985 resultados para transesterification reaction


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The reactions of [Cp2Mo2(CO)4] (1) with 2,2'-dipyridyl disulphide (C5H4NS-)2, 8,8'-diquinolyl disulphide (C9H6NS-)2 and tetramethyl thiuram disulphide (Me2NC(S)S-)2 in toluene solution resulted in the cleavage of the Mo-Mo triple bond to yield molybdenum complexes [CpMo(CO)2(C5H4NS)] (2), [CpMo(CO)2(C9H6NS)] (3) and [CpMo(CO)2(S2CNMe2)] (4), respectively. The molecular structures of 2, 3 . O=PPh3 and 4 were determined by X-ray diffraction studies. Crystals of 2 are monoclinic, space group P2(1)/n, with Z = 4, in a unit cell of dimensions a = 6.448(1), b = 12.616(2), c = 14.772(2) angstrom, beta = 92.85(1)-degrees. The structure was refined to R = 0.028 and R(w) = 0.039 for 1357 observed reflections. Crystals of 3 . O=PPh3 are triclinic, space group P1BAR, with Z = 2, in a unit cell of dimensions a = 11.351(3), b = 13.409(3), c = 9.895(2) angstrom, alpha = 94.59(2), beta = 90.35(2), gamma = 78.07(2)-degrees. The structure was refined to R = 0.033 and R(w) = 0.037 for 3260 observed reflections. Crystals of 4 are monoclinic, space group P2(1)/a and Z = 4 with a = 12.468(5), b = 7.637(2), c = 13.135(4) angstrom, beta = 96.62(3). The structure was refined to R = 0.032 and R(w) = 0.042 for 1698 observed reflections. Each of complexes 2-4 contains a cyclopentadienyl ligand, a cis pair of carbonyls and a chelate ligand (S,N donor or S,S donor). All the compounds have distorted square-pyramid structures.


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The title complex was synthesized and characterized by H-1, C-13, Sn-119 NMR and IR spectra. A single crystal X-ray diffraction study confirmed its molecular structure and revealed that 3,4,5-trimethoxy-benzoyl salicylahydrazone was a tridentate and approximately planar ligand. The complex crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1BAR with a = 9.208(3), b = 12.536(2), c = 12.187(4) angstrom, alpha = 113.12(2), beta = 90.58(2), gamma = 81.42(2), V = 1277.5(6) angstrom, Z = 2. The structure was refined to R = 0.033 and R(w) = 0.041 for 3944 observed independent reflections. The tin atom has a distorted trigonal bipyramidal coordination. The Sn-C bond lengths are 2.129(5) and 2.113(5) angstrom (av. 2.121(5) angstrom), the C-Sn-C angle is 123.3(2); the bond length between the tin atom and the chelating nitrogen is 2.173(3) angstrom. Two chain carbon atoms and the chelating nitrogen atom occupy the basal plane. The skeleton of two erect oxygen atoms and the tin atom is bent (O-Sn-O angle = 153.5(1)). In the complex, the ligand exists in the enol-form.


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The novel NS-containing zirconacycle complexes Cp2ZrCl[SC(H)NR] (1a, R = C6H5; 1b, R = 2-C10H7; 1c, R= C-C6H11; 1d; R = n-C4H9) were obtained by insertion reactions of Cp2Zr(H)Cl with RNCS. 1(a-d) could react further with Cp2Zr(H)Cl to yield a sulphur-bridging compleX (Cp2ZrCl)2S (2) and a Schiff base RN=CH2. The crystal structure of la has been determined by X-ray analysis.


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A general characteristic of the electrochemical process coupling with a homogeneous catalytic reaction at an ultramicroelectrode under steady state is described. It was found that the electrochemical process coupling with homogeneous catalytic reaction has a similar steady state voltammetric wave at an ultramicroelectrode with arbitrary geometry. A method of determination for the kinetic constant of homogeneous catalytic reaction at an ultramicroelectrode with arbitrary geometry is proposed.


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The possibility of determining the rate constant of a catalytic reaction using a parallel incident spectroelectrochemical cell was investigated in this work. Various spectroelectrochemical techniques were examined, including single-potential-step chronoabsorptometry, single-potential-step open-circuit relaxation chronoabsorptometry and double-potential-step chronoabsorptometry. The values determined for the kinetics of the ferrocyanide-ascorbic acid system are in agreement with the reported values. The parallel incident method is much more sensitive than the normal transmission method and can be applied to systems which have smaller molar absorptivities, larger rate constants or lower concentrations.


