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Porphyrin metabolic disruption from exposure to xenobiotic contaminants such as heavy metals, dioxins, and aromatic hydrocarbons can elicit overproduction of porphyrins. Measurement of porphyrin levels, when used in conjunction with other diagnostic assays, can help elucidate an organism’s physiological condition and provide evidence for exposure to certain toxicants. A sensitive microplate fluorometric assay has been optimized for detecting total porphyrin levels in detergent solubilized protein extracts from symbiotic, dinoflagellate containing cnidarian tissues. The denaturing buffer used in this modified assay contains a number of potentially interfering components (e.g., sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), dithiothreitol (DTT), protease inhibitors, and chlorophyll from the symbiotic zooxanthellae), which required examination and validation. Examination of buffer components were validated for use in this porphyrin assay; while the use of a specific spectrofluorometric filter (excitation 400 ± 15 nm; emission 600 ± 20 nm) minimized chlorophyll interference. The detection limit for this assay is 10 fmol of total porphyrin per μg of total soluble protein and linearity is maintained up to 5000 fmol. The ability to measure total porphyrins in a SDS protein extract now allows a single extract to be used in multiple assays. This is an advantage over classical methods, particularly when tissue samples are limiting, as is often the case with coral due to availability and collection permit restrictions.


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黄土丘陵沟壑区是黄土高原的主体部分,也是具有特殊景观格局的生态-经济敏感区,保护环境、发展生产始终是其面临的双重任务。小流域既是区域的优势景观单元。文章试以小流域为基础,研究黄土丘陵沟壑区的优化生态-生产范式。根据内容,论文可分为5个部分: 首先,论文系统总结了黄土高原的几个主要特点,如黄土地貌,土壤侵蚀等。本章节重点介绍了小流域治理的发展历程及其特点,以及小流域的治理现状。其次,综合阐述了黄土高原丘陵沟壑区的生态经济背景,指出:小流域为黄土丘陵沟壑区的优势景观单元,是区域治理与发展的基本单元;并提出区域治理与开发的生态与生产定位。第三,详细研究了区域小流域景观生态学特点;同时探讨了作为一个复合生态系统,小流域景观功能及其发展变化特点。结合第二部分,提出了黄土丘陵沟壑区小流域优化生态-生产范式的5项原则。第四,具体分析了安塞纸坊沟流域自然资源环境与社会经济基础,依据范式建立的原则,根据净第一性生产力等环境、社会经济等指标,建立流域的优化生态-经济空间结构。最后,在第四部分的基础上,提出区域小流域优化生态-生产范式的空间体系组成以及组成范式的关键措施和核心组分。


