883 resultados para roll


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La tesi descrive in modo analitico la formazione del temporale e i suoi stadi di vita, i tipi di temporale suddivisi in base alla struttura e le nubi accessorie, particolari formazioni nuvolose che appartengono al temporale e alla sua evoluzione.


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L’esposizione degli operatori in campo agricolo alle vibrazioni trasmesse al corpo intero, produce effetti dannosi alla salute nel breve e nel lungo termine. Le vibrazioni che si generano sulle trattrici agricole hanno una elevata intensità e una bassa frequenza. Le componenti orizzontali, amplificate dalla posizione elevata della postazione di guida dall’asse di rollio, presentano maggiori criticità per quanto riguarda i sistemi di smorzamento rispetto alle componenti verticali. Queste caratteristiche rendono difficoltosa la progettazione dei sistemi dedicati alla riduzione del livello vibrazionale per questa categoria di macchine agricole. Nonostante l’installazione di diversi sistemi di smorzamento, il livello di vibrazioni a cui è sottoposto l’operatore può superare, in diverse condizioni di impiego, i livelli massimi imposti dalla legge per la salvaguardia della salute. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di valutare l’influenza dei moti rigidi di una trattrice (beccheggio, rollio e saltellamento) dotata di sospensione assale anteriore, sospensione cabina e sospensione sedile, sul livello vibrazionale trasmesso all’operatore.E’ stata pertanto strumenta una trattrice con accelerometri e inclinometri installati su telaio, cabina e sedile e utilizzata in diverse condizioni di lavoro in campo e di trasporto su strada. Dall’analisi delle prove effettuate emerge che durante il trasporto su strada è predominante l’accelerazione longitudinale, a causa dell’elevata influenza del beccheggio. La sospensione riduce notevolmente il moto rigido di beccheggio mentre l’effetto della sospensione della cabina è quello di incrementare, in ogni condizione di lavoro, il livello di accelerazione trasmesso dal telaio della macchina.


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Procedures for quantitative walking analysis include the assessment of body segment movements within defined gait cycles. Recently, methods to track human body motion using inertial measurement units have been suggested. It is not known if these techniques can be readily transferred to clinical measurement situations. This work investigates the aspects necessary for one inertial measurement unit mounted on the lower back to track orientation, and determine spatio-temporal features of gait outside the confines of a conventional gait laboratory. Apparent limitations of different inertial sensors can be overcome by fusing data using methods such as a Kalman filter. The benefits of optimizing such a filter for the type of motion are unknown. 3D accelerations and 3D angular velocities were collected for 18 healthy subjects while treadmill walking. Optimization of Kalman filter parameters improved pitch and roll angle estimates when compared to angles derived using stereophotogrammetry. A Weighted Fourier Linear Combiner method for estimating 3D orientation angles by constructing an analytical representation of angular velocities and allowing drift free integration is also presented. When tested this method provided accurate estimates of 3D orientation when compared to stereophotogrammetry. Methods to determine spatio-temporal features from lower trunk accelerations generally require knowledge of sensor alignment. A method was developed to estimate the instants of initial and final ground contact from accelerations measured by a waist mounted inertial device without rigorous alignment. A continuous wavelet transform method was used to filter and differentiate the signal and derive estimates of initial and final contact times. The technique was tested with data recorded for both healthy and pathologic (hemiplegia and Parkinson’s disease) subjects and validated using an instrumented mat. The results show that a single inertial measurement unit can assist whole body gait assessment however further investigation is required to understand altered gait timing in some pathological subjects.


