada con concentrado, su estro era normal . Se le brindó atención ambulatoria y s e le realizaron exámenes clínicos , realizando la anamnesis , sin mostrar dolor a la palpación, no se detectaron masas abdominales, no se realizó exploración vagina l debido a que la paciente no habí a sido incorporada para reproducción. Se determinó como piómetra en diagnostico presu ntivo, aplicándole vit. K p or tres días y al cuarto día una dosis de medroxiprogesterona para detener el sangrado. A l no haber efecto en el sangrado, se optó por la extirpación quirúrgica del útero el cual se real izó sin problemas, encontrándose: cuernos uterinos y útero hiperplásicos , endometrio con fibromas y pequeñas neoplasias. Se identificó neoplasia uterina causada por quistes ováricos, estrés, trastorno psicológico de adaptabilidad a la ausencia de la dueña, creando un desorde n en las estructuras de cascada del sistema endocrino, viéndose afectado por la relació n de la edad de la paciente. Terminada la cirugía se le entregó la mascota a su dueña junto con las indicaciones postoperatoria pero ya en su casa la paciente murió por complicaciones post quirúrgica no identificadas .
Introdução: As fístulas vesico-vaginais são, de todas as fístulas do aparelho urinário, as mais frequentes. A etiologia deste tipo de fístulas, varia de acordo com a região do globo. Nos países em vias de desenvolvimento, a principal causa de fístulas vesico vaginais corresponde a complicações obstétricas. A pressão exercida pelo feto, nas paredes da vagina, bexiga e uretra proximal leva muitas vezes à necrose dos tecidos. Esta necrose pode levar a um conjunto de complicações que vão desde as fístulas vesico vaginais, estenose vaginal, atresia rectal, infertilidade secundária, ou mesmo à incompetência do esfíncter anal e osteíte púbica. Apresentamos 3 casos clínicos de fístulas vesico vaginais de causa obstétrica bem como uma revisão dos aspectos teóricos e técnicos do diagnóstico e tratamento desta patologia. Materiais e Métodos: Descrevem-se 3 casos clínicos de fístulas vesico vaginais de causa obstétrica tratadas em 2012. O primeiro caso foi abordado por via vaginal reparado em três planos, utilizando-se o retalho de Martius. Os outros dois casos devido à localização e complexidade da fístula foram abordados por via abdominal com interposição de epíploon. Resultados: No primeiro caso a doente foi seguida noutra instituição, nos outros dois casos não houve recidiva da fístula num follow up de 6 e 12 meses respectivamente. Relativamente à correção cirúrgica obedeceu-se aos seguintes princípios: uma boa exposição do trajecto fistuloso, desbridamento do tecido desvitalizado e isquémico, utilização de retalhos bem vascularizados e preenchimento do espaço livre. O encerramento foi realizado em vários planos, sem sobreposição das suturas, sempre sem tensão. Discussão: As fístulas vesico-vaginais permanecem um enorme desafio do ponto de vista cirúrgico, necessitando de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, bem como da criação de centros de referência.
Purpose: To compare signs and symptoms of dry eye in keratoconus (KC) patients versus healthy subjects. Methods: A total of 15 KC patients (KC group, n = 15 eyes) and 16 healthy subjects (control group, 16 eyes) were enrolled in this study. The Schirmer I test with no anesthetic, tear break-up time (TBUT), corneal staining characteristics, and ocular surface disease index (OSDI) scores were evaluated for both groups. Impression cytology, combined with/scanning laser confocal microscopy (LCM), was performed to evaluate goblet cell density, mucin cloud height (MCH), and goblet cell layer thickness (CLT). Finally, tear concentrations of di-adenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) were assessed. Results were statistically analyzed using Shapiro–Wilk and non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum tests. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: KC patients had lower tear volumes and greater corneal staining than did healthy subjects (p < 0.05). OSDI scores were 44.96 ± 8.65 and 17.78 ± 6.50 for the KC and control groups, respectively (p < 0.05). We found no statistically significant differences in TBUT between groups. Impression cytology revealed lower goblet cell densities in KC group patients versus control group subjects (84.88 ± 32.98 and 128.88 ± 50.60 cells/mm,2 respectively, p < 0.05). There was a statistically significant reduction in MCH and CLT in KC group patients compared with control group subjects. Ap4A tear concentrations were higher in KC group patients than in control group subjects (2.56 ± 1.10 and 0.15 ± 0.12 µM, respectively, p < 0.05). Conclusions: The parameters evaluated in this study indicate that KC patients suffer greater symptoms of dry eye and greater tear instability, primarily due to the decreased mucin production in their tears, than do healthy patients with no KC.
