995 resultados para raf Kinases
In the peripheral sensory nervous system the neuronal expression of voltage-gated sodium channels (Navs) is very important for the transmission of nociceptive information since they give rise to the upstroke of the action potential (AP). Navs are composed of nine different isoforms with distinct biophysical properties. Studying the mutations associated with the increase or absence of pain sensitivity in humans, as well as other expression studies, have highlighted Nav1.7, Nav1.8, and Nav1.9 as being the most important contributors to the control of nociceptive neuronal electrogenesis. Modulating their expression and/or function can impact the shape of the AP and consequently modify nociceptive transmission, a process that is observed in persistent pain conditions. Post-translational modification (PTM) of Navs is a well-known process that modifies their expression and function. In chronic pain syndromes, the release of inflammatory molecules into the direct environment of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) sensory neurons leads to an abnormal activation of enzymes that induce Navs PTM. The addition of small molecules, i.e., peptides, phosphoryl groups, ubiquitin moieties and/or carbohydrates, can modify the function of Navs in two different ways: via direct physical interference with Nav gating, or via the control of Nav trafficking. Both mechanisms have a profound impact on neuronal excitability. In this review we will discuss the role of Protein Kinase A, B, and C, Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases and Ca++/Calmodulin-dependent Kinase II in peripheral chronic pain syndromes. We will also discuss more recent findings that the ubiquitination of Nav1.7 by Nedd4-2 and the effect of methylglyoxal on Nav1.8 are also implicated in the development of experimental neuropathic pain. We will address the potential roles of other PTMs in chronic pain and highlight the need for further investigation of PTMs of Navs in order to develop new pharmacological tools to alleviate pain.
OBJECTIVES: Basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystal and interleukin 6 (IL-6) have been implicated in osteoarthritis (OA). We hypothesise that these two factors may be linked in a reciprocal amplification loop which leads to OA. METHODS: Primary murine chondrocytes and human cartilage explants were incubated with hydroxyapatite (HA) crystals, a form of BCP, and the modulation of cytokines and matrix-degrading enzymes assayed. The ability of IL-6 to stimulate chondrocyte calcification was assessed in vitro. The mechanisms underlying the effects of HA on chondrocytes were investigated using chemical inhibitors, and the pathways mediating IL-6-induced calcification characterised by quantifying the expression of genes involved in chondrocyte mineralisation. The role of calcification in vivo was studied in the meniscectomy model of murine OA (MNX), and the link between IL-6 and cartilage degradation investigated by histology. RESULTS: In chondrocytes, BCP crystals stimulated IL-6 secretion, further amplified in an autocrine loop, through signalling pathways involving Syk and PI3 kinases, Jak2 and Stat3 molecules. Exogenous IL-6 promoted calcium-containing crystal formation and upregulation of genes involved in calcification: the pyrophosphate channel Ank, the calcium channel Annexin5 and the sodium/phosphate cotransporter Pit-1. Treatment of chondrocytes with IL-6 inhibitors significantly inhibited IL-6-induced crystal formation. In meniscectomised mice, increasing deposits of BCP crystals were observed around the joint and correlated with cartilage degradation and IL-6 expression. Finally, BCP crystals induced proteoglycan loss and IL-6 expression in human cartilage explants, which were reduced by an IL-6 inhibitor. CONCLUSIONS: BCP crystals and IL-6 form a positive feedback loop leading to OA. Targeting calcium-containing crystal formation and/or IL-6 are promising therapeutic strategies in OA.