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A highly dangerous situations for tractor driver is the lateral rollover in operating conditions. Several accidents, involving tractor rollover, have indeed been encountered, requiring the design of a robust Roll-Over Protective Structure (ROPS). The aim of the thesis was to evaluate tractor behaviour in the rollover phase so as to calculate the energy absorbed by the ROPS to ensure driver safety. A Mathematical Model representing the behaviour of a generic tractor during a lateral rollover, with the possibility of modifying the geometry, the inertia of the tractor and the environmental boundary conditions, is proposed. The purpose is to define a method allowing the prediction of the elasto-plastic behaviour of the subsequent impacts occurring in the rollover phase. A tyre impact model capable of analysing the influence of the wheels on the energy to be absorbed by the ROPS has been also developed. Different tractor design parameters affecting the rollover behaviour, such as mass and dimensions, have been considered. This permitted the evaluation of their influence on the amount of energy to be absorbed by the ROPS. The mathematical model was designed and calibrated with respect to the results of actual lateral upset tests carried out on a narrow-track tractor. The dynamic behaviour of the tractor and the energy absorbed by the ROPS, obtained from the actual tests, showed to match the results of the model developed. The proposed approach represents a valuable tool in understanding the dynamics (kinetic energy) and kinematics (position, velocity, angular velocity, etc.) of the tractor in the phases of lateral rollover and the factors mainly affecting the event. The prediction of the amount of energy to be absorbed in some cases of accident is possible with good accuracy. It can then help in designing protective structures or active security devices.


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Tractor rollover represent a primary cause of death or serious injury in agriculture and despite the mandatory Roll-Over Protective Structures (ROPS), that reduced the number of injuries, tractor accidents are still of great concern. Because of their versatility and wide use many studies on safety are concerned with the stability of tractors, but they often prefer controlled tests or laboratory tests. The evaluation of tractors working in field, instead, is a very complex issue because the rollover could be influenced by the interaction among operator, tractor and environment. Recent studies are oriented towards the evaluation of the actual working conditions developing prototypes for driver assistance and data acquisition. Currently these devices are produced and sold by manufacturers. A warning device was assessed in this study with the aim to evaluate its performance and to collect data on different variables influencing the dynamics of tractors in field by monitoring continuously the working conditions of tractors operating at the experimental farm of the Bologna University. The device consists of accelerometers, gyroscope, GSM/GPRS, GPS for geo-referencing and a transceiver for the automatic recognition of tractor-connected equipment. A microprocessor processes data and provides information, through a dedicated algorithm requiring data on the geometry of the tested tractor, on the level of risk for the operator in terms of probable loss of stability and suggests corrective measures to reduce the potential instability of the tractor.


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Volatile amines are prominent indicators of food freshness, as they are produced during many microbiological food degradation processes. Monitoring and indicating the volatile amine concentration within the food package by intelligent packaging solutions might therefore be a simple yet powerful way to control food safety throughout the distribution chain.rnrnIn this context, this work aims to the formation of colourimetric amine sensing surfaces on different substrates, especially transparent PET packaging foil. The colour change of the deposited layers should ideally be discernible by the human eye to facilitate the determination by the end-user. rnrnDifferent tailored zinc(II) and chromium(III) metalloporphyrins have been used as chromophores for the colourimetric detection of volatile amines. A new concept to increase the porphyrins absorbance change upon exposure to amines is introduced. Moreover, the novel porphyrins’ processability during the deposition process is increased by their enhanced solubility in non-polar solvents.rnrnThe porphyrin chromophores have successfully been incorporated into polysiloxane matrices on different substrates via a dielectric barrier discharge enhanced chemical vapour deposition. This process allows the use of nitrogen as a cheap and abundant plasma gas, produces minor amounts of waste and by-products and can be easily introduced into (existing) roll-to-roll production lines. The formed hybrid sensing layers tightly incorporate the porphyrins and moreover form a porous structure to facilitate the amines diffusion to and interaction with the chromophores.rnrnThe work is completed with the thorough analysis of the porphyrins’ amine sensing performance in solution as well as in the hybrid coatings . To reveal the underlying interaction mechanisms, the experimental results are supported by DFT calculations. The deposited layers could be used for the detection of NEt3 concentrations below 10 ppm in the gas phase. Moreover, the coated foils have been tested in preliminary food storage experiments. rnrnThe mechanistic investigations on the interaction of amines with chromium(III) porphyrins revealed a novel pathway to the formation of chromium(IV) oxido porphyrins. This has been used for electrochemical epoxidation reactions with dioxygen as the formal terminal oxidant.rn


