813 resultados para turtle identifications


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[EN] The hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is a circumglobal tropical species listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. While it is known that at least one stock occurs around the rookeries of São Tome and Principe and Bioko Islands, the eastern Atlantic remains genetically unexplored. We present the first analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences (n = 28) of hawksbill juveniles in a foraging aggregation at the Cape Verde Islands, an archipelago located in the eastern Atlantic. The mean size (minimun curve carapace length) of the studied individuals was 42.45 cm.


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[EN] The incubation is an essential life period for oviparous species that very often experiences a high mortality. In some reptile species the number of eggs that develop together in the incubation chamber affects survival and hatchling phenotype. Sea turtle eggs develop in underground locations on sandy beaches in large masses that usually have more than 80 eggs. Natural egg mortality seems to vary among species and for the sensitive leatherbacks, external eggs seems to survive better than internal ones within the nest.


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[EN] Aim: A key life-history component for many animals is the need for movement between different geographical locations at particular times. Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings disperse from their natal location to spend an early pelagic stage in the ocean, followed by a neritic stage where small juveniles settle in coastal areas. In this study, we combined genetic and Lagrangian drifter data to investigate the connectivity between natal and foraging locations. In particular, we focus on the evidence for transatlantic transport.


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[EN] Despite the considerable population genetic and connectivity research on the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the species being critically endangered, the eastern Atlantic remains understudied. We present the first analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences (n = 28) of hawksbill juveniles in a foraging aggregation at the Cape Verde Islands. Our results showed three haplotypes non-reported in any nesting population to date, with one of them accounting for 68% of the samples. These three haplotypes were closely related to each other but highly divergent from all known Caribbean and Western Atlantic haplotypes.


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[EN] The integration of satellite telemetry, remotely sensed environmental data, and habitat/environmental modelling has provided for a growing understanding of spatial and temporal ecology of species of conservation concern. The Republic of Cape Verde comprises the only substantial rookery for the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta in the eastern Atlantic. A size related dichotomy in adult foraging patterns has previously been revealed for adult sea turtles from this population with a proportion of adults foraging neritically, whilst the majority forage oceanically. Here we describe observed habitat use and employ ecological niche modelling to identify suitable foraging habitats for animals utilising these two distinct behavioural strategies. We also investigate how these predicted habitat niches may alter under the influence of climate change induced oceanic temperature rises.


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[EN] The loggerhead population of Cape Verde is one of the most important in the world. Several islands from this archipelago capture nesting females for human consumption. This a widespread practice in the local population that can be killing more than 25% of nesting females every year. This activity is not relevant for the general economy of the country but can be important for some families.


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[EN] Because of the extensive migrations of marine turtles through the ocean, many aspects of their biology have been unknown for a long time. However, much information has been recently gained from genetic studies and population monitoring of female turtles at their nesting sites. In contrast, still very little is known on the genetic diversity, population structure and dispersal patterns of the male breeding population, mainly because of the difficulty of capturing and monitoring them at sea. The aim of this study is to assess the genetic patterns of the male breeding population of the loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta, using a non invasive approach and compare them to the female breeding population.


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[EN] A new nesting colony of Caretta caretta has recently been discovered and described in Boavista (Cabo Verde, Western Africa, FIGURE 1). Although more data are needed, it represents one of the most important populations in the North Atlantic (Brongersma, 1982; ; Ross, 1995; López-Jurado & Andreu, 1998). A tagging and management campaign has been established in Boavista to study this nesting population since 1998.


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[EN] The impact of nest predators on sea turtle hatching success is highly variable depending on predator abundance and also on interactions among different predators. Food web connectivity usually makes it difficult to understand predator-prey interactions and develop efficient conservation strategies. In the Cape Verde archipelago there is an important nesting area for loggerheads where ghost crabs are the only described nest predator. We have studied the impact of ghost crabs on loggerhead nests on this threatened population as well as the efficiency of several management practices to reduce this impact.


