863 resultados para parenting style


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A Formação Parental, enquanto medida de intervenção socioeducativa, tem sido um alvo de interesse gradual, quer a nível internacional, quer a nível nacional. As profundas mudanças ocorridas, na esfera social e familiar, são agentes que têm vindo a promover o desenvolvimento de iniciativas de intervenção neste domínio. A consciência dos desafios que acarretam o desempenho das funções parentais nos dias de hoje, tem sido um incentivo na procura de respostas e auxílio aos intervenientes neste difícil processo de educar. Também o contributo teórico da Psicologia, nomeadamente nas áreas de estudo sobre a Formação Parental, a família, os estilos parentais, o envolvimento parental, e a sua pertinência para o desenvolvimento e equilíbrio infanto-juvenil, têm vindo e estimular o crescente investimento nesta área de intervenção. O presente estudo teve por objetivo construir, implementar e avaliar a eficácia de um programa de Promoção de Práticas Educativas Parentais. Neste estudo participaram 4 cuidadores (3 do sexo feminino e 1 um do sexo masculino), todos eles residentes no meio urbano (n=4), casados (n=4) e com uma média de idades de aproximadamente 42 anos (M=42,25), variando entre os 40 e os 45 anos. A maioria tem o 12º ano (n=3, 75%), apenas 1 (25%), possui habilitações superiores ao nível de licenciatura. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um Questionário Sociodemográfico e do Questionário de Práticas Parentais (Versão Portuguesa de M. Gaspar & P. Santos de 2008, revisto em 2013). No que respeita aos resultados obtidos, existem algumas modificações positivas na promoção de competências parentais ajustada, recorrendo à utilização de estratégias de disciplina positiva em todos os sujeitos, depois da intervenção. Referente as outras variáveis, nomeadamente, os diferentes estilos de disciplina, promoção do autoconhecimento enquanto pessoas e pais, fomentar a autoestima atendendo a aspetos pessoas e parentais, incentivar o bem-estar subjetivo/felicidade dos participantes com relevância na parentalidade não houve ocorrência de alterações positivas.


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Resumo: Breve apresentação do funcionamento das famílias modernas, do «saber fazer» com o sintoma, e que apresentam o que Jacques-Alain Miller descreveu como o «estilo aditivo». É seguida por três exemplos, três casos seguidos num serviço de saúde mental infantil em França. Abstract: Brief presentation of how the modern families work, about their «know how» with their symptom, and about their, what was described by Jacques-Alain Miller, «addictive style». Three cases followed in childhood mental health services in France, exemplifies this presentation.


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INTRODUCTION: At a time when a great number of diseases can be prevented by changing one's habits and life style, investigations have focused on understanding what adults and children believe to be desirable health practices and uncovering the factors associated with successful adherence to such practices. For these, causal attributions for health and illness were investigated among 96 Brazilian elementary school students. METHODS: Ninety six subjects, aged 6 to 14, were interviewed individually and their causal attributions were assessed through 14 true-false items (e.g. people stay well [healthy] because they are lucky). The relationship between the children's causal attributions and demographic characteristics were also examined. RESULTS: Overall, the results were consistent with previous researches. "Taking care of oneself" was considered the most important cause of good health. "Viruses and germs" and "lack of self-care" were the most selected causes of illness. Analyses revealed significant relationship between subjects' causal attribution and their age, school grade level, socioeconomic status and gender. CONCLUSIONS: The study findings suggest that there may be more cross-cultural similarities than differences in children's causal attributions for health and illness. Finding ways to help individuals engage in appropriate preventive-maintenance health practices without developing an exaggerated notion that the individuals can control their own health and illness is a challenge which remains to be addressed by further research.