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Sviluppo dell'ingegneria di cantiere per la realizzazione di due strutture per il settore oil & gas e offshore. Definizione di layout di cantiere, supportazione, roll-up di sottoassiemi, sollevamenti tramite tiri piramidali e bilancini, movimentazione tramite carrelli semoventi o SPMT.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è illustrare il paradigma dell’inflazione cosmologica descrivendo in particolare la teoria dell’inflazione R^2. In una prima sezione si fa riferimento al contesto della relatività generale per descrivere l’universo su larga scala. Vengono prese in esame le ipotesi utilizzate per ottenere il modello standard della cosmologia e le principali proprietà che da esso possono essere ricavate. Si focalizza quindi l’analisi sulla descrizione dell’universo primordiale da cui traggono origine le ipotesi dell’esistenza dell’epoca inflazionaria esponendo, in particolare, come questa teoria riesca a risolvere i problemi della piattezza e dell’orizzonte cosmologico. Viene poi descritto come la fase di espansione esponenziale richiesta da queste ipotesi possa essere generata dalla presenza di un campo scalare φ specifico. Particolare risalto è dato alla descrizione dell’approssimazione di ”slow-roll” ed ai vincoli sul numero di ”e-folding”. Una seconda sezione mostra l’applicazione dell’analisi generale esposta in precedenza al modello di inflazione di Starobinsky. A tal fine sono descritte le caratteristiche delle teorie della gravità f(R) con particolare attenzione alle trasformazioni conformi e scelta del frame. Attraverso l’esposizione delle equazioni di campo cosmologiche nella teoria della gravità R^2 si mostra come il processo di espansione inflazionaria dell’universo nelle sue fasi iniziali possa essere descritto da un comportamento non standard della gravità ad alte energie. Sono riportati i risultati principali ottenuti con questa teoria nel frame di Jordan e in quello di Einstein. La conclusione descrive in sintesi lo stato attuale delle osservazioni sperimentali e come queste abbiano un legame stretto con la teoria delle perturbazioni cosmologiche. In particolare, presentando i risultati ottenuti nel contesto dell’inflazione R^2 ed esponendo gli ultimi dati raccolti dall’esperimento Planck, si analizza come il modello sia in accordo con i dati sperimentali attualmente disponibili.


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Il concetto di inflazione e' stato introdotto nei primi anni ’80 per risolvere alcuni problemi del modello cosmologico standard, quali quello dell’orizzonte e quello della piattezza. Le predizioni dei piu' semplici modelli inflazionari sono in buon accordo con le osservazioni cosmologiche piu'recenti, che confermano sezioni spaziali piatte e uno spettro di fluttuazioni primordiali con statistica vicina a quella gaussiana. I piu' recenti dati di Planck, pur in ottimo accordo con una semplice legge di potenza per lo spettro a scale k > 0.08 Mpc−1 , sembrano indicare possibili devi- azioni a scale maggiori, seppur non a un livello statisticamente significativo a causa della varianza cosmica. Queste deviazioni nello spettro possono essere spiegate da modelli inflazionari che includono una violazione della condizione di lento rotolamento (slow-roll ) e che hanno precise predizioni per lo spettro. Per uno dei primi modelli, caratterizzato da una discontinuita' nella derivata prima del potenziale proposto da Starobinsky, lo spettro ed il bispettro delle fluttuazioni primordiali sono noti analiticamente. In questa tesi estenderemo tale modello a termini cinetici non standard, calcolandone analiticamente il bispettro e confrontando i risultati ottenuti con quanto presente in letteratura. In particolare, l’introduzione di un termine cinetico non standard permettera' di ottenere una velocita' del suono per l’inflatone non banale, che consentira' di estendere i risultati noti, riguardanti il bispettro, per questo modello. Innanzitutto studieremo le correzioni al bispettro noto in letteratura dovute al fatto che in questo caso la velocita' del suono e' una funzione dipendente dal tempo; successivamente, cercheremo di calcolare analiticamente un ulteriore contributo al bispettro proporzionale alla derivata prima della velocita' del suono (che per il modello originale e' nullo).