PURPOSE: The MOSAIC (Multicenter International Study of Oxaliplatin/Fluorouracil/Leucovorin in the Adjuvant Treatment of Colon Cancer) study has demonstrated 3-year disease-free survival (DFS) and 6-year overall survival (OS) benefit of adjuvant oxaliplatin in stage II to III resected colon cancer. This update presents 10-year OS and OS and DFS by mismatch repair (MMR) status and BRAF mutation. METHODS: Survival actualization after 10-year follow-up was performed in 2,246 patients with resected stage II to III colon cancer. We assessed MMR status and BRAF mutation in 1,008 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens. RESULTS: After a median follow-up of 9.5 years, 10-year OS rates in the bolus/infusional fluorouracil plus leucovorin (LV5FU2) and LV5FU2 plus oxaliplatin (FOLFOX4) arms were 67.1% versus 71.7% (hazard ratio [HR], 0.85; P = .043) in the whole population, 79.5% versus 78.4% for stage II (HR, 1.00; P = .980), and 59.0% versus 67.1% for stage III (HR, 0.80; P = .016) disease. Ninety-five patients (9.4%) had MMR-deficient (dMMR) tumors, and 94 (10.4%) had BRAF mutation. BRAF mutation was not prognostic for OS (P = .965), but dMMR was an independent prognostic factor (HR, 2.02; 95% CI, 1.15 to 3.55; P = .014). HRs for DFS and OS benefit in the FOLFOX4 arm were 0.48 (95% CI, 0.20 to 1.12) and 0.41 (95% CI, 0.16 to 1.07), respectively, in patients with stage II to III dMMR and 0.50 (95% CI, 0.25 to 1.00) and 0.66 (95% CI, 0.31 to 1.42), respectively, in those with BRAF mutation. CONCLUSION: The OS benefit of oxaliplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy, increasing over time and with the disease severity, was confirmed at 10 years in patients with stage II to III colon cancer. These updated results support the use of FOLFOX in patients with stage III disease, including those with dMMR or BRAF mutation.
Upon infection, antigen-specific naive CD8 T cells are activated and differentiate into short-lived effector cells (SLECs) and memory precursor cells (MPECs). The underlying signaling pathways remain largely unresolved. We show that Rictor, the core component of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2), regulates SLEC and MPEC commitment. Rictor deficiency favors memory formation and increases IL-2 secretion capacity without dampening effector functions. Moreover, mTORC2-deficient memory T cells mount more potent recall responses. Enhanced memory formation in the absence of mTORC2 was associated with Eomes and Tcf-1 upregulation, repression of T-bet, enhanced mitochondrial spare respiratory capacity, and fatty acid oxidation. This transcriptional and metabolic reprogramming is mainly driven by nuclear stabilization of Foxo1. Silencing of Foxo1 reversed the increased MPEC differentiation and IL-2 production and led to an impaired recall response of Rictor KO memory T cells. Therefore, mTORC2 is a critical regulator of CD8 T cell differentiation and may be an important target for immunotherapy interventions.
The issue of how contractility and adhesion are related to cell shape and migration pattern remains largely unresolved. In this paper we report that Gleevec (Imatinib), an Abl family kinase inhibitor, produces a profound change in the shape and migration of rat bladder tumor cells (NBTII) plated on collagen-coated substrates. Cells treated with Gleevec adopt a highly spread D-shape and migrate more rapidly with greater persistence. Accompanying this more spread state is an increase in integrin-mediated adhesion coupled with increases in the size and number of discrete adhesions. In addition, both total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) and interference reflection microscopy (IRM) revealed a band of small punctate adhesions with rapid turnover near the cell leading margin. These changes led to an increase in global cell-substrate adhesion strength, as assessed by laminar flow experiments. Gleevec-treated cells have greater RhoA activity which, via myosin activation, led to an increase in the magnitude of total traction force applied to the substrate. These chemical and physical alterations upon Gleevec treatment produce the dramatic change in morphology and migration that is observed.
Selon les statistiques, les maladies cancéreuses sont en augmentation dans les pays en développement ainsi que dans les pays industrialisés. Ceci peut s'expliquer largement par les habitudes alimentaires, le tabagisme, les infections, le manque d'activité physique, la pollution et le stress, entre autres. Ainsi, l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) prévoit une augmentation de la fréquence des cancers avec 15 millions de nouveaux cas par an en 2020. La transformation d'une cellule normale en une cellule cancéreuse se déroule en plusieurs étapes avec, au niveau moléculaire, différentes mutations ciblant des protéines régulant la croissance cellulaire. Un des exemples de protéines qui participent au contrôle des voies cellulaires impliquées lors de la prolifération des cellules sont les complexes de protéines mTORCl et mTORC2 (« mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 and 2 »). Ces complexes mTORCl et mTORC2 activent des processus anaboliques (la synthèse de protéines et de lipides, le métabolisme énergétique, entre autres) et inhibent en même temps des voies de catabolismes cellulaires (autophagie et synthèse de lysosomes). Ils sont souvent mutés dans de nombreux cas de cancers, c'est