979 resultados para the Jiaozhou Bay sediments
A multidisciplinary oceanographic survey of the White Sea was carried out in the Gorlo Straight, Basin, and Kandalaksha Bay regions including estuaries of Niva, Kolvitza and Knyazhaya rivers. Hydrophysical study in the northern part of the Basin revealed long-lived step-like structures and inversions in vertical profiles of temperature and salinity, which formed due to tidal mixing of saline and cold Barents Sea waters and warmer White Sea waters in the Gorlo Straight. Biological studies revealed the main features of spatial distribution, as well as qualitative and quantitative composition of phyto- and zooplankton in all studied areas; tolerance of main zooplankton species to fresh water influence in estuaries was shown. Study of suspended matter in estuaries clearly demonstrated physicochemical transformations of material supplied by the rivers. Data on vertical particle flux in the deep part of the Kandalaksha Bay showed difference between the upper and near-bottom layers, which could result from sinking of spring phytoplankton bloom products and supply of terrigenic suspended matter from the nepheloid layer formed by tidal currents.
The vast extent of pelagic deposits, covering about 70 per cent of the ocean floor, thus about half of the earth, makes them of obvious importance to all Earth Science. All the pelagic (eupelagic) sediments, whether largely of plankton remains or fine inorganic particles, have certain distinctive characteristics to reflect their environment of accumulation. The great segregation of manganese in pelagic sediments presents many problems. It is hypothesized that in the formation of present day nodules a relatively slow accumulation in order to permit deposition of more of the manganese as large nodules, rather than as the disseminated micronodules that are in larger proportion in the Tertiary.
The structure and distribution of the macrobenthic communities were studied in the southwestern Kara Sea. The material was collected in Baidaratskaya Bay in July 2007 and in a section running westward of the Yamal Peninsula in September 2007. The depths of the sampling stations ranged from 5 to 25 m in the Baidaratskaya Bay area and between 16 and 46 m in the Yamal section. A total of 212 benthic invertebrate species were recorded. In both areas, Bivalvia was the group with the highest biomass (54.88 g/m**2 in the Yamal section and 59.71 g/m**2 in the Baidaratskaya Bay area), while polychaetes were the group with the highest number of species (45 in the Yamal section and 64 the Baidaratskaya Bay area). Three major macrozoobenthic communities were recognized: the Astarte borealis community (20-46 m, the deepest sampling stations in both areas); the 'medium-depth' community (10-20 m, extremely mosaic, usually dominated by Serripes groenlandicus); and the Nephtys longosetosa community (depth smaller than 10 m, characterized by low biomass and the absence of large bivalves and echinoderms). The western Yamal shallow-water communities were shown to be generally similar to those of Baidaratskaya Bay. The comparison of these results with those of the benthos censuses performed in 1927-1945, 1975, and 1993 showed that the benthic communities in the southwestern Kara Sea remained relatively stable during the second half of the 20th century and the early 21st century.
A suite of petropysical measurements - velocity versus pressure, bulk density, porosity, matrix density, and magnetic susceptibility -was undertaken on 63 core plugs from CRP-2A. These data are used to calibrate neutron, resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility well logs. Agreement between core-plug magnetic susceptibility measurements and both well-log and whole-core data is excellent. Comparison of core-plug bulk densities with continious well-log density records shows very good agreement. Core-plug measurements of matrix density permit conversion of the well-log and whole-core density records to porosity. Sands and muds exhibit similar downhole compaction patterns, and both patterns are consistent with 250 ± 150 m of exhumation. Pervasive cementation, particularly in the lower half of the core, has affected many CRP-2A petrophysical parameters: (1) fractional porosities are reduced by about 0.05 - 0.10 in the lower part of the hole; (2) velocity and porosity rebound are much smaller than is usually observed for unconsolidated sediments with burial depths similar to CRP-2A; (3) velocities are unusually insensitive to pressure, suggesting that any exhumation-induced microcracks have been scaled subsequently; (4) the velocity/porosity relationship lacks the characteristic signature of exhumation-induced microcracks; (5) the velocity/porosity relationship changes with depth, indicating downhole increase in consolidation; (6) Vp/Vs ratios of the highest-porosity sediments are unusually low, implying enhancement of framework stiffness.
Quaternary sediments were recovered at all five sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 189 in the Tasmanian Gateway. Two of these sites lie north of the present-day Subtropical Front (STF), and three sites lie south of the STF. Quaternary sediments recovered at Sites 1168, 1170, 1171, and 1172 were studied in detail to determine the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and construct an age model for these sediments. The Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary was identified by the last occurrence (LO) of Discoaster brouweri at Site 1172 and approximated by the LO of Calcidiscus macintyrei at the other sites because of a lack of discoasterids. A hiatus encompassing the entire Helicosphaera sellii Zone was tentatively identified at Sites 1168 and 1172 by the coincident LOs of C. macintyrei and H. sellii. Similar hiatuses have been noted at ODP Site 1127 on the Great Australian Bight, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 282 off the Tasman subcontinent, and ODP Site 1165 in Prydz Bay, Antarctica.
