952 resultados para rainfall coefficient
The aim of this work is to verify the possibility to correlating specific gravity and wood hardness parallel and perpendicular to the grain. The purpose is to offer one more tool to help in the decision about wood species choice for use in floors and sleepers. To reach this intent, we considered the results of standard tests (NBR 7190:1997, Timber Structures Design, Annex B, Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) to determine hardness parallel and normal to the grain in fourteen tropical high density wood species (over 850 kg/m(3), at 12% moisture content). For each species twelve determinations were made, based on the material obtained at Sao Carlos and its regional wood market. Statistical analysis led to some expressions to describe the cited properties relationships, with a determination coefficient about 0.8.
This article presents a BEM formulation developed to analyse reinforced plate bending. The reinforcements are formulated using a simplified scheme based on applying an initial moment field adopted to locally correct the stiffness of the reinforcement regions. The domain integrals due to the presence of the reinforcements are then transformed to the reinforcement/plate interface. The increase in system stiffness due to the reinforcements can be taken into account independently for each coefficient. Thus, one can conveniently reduce the number of degrees of freedom required in considering the reinforcement. Only one degree-of-freedom is required at each internal node when taking into account only the flexural stiffness of beams. Examples are presented to confirm the accuracy of the formulation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An analysis of geomorphic system`s response to change in human and natural drivers in some areas within the Rio de la Plata basin is presented The aim is to determine whether an acceleration of geomorphic processes has taken place in recent years and, if so, to what extent it is due to natural (climate) or human (land-use) drivers Study areas of different size, socio-economic and geomorphic conditions have been selected: the Rio de la Plata estuary and three sub-basins within its watershed Sediment cores were extracted and dated ((210)Pb) to determine sedimentation rates since the end of the 19th century. Rates were compared with time series on rainfall as well as human drivers such as population, GDP, livestock load, crop area, energy consumption or cement consumption, all of them related to human capacity to disturb land surface Data on river discharge were also gathered Results obtained indicate that sedimentation rates during the last century have remained essentially constant in a remote Andean basin, whereas they show important increases in the other two, particularly one located by the Sao Paulo metropolitan area Rates in the estuary are somewhere in between It appears that there is an intensification of denudation/sedimentation processes within the basin. Rainfall remained stable or varied very slightly during the period analysed and does not seem to explain increases of sedimentation rates observed. Human drivers, particularly those more directly related to capacity to disturb land surface (GDP, energy or cement consumption) show variations that suggest human forcing is a more likely explanation for the observed change in geomorphic processes It appears that a marked increase in denudation, of a ""technological"" nature, is taking place in this basin and leading to an acceleration of sediment supply This is coherent with similar increases observed in other regions (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
A typical residual clayey soil originating from basalt in southern Brazil has been analyzed in order to assess the influence of wetting-induced deformation and microstructural features on the collapse behavior. Single and double oedometer tests were undertaken on a soil profile to 9 m depth. The results indicated collapsible behaviour at all profile depths. The influence of pre-consolidation stress and pedogenetic factors in the variability of the physical characteristics of the soil and in the magnitude of the collapse was noted. The collapse coefficient has been shown to be related to the both the microaggregate plasma and the varying nature of the pores and their interconnectivity.
Two horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass reactors (HAIB) were used to study the degradation of the LAS surfactant: one filled with charcoal (HAIB1) and the other with a mixed bed of expanded clay and polyurethane foam (HAIB2). The reactors were fed with synthetic substrate supplemented with 14 mg l(-1) of LAS, kept at 30 +/- 2 degrees C and operated with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 12 h. The surfactant was quantified by HPLC. Spatial variation analyses were done to quantify organic matter and LAS consumption along the reactor length. The presence of the surfactant in the load did not affect the removal of organic matter (COD), which was close to 90% in both reactors for an influent COD of 550 ring l(-1). The results of a mass balance indicated that 28% of all LAS added to HAIB1 was removed by degradation. HAIB2 presented 27% degradation. Molecular biology techniques revealed microorgan isms belonging the uncultured Holophaga sp., uncultured delta Proteobacterium, uncultured Verrucomicrobium sp., Bacteroides sp. and uncultured gamma Proteobacterium sp. The reactor with biomass immobilized on charcoal presented lower adsorption and a higher kinetic degradation coefficient. So, it was the most suitable support for LAS anaerobic treatment. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to determine the best performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (AnSBBR) based on the use of four different bed materials as support for biomass immobilization. The bed materials utilized were Polyurethane foam (PU), vegetal carbon (VC), synthetic pumice (SP), and recycled low-density polyethylene (PE). The AnSBBR. with I total volume Of 7.2 L, was operated in 8-h batch cycles over 10 months, and fed with domestic sewage with an average influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 358 +/- 110 mg/L. The average effluent COD values were 121 +/- 31, 208 +/- 54, 233 +/- 52, and 227 +/- 51 mg/L. for PU, VC, SP, and PE, respectively. A modified first-order kinetic model was adjusted to temporal profiles of COD during a batch cycle, and the apparent kinetic constants were 0.52 +/- 0.05, 0.37 +/- 0.05, 0.80 +/- 0.04, and 0.30 +/- 0.021h(-1) for PU, VC, SP, and PE, respectively. Specific substrate utilization rates of 1.08, 0.11, and 0.86 mg COD/mg VS day were obtained for PU, VC, and PE, respectively. Although SP yielded the highest kinetic coefficient, PU was considered the best support, since SP presented loss of chemical constituents during the reactor`s operational phase. In addition, findings oil the microbial community were associated with the reactor`s performance data. Although PE did not show a satisfactory performance, an interesting microbial diversity was found oil its surface. Based oil the morphology and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) results, PE showed the best capacity for promoting the attachment of methanogenic organisms, and is therefore a material that merits further analysis. PU was considered the Most suitable material showing the best performance in terms of efficiency of solids and COD removal. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to estimate the first-order intrinsic kinetic constant (k(1)) and the liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient (k(c)) in a bench-scale anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR) fed with glucose. A dynamic heterogeneous mathematical model, considering two phases (liquid and solid), was developed through mass balances in the liquid and solid phases. The model was adjusted to experimental data obtained from the ASBBR applied for the treatment of glucose-based synthetic wastewater with approximately 500 mg L-1 of glucose, operating in 8 h batch cycles, at 30 degrees C and 300 rpm. The values of the parameters obtained were 0.8911 min(-1) for k(1) and 0.7644 cm min(-1) for kc. The model was validated utilizing the estimated parameters with data obtained from the ASBBR operating in 3 h batch cycles, with a good representation of the experimental behavior. The solid-phase mass transfer flux was found to be the limiting step of the overall glucose conversion rate.
Artesian confined aquifers do not need pumping energy, and water from the aquifer flows naturally at the wellhead. This study proposes correcting the method for analyzing flowing well tests presented by Jacob and Lohman (1952) by considering the head losses due to friction in the well casing. The application of the proposed correction allowed the determination of a transmissivity (T = 411 m(2)/d) and storage coefficient (S = 3 x 10(-4)) which appear to be representative for the confined Guarani Aquifer in the study area. Ignoring the correction due to head losses in the well casing, the error in transmissivity evaluation is about 18%. For the storage coefficient the error is of 5 orders of magnitude, resulting in physically unacceptable value. The effect of the proposed correction on the calculated radius of the cone of depression and corresponding well interference is also discussed.
A quantitative correlation between the glass forming ability and the electronic parameters of metallic alloys is presented. It is found that the critical cooling rate for glass formation (R(c)) correlates well with the average work function difference (Delta phi) and the average electron density difference (Delta n(ws)(1/3)) among the constituent elements of the investigated alloys. A correlation coefficient (R(2)) of 0.77 was found for 68 alloys in 30 metallic systems, which is better than the previous proposed correlation between the glass forming ability and the average Pauling electronegativity difference.
Mechanical and tribological properties of a partially crystallized sintered glass-ceramic were compared to two commercial floor tiles: black granite and porcelainized stoneware. Mechanical properties, hardness and elastic modulus were evaluated by instrumented indentation. Friction coefficient and wear characterization were evaluated using a reciprocating ball-on-flat tribometer in two controlled environments: air with relative humidity of 53% and under running water at 23 degrees C. The sintered glass-ceramic and porcelainized stoneware presented similar mechanical and tribological properties. Regarding the mechanical and tribological properties, the results suggest that this glass-ceramic is suitable to be used as industrial tile. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We performed Synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses of internal residual stresses in monolithic samples of a newly developed Li(2)O-Al(2)O(3)-SiO(2) (LAS) glass-ceramic produced by sintering and in a commercial LAS glass-ceramic, CERAN (R), produced by the traditional crystal nucleation and growth treatments. The elastic constants were measured by instrumented indentation and a pulse-echo technique. The thermal expansion coefficient of virgilite was determined by high temperature XRD and dilatometry. The c-axis contracts with the increasing temperature whereas the a-axis does not vary significantly. Microcracking of the microstructure affects the thermal expansion coefficients measured by dilatometry and thermal expansion hysteresis is observed for the sintered glass-ceramic as well as for CERAN (R). The measured internal stress is quite low for both glass-ceramics and can be explained by theoretical modeling if the high volume fraction of the crystalline phase (virgilite) is considered. Using a modified Green model, the calculated critical (glass) island diameter for spontaneous cracking agreed with experimental observations. The experimental data collected also allowed the calculation of the critical crystal grain diameters for grain-boundary microcracking due to the anisotropy of thermal expansion of virgilite and for microcracking in the residual glass phase surrounding the virgilite particles. All these parameters are important for the successful microstructural design of sintered glass-ceramics.