Objective: To evaluate the differences between goblet cell density (GCD) and symptomatology after one month of orthokeratology lens wear. Methods: A pilot, short-term study was conducted. Twenty-two subjects (29.7. ±. 7.0 years old) participated voluntarily in the study. Subjects were divided into two groups: habitual silicone hydrogel contact lens wearers (SiHCLW) and new contact lens wearers (NCLW). Schirmer test, tear break up time (TBUT), Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire and conjunctival impression cytology. GCD, mucin cloud height (MCH) and cell layer thickness (CLT) were measured. All measurements were performed before orthokeratology fitting and one month after fitting to assess the evolution of the changes throughout this time. Results: No differences in tear volume and TBUT between groups were found (p>0.05). However, the OSDI score was statistically better after one month of orthokeratology lens wear than the baseline for the SiHCLW group (p=0.03). Regarding the goblet cell analysis, no differences were found in CLT and MCH from the baseline visit to the one month visit for the SiHCLW compared with NCLW groups (p>0.05). At baseline, the GCD in the SiHCLW group were statistically lower than NCLW group (p<0.001). There was a significant increase in GCD after orthokeratology fitting from 121±140cell/mm2 to 254±130cell/mm2 (p<0.001) in the SiHCLW group. Conclusion: Orthokeratology improves the dry eye subject symptoms and GCD after one month of wearing in SiHCLW. These results suggest that orthokeratology could be considered a good alternative for silicone hydrogel contact lens discomfort and dryness. © 2016 British Contact Lens Association.
Objectivo: Avaliar a acuidade da Ressonância Magnética (RM) no estadiamento do carcinoma do colo do útero, comparando os achados em RM com os resultados Anátomo-Patológicos da peça operatória. Material e Métodos: Foi efectuado um estudo retrospectivo que incluiu 41 doentes operadas com o diagnóstico de carcinoma do colo do útero e previamente submetidas a RM para estadiamento, entre Janeiro de 2007 e Dezembro de 2009. Foram analisados os seguintes factores de estadiamento e prognóstico: dimensão do tumor, invasão dos paramétrios, invasão da vagina e metástases ganglionares. A dimensão do tumor determinada por RM foi comparada com a medição na peça operatória através da análise do declive e ordenada na origem de uma recta de regressão entre os dois métodos. Resultados: O tumor foi visualizado por RM na maioria dos casos (35 doentes, 85.4%). Nas restantes 6 doentes a avaliação anátomo-patológica revelou um tumor com menos de 6 mm de diâmetro. A dimensão do tumor foi adequadamente avaliada por RM, sem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a medição por RM e na peça operatória. Foi confirmado o elevado valor preditivo negativo da RM na exclusão de invasão dos paramétrios previamente reportado, com apenas 2 falsos negativos em que a anatomia patológica demonstrou apenas invasão microscópica focal. A invasão da vagina foi correctamente avaliada em 30 doentes (85.7%), tendo-se verificado nos restantes casos 2 falsos negativos e 3 falsos positivos. Em relação às metástases ganglionares verificaram-se 4 falsos negativos, no total das 41 doentes avaliadas. Conclusão: A dimensão do tumor, invasão dos paramétrios, invasão da vagina e metástases ganglionares foram adequadamente avaliadas por RM, confirmando a capacidade da RM no estadiamento do carcinoma do colo do útero.