pourquoi ils sont la cible de nombreux traitements anti-cancéreux. Pour ces raisons, nous nous sommes intéressés aux mécanismes d'actions moléculaires des drogues qui ciblent les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2. Nous avons ainsi découvert qu'une molécule présente uniquement dans le complexe mTORCl, raptor, était clivée en un fragment plus petit lors du traitement de cellules cancéreuses avec des drogues. Des molécules activées durant la mort cellulaire programmée par apoptose, les caspases, se sont révélées responsables du clivage de raptor. Nous avons ensuite décrit de façon précise les sites de clivage de raptor par les caspases durant la mort cellulaire. Il s'est avéré que le clivage de raptor affaiblissait son interaction avec mTOR au sein du complexe mTORCl, ce qui participe à l'inactivation de mTORCl lors de traitements avec des molécules anti-cancéreuses. Ces résultats nous ont permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes d'actions de différentes drogues anti-cancéreuses au niveau du complexe mTORCl, ce qui peut être utile pour la synthèse de nouvelles molécules ciblant mTORCl ainsi que pour lutter contre les mécanismes de résistance chimiothérapeutiques. -- La protéine « mammalian target of rapamycin » (mTOR) est une sérine/thréonine kinase qui est hautement conservée des protistes à l'être humain. Deux complexes mTOR existent : le complexe 1 mTOR (mTORCl) et le complexe 2 mTOR (mTORC2). Ils régulent positivement des processus anaboliques (synthèse de protéines et de lipides, le métabolisme énergétique, l'organisation du cytosquelette, la survie cellulaire) et négativement des voies cataboliques (autophagic, biogenèse de lysosomes). Les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2 sont sensibles aux signaux mitogéniques tels que les acides aminés, le glucose, les facteurs de croissance, l'état énergétique (ATP) et les niveaux d'oxygène et induisent des voies de croissance cellulaire essentielles. La voie cellulaire regulée par mTORCl peut être hyperactivée dans de nombreux cancers humains. Puisque plusieurs voies cellulaires convergent et régulent les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2, des mutations dans les kinases en amont peuvent mener à une dérégulation de l'activation de mTOR. Des stratégies thérapeutiques ont été développées pour cibler les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2, ainsi que les kinases en amont qui régulent mTOR. Plusieurs drogues ciblant mTORCl, telles que la rapamycine et la curcumine, affectent l'interaction entre mTOR et un composant spécifique de mTORCl, raptor. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés aux mécanismes moléculaires des drogues qui ciblent mTORCl, ainsi que leur effet déstabilisant sur l'interaction entre mTOR et raptor dans des lignées cellulaires de lymphomes. Nous avons démontré que raptor était clivé en un fragment de lOOkDa après traitement avec la rapamycine, la curcumine, l'étoposide, la cisplatine, la staurosporine et le ligand Fas (FasL). Etant donné que ces drogues ont été décrites comme induisant I'apoptose, l'utilisation d'un inhibiteur de caspases (z- VAD-fmk) a révélé que le clivage de raptor, lors de la mort cellulaire, était dépendant des caspases. Des essais caspases in vitro ont permis d'identifier la caspase-6 (ainsi que probablement d'autres caspases) comme étant une protéase impliquée dans le clivage de raptor. La séquence protéique de raptor a montré potentiellement plusieurs sites de clivage de caspases aux extrémités amino-terminale et carboxy-terminale. La mutagénèse a permis d'identifier les sites de clivages de raptor par les caspases comme étant DEAD LTD (acides aminés 17-23) et DDADD (acides aminés 939¬943). De plus, le clivage de raptor corrèle avec l'inhibition de l'activité de mTORCl envers ces substrats (S6K et 4E-BP1). Nous avons aussi observé que le clivage de raptor affaiblissait l'interaction entre mTOR et raptor, ce qui indique que ce clivage est une étape critique dans l'inhibition de mTORCl durant I'apoptose. Pour terminer, la mutagénèse du site de clivage de raptor DDADD a montré une résistance à la mort cellulaire de cellules cancéreuses. Notre travail de recherche a révélé un nouveau mécanisme moléculaire qui module l'organisation et l'activité de mTORCl, ce qui peut être d'un grand intérêt pour les recherches dans le domaine de mTOR ainsi que pour la découverte de molécules ciblant mTORCl. -- The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a serine/threonine protein kinase, which is highly conserved from yeast to humans. Two different mTOR complexes exist: the mTOR complex 1 (mTORCl) and the mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2). They positively regulate anabolic processes (protein and lipid synthesis, energy metabolism, cytoskeleton organization, cell survival) and negatively regulate catabolic pathways (autophagy, lysosome biogenesis). The mTORCl and mTORC2 respond to mitogenic stimuli such as amino acids, glucose, growth factors, energy levels (ATP) and oxygen levels and drive essential cellular growth pathways. The mTORCl pathway can be found hyperactivated in numerous human cancers. As various cellular pathways converge and regulate mTORCl and mTORC2, mutations in upstream protein kinases can lead to a deregulated mTOR activation. Different therapeutic strategies have been developped to target mTORCl, mTORC2, as well as upstream protein kinases regulating mTOR pathways. Various drugs targeting mTORCl, such as rapamycin and curcumin, affect the interaction between mTOR and a specific mTORCl component, raptor. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of drugs targeting mTORCl, as well as their destabilizing effect on the mTOR-raptor interaction in lymphoma cell lines. We demonstrated that raptor was processed into a lOOkDa fragment after treatment with rapamycin, curcumin, etoposide, cisplatin, staurosporine and FasL. As these drugs were reported to induce apoptosis, the use of a pan-caspase inhibitor (z-VAD-fmk) revealed that the cleavage of raptor under cell death was caspase-dependent. In vitro caspase assays were performed to identify caspases-6 (and probably other caspases) as an important cysteine protease implicated in the cleavage of raptor. Analysis of raptor protein sequence showed several putative caspase-specific cleavage sites at the N-terminal and the C-terminal ends. Mutagenesis studies allowed us to identify the DEADLTD (amino acids 17-23) and the DDADD (amino acids 939-943) as the caspase-dependent cleavage residues of raptor. Furthermore, the cleavage of raptor correlated with inhibition of mTORCl activity towards its specific targets (4E-BP1 and S6K). We also highlighted that raptor processing weakened the interaction between mTOR and raptor, indicating that raptor cleavage is a critical step in the mTORCl inhibition process during apoptosis. Finally, mutagenesis of raptor C-terminal cleavage site (DDADD) conferred resistance to the chemotherapeutic-mediated cell death cascade of cancer cell. Our research work highlighted a new molecular mechanism modulating mTORCl organization and activity, which can be of great interest in the mTOR field research and for designing drugs trageting mTORCl.
The vulnerability to infection of newborns is associated with a limited ability to mount efficient immune responses. High concentrations of adenosine and prostaglandins in the fetal and neonatal circulation hamper the antimicrobial responses of newborn immune cells. However, the existence of mechanisms counterbalancing neonatal immunosuppression has not been investigated. Remarkably, circulating levels of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), a proinflammatory immunoregulatory cytokine expressed constitutively, were 10-fold higher in newborns than in children and adults. Newborn monocytes expressed high levels of MIF and released MIF upon stimulation with Escherichia coli and group B Streptococcus, the leading pathogens of early-onset neonatal sepsis. Inhibition of MIF activity or MIF expression reduced microbial product-induced phosphorylation of p38 and ERK1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinases and secretion of cytokines. Recombinant MIF used at newborn, but not adult, concentrations counterregulated adenosine and prostaglandin E2-mediated inhibition of ERK1/2 activation and TNF production in newborn monocytes exposed to E. coli. In agreement with the concept that once infection is established high levels of MIF are detrimental to the host, treatment with a small molecule inhibitor of MIF reduced systemic inflammatory response, bacterial proliferation, and mortality of septic newborn mice. Altogether, these data provide a mechanistic explanation for how newborns may cope with an immunosuppressive environment to maintain a certain threshold of innate defenses. However, the same defense mechanisms may be at the expense of the host in conditions of severe infection, suggesting that MIF could represent a potential attractive target for immune-modulating adjunctive therapies for neonatal sepsis.
Calcium signals trigger the translocation of the Prz1 transcription factor from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. The process is regulated by the calciumactivated phosphatase calcineurin, which activates Prz1 thereby maintaining active transcription during calcium signalling. When calcium signalling ceases, Prz1 is inactivated by phosphorylation and exported to the cytoplasm. In budding yeast and mammalian cells, different kinases have been reported to counter calcineurin activity and regulate nuclear export. Here, we show that the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase Cmk1 is first phosphorylated and activated by the newly identified kinase CaMKK2 homologue, Ckk2, in response to Ca2+. Then, active Cmk1 binds, phosphorylates and inactivates Prz1 transcription activity whilst at the same time cmk1 expression is enhanced by Prz1 in response to Ca2+. Furthermore, Cdc25 phosphatase is also phosphorylated by Cmk1, inducing cell cycle arrest in response to an increase in Ca2+. Moreover, cmk1 deletion shows a high tolerance to chronic exposure to Ca2+, due to the lack of cell cycle inhibition and elevated Prz1 activity. This work reveals that Cmk1 kinase activated by the newly identified Ckk2 counteracts calcineurin function by negatively regulating Prz1 activity which in turn is involved in activating cmk1 gene transcription. These results are the first insights into Cmk1 and Ckk2 function in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
A straightforward synthesis of the Met antagonist JLK1360 involving an alkylationcyclocondensation process using aminothiazole 1 and nitrophenacyl bromide 2, reduction of the nitro group, and coupling of the resulting tetracyclic aniline 5 with an appropriate N-acyl alanine derivative, is reported.