Excavations were carried out in a Late Palaeolithic site in the community of Bad Buchau-Kappel between 2003 and 2007. Archaeological investigations covered a total of more than 200 m**2. This site is the product of what likely were multiple occupations that occurred during the Late Glacial on the Federsee shore in this location. The site is situated on a mineral ridge that projected into the former Late Glacial lake Federsee. This beach ridge consists of deposits of fine to coarse gravel and sand and was surrounded by open water, except for a connection to the solid shore on the south. A lagoon lay between the hook-shaped ridge and the shore of the Federsee. This exposed location provided optimal access to the water of the lake. In addition, the small lagoon may have served as a natural harbor for landing boats or canoes. Sedimentological and palynological investigations document the dynamic history of the location between 14,500 and 11,600 years before present (cal BP). Evidence of the deposition of sands, gravels and muds since the Bølling Interstadial is provided by stratigraphic and palynological analyses. The major occupation occurred in the second half of the Younger Dryas period. Most of the finds were located on or in the sediments of the ridge; fewer finds occurred in the surrounding mud, which was also deposited during the Younger Dryas. Direct dates on some bone fragments, however, demonstrate that intermittent sporadic occupations also took place during the two millennia of the Meiendorf, Bølling, and Allerød Interstadials. These bones were reworked during the Younger Dryas and redeposited in the mud. A 14C date from one bone of 11,600 years ago (cal BP) places the Late Palaeolithic occupation of the ridge at the very end of the Younger Dryas, which is in agreement with stratigraphic observations. Stone artifacts, numbering 3,281, comprise the majority of finds from the site. These include typical artifacts of the Late Palaeolithic, such as backed points, short scrapers, and small burins. There are no bipointes or Malaurie-Points, which is in accord with the absolute date of the occupation. A majority of the artifacts are made from a brown chert that is obtainable a few kilometers north of the site in sediments of the Graupensandrinne. Other raw materials include red and green radiolarite that occur in the fluvioglacial gravels of Oberschwaben, as well as quartzite and lydite. The only non-local material present is a few artifacts of tabular chert from the region near Kelheim in Bavaria. A unique find consists of two fragments of a double-barbed harpoon made of red deer antler, which was found in the Younger Dryas mud. It is likely, but not certain, that this find belongs to the same assemblage as the numerous stone artifacts. Although not numerous, animal bones were also found in the excavations. Most of them lay in sediments of the Younger Dryas, but several 14C dates place some of these bones in earlier periods, including the Meiendorf, Bølling, and Allerød Interstadials. These bones were reworked by water and redeposited in mud sediments during the Younger Dryas. As a result, it is difficult to attribute individual bones to particular chronological positions without exact dates. Species that could be identified include wild horse (Equus spec.), moose or elk (Alces alces), red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), aurochs or bison (Bos spec.), wild boar (Sus scrofa), as well as birds and fish, including pike (Esox Lucius).
The Arctic Ocean System is a key player regarding the climatic changes of Earth. Its highly sensitive ice Cover, the exchange of surface and deep water masses with the global ocean and the coupling with the atmosphere interact directly with global climatic changes. The output of cold, polar water and sea ice influences the production of deep water in the North Atlantic and controls the global ocean circulation ("the conveyor belt"). The Arctic Ocean is surrounded by the large Northern Hemisphere ice sheets which not only affect the sedimentation in the Arctic Ocean but also are supposed to induce the Course of glacials and interglacials. Terrigenous sediment delivered from the ice sheets by icebergs and meltwater as well as through sea ice are major components of Arctic Ocean sediments. Hence, the terrigenous content of Arctic Ocean sediments is an outstanding archive to investigate changes in the paleoenvironment. Glazigenic sediments of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and surface samples of the Arctic Ocean and the Siberian shelf regions were investigated by means of x-ray diffraction of the bulk fraction. The source regions of distinct mineral compositions were to be deciphered. Regarding the complex circumpolar geology stable christalline shield rocks, active and ancient fold belts including magmatic and metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks and wide periglacial lowlands with permafrost provide a complete range of possible mineral combinations. Non- glaciated shelf regions mix the local input from a possible point source of a particular mineral combination with the whole shelf material and function as a sampler of the entire region draining to the shelf. To take this into account, a literature research was performed. Descriptions of outcropping lithologies and Arctic Ocean sediments were scanned for their mineral association. The analyses of glazigenic and shelf sediments yielded a close relationship between their mineral composition and the adjacent source region. The most striking difference between the circumpolar source regions is the extensive outcrop of carbonate rocks in the vicinity of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and in N Greenland while siliciclastic sediments dominate the Siberian shelves. In the Siberian shelf region the eastern Kara Sea and the western Laptev Sea form a destinct region defined by high