933 resultados para studying
En una época como la actual en la que la continua apertura del mercado obliga a ser competitivos frente a nuevas empresas que se adaptan a los gustos y necesidades de los clientes, la empresa de bolígrafos realiza la gestión de su almacén de la misma forma que en sus inicios, hace ya 45 años. Por este motivo, se hace necesaria una adaptación de los sistemas actuales para responder a las características del mercado. Para alcanzar este objetivo se empleará la técnica de simulación por ordenador para evaluar las estrategias de mejora sin perturbar el funcionamiento del sistema existente, además de evaluar hipótesis sobre cómo y por qué aparecen ciertos fenómenos en el sistema.
Our knowledge of how genes act on the nervous system in response to the environment to generate behavioral plasticity is limited. A number of recent advancements in this area concern food-related behaviors and a specific gene family called foraging (for), which encodes a cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). The desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) is notorious for its destructive feeding and long-term migratory behavior. Locust phase polyphenism is an extreme example of environmentally induced behavioral plasticity. In response to changes in population density, locusts dramatically alter their behavior, from solitary and relatively sedentary behavior to active aggregation and swarming. Very little is known about the molecular and genetic basis of this striking behavioral phenomenon. Here we initiated studies into the locust for gene by identifying, cloning, and studying expression of the gene in the locust brain. We determined the phylogenetic relationships between the locust PKG and other known PKG proteins in insects. FOR expression was found to be confined to neurons of the anterior midline of the brain, the pars intercerebralis. Our results suggest that differences in PKG enzyme activity are correlated to well-established phase-related behavioral differences. These results lay the groundwork for functional studies of the locust for gene and its possible relations to locust phase polyphenism.
Two mechanisms have attracted considerable attention from researchers studying the effects of income on happiness: adaptation and social comparison. In this paper we study both mechanisms using a panel of British households. Besides dealing with the UK case in detail, the paper contributes to the literature by considering the two mecha- nisms together and testing for them both separately and jointly. Our results strongly support the existence of adaptation effects but find only weak evidence in favour of social comparison.
Este proyecto presenta un estudio para la implantación de un Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) en una empresa de transportes. Para ello se muestra una primera parte teórica donde se da a conocer todo lo que comporta el término ERP y su proceso de implantación. A continuación se estudian los requerimientos y necesidades de la empresa objeto del estudio. Para finalizar, se estudian tres soluciones existentes el mercado actual de ERP’s y se selecciona la que mejor se adapta a las necesidades y requerimientos en vistas a una hipotética implantación.
This study examines the inter-industry wage structure of the organised manufacturing sector in India for the period 1973-74 to 2003-04 by estimating the growth of average real wages for production workers by industry. In order to estimate the growth rates, the study adopts a methodological framework that differs from other studies in that the time series properties of the concerned variables are closely considered in order to obtain meaningful estimates of growth that are unbiased and (asymptotically) efficient. Using wage data on 51 manufacturing industries at three digit level of the National Industrial Classification 1998 (India), our estimation procedure obtains estimates of growth of real wages per worker that are deterministic in nature by accounting for any potential structural break(s). Our findings show that the inter-industry wage structure in India has changed a lot in the period 1973-74 to 2003-04 and that it provides some evidence that the inter-industry wage differences have become more pronounced in the post-reforms period. Thus this paper provides new evidence from India on the need to consider the hypothesis that industry affiliation is potentially an important determinant of wages when studying any relationship between reforms and wages.
In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, septum formation and cytokinesis are dependent upon the initiation, though not the completion of mitosis. A number of cell cycle mutants which show phenotypes consistent with a defect in the regulation of septum formation have been isolated. A mutation in the S. pombe cdc16 gene leads to the formation of multiple septa without cytokinesis, suggesting that the normal mechanisms that limit the cell to the formation of a single septum in each cycle do not operate. Mutations in the S. pombe early septation mutants cdc7, cdc11, cdc14 and cdc15 lead to the formation of elongated, multinucleate cells, as a result of S phase and mitosis continuing in the absence of cytokinesis. This suggests that in these cells, the normal mechanisms which initiate cytokinesis are defective and that they are unable to respond to this by preventing further nuclear cycles. Genetic analysis has implied that the products of some of these genes may interact with that of the cdc16 gene. To understand how the processes of septation and cytokinesis are regulated and coordinated with mitosis we are studying the early septation mutants and cdc16. In this paper, we present the cloning and analysis of the cdc16 gene. Deletion of the gene shows that it is essential for cell proliferation: spores lacking a functional cdc16 gene germinate, complete mitosis and form multiple septa without undergoing cell cleavage.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
After the Aedees albopictus has been discoved by Neves & Espinola (1987) at Minas Gerais state, we begun studying some biologic aspects, such as breeding places, host preference, times of feeding and the preferred places for blood feeding.
