905 resultados para stone fruit
En Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, texto inaugural del ciclo novelístico de J. K. Rowling, aparecen diversos elementos y situaciones que inscriben el relato dentro del género bildungsroman (o novela de formación) y que a su vez son constitutivos del monomito estudiado por Joseph Campbell. Dentro de ese marco, el presente trabajo analizará la función que desempeña la palabra en el desarrollo del protagonista de la novela. Se sostendrá que la adquisición y el dominio pleno de una palabra permiten construir la subjetividad del personaje, quien valiéndose de esta herramienta se volverá capaz de disipar sus inquietudes frente a lo desconocido y al peso de la voz popular. El estudio se centrará en el nombre del antagonista, Lord Voldemort, su influencia en la saga y en cuán importante es que Harry sea capaz de nombrarlo por ese apelativo. Para este abordaje se utilizarán algunos conceptos de diversas disciplinas que nos permitirán advertir la injerencia de la palabra en la novela seminal de esta serie literaria y en el tránsito del personaje por la compleja senda del héroe
En Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, texto inaugural del ciclo novelístico de J. K. Rowling, aparecen diversos elementos y situaciones que inscriben el relato dentro del género bildungsroman (o novela de formación) y que a su vez son constitutivos del monomito estudiado por Joseph Campbell. Dentro de ese marco, el presente trabajo analizará la función que desempeña la palabra en el desarrollo del protagonista de la novela. Se sostendrá que la adquisición y el dominio pleno de una palabra permiten construir la subjetividad del personaje, quien valiéndose de esta herramienta se volverá capaz de disipar sus inquietudes frente a lo desconocido y al peso de la voz popular. El estudio se centrará en el nombre del antagonista, Lord Voldemort, su influencia en la saga y en cuán importante es que Harry sea capaz de nombrarlo por ese apelativo. Para este abordaje se utilizarán algunos conceptos de diversas disciplinas que nos permitirán advertir la injerencia de la palabra en la novela seminal de esta serie literaria y en el tránsito del personaje por la compleja senda del héroe
In a borehole in the southern outskirts of the town of Göttingen, limnic sediments of several Pleistocene warm periods occur intercalated with coarse solifluction debris and gravel of the river Leine. Pollen analysis of the limnic sediments in a borehole at Ottostrasse gave evidence of three warm periods of interglacial character, followed by three interstadial phases. The warm phases are separated one from another by stadial phases with, at least in one case, indications of periglacial solifluction. This sequence belongs to the Brunhes magnetic epoch. The pollen data allow to exclude an Eemian or Holsteinian age of the warm period sediments. Thus a Cromerian age is assumed, though the exact position of the newly described warm periods within the ''Cromerian'' remains uncertain. A section in a borehole at Akazienweg is of Holsteinian age.
This paper deals with petrological and petrophysical features of the Hontaria's stone, Burgos (Spain), with which many important monuments were built in northern Spain, in orderr to establish a basis for individual monument restoration. The study contains an historical reference to sorne buildings in which this stone was employed, geological considerations of the origin area, laboratory analysis of the samples, and results of the most common characterization tests. As a conclusion, it can be stated that the Hontoria's stone is apure limestone, with good mechanical and hydrological behaviour, resistent to weathering, easy to quarry (underground mining) and with large resources
Fleshy fruits fall on to the ground together with cleaned seeds previously ingested by primary dispersers, offering a wide range of fruits and seeds to the ground foragers. Although nutritional properties strongly differ between fruits and seeds, this different seed presentation (cleaned seeds versus seeds within the pulp) has not been addressed in seed removal studies. This study reports on the removal of fruits versus their seeds in five fleshy-fruited species in a temperate forest. We found that rodents removed most of the seeds and partially consumed most of the fruits, preferring seeds to fruits. Rodents bit the fruits to extract the seeds, leaving most of the pulp. We found a preference ranking for the seeds (Sorbus aucuparia>Ilex aquifolium>Sorbus aria>Rosa canina>Crataegus monogyna) but no preferences were found for the fruits, probably due to their similarities in pulp constituents. Seed and fruit choice were affected by chemical and physical properties and not by their size. The presence of alternative and preferred seeds (nuts) delayed the encounter of the fruits and seeds and diminished their removal rates. We found that higher rodent abundance is not necessarily associated with higher removal rates of fleshy fruits. Rodent abundance, fruit size and seed size are minor factors in the removal of fleshy fruits and their seeds. This study underlines that scatter-hoarding rodents are important removers of fleshy fruits and their seeds, producing a differential seed removal depending on the seed presentation (with or without pulp), the nutritional properties of the seeds (but not of the fruits) and the presence of alternative food
Experiments to evaluate the effect of in-season calcium (Ca) sprays on late-season peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. Calrico) were carried out for a 2-year period. Calcium formulations (0.5% and 1.0% in 2008 and only 0.5% tested in 2009) supplied either as CaCl2 or Ca propionate in combination with two or three adjuvants (0.05% of the nonionic surfactants Tween 20 and Break Thru, and 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose, CMC) were sprayed four to five times over the growing season. Peach mesocarp and endocarp Ca concentrations were determined on a 15-day basis from the beginning of May until the end of June. Further tissue analyses were performed at harvest. A decreasing trend in fruit Ca concentrations over the growing season was always observed regardless of the Ca treatments. Both in 2008 and 2009, significant tissue Ca increments associated with the application of Ca-containing sprays in combination with adjuvants were only observed in June, which may be coincident with the period of pit hardening. In 2008, both at harvest and after cold storage, the total soluble-solids concentration (° Brix) of fruits supplied with Ca propionate (0.5% and 1.0% Ca) was always lower as compared to the rest of treatments. The application of multiple Ca-containing sprays increased firmness at harvest and after cold storage, especially when CaCl2 was the active ingredient used. Supplying the adjuvants Tween 20 and CMC increased fruit acidity both at harvest and after cold storage. Evaluation of the development of physiological disorders after cold storage (2 weeks at 0°C) indicated a lower susceptibility of Ca-treated fruits to internal browning. Fruits treated with multiple CaCl2-, CMC-, and Break Thru®-containing sprays during the growing season were significantly less prone to the development of chilling injuries as compared to untreated peaches.
