898 resultados para root run
This paper studies the long-run impact of HIV / AIDS on per capita income and education. We introduce a channel from HIV / AIDS to long-run income that has been overlooked by the literature, the reduction of the incentives to study due to shorter expected longevity. We work with a continuous time overlapping generations mo deI in which life cycle features of savings and education decision play key roles. The simulations predict that the most affected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa will be in the future, on average, a quarter poorer than they would be without AIDS, due only to the direct (human capital reduction) and indirect (decline in savings and investment) effects of life-expectancy reductions. Schooling will decline on average by half. These findings are well above previous results in the literature and indicate that, as pessimistic as they may be, at least in economic terms the worst could be yet to come.
Using a sequence of nested multivariate models that are VAR-based, we discuss different layers of restrictions imposed by present-value models (PVM hereafter) on the VAR in levels for series that are subject to present-value restrictions. Our focus is novel - we are interested in the short-run restrictions entailed by PVMs (Vahid and Engle, 1993, 1997) and their implications for forecasting. Using a well-known database, kept by Robert Shiller, we implement a forecasting competition that imposes different layers of PVM restrictions. Our exhaustive investigation of several different multivariate models reveals that better forecasts can be achieved when restrictions are applied to the unrestricted VAR. Moreover, imposing short-run restrictions produces forecast winners 70% of the time for the target variables of PVMs and 63.33% of the time when all variables in the system are considered.
The control of Pratylenchus goodeyi a common nematode parasite of banana crop in Madeira Island can benefit from searching for natural nematicides through plants extracts. With this aim we submitted Solanum nigrum and S. sisymbriifolium dried plants to a sequential extraction in the solvent sequence of dichloromethane, acetone, ethanol and water, and to na aqueous extraction of the fresh and dried plants. Analyses with the extracts at several concentrations were used to assess mobility and mortality on P. goodeyi. Results showed that the water extract and aqueous extracts from both plants at a concentration of 10 mg/mL affected nematode mobility and caused mortality but the acetone extract from S. nigrum was the most efficient, causing 100% mortality whereas dichloromethane had no effect on P. goodeyi. Determination of the lipophilic and phenolic compounds present in the two most effective Solanum extracts (acetone and water) and in dichloromethane extract revealed that some of these compounds had nematicidal activity. S. nigrum acetone extract (10 mg/mL) was used to find out the nematicidal potential following the effect at gene expression level and nematode behaviour. Genes coding for calreticulin and beta-1,4- endoglucanase related to parasitism and translocon-associated protein putatively connected to stress were obtained and its relative expression assessed in nematodes exposed to the extract. Results revealed that expression of Pg-CRT decreased showing to influence the infection, Pg-ENG remained steady and Pg-TRAPδ was induced over time exposure. Biological assays showed that P. goodeyi mobility and ability to infect the banana roots were affected as a decrease in the number of nematodes that reached the roots was obtained with the increased exposure time to the extract being implicated in the infection success. The information obtained from this thesis showed that S. nigrum has potential to be used for the development of a new control strategy against plant-parasitic nematodes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This research has been implanted on thematic area education, politic and culture, based on line research and cultures practices aducatives histories approaches and literaries. on this situations, be involved around the kind of relations investigating about history cultural perspective, the thematic: woman, violence, body and education in women s daily victims of fisic, sexual and psychological violence. The research period happens end of 20th century beginning of 21th, specially between the 1999 until 2002. The survey shows influence of sexually device above body to reveal the root of violence in kinds of relations, be present in lifehistory of women aggressors the prisoners women and the women who permits aggressions the victims who accuse in the police station of woman. to preserv her privacy, i have been utilized in my register book pseudonym by flowers, to everyone. i have been defended my theory by familyrelations, be constitued in micro powerspaces and learn about sex, under the influence of violence in kinds of relations, creating negative bodywoman. shows bodyconceptions and sexuality by light thinking of the French philosopher Mr. Foucault Michel, in his opinion sexuality is a mechanisms by power, it is present on circular form at the society from all the institutions. I have been run over of Erich Fromm s lover theory. Those are fontain of newspapers, Police Protests, the prisoners women statement and the women who permits aggressions that them accuse aggressors of hers. I also utilize as fontain the Brazilian Penal Coole. At last I have decide about the flowers-women´s history, they have discourse who divulge the really importance of body as privileged by wisdom and truths, it was translated by own subjectivity, learned educations relacions, repetead in family breast and be responsible of the actions at signature in the presence of society. These relacions, were twice think and was problematic, their will be bring seeds of social transformations
The effect of nitrogen on the root system of the species Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. IPR-86 Mil (e) over cap nio, under grazing, was evaluated. The N rates were 0; 150; 300 and 450 kg/ha. year. The root density was evaluated during pregrazing at five years of successive N application, in three depths (0-10; 10-20 and 20-40 cm) and the root growth at 7, 14, 21, and 35 days after grazing. The grazing method adopted was rotational stocking. Root length and root mass densities in pre-and post-grazing presented maximum values at rates 204, 206, 192, and 197 kg/ha of N, respectively. The root growth (in root length density) increased, on average, until 29 days after grazing at rates 0, 150, and 300 kg/ha; at 450 kg/ha N rate, the increase was linear. Independently of N rates, around 60 and 25% of IPR-86 Mil (e) over cap nio cultivar root system was concentrated in 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth, respectively.