This research employs solid-state actuators for delay of flow separation seen in airfoils at low Reynolds numbers. The flow control technique investigated here is aimed for a variable camber airfoil that employs two active surfaces and a single four-bar (box) mechanism as the internal structure. To reduce separation, periodic excitation to the flow around the leading edge of the airfoil is induced by a total of nine piezocomposite actuated clamped-free unimorph benders distributed in the spanwise direction. An electromechanical model is employed to design an actuator capable of high deformations at the desired frequency for lift improvement at post-stall angles. The optimum spanwise distribution of excitation for increasing lift coefficient is identified experimentally in the wind tunnel. A 3D (non-uniform) excitation distribution achieved higher lift enhancement in the post-stall region with lower power consumption when compared to the 2D (uniform) excitation distribution. A lift coefficient increase of 18.4% is achieved with the identified non-uniform excitation mode at the bender resonance frequency of 125 Hz, the flow velocity of 5 m/s and at the reduced frequency of 3.78. The maximum lift (Clmax) is increased 5.2% from the baseline. The total power consumption of the flow control technique is 639 mW(RMS).
The research presented here employs solid-state actuators for flow separation delay or for forced attachment of separated flow seen in airfoils at low Reynolds numbers. To reduce separation, periodic excitation to the flow around the leading edge of the airfoil is induced by Macro-Fiber Composite actuated clamped-free unimorph benders. An electromechanical model of the unimorph is briefly presented and parametric study is conducted to aid the design of a unimorph to output high deformation at a desired frequency. The optimum frequency and amplitude for lift improvement at post-stall angles are identified experimentally. Along with aerodynamic force and structural displacement measurements, helium bubble flow visualization is used to verify existing separated flow, and the attached flow induced by flow control. The lift enhancement induced by several flow control techniques is compared. A symmetric and non-uniform (3D) flow excitation results in the maximum lift enhancement at post-stall region at the lowest power consumption level. A maximum lift coefficient increase of 27.5% (in the post-stall region) is achieved at 125 Hz periodic excitation, with the 3D symmetric actuation mode at 5 m/s and the reduced frequency of 3.78. C(l,max) is increased 7.6% from the baseline.
An investigation of nucleate boiling on a vertical array of horizontal plain tubes is presented in this paper. Experiments were performed with refrigerant RI 23 at reduced pressures varying from 0.022 to 0.64, tube pitch to diameter ratios of 1.32, 1.53 and 2.00, and heat fluxes from 0.5 to 40 kW/m(2). Brass tubes with external diameters of 19.05 mm and average roughness of 0.12 mu m were used in the experiments. The effect of the tube spacing on the local heat transfer coefficient along the tube array was negligible within the present range of experimental conditions. For partial nucleate boiling, characterized by low heat fluxes, and low reduced pressures, the tube positioning shows a remarkable effect on the heat transfer coefficient. Based on these data, a general correlation for the prediction of the nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficient on a vertical array of horizontal tubes under flooded conditions was proposed. According to this correlation, the ratio between the heat transfer coefficients of a given tube and the lowest tube in the array depends only on the tube row number, the reduced pressure and the heat flux. By using the proposed correlation, most of the experimental heat transfer coefficients obtained in the present study were predicted within +/- 15%. The new correlation compares reasonably well with independent data from the literature. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hydrophobic agents are surface protection materials capable of increasing the angle of contact between the water and the concrete surface. For this reason, hydrophobic agents reduce water (in liquid form) penetration in concrete. Therefore, many European construction regulating agencies recommend this treatment in their maintenance policy. Nonetheless, there continues to be a gap in the understanding about which transport mechanisms of the concrete are modified by the hidrophobic agents. The aim of this study was to fill this gap in regards to reinforced concrete structures inserted in a marine environment. To this end, certain tests were used: Two involving permeability mechanism, one determining capillary absorption, and the last, a migration test used to estimate the chloride diffusion coefficient in saturated condition. Results indicated the efficacy of the hydrophobic agents in cases where capillary suction is the mechanism of water penetration (reduced by 2.12 and 7.0 times, depending of the product). However, when the transport mechanism is permeability this product is not advisable. Moreover, it was demonstrated that the chloride diffusion coefficient (in saturated condition) is reduced by the hydrophobic agents, however, the magnitude of this reduction is minor (reduced by 11% and 17%, depending on the product).