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[EN] The nesting colony of Caretta caretta has been recently described for the island of Boavista (Cabo Verde, 500 km off the coast of Senegal, Western Africa, FIGURE 1). Although more data is needed, it represents one of the most important populations in the North Atlantic (Brongersma, 1982; López-Jurado & Andreu, 1998; Ross, 1995). Since 1998, a tagging and management campaign was established in Boavista to study this nesting population. We present next data on reproductive biology of nesting females of Caretta caretta in Boavista during the year 2000 nesting season, in which we obtained twice as much than those tagged in 1998 and 1999 seasons; we also found some recaptures of females from preceding years, our first data on remigration interval.


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[EN] Extensive sea turtle nesting monitoring has been conducted in several islands of the Archipelago of Cape Verde during the past years. The loggerhead turtle is the only species that nests in these islands though green and hawksbill turtle juveniles are very often found feeding around their coasts. Around 90% of loggerhead nests are deposited in the island of Boavista on approximately 50 km of white sandy beaches. This is one of the less populated islands with more inaccessible beaches, as all villages are far from the main nesting areas. Another 9% of nests are equally distributed among the islands of Sal, Maio and San Nicolau and the remaining 1% of nests are found among the other six major islands and several islets of the archipelago.


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[EN] Green turtle hatchlings disperse away from their natal location to spend an early pelagic stage in the ocean, followed by a neritic stage where small juveniles settle in coastal areas. Here, we combined genetic and Lagrangian drifter data to investigate the connectivity between natal and foraging locations; particularly focussing on the evidence for transatlantic transport. Our results supported the general hypothesis that turtles tend to select foraging areas ‘closest-to-home’.


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[EN] Complex population structure has been described for the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), revealing lower levels of population genetic structure in nuclear compared to mitochondrial DNA assays. This may result from mating during spatially overlapping breeding migrations, or male-biased dispersal as previously found for the green turtle (Chelonia mydas). To further investigate these multiple possibilities, we carried out a comparative analysis from twelve newly developed microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial DNA control region (~804 bp) in adult females of the Cape Verde Islands (n=158), and Georgia, USA (n=17).


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[EN] The sea is one of the major natural resources of the Cape Verde Islands, a small archipelago located 500 kilometers off the coast of Senegal (West Africa). This country consists of ten main islands and several islets, and possesses an Exclusive Economical Zone (EEZ) of about 734 square kilometers and a coastal perimeter of nearly 2000 kilometers. The marine shelf, whose limit is the 200 m isobath, is particularly extensive on the island of Boa Vista (Figure 1). lt is likely that most of the loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) that breed in this archipelago are concentrated on this island (López-Jurado et al., 1999).


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Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia toimintolaskennan ja toimintojohtamisen käyttöä sekä hyödyntämistä prosessijohtamisen tukena. Työssä keskitytään tarkastelemaan ilmiötä julkisen sektorin terveydenhuoltoalalla. Tutkielmassa sovelletaan kvalitatiivista eli laadullista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkielma koostuu kahdesta osasta. Teoriaosassa käsitellään alan kirjallisuutta tieteellisten artikkelien valossa. Empiriaosassa selvitettiin tutkittavan organisaation kustannus- ja toimintolaskennan hyödyntämisestä prosessijohtamisen tukena. Aineistonkeruu empiirisen osion osalta toteutettiin avoimina ja strukturoimattomina haastatteluina. Tutkielman tuloksina muodostui ymmärrys organisaation kustannuslaskennan nykytilanteesta ja hyödyntämismahdollisuuksista prosessienkehittämisessä. Kustannus- ja toimintolaskentaa hyödynnetään nykyisin pääasiassa hinnoittelupäätöksiin. Kustannustietoja ei systemaattisesti hyödynnetä prosessienkehittämisessä eikä arvioitaessa potentiaalisia kehitys- ja parannuskohteita. Toimintolaskennan erityispiirteet tukevat kuitenkin sitä, että toimintolaskenta sopii terveydenhuolto-organisaatioon kustannuslaskentamalliksi. Voidaan todeta kustannuslaskennan tukevan Lean- kehitystyön kohdentamista ja tuloksien arviointia.