993 resultados para regional economics.


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Vigencia del plan 2012-2016. Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Ciudadanía / Quiénes somos / Planes y Estrategias)


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"


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SUMMARY Regional drug delivery is an approach designed to improve the selectivity of anticancer chemotherapy. The advantage of regional treatments lies in increasing the drug concentration in the affected organ, while the rest of the organism is spared, thus improving efficacy and limiting treatment toxicity. The goal of this thesis was to assess the distribution throughout the body and the disposition (pharmacokinetics) of two anticancer agents, doxorubicin and gemcitabine, administered by two different regional administration modalities: isolated lung perfusion (ILP) for pulmonary metastases from soft tissue sarcomas and abdominal stop-flow hypoxic perfusion for advanced pancreatic cancers, respectively. For this purpose, two high-performance liquid chromatography methods were developed and validated. The first enabled the determination of doxorubicin in four different biological matrices: serum, reconstituted effluent, tissues with low levels of doxorubicin and tissues with high levels of doxorubicin. The second allows the analysis of gemcitabine and its principal metabolite dFdU in plasma. The administration of doxorubicin by ILP was studied in three preclinical studies (one on pigs and two on rats). It was first shown that, regardless of the administration mode, doxorubicin was not homogeneously distributed throughout the lung and that some regions remained out of reach. Secondly, it was demonstrated that doxorubicin did not adequately reach the tumours despite very high levels found in the lung. Finally, an attempt to enhance the doxorubicin tumoural uptake by pharmacologic modulation using two P-glycoprotein inhibitors, cyclosporin and valspodar, was unsuccessful. The last part of this work involves the administration of gemcitabine by abdominal stop-flow as a part of a phase I clinical trial in patients with advanced pancreatic disease or resistant malignant ascites. The study has demonstrated that the regional exposure to gemcitabine was increased while the exposure of the entire organism was similar to standard intravenous administrations. From a toxicological perspective, the procedure was rather well tolerated. However, even if no clinical response is expected from a phase I study, no hints of clinical responses were unfortunately observed. In conclusion, even if loco-regional therapies may afford the pharmacological advantage of increasing anticancer drug levels at the tumour site, further studies of these investigational treatment modalities are warranted to ascertain whether they can provide a significant improvement of the cancer therapy for patients, in terms of treatment tolerability, improved responses and survival rates. RÉSUMÉ L'administration locorégionale d'agents anticancéreux est une approche destinée à augmenter la sélectivité du traitement. L'avantage des traitements régionaux repose sur le fait que la concentration du médicament cytostatique est augmentée dans l'organe où est localisée la tumeur, alors que le reste de l'organisme est épargné, améliorant ainsi en théorie l'efficacité du traitement et en limitant sa toxicité. Le but de ce travail de thèse avait pour objectif de préciser, la pharmacocinétique au sein de l'organisme de deux agents anticancéreux, la doxorubicine et la gemcitabine, administrés par deux types de perfusions loco-régionales: la perfusion isolée du poumon (ILP) pour les métastases pulmonaires de sarcomes des tissus mous, et la perfusion hypoxique (stop-flow) abdominale pour les cancers avancés du pancréas. Dans cette optique, deux méthodes de chromatographie liquide à haute performance ont été développées et validées. La première permet le dosage de la doxorubicine dans quatre milieux biologiques: le sérum, l'effluent reconstitué, ainsi que des tissus contenant des concentrations faibles et élevées en doxorubicine. La seconde méthode permet le dosage dans le plasma de la gemcitabine et de son principal métabolite, le dFdU. L'administration de doxorubicine par ILP a été étudiée dans trois études précliniques (une chez le porc et deux chez le rat). Il a été montré, dans un premier temps, que la doxorubicine n'était pas distribuée de façon homogène au sein du poumon, quel que soit son mode d'administration. Dans un deuxième temps, il a été démontré que le médicament n'atteignait pas les tumeurs de façon adéquate, malgré des concentrations très élevées au sein du tissu pulmonaire. Finalement, une tentative d'augmenter la pénétration tumorale de la doxorubicine par une modulation pharmacologique de la P-glycoprotéine en utilisant la cyclosporine et le valspodar n'a pas abouti. La dernière partie de ce travail concernait l'administration de gemcitabine par stop-flow abdominal dans le cadre d'une étude clinique de phase I menée auprès de patients atteints de cancers avancés du pancréas ou d'ascites malignes réfractaires. Cette étude a démontré que l'exposition régionale à la gemcitabine était augmentée, alors que l'exposition de l'organisme était similaire à une administration de dose standard par voie intraveineuse. D'un point de vue toxicologique la procédure fut relativement bien tolérée. Cependant, même s'il n'est pas attendu de réponses cliniques dans une étude de phase I, aucun signe de réponse au traitement n'a pu être malheureusement observé. En conclusion, même si les thérapies loco-régionales présentent -en théorie- l'avantage pharmacologique d'augmenter les taux du médicaments anticancéreux sur le site de la tumeur, d'autres études précliniques et cliniques sont nécessaires pour démontrer que ces nouvelles modalités de traitement, de nature investigationelle à présent, apportent une réelle amélioration pour la prise en charge des patients cancéreux, en terme de tolérance au traitement et de l'augmentation des taux de réponses et de survie.