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Lidar com as problemáticas da saúde, implica um domínio dos processos cognitivos (raciocínio, resolução de problemas e tomada de decisão) e de desempenhos práticos, o que obriga a afectação de um conjunto de atitudes e comportamentos específicos. Este estudo, implementou e avaliou o impacto de experiências pedagógicas desenvolvidas com os estudantes da unidade curricular Radiologia do Sistema Nervoso (RSN) da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL). Aplicaram-se metodologias de ensino mistas (presenciais e virtuais) utilizadas na leccionação teórica e prática no ano curricular 2008/2009. Para a avaliação do perfil de aprendizagem dos estudantes foi aplicado o método de Honey & Munford e para a avaliação e monitorização dos conhecimentos aplicaram-se check list baseadas nos conteúdos programáticos. A monitorização das ferramentas da plataforma moodle complementaram a restante informação. Verificou-se uma progressão de aprendizagem positiva para um grupo de estudantes maioritariamente do estilo reflexivo (média=10,6 estudantes). As conclusões apontaram para um impacto positivo quanto à aplicação das metodologias híbridas com maior índice de sucesso para a metodologia assíncrona. Verificou-se também mais flexibilidade no acesso aos conteúdos porém com algumas limitações tais como residência inicial por parte dos estudantes, maior carga de trabalho para os docentes, falta de terminais para acesso à plataforma e pouca experiência de todos os envolvidos no domínio e manipulação da plataforma. ABSTRACT - This study focused on the role of cognitive processes (reasoning, problem solving and decision making) and performance practice in the formation of attitudes and behaviours relating to health issues. It was conducted to evaluate the effects of pedagogical experiences on students who participated in the course in radiography in the Nervous System Imaging Unit (RSN) of the Lisbon Health School of Technology. Mixed (face-to-face and virtual) teaching methodologies were used in theory and practice sessions. Honey and Munford’s method was used to evaluate the learning profile of students. To monitor and evaluate students’ knowledge acquisition, check lists based on program topics were applied. Other information was supplied through the learning platform of Moodle. The student group with mostly a reflective learning style increased their knowledge. The asynchronous method was shown to produce a higher success rate and more flexibility in accessing content but also registered some limitations such as resistance by students, increased workload for teachers, lack of access to the platform and inexperience of all involved in handling the platform.


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O presente projeto surgiu da necessidade de um instrumento de trabalho na área da gestão da informação / conhecimento a aplicar na Unidade de Cuidados na Comunidade dos Carvalhos (UCCC) que, pela sua estrutura de trabalho por projeto, abrange diversos grupos de utilizadores com perfis e necessidades específicas. Rapidamente assumiu maior dimensão, pois ao seu ponto de partida se conjugaram as oportunidades de utilização das tecnologias de informação na área da saúde, a divulgação da Unidade assim como a divulgação de informação sobre saúde e a interação com os utilizadores. O processo implicou a aplicação das metodologias de Investigação Ação e de Gestão de Projetos, resultando na criação e publicação de um espaço Web. Com o Content Management System (CMS) Joomla foi construído o Site UCC Carvalhos, que faculta simultaneamente informação sobre saúde, oportunidade de aconselhamento especializado e personalizado e permite a organização da documentação interna da Unidade referida. Nesta fase de início de vida do site estabeleceu-se como temáticas prioritárias a desenvolver a informação sobre a UCCC e o seu funcionamento assim como o projeto “Companhia das Barriguinhas”, mais concretamente a Preparação para o Parto e Parentalidade. O desenvolvimento deste projeto superou as expectativas de todos os elementos envolvidos, pois para além de permitir obter resposta às necessidades identificadas, permitiu também experimentar as metodologias referidas de forma integrada e aprofundar temáticas como a gestão da informação e conhecimento, o papel das tecnologias de informação e comunicação na Saúde e o papel do cidadão na utilização das mesmas no sentido de uma autonomia responsável na gestão da sua Saúde.


