970 resultados para permanent income inequality


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When health status is an ordered response variable, Allison and Foster (2004)postulate that a distribution Q exhibits more inequality than a distribution P if Q is obtained from P via a sequence of median preserving spreads. This paper introduces a parametric family of inequality indices which are founded on the Allison and Foster ordering. [Authors]


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School districts can use income surtax as a replacement for local property taxes to fund specific, discretionary education programs. This issue review provides an overview of the local income surtax and the potential impact of allowing other local governments to replace property tax with income surtax.


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BACKGROUND: There is increasing interest in provision of essential surgical care as part of public health policy in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Relatively simple interventions have been shown to prevent death and disability. We reviewed the published literature to examine the cost-effectiveness of simple surgical interventions which could be made available at any district hospital, and compared these to standard public health interventions. METHODS: PubMed and EMBASE were searched using single and combinations of the search terms "disability adjusted life year" (DALY), "quality adjusted life year," "cost-effectiveness," and "surgery." Articles were included if they detailed the cost-effectiveness of a surgical intervention of relevance to a LMIC, which could be made available at any district hospital. Suitable articles with both cost and effectiveness data were identified and, where possible, data were extrapolated to enable comparison across studies. RESULTS: Twenty-seven articles met our inclusion criteria, representing 64 LMIC over 16 years of study. Interventions that were found to be cost-effective included cataract surgery (cost/DALY averted range US$5.06-$106.00), elective inguinal hernia repair (cost/DALY averted range US$12.88-$78.18), male circumcision (cost/DALY averted range US$7.38-$319.29), emergency cesarean section (cost/DALY averted range US$18-$3,462.00), and cleft lip and palate repair (cost/DALY averted range US$15.44-$96.04). A small district hospital with basic surgical services was also found to be highly cost-effective (cost/DALY averted 1 US$0.93), as were larger hospitals offering emergency and trauma surgery (cost/DALY averted US$32.78-$223.00). This compares favorably with other standard public health interventions, such as oral rehydration therapy (US$1,062.00), vitamin A supplementation (US$6.00-$12.00), breast feeding promotion (US$930.00), and highly active anti-retroviral therapy for HIV (US$922.00). CONCLUSIONS: Simple surgical interventions that are life-saving and disability-preventing should be considered as part of public health policy in LMIC. We recommend an investment in surgical care and its integration with other public health measures at the district hospital level, rather than investment in single disease strategies.


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Aquest estudi analitza la distribució de la renda salarial a la comarca d’Osona, en comparació amb la resta de comarques de Catalunya i la seva distribució entre els municipis, utilitzant una base de dades original creada a partir de la informació sobre salaris de l’Enquesta d’Estructura Salarial i sobre la població dels censos de 1996 i 2001. La unitat espacial utilitzada, la secció censal, permet obtenir estimacions per als diferents àmbits geogràfics i calcular i descompondre índexs de desigualtat que mostren les característiques de les distribucions.


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Iowa law allows taxpayers to deduct federal income taxes from income prior to calculating state income tax liability. Due to the federal tax deduction, changes to federal income taxes enacted by Congress directly and automatically impact Iowa's revenue stream. While this issue is present every year, the impact on the budget process has been more pronounced over the past three years as federal tax reductions enacted during the early 2000s were set to expire, were extended, and are now set to expire again. This issue review examines federal deductability and the related issue of federal conformity.


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X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED; OMIM 305100) is a genetic disorder characterized by absence or deficient function of hair, teeth and sweat glands. Affected children may experience life-threatening high fever resulting from reduced ability to sweat. Mice with the Tabby phenotype share many symptoms with human XLHED patients because both phenotypes are caused by mutations of the syntenic ectodysplasin A gene (Eda) on the X chromosome. Two main splice variants of Eda, encoding EDA1 and EDA2, engage the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family receptors EDAR and XEDAR, respectively. The EDA1 protein, acting through EDAR, is essential for proper formation of skin appendages; the functions of EDA2 and XEDAR are not known. EDA1 must be proteolytically processed to a soluble form to be active. Here, we show that treatment of pregnant Tabby mice with a recombinant form of EDA1, engineered to cross the placental barrier, permanently rescues the Tabby phenotype in the offspring. Notably, sweat glands can also be induced by EDA1 after birth. This is the first example of a developmental genetic defect that can be permanently corrected by short-term treatment with a recombinant protein.


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Because self-reported health status [SRHS] is an ordered response variable, inequality measurement for SRHS data requires a numerical scale for converting individual responses into a summary statistic. The choice of scale is however problematic, since small variations in the numerical scale may reverse the ordering of a given pair of distributions of SRHS data in relation to conventional inequality indices such as the variance. This paper introduces a parametric family of inequality indices, founded on an inequality ordering proposed by Allison and Foster [Allison, R.A., Foster, J., 2004. Measuring health inequalities using qualitative data. Journal of Health Economics 23, 505-524], which satisfy a suitable invariance property with respect to the choice of numerical scale. Several key members of the parametric family are also derived, and an empirical application using data from the Swiss Health Survey illustrates the proposed methodology. [Authors]


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This report was prepared as a directive to Aging and Disability Resource Centers and The Mental Health and Disability Commission to jointly develop a plan for a home modification assistance program to provide grants and individual income tax credits to assist with expenses related to the making or permanent home modifications that permit individual with a disability to remain in the homes.


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Un nouveau projet, baptisé PERMANENT.PLOT.CH, démarre cette année à l'Université de Lausanne. Le but est de répertorier tous les carrés permanents de végétation en Suisse et de les archiver dans une base de donnée informatique. Un appel est lancé à toute personne connaissant l'existence de carrés permanents de végétation, sur le terrain ou dans la litérature, de nous transmettre cette précieuse information.


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This article examines the job prospects of displaced industrial workers in Switzerland. Based on a survey of 1,203 workers who were dismissed after their manufacturing plants closed down, we analyse the determinants of re-employment, the sector of re-employment and the change in wages. Two years after displacement, a majority of workers were back in employment: 69% were re-employed, 17% un-employed and 11% retired. Amongst re-employed workers, two thirds found a job in manufacturing and one third in services. Contrary to a common belief, low-end services are not the collecting vessel of redundant industrial workers. Displaced workers aged 55 and older seem particularly vulnerable after a plant closes down: over 30% were long-term unemployed, and those older workers who found a new job suffered disproportionate wage losses. Advanced age-and not low education-appears as the primary handicap after mass redundancy.


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Programme for International Student Assessment


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Camprodon va rebre un llegat de més de 700 peces relacionades amb el músic Isaac Albéniz. L’any 1999, es decidí crear una fundació a Camprodon amb la intenció de difondre aquest llegat a través d’un museu. El museu no va acabar mai de funcionar per les limitacions d’espai i un projecte inadequat que va ser incapaç de despertar la curiositat dels visitants de Camprodon. Actualment, per manca de recursos econòmics, la rehabilitació del nou espai del Museu Isaac Albéniz es troba completament aturada. Aquest treball proposa la creació d’un projecte d’exposició permanent que es mantingui fins a l’obertura del museu definitiu