smectite, (clino-) pyroxene and plagioclase input. The source of this signal are the extensive outcrops of the Siberian trap basalt in the Putorana Plateau which is drained by the tributaries of the Yenissei and Khatanga. The eastern Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea can also be treated as one source region containing a feldspar, quartz, illite, mica, and chlorite asscciation combined with the trace minerals hornblende and epidote. Franz Josef Land provides a mineral composition rich in quartz and kaolinite. The diverse rock suite of the Svalbard archipelago distributes specific mineral compositions of highly metamorphic christalline rocks, dolomite-rich carbonate rocks and sedimentary rocks with a higher diagenetic potential manifested in stable newly built diagenetic minerals and high organic maturity. To reconstruct the last 30,000 years as an example of the transition between glacial and interglacial conditions a profile of sediment cores, recovered during the RV Polarstern" expedition ARK-VIIIl3 (ARCTIC '91), and additional sediment cores around Svalbard were investigated. Besides the mineralogy of different grain size fractions several additional sedimentological and organo-geochemical Parameterswere used. A detailed stratigraphic framework was achieved. By exploiting this data set changes in the mineral composition of the Eurasian Basin sediments can be related to climatic changes. Certain mineral compositions can even be associated with particular transport processes, e.g. the smectitel pyroxene association with sea ice transport from the eastern Kara Sea and the western Laptev Sea. Hence, it is possible to decipher the complex interplay between the influx of warm Atlantic waters into the Southwest of the Eurasian Basin, the waxing and waning of the Svalbard1Barents- Sea- and Kara-Sea-Ice-Sheets, the flooding of the Siberian shelf regions and the surface and deep water circulation. Until now the Arctic Ocean was assumed to be a rather stable System during the last 30,000 years which only switched from a completely ice covered situation during the glacial to seasonally Open waters during the interglacial. But this work using mineral assemblages of sediment cores in the vicinity of Svalbard revealed fast changes in the inflow of warm Atlantic water with the Westspitsbergen Current (< 1000 years), short periods of advances and retreats of the marine based Eurasian ice sheets (1000-3000 years), and short melting phases (400 years?). Deglaciation of the marine-based Eurasian and the land-based north American and Greenland ice sheets are not simultaneous. This thesis postulates that the Kara Sea Ice Sheet released an early meltwater signal prior to 15,000 14C years leading the Barents Sea Ice Sheet while the western land-based ice sheets are following later than 13,500 14C years. The northern Eurasian Basin records the shift between iceberg and sea-ice material derived from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and N-Greenland and material transported by sea-ice and surface currents from the Siberian shelf region. The phasing of the deglaciation becomes very obvious using the dolomite and quartd phyllosilicate record. It is also supposed that the flooding of the Laptev Sea during the Holocene is manifested in a stepwise increase of sediment input at the Lomonosov Ridge between the Eurasian and Amerasian Basin. Depending on the strength of meltwater pulses from the adjacent ice sheets the Transpolar Drift can probably be relocated. These movements are traceable by the distribution of indicator minerals. Based on the outcome of this work the feasibility of bulk mineral determination can be qualified as excellent tool for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the Arctic Ocean. The easy preparation and objective determination of bulk mineralogy provided by the QUAX software bears the potential to use this analyses as basic measuring method preceding more time consuming and highly specialised mineralogical investigations (e.g. clay mineralogy, heavy mineral determination).
A primary objective of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 177 was to document changes in circulation and biogeochemical cycling on glacial/interglacial time scales across a wide latitudinal range of the south Atlantic Ocean. One of the more northerly sites drilled, Site 1089 (41°S, 10°E), is located within the present-day Subantarctic Zone, south of the Subtropical Front. The drilling site itself is located in the southern Cape Basin at a water depth of 4620 m. Pleistocene sediments at this site are dominated by interbedded carbonate and opal oozes. Initial shipboard stratigraphy identified the opal-rich sediments as deposited during glacial intervals and the carbonate-rich sediments as deposited during interglacial intervals (Gersonde, Hodell, Blum, et al., 1999, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.177.1999). Postcruise isotopic stratigraphy, however, verified that this site displayed a Pacific Pleistocene sedimentation pattern with glacial intervals marked by high carbonate content (Hodell and Charles, 1999). To assess changes in biological productivity and terrigenous inputs at this site, a number of geochemical indicators were determined. Phosphorus concentrations and P/metal ratios were determined to assess changes in export production on glacial/interglacial time scales. Metal concentrations, along with elemental ratios, were used to assess terrigenous inputs. Sediment geochemistry allows us to identify changes in the lithologic component using elemental data based on Fe, Al, and Ti concentrations. Records of concentrations and ratios of biologically related elements identify changes in export production. The P and metal results are important to assess the glacial/interglacial changes in P burial and the relationships between a major nutrient such as P with metals (and possibly trace nutrients) like Fe.