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O presente estudo visou caraterizar as representações que técnicos de intervenção precoce têm sobre famílias que vivem em meio rural e em meio urbano que recebem apoio das equipas. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-diretivas, os participantes e entrevistados foram dez docentes com intervenção educativa nas equipas, cinco em apoio direto a famílias de meio rural e cinco a realizar intervenções com famílias de meio urbano. Deste estudo resultaram vários dados qualitativos que depois de analisados e discutidos, levaram a diversas conclusões que vem dar respostas às questões e problemática iniciais. As famílias inseridas nestes contextos têm características que as diferenciam; habilitações, recursos, necessidades e comportamentos em comunidade. Tem aspetos culturais que influenciam as suas atitudes, participação e autonomia e são ou não decisivas no desenvolvimento da criança. Em contexto rural as famílias apresentam um maior número de necessidades comparativamente às famílias de meio urbano. As maiores necessidades das famílias em contexto rural situam-se nas questões financeiras, de formação e apoio técnico e especializado. As maiores necessidades das famílias de contexto urbano situam-se ao nível do fraco apoio familiar e das redes sociais. As necessidades comuns situam-se nas necessidades de informação e promoção da autonomia e competências parentais. As visitas e intervenções domiciliares podem permitir melhorar a identificação das necessidades e recursos das famílias e compreender melhor os critérios de referência de algumas crianças. As oportunidades de aprendizagem são maiores nestes encontros em domicílio, estão presentes em muitos casos, elementos da família alargada, que muitas vezes tem um papel fundamental na educação e estimulação destas crianças. Os docentes de IP em intervenção em contexto urbano, comparativamente com os docentes inseridos em contexto rural, apoiam famílias que na generalidade abrangem áreas profissionais mais vantajosas financeiramente. Estas famílias terão á partida melhores condições para aceder a mais recursos e apoios. Nos dois contextos existe uma necessidade comum, falta de informação e alguma autonomia e competências parentais em relação ao crescimento das crianças. A realização de iii encontros de pais ou criação de grupos de pais que tenham por base a partilha de experiencias e informação, estão planeadas mas não são uma realidade nestas equipas. Nas práticas de qualidade, o profissional deve atuar nos contextos naturais como, a família, ou a comunidade, mas pode incluir também rotinas, brincadeiras, festas etc. cenários que facilitem o dia-a-dia. As famílias têm contextos e rotinas próprias que os profissionais devem identificar, os dados que recolhemos indicam essa necessidade de proceder a avaliação mais atenta das necessidades das famílias. As práticas recomendadas e o enquadramento legislativo são tidos em conta pelos docentes e profissionais das equipas, os recursos documentais são na sua maioria comuns, a todas as equipas participantes, seguindo as orientações e documentos/minutas facultadas pela comissão coordenadora do SNIPI (Sistema Nacional de Intervenção Precoce na Infância) Apesar das recomendações teóricas para práticas de qualidade centradas na família, verificamos que estas fazem parte das preocupações destes docentes, mas nem sempre são implementadas. A problemática da criança parece ser ainda o ponto mais importante dos programas e planos de intervenção e mesmo o critério decisivo para delinear a duração e frequência das intervenções, seja em contexto urbano ou rural. - ABSTRACT This study aimed to characterize the families of rural and urban areas that receive support from Early Intervention Teams. It has been proposed yet whether professionals IP suit their practices to the characteristics of these families and communities integrated in different cultural contexts. Interviews were conducted semidirective, participants were ten respondents and teachers with educational intervention teams, five in direct support to families in rural areas and five interventions with families in urban areas. This study resulted in a number of qualitative data that then analyzed and discussed, led to several conclusions that comes to answer the questions and problems early. The families included in these contexts have characteristics that differentiate them; qualifications, resources, needs and behaviors in the community. Has cultural aspects that influence their attitudes, participation and autonomy and are not decisive in the development of the child. In the rural households have a greater number of needs compared to urban families. The greatest needs of families in rural settings are located in financial matters, training and technical support and expertise. The greatest needs of the urban households are located at the level of weak family support and social networks. Common needs lie in information needs and promoting autonomy and parenting skills. The home visits and interventions may allow improved identification of needs and resources of families and understand the benchmarks of some children. Learning opportunities are greater in these meetings at home, are present in many cases, elements of the extended family, which often plays a key role in education and stimulation of these children. Teachers IP intervention in the urban compared with rural teachers placed in context, support families in general include professional areas more financially advantageous. These families will have better starting conditions for access to more resources and support. In both contexts there is a common need, lack of information and some autonomy and parenting skills in relation to the growth of children. The meetings of parents or creating parent groups that are based on the sharing of information and experiences are planned but are not a reality in these teams. In quality practices, the professional must act in natural contexts like the family or the community, but may also include routines, jokes, and parties’ etc. scenarios that v facilitate the day-to-day. Families have their own contexts and routines that professionals should identify, collect the data indicate that the need for more careful assessment of the needs of families. Best practices and legislative environment are taken into account by teachers and professional teams, the documentary resources are mostly common to all participating teams, following the guidelines and documents / drafts provided by the coordinating committee SNIPI (National Intervention Early Childhood) Despite the theoretical recommendations for quality practices family-centered, we see that these are part of the concerns of teachers, but are not always implemented. The issue of child seems to be still the most important programs and plans and even the decisive criterion for delineating the duration and frequency of interventions whether in urban or rural.


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The aim of this paper is presenting the modules of the Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System PCMAT, responsible for the recommendation of learning objects. PCMAT is an online collaborative learning platform with a constructivist approach, which assesses the user’s knowledge and presents contents and activities adapted to the characteristics and learning style of students of mathematics in basic schools. The recommendation module and search and retrieval module choose the most adequate learning object, based on the user's characteristics and performance, and in this way contribute to the system’s adaptability.


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Childhood excessive weight and obesity are a major public health concern from early childhood. Early childhood is an important period of development for developing healthy eating habits, that may be associated with an adequate present/future BMI. There is extensive evidence that children’s food intake is shaped by early experiences, suggesting ways in which parenting practices may be promoting obesity. But what leads parents to endorse healthier or detrimental educational practices and routines needs further study. 1. Perception of children’s weight: parents of overweight or obese children often fail to correctly perceive their children as overweight; failing to recognize their children’s excessive weight may impeach parents from implementing the best educational practices. 2. Concern: relation between the adequacy of mothers perception of their children’s weight and the level of concern - parental concern is be associated with parental practices. 3. Attribution of control: also, if parents do not consider their children’s eating behavior at least partially controllable by them, they may relinquish some of their responsibility in this area. Self-efficacy: evidence linking parental self-efficacy to parent competence and to parenting practices and behaviors; low parental self-efficacy related to the control of everyday behavior of young children may lead parents to abandon more consistent health practices and endorse permissive and inconsistent strategies. We designed 2 sequential studies that aim to contribute to the understanding of cognitive determinants of children’s eating patterns.