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In this paper, the reaction and structure of the complexes of alkaline earth metal (Ca, Sr, Ba) with 2-(4'-chloro-2'-phosphonazo)-7-(2', 6'-dibromo-4'-chlorophenylazo 1, 8-dihydroxy-3, 6-naphthalene disulfonic acid (Chlorophosphonazo-DBC) have been studied. This ligand has eight forms under different acidity. The protonation reactions take place at [H+] > 0.36 mol.dm-3. The ligand begins dissociations at pH > 0.5. Two protons are released in the complexes formation reactions(Me2+ + 2HI half-arrow-pointing-left and half-arrow-pointing-right MeL2 + 2H+). The stability constants of the complexes of Calcium, Strontium and Barium have been determined by Yoe-Jone method, Majumder-Chakrabartty method and calculation method. The order of the stability of complexes is as follows: Sr > Ba > Ca. The structure of the complexes have also been studied by infrared spectroscopy, Laser Raman spectroscopy, NMR, and EPR. The results show that these groups of N = N, PO3H2 and OH are active groups in the complex reactions. The structure of the complexes of Strontium, Barium and Calcium with chlorophosphonazo-DBC are represented and the reaction and the complex bonds are discussed in this paper.


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The heterogeneous electron transfer reaction of hemeproteins including hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochrome C at Pt mesh electrode adsorbed methylene blue has been investigated. Thin-layer spectroelectrochemical technique was used for observing the electron transfer processes of three kinds of proteins, and the corresponding electrode rate constants were measured.


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Oxidative dehydroaromatization of propylene was investigated by the pulse technique over two kinds of single oxide catalysts. With the Bi2O3 catalyst, the main dimer product was 1,5-hexadiene, and the dimerization activity was stable to pulse number even if the catalyst was partly reduced to the bulk. With the CeO2 catalyst, benzene was mainly formed instead of 1,5-hexadiene, but the activity decreased rapidly with increasing pulse number, indicating that only the lattice oxygen near the catalyst surface could be used for oxidative dimerization and the further aromatization. The Bi-Ce-O system catalyst was found in this study to give higher aromatization activity and showed better stability, compared to the Bi-Sn-O catalyst. Although the Bi-Ce-O catalyst was only a mixture of the two component oxides from X-ray diffraction analysis, there was a significant combination effect on the selectivity to benzene. The highest and the most stable selectivity of benzene was obtained at Bi/Ce = 1. In the TPD spectrum of Bi-Ce-O catalyst, there are not only the lattice oxygen (beta-oxygen) over 620-degrees-C due to the reduction of Bi2O3, but also a great deal of the alpha-oxygen desorbed about 400-degrees-C, which is considered the absorbed oxygen in the bulk. This absorbed oxygen could probably be a compensation of the lattice oxygen through the route of gaseous --> absorbed --> lattice oxygen in the binary catalyst system. By the kinetic study on the Bi-Ce-O catalyst, the dimer formation rate was the first-order with respect to the partial pressure of propylene and zero-order of oxygen. Although detail investigation would be made further, it was considered that the complete oxidation of propylene would mainly take place parallelly on some different sites, and the rate-determining step of propylene dimerization occurred probably between an adosrbed propylene and a gaseous one by an Eley-Rideal type mechanism.


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The at constants of catalytic reaction of ferrocyanide ascorbic acid and ferro cyanide histidine system were determined by transmitted spectroelectrochemistry using a group of cyclindrical microelectrodes, It is the first time to find that the reaction can still be considered as the pseudo first order reaction when tilt concentration of ascorbic acid or histidine is close to and even slightly lower than the concentration of ferrocyanide. The determined rate constants are in agreement with the reported values, A reasonable explanation was given,


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The chlorination reaction of Li2CO3 with NH4Cl has been studied in detail by a series of thermal analysis methods. When NH4Cl/Li2CO3 mole ratio equals 4, Li2CO3 can be transformed into LiCl quantitatively in a stream of Ar gas flow. All residual NH4Cl is decomposed completely at 400 degrees C and carried away from the reaction cell by Ar gas.Analysis by X-Ray diffraction and Ion Chromatography show that there are almost no NH4Cl remained in The LiCl product. It is interested that the chlorination reaction can be applied to the determinations of phase diagram by thermal analysis method and the preparation of Al-Li alloy by electrolysis in molten salt.


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Rare earth chlorides were used to catalyze the synthesis of 2-butoxy-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyran using equimolar acrolein and vinyl butyl either. The cycloadduct is unstable which undergoes catalytic ring opening oligomerization. The way to stabilize the cyclo adduct has been studied, thus high yields of 90-95% were obtained.


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The electron transfer process of hemeproteins on the electrode surface is considered a promising subject in the area of bioelectrochemistry. Electrochemists believe that electron transfer between electroactive proteins and electrode surface might be expected to simulate the electron transfer between proteins. This research provides information about the electron transfer mechanism in biological system. Cytochrome c is a typical electron transferring protein,