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北京市郊区可持续景观生态规划及优化生态生产范式研究是指要遵循区域自然地理要素的分异规律,以土地利用现状格局为基础,以景观生态学原理和可持续发展准则为理论指导,以景观空间分析为具体研究内容来揭示区域土地利用类型结构、功能的异质性和有序性,以期提出优化的土地利用格局。本论文主要通过大量数据、图件的收集、野外考察与调查,文献查阅与数据处理、分析,得出以下主要结论: 一、理论方面 基于景观生态学理论——景观要素,空间结构与生态学过程,景观动态,异质性,等级结构,连接度以及景观的时空性等,以北京地区为例阐述了景观生态学理论如何合理地整合于生态建设与保育之中,并重点阐释了北京生态建设与保育“小三圈”格局的结构与功能,该系统包括山区外圈层、郊区平原中圈层和城区内圈层,其目标要实现:(1)山区发挥以水源涵养、水土保持防护为主的生态功能;(2)郊区创建农田、林地、草地异质性的人工稀树草原景观,形成带、网、片、点相结合的绿网系统;(3)城区以自身绿化和美化为主。同时,本研究针对我国的区域可持续发展进一步提出更加有效的建设性意见:(1)开展区域生态适宜性评价;(2)区域水平的土地利用格局、动态以及预测性研究;(3)进行区域可持续景观生态规划,建立区域优化生态生产范式,最终实现可持续发展目标。 二、研究方法方面 利用空间自相关指数,并结合“城-郊-乡”梯度分析法研究景观格局对尺度(包括粒度、幅度、方向)变化的响应。得出以下主要结论: 1、景观格局对于尺度变化有着不同的响应,随着空间粒度的增加,空间自相关均呈下降趋势;随着幅度的增加,空间自相关基本不变;人类干扰较多的景观几乎不受“划区效应”的影响;不同的数据类型,同一数据类型的不同景观对于尺度的变化均有着不同的响应。 2、沿“城-郊-乡”样带,空间自相关呈阶梯状增加趋势。景观空间自相关大小顺序:林牧景观>林果景观>农田景观>都市景观>都市化景观,人为干扰较多的景观具有较低的空间自相关,但对尺度的变化表现出较强的敏感性。 三、实例研究 北京市郊区可持续景观生态规划及优化生态生产范式研究是以昌平区为例,从昌平区经济与产业结构现状分析出发、以昌平区土壤理化性状分析为背景,以景观格局现状、动态,以及土地利用内部转移格局与过程、驱动因素分析为主要内容,并且重点探讨了昌平区城镇化的过程特征及空间特征,得出以下主要结论: 1、昌平区GDP配比方式,以及昌平区农村GDP结构模式均为“三二一”。昌平区在北京市农业中的地位,以及农业在昌平区GDP中所处地位均弱化。截止2001年,昌平区农业产值中,牧业>种植业>渔业>林业,牧业居于首位,占到46.70%,而传统种植业也正以小汤山为龙头向现代化、高科技、高效化的“六种农业”转化。总体讲,农业的粮食生产功能在昌平区已不再是一个重要功能,传统种植业正逐步地让位于畜牧业(人工牧草)、林业(疏林、苗圃),突出体现了具有良好生态学效益的牧草、林果在未来大农业发展中的战略地位。 2、昌平土壤肥力状况良好,景观分区与土壤理化性质是吻合的。基于土壤理化基质,昌平区应形成林、灌、草为主的山区景观,园林式城镇、林、果、灌相结合的山前倾斜平原景观,以及农、林、草配置的生态农业景观和花卉、种苗、绿化带相辉映的绿色生态住宅景观。 3、从1989~2001年期间,研究区内土地利用景观经历了很大的变化。土地利用景观的量变主要体现在城镇用地的迅速扩张和耕地的锐减,而土地利用类型的变化则体现在水田、传统菜地的逐渐消失,以及2001年后人工牧草的大面积推广种植。景观格局在不同景观分区的差异也得以论证,中北部山麓平原卫星城镇、旅游林果区(III)具有最高的多样性和最低的优势度、聚集度,中南部平原高科技、都市生态农业区(II)的多样性最低,而优势度、聚集度最高,对于南部平原都市边缘、城镇住宅区(I)各指标则介于III和II区之间。 4、从1989~2001年期间,土地利用的内部转移主要体现在耕地向城镇用地的大面积转移,其次,传统菜地转向城镇用地和其他种植耕地,而人工牧草是由部分耕地转移而来的。城镇化、水资源短缺和农业政策是主要驱动因素。土地利用的内部转移具有明显的区域差异,中北部山麓平原卫星城、旅游林果区体现出卫星城镇的发展,南部平原都市边缘住宅区则反映出北京都市边缘的向外扩张,而中南部平原高科技都市农业区则正向现代化的、高科技都市农业示范区发展。 