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The aim of this paper is presenting the recommendation module of the Mathematics Collaborative Learning Platform (PCMAT). PCMAT is an Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System (AEHS), with a constructivist approach, which presents contents and activities adapted to the characteristics and learning style of students of mathematics in basic schools. The recommendation module is responsible for choosing different learning resources for the platform, based on the user's characteristics and performance. Since the main purpose of an adaptive system is to provide the user with content and interface adaptation, the recommendation module is integral to PCMAT’s adaptation model.


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In this article I will analyse anaphoric references in German texts and their transaltion into Portuguese. I will take as main corpus Heinrich Böll's novel Haus ohne Hüter and its translation into Portuguese by Jorge Rosa with the title Casa Indefesa. I will concentrate on the use of personal pronouns and possessives in references to both people and objects in source text and target text and I will present patterns of symmetries and asymmetries. I will claim that asymmetries in the translation of such anaphoric references can be accounted for mainly by differences in the pronominal systems and verbal systems of both languages and by differences in the way each language marks theme/topic continuity/discontinuity in discourse. Issues related to style and the translation of anaphors will also be addressed. I will finally raise some questions related to ambiguous references which can not be solved within the scope of syntax or semantics, thus requiring pragmatic interpretation based on cultural knowledge/world knowledge.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação de Doutora Maria Helena da Costa Alves Guimarães Ustimenko e Doutora Maria Manuela Ribeiro Veloso.


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There is a wide agreement that identity is a multidisciplinary concept. Branding is an identity expression. Although there are some frameworks to assess brand identity there isn’t an accepted definition. The authors consider this a gap in literature and investigate the components to assess brand identity under a holistic approach. Literature was reviewed and reinterpreted under an integrated perspective evolving corporate and brand identity studies. The authors propose a definition and nine componentscharacterizing corporate brand identity: reputation, culture, positioning, personality, relationships network, presentation style, communication, environmental influences and mission. Some are related with internal and others to external facets. The authorsare strongly encouraged to test these results empirically towards validity and reliability of the proposed construct.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between regular physical activity in adolescence and leisure-time physical activity in adulthood, with emphasis on gender differences. METHODS: A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out in Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2003. A representative sample of households was selected in multiple stages and subjects aged 20-59 years were interviewed. Leisure-time physical activity was evaluated using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Data on adolescent physical activity were based on subjects' recall. RESULTS: Of 2,577 subjects interviewed, 27.5% were classified as adequately active, and 54.9% reported regular physical activity in adolescence. Subjects who engaged in regular physical activity during adolescence were more likely to be adequately active in adulthood (adjusted prevalence ratio 1.42; 95% CI: 1.23; 1.65). This effect was stronger in women (adjusted prevalence ratio: 1.51; 95% CI: 1.22; 1.86) than men (adjusted prevalence ratio: 1.35; 95% CI: 1.10; 1.67). CONCLUSIONS: Promoting physical activity in school age may be a successful intervention against the epidemic of adult inactivity. Although women were less likely to report regular physical activity in adolescence, the effect of this experience on adult behavior was stronger than in men.


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Objectives - Evaluate the nutritional status of patients with inactive or mildly active Crohn's disease (CD), and identify possible causes for potential deficiencies. Methods - A total of 78 CD patients and 80 healthy controls were evaluated in respect of nutritional status, dietary intake, and life styles factors. Results - These 73/78 CD patients were on immunomodulating therapies. Mean body mass index (BMI) was lower in patients as compared to controls (P= 0.006) but 32% of CD patients and 33.8% of controls had a BMI > 25, whereas 8% and 23.8% in each group, respectively, were obese (BMI > 30Kg/m(2)). Fat free mass was significantly decreased in both genders (P < 0.05) whereas fat mass was decreased only in males (P= 0.01). Energy intake was significantly lower in CD patients (P < 0.0001) and we observed significantly lower adjusted mean daily intakes of carbohydrates, monounsaturated fat, fiber, calcium, and vitamins C, D, E, and K (P < 0.05). 29% of patients had excluded grains from their usual diet, 28% milk, 18% vegetables, and 11% fruits. Milk exclusion resulted in a significantly lower consumption of calcium and vitamin K (P < 0.001) and the exclusion of vegetables was associated to a lower consumption of vitamins C and E (P < 0.05). Physical activity was significantly lower in CD patients (P= 0.01) and this lack of physical activity was inversely correlated with increased fat mass percentage (r=-0.315, P= 0.001). Conclusions - Results showed that the most prevalent form of malnutrition in CD patients was an excess of body weight, which was concomitant with an inadequate dietary intake, namely micronutrients, clearly related to dietary exclusion of certain foods.