Aim Description of pathologic causes of cervical lymphadenopathy at Kamuzu Central Hospital. Introduction The evaluation of cervical lymphadenopathy is a common diagnostic challenge facing clinicians. Previously at Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) tuberculosis (TB) was reported to be the most common cause of cervical lymphadenopathy However, no recent study has assessed this common diagnostic challenge in Malawi, particularly since the beginning of the HIV epidemic and the subsequent scale-up of antiretroviral therapy. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study of all cervical lymph node specimens from the KCH pathology laboratory between 1 July 2011 and 28 February 2013 and describe patient age, gender, and pathologic diagnoses. Results Our search of the KCH pathology database yielded 179 cases. Of these, 143 (77%) were histologic specimens (open biopsy or core needle samples) while 34 (23%) were cytology specimens. The age range was from 0 to 76 years with a mean of 30 (SD: 19). In adults, the most common diagnosis was malignancy (n=41, 35%), while in children 15 cases each of malignancy and benign masses were diagnosed. Only 6 cases (5%) of TB were diagnosed in adults, and 4 cases (6%) of TB were diagnosed in children. Conclusion Our study shows more malignancy and much less TB than a prior study of cervical lymphadenopathy at KCH. With the successful initiaion of the KCH Pathology Laboratory in 2011, we recommend biopsy or FNA early in the workup of cervical lymphadenopathy to prevent long delays in diagnosis and treatment of curable cancers.
La inmunoterapia autóloga utiliza células del mismo cuerpo para estimular y restaurar las defensas naturales del sistema inmunológico. Algunas de las células que han sido utilizado en años recientes son: linfocitos infiltrantes de tumor, linfocitos T citotóxicos, células asesinas activadas por linfocinas y células dendríticas (CD). Las CD son células especializadas y su función es el capturar, procesar y presentar antígenos a los linfocitos para iniciar una respuesta inmune. El tumor venéreo transmisible (TVT), también conocido como sarcoma infeccioso o tumor de Sticker, es un cáncer transmisible en perros que afecta mayormente los genitales externos y se transmite durante el coito. En este trabajo se implementó por primera vez un modelo de TVT en el órgano genital (vagina) de los pacientes y se les administró la inmunoterapia autóloga con CD específicas contra el tumor. Para estudiar esta terapia se utilizaron tres grupos experimentales: el tumor sin tratamiento, el tumor tratado con sangre completa autóloga, y el tumor tratado con CD autólogas específicas para el TVT. Por último se evaluó la capacidad inmunológica del extracto tumoral total (ETT) del tumor como método de prevención in vivo. Para el tratamiento autólogo con las CD, se esperó que el tumor midiese 3cm, se realizó un cultivo primario de las células de TVT y se les extrajo el 4% de su peso corporal de sangre a los pacientes para realizar una diferenciación de los monocitos a CD. Para evaluar el efecto de la inmunoterapia autóloga con CD se observaron los efectos secundarios, el tamaño tumoral, las poblaciones de linfocitos, los niveles de IFN-γ en sangre y los linfocitos infiltrantes de tumor por histopatología. Los monocitos se diferenciaron a CD y se les realizó un análisis fenotípico mediante citometría de flujo. Los monocitos mostraron una expresión de CD14+ de 80.1%, CD80+ de 15.6%, CD83+ de 0.4% y un DLA II de1.8%. En las CD se obtuvo una expresión de 8.7% para CD14+, 80.3% para CD80+, 76.4% para CD83+ y 86.5% para DLA II y 62% en la prueba de fagocitosis. La terapia no mostró ningún efecto secundario en nuestro grupo experimental y hubo una regresión tumoral del 100% para la semana doce. Se encontró un aumento de expresión celular en sangre de CD4+ de 29%, de CD8+ de 34% y de IFN-γ de 120 pg/mL. Nuestros resultados demuestran que la inmunoterapia autóloga con CD específicas inducen una regresión del TVT en caninos.
The influence of different infectious agents and their association with human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical carcinogenesis have not been completely elucidated. This study describes the association between cytological changes in cervical epithelium and the detection of the most relevant aetiological agents of sexually transmitted diseases. Samples collected from 169 patients were evaluated by conventional cytology followed by molecular analysis to detect HPV DNA, Chlamydia trachomatis , herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Mycoplasma genitalium , Trichomonas vaginalis, and Treponema pallidum , besides genotyping for most common high-risk HPV. An association between cytological lesions and different behavioural habits such as smoking and sedentariness was observed. Intraepithelial lesions were also associated with HPV and C. trachomatis detection. An association was also found between both simple and multiple genotype infection and cytological changes. The investigation of HPV and C. trachomatis proved its importance and may be considered in the future for including in screening programs, since these factors are linked to the early diagnosis of patients with precursor lesions of cervical cancer.