Hub congestion is a major problem and a relevant policy issue because it causes delays and many organizational problems at airports that end up implying unpleasant consequences both for air travelers and airlines. In a competitive framework in which carriers choose aircraft size, this paper suggests that airlines schedule too many flights using overly small aircraft, which constitutes a major contributor to congestion. Two- part congestion tolls, accounting for the congestion imposed on other carriers and the congestion imposed on all passengers, are needed to recover e¢ ciency. Finally, we analyze the validity of the results by studying the effects of network size, airport capacity, competition in layover time, and the formation of airline alliances. Keywords: congestion; hub-and-spoke networks; overprovision of frequency; con- gestion internalization; congestion tolls JEL Classiffication Numbers: L13; L2; L93
La fibromialgia es un síndrome caracterizado por la presencia de dolor músculo-esquelético generalizado, difuso y crónico. La etiología es desconocida y es diagnóstico es exclusivamente clínico. Además hasta el momento el tratamiento se centra únicamente en la reducción de síntomas. Todas estas características influyen en gran medida en la vivencia que tienen estas pacientes de la enfermedad, así como en la imagen que tienen de sí mismas. Diversos autores han enfatizado la importancia de estudiar los fenómenos relacionados con la identidad en las situaciones de dolor crónico. En este informe se presentan los dos estudios realizados durante los cuatro años de beca en torno al estudio del autoconcepto y la identidad en mujeres con fibromialgia. Ambos estudios se enmarcan dentro de la Psicología de los Constructos Personales de George Kelly y utilizan la técnica de rejilla como principal instrumento de evaluación. En el primer estudio se realiza una comparación de las medidas de construcción del sí mismo y de estructura cognitiva entre un grupo de mujeres con fibromialgia (n = 30) y un grupo de mujeres sin fibromialgia (n = 30). Encontramos que las mujeres de nuestra muestra presentan una mayor discrepancia entre el “yo actual” y el “yo ideal”, una menor adecuación percibida en los otros y mayor probabilidad de presentar algún conflicto cognitivo. Estos resultados preliminares nos llevaron a plantearnos la relación entre estos factores cognitivos y el tratamiento. Por ello, el segundo estudio consiste en un estudio de casos en el que se realiza un tratamiento individualizado (terapia cognitivo-constructivista) con cada una de las participantes y se analizan en detalle, a través de un grupo de trabajo, estos factores cognitivos y su relación con la evolución del tratamiento. Este segundo estudio sigue en curso, por lo que se presentan sólo unos resultados preliminares.
En un treball recent s’ha descrit l’amplificació del gen del factor de transcripció FoxG1, homòleg de l'oncogen víric aviar Qin, en mostres de meduloblastoma, un tipus de tumor cerebral que representa el 20% dels tumors cerebrals infantils malignes (Adesina et al.¸2007). El tumor cerebral més freqüent i agressiu en l’adult és el glioma, especialment la seva forma més maligna: el glioblastoma multiforme (glioma de grau IV segons la classificació de l'OMS). En aquest treball hem estudiat l'expressió proteica del factor de transcripció FoxG1, homòleg de l'oncogen víric aviar Qin, en mostres de glioma. Vam analitzar 15 mostres de glioma, detectant FoxG1 en 9 d’elles, i amb diferents nivells d’expressió. Intentant aprofundir en el coneixement de la funció i la regulació de FoxG1, vam estudiar si FoxG1 podia ser fosforilat. Vam detectar, tant per assaig cinasa com per espectrometria de masses, que FoxG1 és un substracte directe de la cinasa Akt, el principal efector de la via de PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase). En la línia cel•lular de glioblastoma U373MG, vam observar que Akt endogen fosforila FoxG1 en un pèptid situat a l’extrem C-terminal del domini forkhead. Aquesta fosforilació és contrarestada per un inhibidor farmacològic de PI3K. Al contrari del que passa en FoxO on la fosforilació per Akt inhibeix l’activitat de FoxO promovent la seva exportació del nucli, la fosforilació de FoxG1 per Akt no promou cap canvi en la seva localització subcel•lular, i FoxG1 es manté nuclear. Actualment estem estudiant els efectes biològics de la fosforilació de FoxG1 per Akt.
En el periodo 2005-2008 hemos publicado tres artículos sobre las alteraciones de los astrocitos reactivos en el cerebro durante el envejecimiento. En el primer estudio, evaluamos la capacidad neuroprotectora de los astrocitos en un modelo experimental in vitro de envejecimiento. Los cambios en el estrés oxidativo, la captación del glutamato y la expresión proteica fueron evaluados en los astrocitos corticales de rata cultivados durante 10 y 90 días in vitro (DIV). Los astrocitos envejecidos tenían una capacidad reducida de mantener la supervivencia neuronal. Estos resultados indican que los astrocitos pueden perder parcialmente su capacidad neuroprotectora durante el envejecimiento. En el segundo estudio el factor neurotrófico derivado de la línea glial (GDNF) fue probado para observar sus efectos neurotróficos contra la atrofia neuronal que causa déficits cognitivos en la vejez. Las ratas envejecidas Fisher 344 con deficiencias en el laberinto de Morris recibieron inyecciones intrahippocampales de un vector lentiviral que codifica GDNF humano en los astrocitos o del mismo vector que codifica la proteína fluorescente verde humana como control. El GDNF secretado por los astrocitos mejoró la función de la neurona como se muestra por aumentos locales en la síntesis de los neurotransmisores acetilcolina, dopamina y serotonina. El aprendizaje espacial y la prueba de memoria demostraron un aumento significativo en las capacidades cognitivas debido a la exposición de GDNF, mientras que las ratas control mantuvieron sus resultados al nivel del azar. Estos resultados confirman el amplio espectro de la acción neurotrófica del GDNF y abre nuevas posibilidades de terapia génica para reducir la neurodegeneración asociada al envejecimiento. En el último estudio, examinamos cambios en la fosforilación de tau, el estrés oxidativo y la captación de glutamato en los cultivos primarios de astrocitos corticales de ratones neonatos de senescencia acelerada (SAMP8) y ratones resistentes a la senescencia (SAMR1). Nuestros resultados indican que las alteraciones en cultivos del astrocitos de los ratones SAMP8 son similares a las detectadas en cerebros enteros de los ratones SAMP8 de 1-5 meses de edad. Por otra parte, nuestros resultados sugieren que esta preparación in vitro es adecuada para estudiar en este modelo murino el envejecimiento temprano y sus procesos moleculares y celulares.