A straightforward synthesis of the Met antagonist JLK1360 involving an alkylationcyclocondensation process using aminothiazole 1 and nitrophenacyl bromide 2, reduction of the nitro group, and coupling of the resulting tetracyclic aniline 5 with an appropriate N-acyl alanine derivative, is reported.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are structurally and functionally similar glycoprotein hormones acting through the same luteinizing hormone chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LHCGR). The functions of LH in reproduction and hCG in pregnancy are well known. Recently, the expression of LHCGR has been found in many nongonadal tissues and cancers, and this has raised the question of whether LH/hCG could affect the function or tumorigenesis of these nongonadal tissues. We have also previously generated an hCG expressing mouse model presenting nongonadal phenotypes. Using this model it is possible to improve our understanding of nongonadal action of highly elevated LH/hCG. In the current study, we analyzed the effect of moderately and highly elevated hCG levels on male reproductive development and function. The main finding was the appearance of fetal Leydig cell (FLC) adenomas in prepubertal males. However, the development and differentiation of FLCs were not significantly affected. We also show that the function of hCG is different in FLCs and in adult Leydig cells (ALC), because in the latter cells hCG was not able to induce tumorigenesis. In FLCs, LHCGR is not desensitized or downregulated upon ligand binding. In this study, we found that the testicular expression of two G protein-coupled receptor kinases responsible for receptor desensitization or downregulation is increased in adult testis. Results suggest that the lack of LHCGR desensitization or downregulation in FLCs protect testosterone (Te) synthesis, but also predispose FLCs for LH/hCG induced adenomas. However, all the hCG induced nongonadal changes observed in male mice were possible to explain by the elevated Te level found in these males. Our findings indicate that the direct nongonadal effects of elevated LH/hCG in males are not pathophysiologically significant. In female mice, we showed that an elevated hCG level was able to induce gonadal tumorigenesis. hCG also induced the formation of pituitary adenomas (PA), but the mechanism was indirect. Furthermore, we found two new potential risk factors and a novel hormonally induced mechanism for PAs. Increased progesterone (P) levels in the presence of physiological estradiol (E2) levels induced the formation of PAs in female mice. E2 and P induced the expression and nuclear localization of a known cell-cycle regulator, cyclin D1. A calorie restricted diet was also able to prevent the formation of PAs, suggesting that obesity is able to promote the formation of PAs. Hormone replacement therapy after gonadectomy and hormone antagonist therapy showed that the nongonadal phenotypes observed in hCG expressing female mice were due to ovarian hyperstimulation. A slight adrenal phenotype was evident even after gonadectomy in hCG expressing females, but E2 and P replacement was able to induce a similar phenotype in WT females without elevated LH/hCG action. In conclusion, we showed that the direct effects of elevated hCG/LH action are limited only to the gonads of both sexes. The nongonadal phenotypes observed in hCG expressing mice were due to the indirect, gonadal hormone mediated effects of elevated hCG. Therefore, the gonads are the only physiologically significant direct targets of LHCGR signalling.