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Analisi cinematica delle fasi del nuoto, velocità in vasca e body roll attraverso l'uso di sensori inerziali. Implementazione di innovativi algoritmi di calcolo con l'utilizzo del filtro di Kalman 3D, matrici di rotazione e quaternioni per la determinazione dei parametri fondamentali del nuoto e della posizione del polso nel sistema di riferimento di torace. Confronto dei risultati ottenuti mediante i diversi algoritmi e loro validazione con quelli ottenuti con l'uso della stereofotogrammetria. Gli algoritmi possono essere generalizzati ad altri gesti motori.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) causes a broad range of neurological symptoms. Most common is poor balance control. However, knowledge of deficient balance control in mildly affected MS patients who are complaining of balance impairment but have normal clinical balance tests (CBT) is limited. This knowledge might provide insights into the normal and pathophysiological mechanisms underlying stance and gait. We analysed differences in trunk sway between mildly disabled MS patients with and without subjective balance impairment (SBI), all with normal CBT. The sway was measured for a battery of stance and gait balance tests (static and dynamic posturography) and compared to that of age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. Eight of 21 patients (38%) with an Expanded Disability Status Scale of 1.0-3.0 complained of SBI during daily activities. For standing on both legs with eyes closed on a normal and on a foam surface, patients in the no SBI group showed significant differences in the range of trunk roll (lateral) sway angle and velocity, compared to normal persons. Patients in the SBI group had significantly greater lateral sway than the no SBI group, and sway was also greater than normal in the pitch (anterior-posterior) direction. Sway for one-legged stance on foam was also greater in the SBI group compared to the no SBI and normal groups. We found a specific laterally directed impairment of balance in all patients, consistent with a deficit in proprioceptive processing, which was greater in the SBI group than in the no SBI group. This finding most likely explains the subjective symptoms of imbalance in patients with MS with normal CBT.


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Objective To examine the associations between pet keeping in early childhood and asthma and allergies in children aged 6–10 years. Design Pooled analysis of individual participant data of 11 prospective European birth cohorts that recruited a total of over 22,000 children in the 1990s. Exposure definition Ownership of only cats, dogs, birds, rodents, or cats/dogs combined during the first 2 years of life. Outcome definition Current asthma (primary outcome), allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and allergic sensitization during 6–10 years of age. Data synthesis Three-step approach: (i) Common definition of outcome and exposure variables across cohorts; (ii) calculation of adjusted effect estimates for each cohort; (iii) pooling of effect estimates by using random effects meta-analysis models. Results We found no association between furry and feathered pet keeping early in life and asthma in school age. For example, the odds ratio for asthma comparing cat ownership with “no pets” (10 studies, 11489 participants) was 1.00 (95% confidence interval 0.78 to 1.28) (I2 = 9%; p = 0.36). The odds ratio for asthma comparing dog ownership with “no pets” (9 studies, 11433 participants) was 0.77 (0.58 to 1.03) (I2 = 0%, p = 0.89). Owning both cat(s) and dog(s) compared to “no pets” resulted in an odds ratio of 1.04 (0.59 to 1.84) (I2 = 33%, p = 0.18). Similarly, for allergic asthma and for allergic rhinitis we did not find associations regarding any type of pet ownership early in life. However, we found some evidence for an association between ownership of furry pets during the first 2 years of life and reduced likelihood of becoming sensitized to aero-allergens. Conclusions Pet ownership in early life did not appear to either increase or reduce the risk of asthma or allergic rhinitis symptoms in children aged 6–10. Advice from health care practitioners to avoid or to specifically acquire pets for primary prevention of asthma or allergic rhinitis in children should not be given.


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We introduce a new type of filter approximation method and call it the Pascal filter, which we construct from the Pascal polynomials. The roll-off characteristics of the Pascal, Butterworth, and the Chebyshev filters are compared.


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In this issue...Engineering Days, Mine Rescue and First Aid, Chemistry Department, Mineral Club, Anderson-Carlisle Society, Honor Roll, Continental Oil Company, Intramural basketball