889 resultados para situational features
Leptospirosis pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome (LPHS) is a frequent manifestation of Leptospira infection in dogs and is associated with a high morbidity and mortality. Three helical 16-slice thoracic CT scans were performed in 10 dogs naturally infected with Leptospira, within 24 hours of admission, and three and seven days later. Patients were sedated and scanned without breathhold, with a protocol adapted for rapid scanning. One dog died of respiratory failure on the morning following the first scan. On the initial scan, imaging features of LPHS included ground-glass nodules (10/10), peribronchovascular interstitial thickening (10/10), diffuse or patchy ground-glass opacity (9/10), solid nodules (8/10) and consolidation (7/10). Temporary bronchiolar dilation was observed in all dogs in association with peribronchovascular interstitial thickening, which had completely resolved at day 7. Nodules were with few exceptions assigned to the centrilobular region. Regression of lesion severity was observed after each subsequent scan. Consolidation and solid nodules changed over time into lesions of ground-glass attenuation. Pleural effusion (3/10) and mediastinal effusion (2/10) were mild and transient. Lesion severity appeared unassociated with survival to discharge.
Arguably, job satisfaction is one of the most important variables with regard to work. When explaining job satisfaction, research usually focuses on predictor variables in terms of levels but neglects growth rates. Therefore it remains unclear how potential predictors evolve over time and how their development affects job satisfaction. Using multivariate latent growth modeling in a study with 1145 young workers over five years, we analyzed how well job satisfaction is predicted a) by levels of situational (i.e., job control) and dispositional (i.e., Core Self-Evaluations (CSE)) factors and b) by growth per year of these predictors. Results showed both intercepts and slopes to be related to each other, suggesting a joint growth of job control and CSE during early careers. Job satisfaction after five years was best predicted by the slopes of job control (β = .31, p < .001) and CSE (β = .34, p < .01). These findings provide further longitudinal evidence for the role of situational as well as dispositional factors for predicting job satisfaction. In addition, growth rates per year were better predictors than initial levels. Furthermore, a lack of change in job control or CSE went along with a drop in job satisfaction, implying that young workers need to perceive things to be improving in order to increase, or at least maintain, their level of job satisfaction. In terms of theory, the relative importance of levels versus changes deserves more attention. In terms of practical implications, our results suggest a double emphasis on job design (i.e., granting sufficient, and increasing, control) and on personal development (e.g., through training) so that people experience a match between both. Finally, negative associations between initial levels and growth rates suggest that people are quite successful in achieving a reasonable fit between their job characteristics and their needs and goals.
BACKGROUND Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is associated with cryptogenic stroke (CS), although the pathogenicity of a discovered PFO in the setting of CS is typically unclear. Transesophageal echocardiography features such as PFO size, associated hypermobile septum, and presence of a right-to-left shunt at rest have all been proposed as markers of risk. The association of these transesophageal echocardiography features with other markers of pathogenicity has not been examined. METHODS AND RESULTS We used a recently derived score based on clinical and neuroimaging features to stratify patients with PFO and CS by the probability that their stroke is PFO-attributable. We examined whether high-risk transesophageal echocardiography features are seen more frequently in patients more likely to have had a PFO-attributable stroke (n=637) compared with those less likely to have a PFO-attributable stroke (n=657). Large physiologic shunt size was not more frequently seen among those with probable PFO-attributable strokes (odds ratio [OR], 0.92; P=0.53). The presence of neither a hypermobile septum nor a right-to-left shunt at rest was detected more often in those with a probable PFO-attributable stroke (OR, 0.80; P=0.45; OR, 1.15; P=0.11, respectively). CONCLUSIONS We found no evidence that the proposed transesophageal echocardiography risk markers of large PFO size, hypermobile septum, and presence of right-to-left shunt at rest are associated with clinical features suggesting that a CS is PFO-attributable. Additional tools to describe PFOs may be useful in helping to determine whether an observed PFO is incidental or pathogenically related to CS.
In this paper, we propose a fully automatic, robust approach for segmenting proximal femur in conventional X-ray images. Our method is based on hierarchical landmark detection by random forest regression, where the detection results of 22 global landmarks are used to do the spatial normalization, and the detection results of the 59 local landmarks serve as the image cue for instantiation of a statistical shape model of the proximal femur. To detect landmarks in both levels, we use multi-resolution HoG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) as features which can achieve better accuracy and robustness. The efficacy of the present method is demonstrated by experiments conducted on 150 clinical x-ray images. It was found that the present method could achieve an average point-to-curve error of 2.0 mm and that the present method was robust to low image contrast, noise and occlusions caused by implants.