Biological features and social preferences have been studied separately as factors influencing human strategic behaviour. We run two studies in order to explore the interplay between these two sets of factors. In the first study, we investigate to what extent social preferences may have some biological underpinnings. We use simple one-shot distribution experiments to attribute subjects one out of four types of social preferences: Self-interested (SI), Competitive (C), Inequality averse (IA) and Efficiency-seeking (ES). We then investigate whether these four groups display differences in their levels of facial Fluctuating Asymmetry (FA) and in proxies for exposure to testosterone during phoetal development and puberty. We observe that development-related biological features and social preferences are relatively independent. In the second study, we compare the relative weight of these two set of factors by studying how they affect subjects’ behaviour in the Ultimatum Game (UG). We find differences in offers made and rejection rates across the four social preference groups. The effect of social preferences is stronger than the effect of biological features even though the latter is significant. We also report a novel link between facial masculinity (a proxy for exposure to testosterone during puberty) and rejection rates in the UG. Our results suggest that biological features influence behaviour both directly and through their relation with the type of social preferences that individuals hold.
This paper discusses how to identify individual-specific causal effects of an ordered discrete endogenous variable. The counterfactual heterogeneous causal information is recovered by identifying the partial differences of a structural relation. The proposed refutable nonparametric local restrictions exploit the fact that the pattern of endogeneity may vary across the level of the unobserved variable. The restrictions adopted in this paper impose a sense of order to an unordered binary endogeneous variable. This allows for a uni.ed structural approach to studying various treatment effects when self-selection on unobservables is present. The usefulness of the identi.cation results is illustrated using the data on the Vietnam-era veterans. The empirical findings reveal that when other observable characteristics are identical, military service had positive impacts for individuals with low (unobservable) earnings potential, while it had negative impacts for those with high earnings potential. This heterogeneity would not be detected by average effects which would underestimate the actual effects because different signs would be cancelled out. This partial identification result can be used to test homogeneity in response. When homogeneity is rejected, many parameters based on averages may deliver misleading information.
We study the impact of organized crime on electoral competition. Assuming that the mafia is able to bring votes to the supported party in exchange of money, we show that (i) the strongest party is willing to pay the highest price to secure mafia services; (ii) the volume of electoral trade with the mafia increases with political competition and with the efficiency of the mafia. Studying in detail parliamentary elections in Sicily for the period 1946- 1992, we document the significant support given by the Sicilian Mafia to the Christian Democratic party, starting at least from the 1970s. This is consistent with our theoretical predictions, as political competition became much tighter during the 1970s and the Sicilian mafia experienced an extensive centralization process towards the end of the 1960s, which increased substantially its control of the territory. We also provide evidence that in exchange for its electoral support the mafia got economic advantages for its activities in the construction industry.
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are bacterial carbon storage polymers with diverse plastic-like properties. PHA biosynthesis in transgenic plants is being developed as a way to reduce the cost and increase the sustainability of industrial PHA production. The homopolymer polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is the simplest form of these biodegradable polyesters. Plant peroxisomes contain the substrate molecules and necessary reducing power for PHB biosynthesis, but peroxisomal PHB production has not been explored in whole soil-grown transgenic plants to date. We generated transgenic sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) with the three-enzyme Ralstonia eutropha PHA biosynthetic pathway targeted to peroxisomes. We also introduced the pathway into Arabidopsis thaliana, as a model system for studying and manipulating peroxisomal PHB production. PHB, at levels up to 1.6%-1.8% dry weight, accumulated in sugarcane leaves and A. thaliana seedlings, respectively. In sugarcane, PHB accumulated throughout most leaf cell types in both peroxisomes and vacuoles. A small percentage of total polymer was also identified as the copolymer poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) in both plant species. No obvious deleterious effect was observed on plant growth because of peroxisomal PHA biosynthesis at these levels. This study highlights how using peroxisomal metabolism for PHA biosynthesis could significantly contribute to reaching commercial production levels of PHAs in crop plants.