773 resultados para transitional economy
Many observers view Jatropha as a miracle plant that grows in harsh environments, halts land degradation and provides seeds for fuel production. This makes it particularly attractive for use in Ethiopia, where poverty levels are high and the degradation of agricultural land is widespread. In this article, we investigate the potentials and limitations of a government-initiated Jatropha project for smallholders in northeastern Ethiopia from a green economy perspective. Data are based on a 2009 household survey and interviews with key informants, as well as on a 2012 follow-up round of interviews with key informants. We conclude that the project has not contributed to a greener economy so far, but has the potential to do so in the future. To maximize Jatropha’s potential, interventions must focus mainly on smallholders and pay more attention to the entire biofuel value chain.
Historische Ansätze sind in der Betrachtung von Transitional Justice rar geblieben. Den weitreichenden Veränderungen, die das Feld im Zuge seiner Ausdehnung zum weltweit dominierenden Reflexions- und Handlungszusammenhang im Umgang mit historischem Unrecht erfahren hat, ist deshalb in aller Regel keine angemessene Beachtung geschenkt worden. Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich aus historischer Sicht den Fragen, wie seit den späten 1980er Jahren über die Grenzen nationaler Aufarbeitungsschauplätze hinaus Wissen über Transitional Justice generiert und übertragen worden ist, welche die beteiligten Akteursgruppen waren und welche Auswirkungen der Wandel in den Wissenstransfers und im Verhältnis zwischen den Akteuren auf die Entwicklungen im Feld hatte. Im Mittelpunkt der Analyse steht dabei das Instrument der Wahrheitskommissionen. Historical approaches to the study of transitional justice are rare. In the process of its expansion to the dominating paradigm in dealing with past injustices, the field experienced far reaching changes. Scholarship about transitional justice, however, has hardly taken into account these shifts in appropriate ways. This article examines from a historical point of view how knowledge about transitional justice was generated and transferred across the borders of the national sites of dealing with the past, what were the groups of actors involved and what effects the transformations of the knowledge circulation as well as of the relationship between the actors since the late 1980s had on the development of the field. The focus of the analysis, thereby, is on the instrument of truth commissions.
Mountain socio-ecological systems produce valuable but complex ecosystem services resulting from biomes stratified by altitude and gravity. These systems are often managed and shaped by smallholders whose marginalization is exacerbated by uncertainties and a lack of policy attention. Human–environment interfaces in mountains hence require holistic policies. We analyse the potential of the Global Mountain Green Economy Agenda (GMGEA) in building awareness and thus prompting cross-sectoral policy strategies for sustainable mountain development. Considering the critique of the green economy presented at the Rio + 20 conference, we argue that the GMGEA can nevertheless structure knowledge and inform regional institutions about the complexity of mountain socio-ecological systems, a necessary pre-condition to prompt inter-agency collaboration and cross-sectoral policy formulation. After reviewing the content of the GMGEA, we draw on two empirical cases in the Pakistani and Nepali Himalayas. First, we show that lack of awareness has led to a sequence of fragmented interventions with unanticipated, and unwanted, consequences for communities. Second, using a green economy lens, we show how fragmentation could have been avoided and cross-sectoral policies yielded more beneficial results. Project fragmentation reflects disconnected or layered policies by government agencies, which inherently keep specialized agendas and have no incentive to collaborate. Awareness makes agencies more likely to collaborate and adopt cross-sectoral approaches, allowing them to target more beneficiaries, be more visible, and raise more funds. Nevertheless, we also identify four factors that may currently still limit the effect of the GMGEA: high costs of inter-agency collaboration, lack of legitimacy of the green economy, insufficiently-secured smallholder participation, and limited understanding of the mechanisms through which global agendas influence local policy.