Facebook is a medium of social interaction producing its own style. I study how users from Malaga create this style through phonic features of the local variety and how they reflect on the use of these features. I then analyse the use of non-standard features by users from Malaga and compare them to an oral corpus. Results demonstrate that social factors work differently in real and virtual speech. Facebook communication is seen as a style serving to create social meaning and to express linguistic identity.
Objective: IL23 is involved in chronic inflammation but its role in cancer progression is not fully elucidated. Here we characterize IL23 subunits p40, p19 and IL23 receptor (IL23R) in the normal-adenoma-carcinomametastasis cascade of colorectal cancers and their relationship to clinicopathological and outcome data. Method: Immunohistochemistry for IL23R, IL12p40, IL23 and IL23p19 (monoclonal) was performed on a multi-punch tissue microarray (n=213 patients). Expression differences between normal-adenomas-cancerslymph nodes were evaluated. Correlation with clinicopathological and outcome data was undertaken. Results were validated on an independent cohort (n=341 patients). Results: An increased expression from normal-adenoma-cancer was observed (p<0.0001; all) followed by a marked reduction in lymph nodes (p<0.0001; all). Cytoplasmic and/or membranous staining of all markers was unrelated to outcome. Nuclear IL23p19 staining occurred in 23.1%and was associated with smaller tumor diameter (p=0.0333), early pT (p=0.0213), early TNM (p=0.0186), absence of vascular (p=0.0124) and lymphatic invasion (p=0.01493) and favorable survival (univariate (p=0.014) and multivariable (p=0.0321) analysis). All IL23p19 positive patients were free of distant metastasis (p=0.0146). Survival and metastasis results could be validated in Cohort 2. Conclusion: The presence of nuclear IL23p19 is related to indolent tumor features and favorable outcome supporting a more ‘protective’ role of this protein in colorectal cancer progression
Objective. The purpose of the study is to provide a holistic depiction of behavioral & environmental factors contributing to risky sexual behaviors among predominantly high school educated, low-income African Americans residing in urban areas of Houston, TX utilizing the Theory of Gender and Power, Situational/Environmental Variables Theory, and Sexual Script Theory. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted via questionnaires among 215 Houston area residents, 149 were women and 66 were male. Measures used to assess behaviors of the population included a history of homelessness, use of crack/cocaine among several other illicit drugs, the type of sexual partner, age of participant, age of most recent sex partner, whether or not participants sought health care in the last 12 months, knowledge of partner's other sexual activities, symptoms of depression, and places where partner's were met. In an effort to determine risk of sexual encounters, a risk index employing the variables used to assess condom use was created categorizing sexual encounters as unsafe or safe. Results. Variables meeting the significance level of p<.15 for the bivariate analysis of each theory were entered into a binary logistic regression analysis. The block for each theory was significant, suggesting that the grouping assignments of each variable by theory were significantly associated with unsafe sexual behaviors. Within the regression analysis, variables such as sex for drugs/money, low income, and crack use demonstrated an effect size of ≥ ± 1, indicating that these variables had a significant effect on unsafe sexual behavioral practices. Conclusions. Variables assessing behavior and environment demonstrated a significant effect when categorized by relation to designated theories.
Hypertutorials optimize five features - presentation, learner control, practice, feedback, and elaborative learning resources. Previous research showed graduate students significantly and overwhelmingly preferred Web-based hypertutorials to conventional "Book-on-the-Web" statistics or research design lessons. The current report shows that the source of hypertutorials' superiority in student evaluations of instruction lies in their hypertutorial features. Randomized comparisons between the two methodologies were conducted in two successive iterations of a graduate level health informatics research design and evaluation course. The two versions contained the same text and graphics, but differed in the presence or absence of hypertutorial features: Elaborative learning resources, practice, feedback, and amount of learner control. Students gave high evaluations to both Web-based methodologies, but consistently rated the hypertutorial lessons as superior. Significant differences localized in the hypertutorial subscale that measured student responses to hypertutorial features.
Enterococcus faecalis is a Gram-positive bacterium that lives as a commensal organism in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract, but can behave as an opportunistic pathogen. Our lab discovered that mutation of the eutK gene attenuates virulence of E. faecalis in the C. elegans model host. eutK is part of the ethanolamine metabolic pathway which was previously unknown in E. faecalis. I discovered the presence of two unique posttranscriptional regulatory features that control expression of eut locus genes. The first feature I found is an AdoCBL riboswitch, a cis-acting RNA regulatory element that acts as a positive regulator of gene expression. The second feature I discovered is a unique two-component system, EutVW. The EutV response regulator contains an ANTAR family domain, which binds RNA to trigger transcriptional antitermination. I determined that induction of expression of several genes in the eut locus is dependent on ethanolamine, AdoCBL and the two-component system. AdoCBL and ethanolamine are both required for induction of eut locus gene expression. Additionally, I discovered eutG is regulated by a unique mechanism of antitermination. Both the AdoCBL riboswitch and EutV response regulator control the expression of the downstream gene eutG. EutV potentially acts through a novel antitermination mechanism in which a dimer of EutV binds to a pair of mRNA stem loops forming an antitermination complex. My data show a unique mechanism by which two environmental signals are integrated by two different posttranscriptional regulators to regulate a single locus.