La normalización de los métodos de análisis y de los principales aspectos relacionados con la conservación de los bienes culturales ha empezado en 2004 con la creación del comité europeo de normalización, CEN/TC 346 Conservation of Cultural Property, que tiene la responsabilidad no solamente de redactar protocolos de ensayos en laboratorio, sino también proponer las recomendaciones más adecuadas para designarlos de forma consensual y conservarlos de la forma más apropiada. Se comentan los aspectos relacionados con el origen de estas normas, el trabajo desarrollado y que muchas de ellas, aunque no estén dirigidas específicamente a la piedra, tienen en cuenta la presencia de este material en objetos arqueológicos, obras de arte, estructuras de fábricas y elementos ornamentales.
The effect of location of fruit in canopies of hedgerow olive trees (Olea europaea L., cv. ‘Arbequina’) on quality of virgin oil was tested by analyzing oils extracted from different height layers and faces of 9 olive hedgerows (6 North-South oriented and 3 East-West). Although sensory attributes were not different other oil quality parameters may be significantly modified by fruit position. In some hedgerows, oils extracted from fruits harvested from higher layers exhibited significantly higher stability against oxidation, along with higher palmitic acid, linoleic acid and phenol contents, but lower oleic acid content. Oils extracted from fruits harvested from East and North facing hedgerows oriented North-South and East-West, respectively, exhibited higher oleic contents and lower saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid contents. The mean phenol content of oils extracted from fruits from a North-South oriented hedgerow was significantly greater from one of the East-West oriented hedgerows. These findings may be relevant for the design of future olive hedgerows destined for olive oil production.
Maximum production in hedgerow olive orchards is likely not achieved with maximum evapotranspiration over the long-term. Thus, regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) should be considered as a management option. Four irrigation treatments were evaluated during the summer when olive is most drought resistant. Control (CON) was irrigated to maintain the rootzone close to field capacity. Severe water deficit was applied by irrigating 30% CON from end of fruit drop to end July (DI-J) and from end July until beginning of oil synthesis (DI-A). Less severe water deficit was applied during July and August (DI-JA) by irrigating 50% CON. Flowering, fruiting, abscission, fruit development, fresh and dry weight of fruits, and oil production were evaluated. There were not significant differences in number of buds initiated, number of fruits per inflorescence and fruit drop. Oil production was significantly different between irrigation treatments in all experimental years. CON produced more oil and fruit with higher oil% than DI-A and DI-JA. Oil production of DI-J was not significantly reduced compared to CON and oil% was greater. DI-J was the most effective RDI strategy; with 16% less applied water relative to CON average loss in oil production of 8% was not significantly different to CON. While DI-JA saved most water (27%), oil production was reduced by 15%. Greatest loss in oil production (21%) was observed in DI-A with water saving of 22%.
In watermelon crops in Southeastern Spain, important thermal differences appear during the first stages of plant development that can affect them. This work shows the effect of applying jasmonic acid and benzoic acid (JA+BA), inductors of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systemic resistance (ISR), respectively, on fruit quality parameters from a crop in a greenhouse in Southeastern Spain, where crops face a remarkable abiotic stress. We assessed two treatments of JA+BA, T1 (500+500 ppm), T2 (2000+2000 ppm) and a control test using an experimental design of randomized blocks with four replications. The results obtained for the parameters assessed (ºBrix, flesh firmness, rind thickness, polar and equatorial diameter) did not show statistically significant differences. The results showed that there was no metabolic cost in the plants when applying the assessed treatments of JA+BA.
Natural regeneration in stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) managed forests in the Spanish Northern Plateau is not achieved successfully under current silviculture practices, constituting a main concern for forest managers. We modelled spatio-temporal features of primary dispersal to test whether (a) present low stand densities constrain natural regeneration success and (b) seed release is a climate-controlled process. The present study is based on data collected from a 6 years seed trap experiment considering different regeneration felling intensities. From a spatial perspective, we attempted alternate established kernels under different data distribution assumptions to fit a spatial model able to predict P. pinea seed rain. Due to P. pinea umbrella-like crown, models were adapted to account for crown effect through correction of distances between potential seed arrival locations and seed sources. In addition, individual tree fecundity was assessed independently from existing models, improving parameter estimation stability. Seed rain simulation enabled to calculate seed dispersal indexes for diverse silvicultural regeneration treatments. The selected spatial model of best fit (Weibull, Poisson assumption) predicted a highly clumped dispersal pattern that resulted in a proportion of gaps where no seed arrival is expected (dispersal limitation) between 0.25 and 0.30 for intermediate intensity regeneration fellings and over 0.50 for intense fellings. To describe the temporal pattern, the proportion of seeds released during monthly intervals was modelled as a function of climate variables – rainfall events – through a linear model that considered temporal autocorrelation, whereas cone opening took place over a temperature threshold. Our findings suggest the application of less intensive regeneration fellings, to be carried out after years of successful seedling establishment and, seasonally, subsequent to the main rainfall period (late fall). This schedule would avoid dispersal limitation and would allow for a complete seed release. These modifications in present silviculture practices would produce a more efficient seed shadow in managed stands.