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In vertebrates, early brain development takes place at the expanded anterior end of the neural tube. After closure of the anterior neuropore, the brain wall forms a physiologically sealed cavity that encloses embryonic cerebrospinal fluid (E-CSF), a complex and protein-rich fluid that is initially composed of trapped amniotic fluid. E-CSF has several crucial roles in brain anlagen development. Recently, we reported the presence of transient blood-CSF barrier located in the brain stem lateral to the ventral midline, at the mesencephalon and prosencephalon level, in chick and rat embryos by transporting proteins, water, ions and glucose in a selective manner via transcellular routes. To test the actual relevance of the control of E-CSF composition and homeostasis on early brain development by this embryonic blood-CSF barrier, we block the activity of this barrier by treating the embryos with 6-aminonicotinamide gliotoxin (6-AN). We demonstrate that 6-AN treatment in chick embryos blocks protein transport across the embryonic blood-CSF barrier, and that the disruption of the barrier properties is due to the cease transcellular caveolae transport, as detected by CAV-1 expression cease. We also show that the lack of protein transport across the embryonic blood-CSF barrier influences neuroepithelial cell survival, proliferation and neurogenesis, as monitored by neurepithelial progenitor cells survival, proliferation and neurogenesis. The blockage of embryonic blood-CSF transport also disrupts water influx to the E-CSF, as revealed by an abnormal increase in brain anlagen volume. These experiments contribute to delineate the actual extent of this blood-CSF embryonic barrier controlling E-CSF composition and homeostasis and the actual important of this control for early brain development, as well as to elucidate the mechanism by which proteins and water are transported thought transcellular routes across the neuroectoderm, reinforcing the crucial role of E-CSF for brain development.
Elizabeth Russell sosté que les utopies escrites per dones són més transgressores «perquè desconstrueixen el concepte de perfecció» (2007: 21). En aquesta línia de crítica social i necessitat de reformes, quant al gènere femení, neixen, amb cinc segles de diferència, les dues obres estudiades aquí, Le livre de la cité des dames (1405), de Christine de Pisan, i Herland (1915), de Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Amb notables excepcions com La mística de la feminitat (1965), de Betty Friedan, i El segon sexe (1968), de Simone de Beauvoir, a casa nostra els discursos androcèntrics es ben cuidaren de negar l’entrada d’aires subversius que, per raons òbvies, poguessin esverar aquell àngel de la llar amansit i silenciat, per dir-ho a la manera woolfiana. Charlotte Perkins Gilman arribà per primera vegada a Catalunya i a la península ibèrica el 1982 amb la traducció al català de Montserrat Abelló per a l’editorial La Sal d’El paper de paret groc. En els mateixos anys vuitanta i per a la mateixa editorial Helena Valentí traduí al castellà El país de ellas (1987), obra que el 2002 traslladà al català Jordi Vidal Tubau en una edició a cura d’Eulàlia Lledó que porta per títol Terra d’elles. Poc després, el 1990, La ciutat de les dames, de Christine de Pisan, es pogué llegir en llengua catalana amb una edició i traducció de Mercè Otero per a la col·lecció «Espai de Dones» d’Edicions de l’Eixample. Aquest article presenta la recepció a Catalunya de dos clàssics del gènere de les utopies feministes, La ciutat de les dames (1990), de Christine de Pisan, i Terra d’elles (2002), de Charlotte Perkins Gilman, amb notes sobre la seva difusió al castellà i al gallec.
Novel·lista, assagista, política, activista cultural, dona de teatre i traductora de més de trenta obres, Maria Aurèlia Capmany és autora d’una obra extensa i clarament ideològica, en què les reivindicacions feministes ocupen una gran part. Virginia Woolf i Simone de Beauvoir són les seves principals fonts teòriques i vitals. Encara que, per diverses circumstàncies, no les tradueix mai, es converteix en la seva mitjancera cultural i ideològica a casa nostra: proposant-ne traduccions a algunes editorials, escrivint-ne pròlegs, imitant-les, adaptant-ne conceptes o imatges, etc. Marguerite Duras, de qui traslladà Un dic contra el Pacífic (1965), és també una de les seves mares literàries. Aquest treball intenta ser una aproximació al feminisme de Capmany i a la seva repercussió en el camp de la traductologia.
Carme Serrallonga (Barcelona, 1909-1997) començà a traduir als anys seixanta, en moments de represa de consciència ideològica i literària. Bona coneixedora de diversos idiomes, especialment l’alemany, l’anglès, el francès i l’italià, girà al català unes vint obres del teatre universal dels grans autors. Serrallonga explicava que havia començat a aprendre alemany per poder conèixer a fons l’obra de Brecht, del qual el 1966 traduí La bona persona de Sezuan, a proposta de Ricard Salvat, i cinc obres més. De l’alemany també portà al català autors com Georg Büchner, Heinrich Böll, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Peter Handke, György Lukács, Goethe, Mozart o Alfred Döblin. A més de l’alta literatura alemanya, Serrallonga féu petites incursions en la literatura anglesa i nord-americana, la italiana i, fins i tot, la sud-africana. El 1983 l’editorial La Galera li encarregà la traducció d’En Jim Botó i en Lluc el maquinista de Michael Ende. En sis anys traduí més de trenta títols de literatura infantil. Ja jubilada, a vuitanta-quatre anys, es posà a estudiar rus pel plaer de poder llegir Anna Akhmàtova i Txèkhov en la seva llengua originària. Abans de morir, treballava en la traducció d’un llibre de poemes de l’autora russa.
