990 resultados para tracer


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Fog deposition, precipitation, throughfall and stemflow were measured in a windward tropical montane cloud forest near Monteverde, Costa Rica, for a 65-day period during the dry season of 2003. Net fog deposition was measured directly using the eddy covariance (EC) method and it amounted to 1.2 ± 0.1 mm/day (mean ± standard error). Fog water deposition was 5-9% of incident rainfall for the entire period, which is at the low end of previously reported values. Stable isotope concentrations (d18O and d2H) were determined in a large number of samples of each water component. Mass balance-based estimates of fog deposition were 1.0 ± 0.3 and 5.0 ± 2.7 mm/day (mean ± SE) when d18O and d2H were used as tracer, respectively. Comparisons between direct fog deposition measurements and the results of the mass balance model using d18O as a tracer indicated that the latter might be a good tool to estimate fog deposition in the absence of direct measurement under many (but not all) conditions. At 506 mm, measured water inputs over the 65 days (fog plus rain) fell short by 46 mm compared to the canopy output of 552 mm (throughfall, stemflow and interception evaporation). This discrepancy is attributed to the underestimation of rainfall during conditions of high wind.


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To increase our understanding of the mechanisms that control the distribution of Al and Ti within marine sediment, we performed sequential extractions targeting the chemical signatures of the loosely bound, exchangeable, carbonate, oxide, organic, opal, and residual fraction of sediment from a carbonate-dominated regime (equatorial Pacific) and from a mixed opal-terrigenous regime (West Antarctic Peninsula). We observe a systematic partitioning of Al and Ti between sediment phases that is related to bulk Al/Ti. We show that, where we can quantify an Al(excess) component, the dissolved Al is preferentially affiliated with the oxide fraction, resulting in Al/Ti molar ratios of 500-3000. This is interpreted as the result of surface complexation in the water column of dissolved Al onto oxyhydroxides. We also observe a previously undetected Ti(excess) with as much as 80% of the total Ti in the organic fraction, which is most likely a function of metal-organic colloidal removal from the water column. In samples where the excess metals are obscured by the detrital load, the Al and Ti are almost exclusively found in the residual phase. This argues for the paired removal of Al (preferentially by the oxide component) and Ti (preferentially by the organic component) from the water column by settling particulate matter. This research builds upon earlier work that shows changes in the bulk ratio of Al to Ti in carbonate sediment from the central-equatorial Pacific that coincide with changes in the sedimentary bulk accumulation rate (BAR). The ratios that are observed are as much as three times higher than typical shale values, and were interpreted as the result of scavenging of dissolved Al onto particles settling in the water column. Because this non-terrigenous Al(excess) accounts for up to 50% of the total sedimentary Al inventory and correlates best with BAR, the bulk Al/Ti may be a sensitive tracer of particle flux and, therefore, export production. Because we show that the excess metals are the result of scavenging processes, the bulk Al/Ti may be considered a sensitive proxy for this region.


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Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from the upper Pleistocene part of Hole 1087A (0 to 12.1 meters below seafloor) are investigated to assess the role of global and local climate changes on surface circulation in the southern Benguela region. The benthic stable isotope record indicates that the studied interval is representative of the last four climatic cycles, that is, down to marine isotope Stage (MIS) 12. The species assemblages bear a clear transitional to subpolar character, with Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (d), Globorotalia inflata, and Globigerina bulloides, in order of decreasing abundance, as the dominant taxa. This species association presently characterizes the mixing domain of old upwelled and open ocean waters, seaward of the Benguela upwelling cells. Abundance variation of the dominant foraminiferal species roughly follows a glacial-interglacial pattern down to MIS 8, suggesting an alternation of upwelling strength and associated seaward extension of the belt of upwelled water as a response to global climate changes. This pattern is interrupted from ~250 ka down to MIS 12, where the phase relationship with global climate is ill defined and might be interpreted as a local response of the southern Benguela region to the mid-Brunhes event. Of particular interest is a single pulse of newly upwelled waters at the location of Site 1087 during early MIS 9 as indicated by a peak abundance of sinistral N. pachyderma (s). Variable input of warm, salty Indian Ocean thermocline waters into the southeast Atlantic, a key component of the Atlantic heat conveyor, is indicated by abundance changes of the tropical taxon Globorotalia menardii. From this tracer, we suggest that interocean exchange was hardly interrupted throughout the last 460 k.y., but was most effective at glacial terminations, particularly during Terminations I and II, as well as during the upper part of MIS 12. This maximum input of Indian Ocean waters around the southern tip of Africa is associated with the reseeding of G. menardii in the tropical Atlantic.


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Little is known about the benthic communities of the Arctic Ocean's slope and abyssal plains. Here we report on benthic data collected from box cores along a transect from Alaska to the Barents Abyssal Plain during the Arctic Ocean Section of 1994. We determined: (1) density and biomass of the polychaetes, foraminifera and total infauna; (2) concentrations of potential sources of food (pigment concentration and percent organic carbon) in the sediments; (3) surficial particle mixing depths and rates using downcore 210Pb profiles; and (4) surficial porewater irrigation using NaBr as an inert tracer. Metazoan density and biomass vary by almost three orders of magnitude from the shelf to the deep basins (e.g. 47 403 individuals m**-2 on the Chukchi Shelf to 95 individuals m**-2 in the Barents Abyssal Plain). Water depth is the primary determinant of infaunal density, explaining 39% of the total variability. Potential food concentration varies by almost two orders of magnitude during the late summer season (e.g. the phaeopigment concentration integrated to 10 cm varies from 36.16 mg m**-2 on the Chukchi Shelf to 0.94 mg m**-2 in the Siberia Abyssal Plain) but is not significantly correlated with density or biomass of the metazoa. Most stations show evidence of particle mixing, with mixing limited to <=3 cm below the sediment-water interface, and enhanced pore water irrigation occurs at seven of the nine stations examined. Particle mixing depths may be related to metazoan biomass, while enhanced pore water irrigation (beyond what is expected from diffusion alone) appears to be related to total phaeopigment concentration. The data presented here indicate that Arctic benthic ecosystems are quite variable, but all stations sampled contained infauna and most stations had indications of active processing of the sediment by the associated infauna.