"Proposed research outline for a cooperative investigation of the migratory fish stocks of the Chesapeake Bay and the North Carolina sounds": p. 4-11.
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Throughout the Biscayne Bay watershed, existing coastal wetland communities have been cut off from sheet flow for decades. With the expectation that reconnection of these wetlands to upstream water sources would alter existing hydrologic conditions and recreate a more natural sheet flow to Biscayne National Park, a demonstration project on freshwater rediversion was undertaken. The objectives of the project were to document the effects of freshwater diversion on: (a) swamp and nearshore water chemistry and hydrology; (b) soil development processes; (c) macrophyte and benthic algal community composition, structure and production; (d) abundance of epiphytic and epibenthic invertebrates; (e) zonation, production, and phenology of primary producers in the nearshore environment, and (f) exchanges of nutrients and particulates between nearshore and mangrove ecosystems.
The Everglades are undergoing the world largest wetland restoration project with the aim of returning this system to hydrological conditions in place prior to anthropogenic modifications. Therefore, it is essential to know what these pristine conditions were. In this work, molecular marker (biomarker) distributions and carbon stable isotopic signatures in sediment samples were employed to assess historical environmental changes in Florida Bay over approximately the last 4000 years. Two biomarkers of terrestrial plants, particularly for mangroves (taraxerol and C29 n-alkane), combined with two seagrass proxies (the Paq and the C25/C 27 n-alkan-2-one ratio) revealed a sedimentary environmental shift from freshwater marshes to mangrove swamps and then to seagrass dominated marine ecosystems, likely as a result of sea-level rise in Florida Bay since the Holocene. The maximum values for the Paq and the C 25/C27 n-alkan-2-ones occurred during the 20th century, suggesting that the greatest abundance of seagrass cover is a recent rather than a historical, long-term phenomenon. The greater oscillation in frequency and amplitude for the biomarkers after 1900 potentially reflects an ecosystem under increasing anthropogenic stress. Several algal biomarkers such as C20 highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs), C 25 HBIs and dinosterol indicative of cyanobacteria, diatom and dinoflagellate organic matter inputs respectively, increased dramatically in the latter part of the 20th century and were attributed to recent anthropogenic changes in Florida Bay. ^ The highlight of this work is the development of HBIs as paleo-proxies. As biomarkers of diatoms, the C25 HBIs in the core from the central bay displayed the highest concentration at mid depth, reflecting strong historical inputs of diatom-derived sedimentary OM during that period. In fact, the depth profile of C25 HBIs coincided quite well with historical variations in diatom abundance and variations in diatom species composition in central Florida Bay based on the results of fossil diatom species analysis by microscopy. This study provides evidence that some C25 HBIs can be applied as biomarkers for certain diatom inputs in paleoenvironmental studies. The sources of C20 and C30 HBIs and their potential applicability as paleo-proxies were also investigated and their sources assessed based on their δ13C distributions. ^
Efforts that are underway to rehabilitate the Florida Bay ecosystem to a more natural state are best guided by a comprehensive understanding of the natural versus human-induced variability that has existed within the ecosystem. Benthic foraminifera, which are well-known paleoenvironmental indicators, were identified in 203 sediment samples from six sediment cores taken from Florida Bay, and analyzed to understand the environmental variability through anthropogenically unaltered and altered periods. In this research, taxa serving as indicators of (1) seagrass abundance (which is correlated with water quality), (2) salinity, and (3) general habitat change, were studied in detail over the past 120 years, and more generally over the past ~4000 years. Historical seagrass abundance was reconstructed with the proportions of species that prefer living attached to seagrass blades over other substrates. Historical salinity trends were determined by analyzing brackish versus marine faunas, which were defined based on species’ salinity preferences. Statistical methods including cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, analysis of variance and Fisher’s α were used to analyze trends in the data. The changes in seagrass abundance and salinity over the last ~120 years are attributed to anthropogenic activities such as construction of the Flagler Railroad from the mainland to the Florida Keys, the Tamiami Trail that stretches from the east to west coast, and canals and levees in south Florida, as well as natural events such as droughts and increased rainfall from hurricanes. Longer term changes (over ~4000 years) in seagrass abundance and salinity are mostly related to sea level changes. Since seawater entered the Florida Bay area around ~4000 years ago, only one probable sea level drop occurring around ~3000 years was identified.