The objectives of the study were to assess changes in fine root anisotropy and specific root lengths throughout the development of Eucalyptus grandis ( W. Hill ex Maiden) plantations and to establish a predictive model of root length density (RLD) from root intercept counts on trench walls. Fine root densities (<1 mm in diameter) were studied in 6-, 12-, 22-, 28-, 54-, 68- and 72-month-old E. grandis plantations established on deep Ferralsols in southern Brazil. Fine root intercepts were counted on 3 faces of 90-198 soil cubes (1 dm(3) in volume) in each stand and fine root lengths (L) were measured inside 576 soil cubes, sampled between the depths of 10 cm and 290 cm. The number of fine root intercepts was counted on one vertical face perpendicular to the planting row (N(t)), one vertical face parallel to the planting row (N(l)) and one horizontal face (N(h)), for each soil cube sampled. An overall isotropy of fine roots was shown by paired Student's t-tests between the numbers of fine roots intersecting each face of soil cubes at most stand ages and soil depths. Specific root lengths decreased with stand age in the upper soil layers and tended to increase in deep soil layers at the end of the rotation. A linear regression established between N(t) and L for all the soil cubes sampled accounted for 36% of the variability of L. Such a regression computed for mean Nt and L values at each sampling depth and stand age explained only 55% of the variability, as a result of large differences in the relationship between L and Nt depending on stand productivity. The equation RLD=1.89*LAI*N(t), where LAI was the stand leaf area index (m(2) m(-2)) and Nt was expressed as the number of root intercepts per cm(2), made it possible to predict accurately (R(2)=0.84) and without bias the mean RLDs (cm cm(-3)) per depth in each stand, for the whole data set of 576 soil cubes sampled between 2 years of age and the end of the rotation.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A new rot caused by a binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. affecting the tuberous root cortex of the domesticated yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) has been observed in Brazil. Isolates of a binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. were collected from roots with rot symptoms and characterized by the number of nuclei per cell, hyphal anastomosis, RAPD molecular markers, ITS-5.8S rDNA sequence and pathogenicity tests. All isolates had a mean of 1.9-2.2 nuclei per cell and anastomosed with the binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. AG G-tester strain. RAPD analysis was carried out between 11 isolates recovered from yacon and 11 AG (A, Ba, Bb, Bo, C, D, F, G, O, P, Q) standard testers of binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. Genetic similarities of 94.8-100% were observed among isolates of the binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. from yacon and all isolates were genetically more closely related to the AG G tester than other strains according to UPGMA analysis using RAPD markers. Homologies of complete ITS nucleotide sequences were 100% between binucleate isolates of Rhizoctonia sp. from yacon and the AG G tester. According to pathogenicity tests, the isolates caused typical rot symptoms of yacon tubers 90 days after inoculation.
Estudou-se o efeito do tratamento de sementes de algodão com cloreto de mepiquat sobre o crescimento inicial de raízes e parte aérea. O experimento, realizado em casa de vegetação, utilizou vasos de PVC adaptados com uma parede frontal de vidro e os tratamentos foram constituídos por cinco doses do cloreto de mepiquat (CM) do ingrediente ativo (i.a.): 0, 3, 6, 9 e 12 g kg-1 de sementes, pulverizado sobre as sementes, e a cultivar FM 993. Massa de matéria seca da parte aérea (folhas, pecíolos e haste), massa de matéria seca da raiz, área foliar, relação parte aérea:raiz, relação área foliar:crescimento radicular, o comprimento da parte aérea foram avaliados aos 21 dias após a semeadura. Crescimento radicular foi avaliado a cada três dias até os 18 dias. O CM aplicado às sementes do algodão promove redução da altura da planta e da área foliar, sem, contudo, afetar produção de massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e raiz, relação parte aérea:raiz, relação área foliar:crescimento radicular e comprimento total de raízes do algodoeiro. Assim, no presente experimento não foi observado efeito negativo do CM aplicado às sementes do algodoeiro na absorção de água pela planta.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Maytenus ilicifolia is an important plant with potential on cancer treatment and has been largely used in Brazil and other countries. We have evaluated the crude ethanolic extract of M. ilicifolia as a potential antioxidant source using an assay based on the bleaching of the radical monocation 2,2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS(center dot+)) and by HOCl scavenger capacity. Trolox and uric acid were used as positive controls. The results indicated M. ilicifolia root bark as a great source of antioxidants based on its potential as scavenger of radicals. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Wood gasification technologies to convert the biomass into fuel gas stand out. on the other hand, producing electrical energy from stationary engine is widely spread, and its application in rural communities where the electrical network doesn't exist is very required. The recovery of exhaust gases (engine) is a possibility that makes the system attractive when compared with the same components used to obtain individual heat such as electric power. This paper presents an energetic alternative to adapt a fixed bed gasifier with a compact cogeneration system in order to cover electrical and thermal demands in a rural area and showing an energy solution for small social communities using renewable fuels. Therefore, an energetic and economical analysis from a cogeneration system producing electric energy, hot and cold water, using wooden gas as fuel from a small-sized gasifier was calculated. The energy balance that includes the energy efficiency (electric generation as well as hot and cold water system; performance coefficient and the heat exchanger, among other items), was calculated. Considering the annual interest rates and the amortization periods, the costs of production of electrical energy, hot and cold water were calculated, taking into account the investment, the operation and the maintenance cost of the equipments. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The root-locus method is a well-known and commonly used tool in control system analysis and design. It is an important topic in introductory undergraduate engineering control disciplines. Although complementary root locus (plant with negative gain) is not as common as root locus (plant with positive gain) and in many introductory textbooks for control systems is not presented, it has been shown a valuable tool in control system design. This paper shows that complementary root locus can be plotted using only the well-known construction rules to plot root locus. It can offer for the students a better comprehension on this subject. These results present a procedure to avoid problems that appear in root-locus plots for plants with the same number of poles and zeros.