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Late Cretaceous (100-73 Ma) pelagic limestones were measured for helium concentration and isotopic composition to characterize the interplanetary dust flux using 3He as a tracer. In the Bottaccione section near Gubbio, Italy, three intervals of elevated 3He concentration were detected: K1 in the Campanian stage at ~79 Ma, K2 in the Santonian stage at ~ 85 Ma, and K3 in the Turonian stage at ~91 Ma. All three of these episodes are associated with high 3He/4He and 3He/non-carbonate ratios, consistent with their derivation from an enhanced extraterrestrial 3He flux rather than decreased carbonate sedimentation or dissolution. While K2 is modest in magnitude and duration and thus is of limited significance, K1 and K3 are each identified by a few myr interval with an ~4-fold enhancement in mean 3He flux compared with pre-event levels. Samples from ODP Hole 762C in the Indian Ocean spanning both K2 and K3 (93-83 Ma) confirm the presence of a peak in the Turonian stage, suggesting that K3 is a global event. The K1 and K3 3He events are similar in most respects to the two peaks previously detected in the Cenozoic, suggesting a similar origin. These have been attributed to a major asteroid collision in the Late Miocene and to a shower of either comets or asteroids in the Late Eocene. Based on the age and temporal evolution of K1, we suggest that it most likely records the collision which produced the Baptistina asteroid family independently dated at ~80 Ma. The K3 event is less easily explained. It is characterized by an unusually spiky and erratic temporal progression, suggesting an unusual abundance of very 3He rich particles not previously seen in the sedimentary 3He record. We suggest this episode arises either from a comet shower or from an asteroid shower possibly associated with dust-producing lunar impacts.


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The highly depleted intra-oceanic Tonga-Kermadec island arc forms an endmember of arc systems and a unique location in which to isolate the effects of the slab flux. High precision TIMS uranium, thorium, strontium, neodymium, and lead isotopes, along with complete major and trace element data, have been obtained on an extensive sample set comprising fifty-eight lavas along the arc as well as nineteen samples of the subducting sediments at DSDP site 204 just to the east of the Tonga-Kermadec trench. Ca/Ti and Al/Ti ratios extend from values appropriate to an N-MORB source in the southern Kermadecs to very high ratios in Tonga interpreted to reflect increasing degrees of depletion of the mantle wedge due to backarc basalt extraction. The isotope data emphasize the need for four components in the petrogenesis of the lavas: (1) the mantle wedge; (2) a component with elevated 207Pb/204Pb towards which the Kermadec and southern Tongan lavas extend; (3) a component characterised by high 206Pb/204Pb, Ta/Nd, and low 143Nd/144Nd observed only in the northernmost Tongan islands of Tafahi and Niuatoputapu; (4) a fluid component characterised by strong enrichments of Rb, Ba, U, K, Ph, and Sr, relative to Th, Zr, and the REE and producing large 238U excesses ((230Th/238U) = 0.8-0.5) in the more depleted lavas. The mantle wedge (Component 1) is isotopically similar to the source of the Lau BABB. Component 2 is average pelagic sediment on the downgoing Pacific plate as observed at DSDP sites 595/596 and in the upper sections of the sediment pile at DSDP site 204. Mass balance calculations indicate that less than 0.5% is recycled into the arc lavas; essentially all the subducted sediment is returned to the upper mantle (~0.03 km**3/yr). Exceptionally low concentrations of Ta and Nb relative to Th and the LREE requires that this sediment component is added as a partial melt which was in equilibrium with residual rutile or ilmenite. Component 3 is identified as volcaniclastics from the Louisville Ridge which comprise the lower 44 m of the sediment section intersected at DSDP site 204. These volcaniclastics are spatially restricted to the vicinity of the Louisville Ridge and provide a unique sediment tracer which can be used to show that it takes 4 Myr from the time of subduction to its first appearance in the arc lava signature. Component 4, the fluid contribution to the lava source is inferred to contribute ~1 ppm Rb, 10 ppm Ba, 0.02 ppm U, 600 ppm K, 0.2 ppm Ph, and 30 ppm Sr. It has 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7035 and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.5 and thus it is inferred to have been derived from dehydration of the subducting altered oceanic crust. U-Th isotope disequilibria reflect the time since fluid release from the subducting slab and a reference line through the lowest (230Th/232Th) lavas constrains this to be 30000-50000 yr. The U-Th and Th-Ra isotope systematics are decoupled, and it is suggested that Th-Ra isotope disequilibria record the time since partial melting and thus indicate rapid channelled magma ascent. Olivine gabbro xenoliths from Raoul are interpreted as cumulates to their host lavas with which they form zero age U-Th isochrons indicating that minimal time was spent in magma chambers. The subduction signature is not observed in lavas from the backarc island of Niuafo'ou. These were derived from partial melting of fertile peridotite at 130-160 km depth with melt rates around 0.0002 kg/m**3/yr.