997 resultados para painel MDF


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O presente trabalho visa a fornecer uma contribuição ao estudo dos perfis formados a frio sob altas temperaturas, em conseqüência da deflagração de um incêndio. Especificamente, abordam–se assuntos inerentes ao fenômeno da transferência de calor em paredes do tipo steel frame – dry wall com ou sem isolamento térmico na cavidade. Para tanto, propõem–se modelos computacionais capazes de fornecer, com certa precisão, o valor de temperatura em qualquer ponto do sistema estudado. Dessa forma, é possível, então, traçar configurações de distribuição de temperatura (uniforme ou não–uniforme) na seção transversal dos montantes que constituem o painel, fornecendo subsídios para análise de estabilidade e pós–flambagem dos elementos estruturais em questão. As simulações numéricas de transferência de calor são efetuadas com auxílio dos programas computacionais ABAQUS e SAFIR, ambos baseados no método dos elementos finitos.


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This paper presents one proposal of the energy management's model system using photovoltaic panels. The module proposed seeks to monitor photovoltaic panels, which have intermittency in power generation caused by environmental or load conditions, in order to control the coupling between the panel and the load - through the charge controller, of aiming that the panel's operation will be always on the maximum power transfer point as possible. For this, it used the maximum power point tracking technique - MPPT, implemented in LabVIEW software, also utilizing the data acquisition card NI myDAQ. In addition, it was implemented the controller access remote module, from the sharing of network data, so the panels performance can be through a tablet, monitored and controlled with no need for direct contact with the Supervisory server


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O presente estudo aborda as relações existentes entre a memória e a arte, registradas atravésde monumentos arquitetônicos na cidade de São Paulo, especialmente, no âmbito da artecontemporânea. Elege como instrumental de pesquisa a história da arte e seus desdobramentosestéticos, tendo como foco de análise a "poética de memórias" de Maria Bonomi uma das mais importantes artistas do cenário nacional. O painel Epopéia Paulista, construído a partirde ateliê-residência, em abril de 2004, no espaço expositivo do Museu de Arte Contemporâneada Universidade de São Paulo (MAC USP) e que hoje se encontra no corredor de ligaçãoentre o Metrô e a Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (na Estação da Luz) servecomo obra-referência na criação e no processo de narrativas de memórias de diversas etniasem São Paulo


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Background The evolutionary advantages of selective attention are unclear. Since the study of selective attention began, it has been suggested that the nervous system only processes the most relevant stimuli because of its limited capacity [1]. An alternative proposal is that action planning requires the inhibition of irrelevant stimuli, which forces the nervous system to limit its processing [2]. An evolutionary approach might provide additional clues to clarify the role of selective attention. Methods We developed Artificial Life simulations wherein animals were repeatedly presented two objects, "left" and "right", each of which could be "food" or "non-food." The animals' neural networks (multilayer perceptrons) had two input nodes, one for each object, and two output nodes to determine if the animal ate each of the objects. The neural networks also had a variable number of hidden nodes, which determined whether or not it had enough capacity to process both stimuli (Table 1). The evolutionary relevance of the left and the right food objects could also vary depending on how much the animal's fitness was increased when ingesting them (Table 1). We compared sensory processing in animals with or without limited capacity, which evolved in simulations in which the objects had the same or different relevances. Table 1. Nine sets of simulations were performed, varying the values of food objects and the number of hidden nodes in the neural networks. The values of left and right food were swapped during the second half of the simulations. Non-food objects were always worth -3. The evolution of neural networks was simulated by a simple genetic algorithm. Fitness was a function of the number of food and non-food objects each animal ate and the chromosomes determined the node biases and synaptic weights. During each simulation, 10 populations of 20 individuals each evolved in parallel for 20,000 generations, then the relevance of food objects was swapped and the simulation was run again for another 20,000 generations. The neural networks were evaluated by their ability to identify the two objects correctly. The detectability (d') for the left and the right objects was calculated using Signal Detection Theory [3]. Results and conclusion When both stimuli were equally relevant, networks with two hidden nodes only processed one stimulus and ignored the other. With four or eight hidden nodes, they could correctly identify both stimuli. When the stimuli had different relevances, the d' for the most relevant stimulus was higher than the d' for the least relevant stimulus, even when the networks had four or eight hidden nodes. We conclude that selection mechanisms arose in our simulations depending not only on the size of the neuron networks but also on the stimuli's relevance for action.


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O trabalho tem como foco a análise do processo produtivo de painéis maciços feitos como tábuas e cavilhas de madeira ("stack-board") em uma fábrica austríaca, visando identificar seus pontos positivos e negativos e fornecer uma visão geral de algumas das principais variáveis envolvendo a manufatura desse produto.


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This work is supported by Brazilian agencies Fapesp, CAPES and CNPq


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JT is the recipient of a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from CNPq, Brazil. NGC and ACR are recipients of grants from CNPq, FAPESP, FAPESP-Cinapce, CAPES-PROEX, CNPq-Research Fellowships, Brazil.