Transcription factors play a crucial role in the regulation of cell behavior by modulating gene expression profiles. Previous studies have described a dual role for the AP-1 family transcription factor c-Jun in the regulation of cellular fate. In various cell types weak and transient activations of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and c-Jun appear to contribute to proliferation and survival, whereas strong and prolonged activation of JNK and c-Jun result in apoptosis. These opposite roles played by c-Jun are cell type specific and the molecular mechanisms defining these antonymous c-Jun-mediated responses remain incompletely understood. c-Jun activity in transformed cells is regulated by signalling cascades downstream of oncoproteins such as Ras and Raf. In addition, the pro-proliferative role and the survival promoting function for c-Jun has been described in various cancer models. Furthermore, c-Jun was described to be overexpressed in different cancer types. However, the molecular mechanisms by which c-Jun exerts these oncogenic functions are not all clearly established. Therefore it is of primary interest to further identify molecular mechanisms and functions for c-Jun in cancer. Regulation of gene expression is tightly dependent on accurate protein-protein interactions. Therefore, co-factors for c-Jun may define the functions for c-Jun in cancer. Identification of protein-protein interactions promoting cancer may provide novel possibilities for cancer treatment. In this study, we show that DNA topoisomerase I (TopoI) is a transcriptional co-factor for c-Jun. Moreover, c-Jun and TopoI together promote expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in cancer cells. We also show that the clinically used TopoI inhibitor topotecan reduces EGFR expression. Importantly, the effect of TopoI on EGFR transcription was shown to depend on c-Jun as Jun-/- cells or cells treated with JNK inhibitor SP600125 are resistant to topotecan treatment both in regulation of EGFR expression and cell proliferation. Moreover, c-Jun regulates the nucleolar localization and the function of the ribonucleic acid (RNA) helicase DDX21, a previously identified member of c-Jun protein complex. In addition, c-Jun stimulates rRNA processing by supporting DDX21 rRNA binding. Finally, this study characterizes a DDX21 dependent expression of cyclin dependent kinase (Cdk) 6, a correlation of DDX21 expression with prostate cancer progression and a substrate binding dependency of DDX21 nucleolar localization in prostate cancer cells. Taken together, the results of this study validate the c-Jun-TopoI interaction and precise the c-Jun-DDX21 interaction. Moreover, these results show the importance for protein-protein interaction in the regulation of their cellular functions in cancer cell behavior. Finally, the results presented here disclose new exciting therapeutic opportunities for cancer treatment.
Myotonic dystrophy 1 (DM1) is caused by a CTG expansion in the 3′-unstranslated region of the DMPK gene, which encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase. One of the common clinical features of DM1 patients is insulin resistance, which has been associated with a pathogenic effect of the repeat expansions. Here we show that DMPK itself is a positive modulator of insulin action. DMPK-deficient (dmpk−/−) mice exhibit impaired insulin signaling in muscle tissues but not in adipocytes and liver, tissues in which DMPK is not expressed. Dmpk−/− mice display metabolic derangements such as abnormal glucose tolerance, reduced glucose uptake and impaired insulin-dependent GLUT4 trafficking in muscle. Using DMPK mutants, we show that DMPK is required for a correct intracellular trafficking of insulin and IGF-1 receptors, providing a mechanism to explain the molecular and metabolic phenotype of dmpk−/− mice. Taken together, these findings indicate that reduced DMPK expression may directly influence the onset of insulin-resistance in DM1 patients and point to dmpk as a new candidate gene for susceptibility to type 2-diabetes.
Myotonic dystrophy 1 (DM1) is caused by a CTG expansion in the 3′-unstranslated region of the DMPK gene, which encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase. One of the common clinical features of DM1 patients is insulin resistance, which has been associated with a pathogenic effect of the repeat expansions. Here we show that DMPK itself is a positive modulator of insulin action. DMPK-deficient (dmpk−/−) mice exhibit impaired insulin signaling in muscle tissues but not in adipocytes and liver, tissues in which DMPK is not expressed. Dmpk−/− mice display metabolic derangements such as abnormal glucose tolerance, reduced glucose uptake and impaired insulin-dependent GLUT4 trafficking in muscle. Using DMPK mutants, we show that DMPK is required for a correct intracellular trafficking of insulin and IGF-1 receptors, providing a mechanism to explain the molecular and metabolic phenotype of dmpk−/− mice. Taken together, these findings indicate that reduced DMPK expression may directly influence the onset of insulin-resistance in DM1 patients and point to dmpk as a new candidate gene for susceptibility to type 2-diabetes.
Inositol is a polyalcohol required for the proper formation of cell membranes. In the body, its plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses, its also helps in the transporting of fats within the body. In mammals, inositol exists as phosphorylated derivatives, various phosphoinositides, and in its free form. Agonist stimulated hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2] is the first step in the transmembrane signalling mechanism when cells respond to external stimuli. Under control of activated phospholipase C (PLC) via G-protein, two second messengers D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3] and diacylglycerol are released into the cell. From Ins(1,4,5)P3, enzymatic process under phosphatases or kinases control affords subsequent inositol phosphate metabolites. During the last decade the synthesis of modified inositol phosphate derivatives has been strongly investigated. This paper reviews principal aspects about synthesis and biological functions of these biomolecules.