BACKGROUND Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) associated with severe, acquired ADAMTS13 deficiency is uncommonly reported in children. The incidence, demographic, and clinical features of these children, compared to adults, have not been described. PROCEDURES This study focused on children (<18 years old) and adults with TTP associated with severe, acquired ADAMTS13 deficiency, defined as activity <10%. The incidence rates for TTP in children and adults were calculated from patients enrolled in the Oklahoma TTP-HUS (Hemolytic-Uremic syndrome) Registry, 1996-2012. To describe demographic and clinical features, children with TTP were also identified from a systematic review of published reports and from samples sent to a reference laboratory for analysis of ADAMTS13. RESULTS The standardized annual incidence rate of TTP in children was 0.09 × 10(6) children per year, 3% of the incidence rate among adults (2.88 × 10(6) adults per year). Among the 79 children who were identified (one from the Oklahoma Registry, 55 from published reports, 23 from the reference laboratory), TTP appeared to be more common among females, similar to the relative increased frequency of women among adults with TTP, and more common in older children. Clinical data were available on 52 children; the frequency of severe renal failure, relapse, treatment with rituximab, and systemic lupus erythematosus in these children was similar to adults with TTP. CONCLUSIONS TTP associated with severe, acquired ADAMTS13 deficiency is uncommon in children. The demographic and clinical features of these children are similar to the features of adults with TTP.
Bipolar mixed states combine depressive and manic features, presenting diagnostic and treatment challenges and reflecting a severe form of the illness. DSM-IV criteria for a mixed state require combined depressive and manic syndromes, but a range of mixed states has been described clinically. A unified definition of mixed states would be valuable in understanding their diagnosis, mechanism and treatment implications. We investigated the manner in which depressive and manic features combine to produce a continuum of mixed states. In 88 subjects with bipolar disorder (DSM-IV), we evaluated symptoms and clinical characteristics, and compared depression-based, mania-based, and other published definitions of mixed states. We developed an index of the extent to which symptoms were mixed (Mixed State Index, MSI) and characterized its relationship to clinical state. Predominately manic and depressive mixed states using criteria from recent literature, as well as Kraepelinian mixed states, had similar symptoms and MSI scores. Anxiety correlated significantly with depression scores in manic subjects and with mania scores in depressed subjects. Discriminant function analysis associated mixed states with symptoms of hyperactivity and negative cognitions, but not subjective depressive or elevated mood. High MSI scores were associated with severe course of illness. For depressive or manic episodes, characteristics of mixed states emerged with two symptoms of the opposite polarity. This was a cross-sectional study. Mixed states appear to be a continuum. An index of the degree to which depressive and manic symptoms combine appears useful in identifying and characterizing mixed states. We propose a depressive or manic episode with three or more symptoms of the opposite polarity as a parsimonious definition of a mixed state.
BACKGROUND: Declared suicidal intent and physical danger are both considered important components in defining suicidal behaviors (SB). AIMS: 1) To investigate characteristics of serious suicidal behaviors (SSB), defined by either suicidal intent or lethality; 2) To determine any difference in terms of socio-demographic, clinical and/or service usage variables between SSB and non-serious suicidal behaviors (NSSB). METHODS: A total of 2631 contacts for SB were registered in the context of the MONSUE (Monitoring Suicidal Behavior in Europe) study project. Demographic and clinical information were registered. ICD-10 was used for classifying data about psychiatric diagnoses, methods used for SB and injuries reported. Clear intentionality, high-case fatality methods and serious injuries all defined SSB (n = 1169; 44.4%) RESULTS: SSB were more often preceded by a contact with an inpatient (either psychiatric or somatic) rather than an outpatient service. Among those having a previous history of SB, SSB subjects had fewer contacts with health services before the previous attempt. The strongest predictors for SSB appeared to be older age and not professing a religion. CONCLUSION: Many of the known factors contributing to the risk of completed suicide were also present for SSB. Our findings on service usage by suicide attempters show which aspects of mental health services should be strengthened in order to improve suicide prevention.