Development of adjectives in two French-speaking children: relation between inflection and semantics
The paper analyzes publishers" copyright policies and self-archiving conditions of Spanish scientific journals. Data are extracted from the directory DULCINEA that contains information of 1318 Spanish journals, of which 775 (61%) allow some form of self-archiving to be about 60% of the post-print version and allowing them 87% of the deposit of the version of record. In 72% of journals the deposit can be performed immediately after publication and in 16% after article acceptance. 72% of the journals are freely available without charge to the user this figure raises up to 86% if free access after an embargo is considered. Only 18% of the journals use Creative Commons licenses. The adoption of different open access journals model in Spain is favorable, however there is still a high percentage of journals (39%) that do not provide any information about authors and publishers rights and that difficult or inhibits reuse of published articles.
The life-design paradigm is among those rooted in Guichard's (2009) life self-construction model that describes the identity processes underlying the development of multiple social selves. In this chapter, which is a tribute to the major contribution of Jean Guichard to the field of educational and vocational guidance and counseling, we will try to explicate the links between career adaptability and subjective identity forms. Both highlight two different and important processes that are interdependent and which should be simultaneously considered in the life design paradigm. These processes allow people to behave as active agents in their environment and are of high importance in the contemporary socioeconomic context, characterized by globalization, an increase in employment insecurity, the destructuralization of one's life course, and individualization. This chapter argues that both career adapt-abilities and identity processes rely on reflexivity and self-awareness abilities. For this reason the system of subjective identity forms, as defined by Guichard, can be considered as a meta-competency allowing adaptation, meaning making, but also the allocation of process resources.
Pro gradun tarkoituksena oli tutkia kuluttajien suhtautumista kolmen kuluttajille suunnatun aikakauslehden brändiin ja brändin persoonallisuuteen. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevat aikakauslehdet olivat naisille suunnattu, nuorille suunnattu sekä tekniikkaan keskittynyt aikakauslehti. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Sisällön erittelyn avulla tutkittiin eroja kuluttajien suhtautumisessa eri aikakauslehtibrändien ollessa kyseessä. Kuluttajien mielipiteitä aikakauslehtibrändin persoonallisuudesta selvitettiin aikakauslehtien verkkosivuilla olleen kyselytutkimuksen avulla, jonka tuloksia analysoitiin korrespondenssianalyysissä. Korrespondenssianalyysissä kvantifioitiin kvalitatiivista aineistoa. Aikakauslehtikustantajien mielipiteitä aikakauslehden brändistä tutkittiin aikakauslehtien verkkosivujen sisällön kautta. Kuluttajat näkivät aikakausilehtien brändeissä eri persoonallisuuksien piirteitä. Syyt kuluttajien suhtautumisessa eri aikakauslehtibrändeihin johtuvat pikemminkin eri kohderyhmistä kuin kustantajan rakentamista eroista. Kustantajien ja kuluttajien mielipiteet brändin persoonallisuudesta olivat naisille suunnatussa lehdessä hyvin yhtenevät, kun taas tekniikkaan suuntautunut lehti kärsi epäselvästä brändistä.
Positive and negative reinforcing systems are part of the mechanism of drug dependence. Drugs with abuse potential may change the manner of response to negative emotional stimuli, activate positive emotional reactions and possess primary reinforcing properties. Catecholaminergic and peptidergic processes are of importance in these mechanisms. Current research needs to understand the types of adaptations that underlie the particularly long-lived aspects of addiction. Presently, glutamate is candidate to play a role in the enduring effects of drugs of abuse. For example, it participates in the chronic pathological changes of corticostriatal terminals produced by methamphetamine. At the synaptic level, a link between over-activation of glutamate receptors, [C(a2+)](i) increase and neuronal damage has been clearly established leading to neurodegeneration. Thus, neurodegeneration can start after an acute over-stimulation whose immediate effects depend on a diversity of calcium-activated mechanisms. If sufficient, the initial insult results in calcification and activation of a chronic on-going process with a progressive loss of neurons. At present, long-term effects of drug dependence underlie an excitotoxicity process linked to a polysynaptic pathway that dynamically regulates synaptic glutamate. Retaliatory mechanisms include energy capability of the neurons, inhibitory systems and cytoplasmic calcium precipitation as part of the neuron-glia interactions. This paper presents an integrated view of these molecular and cellular mechanisms to help understand their relationship and interdependence in a chronic pathological process that suggest new targets for therapeutic intervention.
Reflexions sobre l'edició de textos catalans de l'edat moderna