928 resultados para proof-of-concept


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An iterative method for the reconstruction of a stationary three-dimensional temperature field, from Cauchy data given on a part of the boundary, is presented. At each iteration step, a series of mixed well-posed boundary value problems are solved for the heat operator and its adjoint. A convergence proof of this method in a weighted L 2-space is include


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In this paper we investigate the Boolean functions with maximum essential arity gap. Additionally we propose a simpler proof of an important theorem proved by M. Couceiro and E. Lehtonen in [3]. They use Zhegalkin’s polynomials as normal forms for Boolean functions and describe the functions with essential arity gap equals 2. We use to instead Full Conjunctive Normal Forms of these polynomials which allows us to simplify the proofs and to obtain several combinatorial results concerning the Boolean functions with a given arity gap. The Full Conjunctive Normal Forms are also sum of conjunctions, in which all variables occur.


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A simpler proof of a result of Burq [1] is presented.


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We propose a new approach to the generation of an alphabet for secret key exchange relying on small variations in the cavity length of an ultra-long fiber laser. This new concept is supported by experimental results showing how the radio-frequency spectrum of the laser can be exploited as a carrier to exchange information. The test bench for our proof of principle is a 50 km-long fiber laser linking two users, Alice and Bob, where each user can randomly add an extra 1 km-long segment of fiber. The choice of laser length is driven by two independent random binary values, which makes such length become itself a random variable. The security of key exchange is ensured whenever the two independent random choices lead to the same laser length and, hence, to the same free spectral range.


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This paper considers the problem of concept generalization in decision-making systems where such features of real-world databases as large size, incompleteness and inconsistence of the stored information are taken into account. The methods of the rough set theory (like lower and upper approximations, positive regions and reducts) are used for the solving of this problem. The new discretization algorithm of the continuous attributes is proposed. It essentially increases an overall performance of generalization algorithms and can be applied to processing of real value attributes in large data tables. Also the search algorithm of the significant attributes combined with a stage of discretization is developed. It allows avoiding splitting of continuous domains of insignificant attributes into intervals.


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Development-engineers use in their work languages intended for software or hardware systems design, and test engineers utilize languages effective in verification, analysis of the systems properties and testing. Automatic interfaces between languages of these kinds are necessary in order to avoid ambiguous understanding of specification of models of the systems and inconsistencies in the initial requirements for the systems development. Algorithm of automatic translation of MSC (Message Sequence Chart) diagrams compliant with MSC’2000 standard into Petri Nets is suggested in this paper. Each input MSC diagram is translated into Petri Net (PN), obtained PNs are sequentially composed in order to synthesize a whole system in one final combined PN. The principle of such composition is defined through the basic element of MSC language — conditions. While translating reference table is developed for maintenance of consistent coordination between the input system’s descriptions in MSC language and in PN format. This table is necessary to present the results of analysis and verification on PN in suitable for the development-engineer format of MSC diagrams. The proof of algorithm correctness is based on the use of process algebra ACP. The most significant feature of the given algorithm is the way of handling of conditions. The direction for future work is the development of integral, partially or completely automated technological process, which will allow designing system, testing and verifying its various properties in the one frame.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 20F55, 13F20; Secondary 14L30.


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AMS subject classification: 65J15, 47H04, 90C30.


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We propose a new approach for secret key exchange involving the variation of the cavity length of an ultra-long fibre laser. The scheme is based on the realisation that the free spectral range of the laser cavity can be used as an information carrier. We present a proof-of-principle demonstration of this new concept using a 50-km-long fibre laser to link two users, both of whom can randomly add an extra 1-km-long fibre segment.


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In 1952 Y. Tagamlitzki gave an elegant proof of the classical Bochner’s theorem on the positively definite functions. Unfortunately, he never published his proof. In this paper we consider a related but simpler problem, the trigonometric moment problem, by using Tagamlitzki’s approach.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14Q05, 14Q15, 14R20, 14D22.


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In the proof of Lemma 3.1 in [1] we need to show that we may take the two points p and q with p ≠ q such that p+q+(b-2)g21(C′)∼2(q1+… +qb-1) where q1,…,qb-1 are points of C′, but in the paper [1] we did not show that p ≠ q. Moreover, we hadn't been able to prove this using the method of our paper [1]. So we must add some more assumption to Lemma 3.1 and rewrite the statements of our paper after Lemma 3.1. The following is the correct version of Lemma 3.1 in [1] with its proof.