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Contiene además del Plan, el Resumen ejecutivo, Acciones por compromisos, metas y objetivos, Acciones por sectores y Agentes y entes sociales y administrativos participantes


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales / Ciudadanía / Quiénes somos / Planes y Estrategias)


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales / Ciudadanía / Quiénes somos / Planes y Estrategias). Versión en inglés: "A shared space. [Q]uality Plan of the Andalusian Public Health System 2010 - 2014" (http://www.repositoriosalud.es/handle/10668/1356)


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The Quality Plan aims to create an image of the health system as an intelligent system comprised of knowledge-generating organisations integrated into a much more comprehensive paradigm in line with knowledge societies; a health system which is part of an equally intelligent and innovative society that acknowledges the use of science and technology both as a source of welfare and as a means of solving many of its problems. The aim of this document is to collate the many activities which comprise three scenarios (citizens, professionals and shared space) and establish the roadmap for the quality policy strategies designed by the Ministry of Health of the Regional Government of Andalusia for the coming years and also to open the necessary channels of communication with society so that society itself, as well as being the beneficiary of the outcomes, also becomes the main protagonist.


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Documenting and preserving the genetic diversity of populations, which conditions their long-term survival, have become a major issue in conservation biology. The loss of diversity often documented in declining populations is usually assumed to result from human disturbances; however, historical biogeographic events, otherwise known to strongly impact diversity, are rarely considered in this context. We apply a multilocus phylogeographic study to investigate the late-Quaternary history of a tree frog (Hyla arborea) with declining populations in the northern and western part of its distribution range. Mitochondrial and nuclear polymorphisms reveal high genetic diversity in the Balkan Peninsula, with a spatial structure moulded by the last glaciations. While two of the main refugial lineages remained limited to the Balkans (Adriatic coast, southern Balkans), a third one expanded to recolonize Northern and Western Europe, loosing much of its diversity in the process. Our findings show that mobile and a priori homogeneous taxa may also display substructure within glacial refugia ('refugia within refugia') and emphasize the importance of the Balkans as a major European biodiversity centre. Moreover, the distribution of diversity roughly coincides with regional conservation situations, consistent with the idea that historically impoverished genetic diversity may interact with anthropogenic disturbances, and increase the vulnerability of populations. Phylogeographic models seem important to fully appreciate the risks of local declines and inform conservation strategies.


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This article examines the relationship between political parties and regional presidents in Italy and Spain, adopting a comparative case study approach based on extensive archival analysis and in-depth interviews with regional politicians. The findings confirm a strong pattern of growing presidentialism at regional level, regardless of whether there are formal mechanisms for direct election, and regardless of the partisan composition of regional government. Regional presidents tend to exert their growing power through a personalised control of regional party organisations, rather than governing past parties in a direct appeal to the electorate. Nevertheless, parties can still present a significant constraint on regional presidents, so successful regional presidents tend to maintain a mediating form of leadership and fully exploit the opportunities for party patronage to build up their support and smooth governing tensions. An autonomist drive helps presidents hold together disparate coalitions or loose parties at regional level, but their lack of internal coherence presents major problems when it comes to political succession.