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Objectives: The induction of analgesia for many chronic cutaneous lesions requires treatment with an opioid analgesic. In many patients suffering with these wounds such drugs are either contraindicated or shunned because of their association with death. There are now case reports involving over 100 patients with many different types of chronic superficial wounds, which suggest that the topical application of an opioid in a suitable gel leads to a significant reduction in the level of perceived pain. Key findings: Some work has been undertaken to elucidate the mechanisms by which such a reduction is achieved. To date there have been no proven deleterious effects of such an analgesic system upon wound healing. Although morphine is not absorbed through the intact epidermis, an open wound provides no such barrier and for large wounds drug absorption can be problematic. However, for most chronic cutaneous lesions, where data has been gathered, the blood levels of the drug applied ranges from undetectable to below that required for a systemic effect. Summary If proven, the use of opioids in this way would provide adequate analgesia for a collection of wounds, which are difficult to treat in patients who are often vulnerable. Proof of this concept is now urgently required. © 2011 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.


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Cikkünk arról a paradox jelenségről szól, hogy a fogyasztást explicit módon megjelenítő Neumann-modell egyensúlyi megoldásaiban a munkabért meghatározó létszükségleti termékek ára esetenként nulla lehet, és emiatt a reálbér egyensúlyi értéke is nulla lesz. Ez a jelenség mindig bekövetkezik az olyan dekomponálható gazdaságok esetén, amelyekben eltérő növekedési és profitrátájú, alternatív egyensúlyi megoldások léteznek. A jelenség sokkal áttekinthetőbb formában tárgyalható a modell Leontief-eljárásra épülő egyszerűbb változatában is, amit ki is használunk. Megmutatjuk, hogy a legnagyobbnál alacsonyabb szintű növekedési tényezőjű megoldások közgazdasági szempontból értelmetlenek, és így érdektelenek. Ezzel voltaképpen egyrészt azt mutatjuk meg, hogy Neumann kiváló intuíciója jól működött, amikor ragaszkodott modellje egyértelmű megoldásához, másrészt pedig azt is, hogy ehhez nincs szükség a gazdaság dekomponálhatóságának feltételezésére. A vizsgált téma szorosan kapcsolódik az általános profitráta meghatározásának - Sraffa által modern formába öntött - Ricardo-féle elemzéséhez, illetve a neoklasszikus növekedéselmélet nevezetes bér-profit, illetve felhalmozás-fogyasztás átváltási határgörbéihez, ami jelzi a téma elméleti és elmélettörténeti érdekességét is. / === / In the Marx-Neumann version of the Neumann model introduced by Morishima, the use of commodities is split between production and consumption, and wages are determined as the cost of necessary consumption. In such a version it may occur that the equilibrium prices of all goods necessary for consumption are zero, so that the equilibrium wage rate becomes zero too. In fact such a paradoxical case will always arise when the economy is decomposable and the equilibrium not unique in terms of growth and interest rate. It can be shown that a zero equilibrium wage rate will appear in all equilibrium solutions where growth and interest rate are less than maximal. This is another proof of Neumann's genius and intuition, for he arrived at the uniqueness of equilibrium via an assumption that implied that the economy was indecomposable, a condition relaxed later by Kemeny, Morgenstern and Thompson. This situation occurs also in similar models based on Leontief technology and such versions of the Marx-Neumann model make the roots of the problem more apparent. Analysis of them also yields an interesting corollary to Ricardo's corn rate of profit: the real cause of the awkwardness is bad specification of the model: luxury commodities are introduced without there being a final demand for them, and production of them becomes a waste of resources. Bad model specification shows up as a consumption coefficient incompatible with the given technology in the more general model with joint production and technological choice. For the paradoxical situation implies the level of consumption could be raised and/or the intensity of labour diminished without lowering the equilibrium rate of the growth and interest. This entails wasteful use of resources and indicates again that the equilibrium conditions are improperly specified. It is shown that the conditions for equilibrium can and should be redefined for the Marx-Neumann model without assuming an indecomposable economy, in a way that ensures the existence of an equilibrium unique in terms of the growth and interest rate coupled with a positive value for the wage rate, so confirming Neumann's intuition. The proposed solution relates closely to findings of Bromek in a paper correcting Morishima's generalization of wage/profit and consumption/investment frontiers.


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In the article we shortly discuss the proof of the theorem of Dalang-Morton-Willinger. We show that the proof of the theorem depends on some interesting general properties of the stochastic convergence.