5、昌平区三种主要的城镇化模式,即都市边缘带状城镇扩展模式、交通主轴线状城镇扩展模式和卫星城面状城镇扩展模式。研究表明,昌平区的城镇化主要集中在1989~1996年期间。 基于昌平区的产业与经济结构现状,土壤养分状况,景观结构现状、动态,土地利用转移方向,并且结合昌平区自然地理分异规律,社会经济因素对昌平区进行了可持续景观规划,昌平区应遵循的四个景观分区为:北部中低山生态保护、生态旅游区;中北部山麓平原卫星城镇、旅游林果区;中南部平原高科技、都市生态农业区;南部平原都市边缘、城镇住宅区。 最后作为总结、归纳,我们提出昌平区优化生态生产范式,昌平区的发展应定位于(1)生态环境保护与水源涵养的生态功能;(2)教育、示范、创新功能;(3)生活功能,并且遵循自然地域分异规律原则、因地制宜原则、生态主导性原则、统筹兼顾原则,大力发展昌平区经济的优势产业,即畜牧业、林果业和旅游业,突出肉羊、苹果、牧草和林木种苗等四个具有昌平特色的主导产业。 景观生态学;景观空间格局;可持续景观生态规划;土地利用变化;优化生态生产范式;北京昌平区


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松嫩平原农牧交错区位于松嫩平原的西部,中国北方农牧交错带的最东端;具有独特的地质环境特点,环境问题突出,是我国生态脆弱地区之一,及世界三大苏打盐碱土集中分布区之一。近年来,由于人为的不合理利用和开垦、以及粗放的生产模式,使该地区生态系统严重受损,土地沙漠化、水土流失、盐碱化、土地生产力下降等生态环境问题日益突出。因此,建立一个适合该地区生态环境条件、社会经济发展状况的优化生态-生产范式是必要而紧迫的。 本论文以松嫩平原农牧交错区为研究对象,以其典型地段为切入点,通过大量数据的收集、文献资料的查阅、野外考察与测定、室内分析处理等,得出了以下主要结论: 一、生态-地理环境背景分析 松嫩平原农牧交错区是多种生态-地理环境危害并存的区域,其中包括盐碱化、沙漠化、气候灾害、水资源短缺等等。当前,沙化土地和盐碱化土地的面积已占该地区土地总面积的34.27 %,并且呈逐年递增的趋势。松嫩平原农牧交错区气候灾害频发,主要是旱灾、水灾、风灾。此外,水资源短缺以及水质问题,同样影响着农业生产及社会经济发展。造成松嫩平原农牧交错区多种生态-地质环境危害并存的主要影响机制是:该地区自身的地质-地理环境特点、气候因素和人类活动的综合效应,并且人类活动日益成为主要驱动因子。 二、实例研究 松嫩平原农牧交错区优化生态-生产范式研究是以长岭县为例,通过对长岭县景观格局变化分析、土壤格局分布、农牧业生产特点、以及农业可持续性评价等,得出以下结论: 1、对研究区内土地利用格局分析表明:1980 ~ 2000年,在土地利用类型没有发生变化的基础上,表现为各土地利用类型面积上的增减;草地、林地大面积地向农田转移,农田面积明显增加;大规模地开垦农田,已经导致了景观的优势度增加,破碎度增加,多样性下降,这最终将使整个景观趋于更加不稳定。 2、长岭县土壤总体水平较差,障碍性土壤占长岭县总土地面积的55.38 %。从土地利用变化对不同地势条件下土壤理化性状影响分析,结果表明:(1)地势相对高的平台地,土壤肥力较高,且开垦对土壤理化性质的影响相对较小,更适合农业开发;(2)低地原生植被为草甸草原,其养分状况也比较好,但其地势较低,易发生水渍和盐碱化;(3)坡地是当地土壤养分最为贫瘠地区,也是风沙土较集中分布的区域,对其开垦会增大土壤的风蚀和水蚀,使土壤养分状况严重下降。 3、对研究区牧草资源分布格局、牧草资源承载力和利用现状等进行分析,结果表明:放牧系统提供的牧草资源已不能满足当地畜牧业对牧草资源的需求。草地提供的牧草资源仅能满足总牧草需求的16.6 %,放牧系统提供的牧草仅占总牧草需求的47.3 %;玉米秸秆转化为牧草资源的潜力巨大,经估算,占总牧草资源的78.3 %,其承载力为总牧草需求的2.4倍。当前,农牧交错区牧草资源的粗蛋白含量普遍偏低,不能完全满足动物生产的需要,制约了当地畜牧业发展。根据当地畜牧业现状、牧草资源潜力,我们提出:应在合理利用当地牧草资源的基础上,有计划地建立高产优质、富含粗蛋白的人工牧草基地,实现畜牧业可持续发展与生态保护的协调统一。 4、长岭县是以第一产业为主,即农业生产为主要经济来源。对农业生产结构的分析表明:农牧业生产占总农业产值的90 %以上,并以种植业为主,种植业一直占总农业产值60 %以上。受当地气候条件、土壤格局分布的限制,单一粮食生产、粗放的生产模式以及对天然草地资源的过分依赖,最终导致该地区农牧业发展缓慢,经济条件落后。 5、在上述分析的基础上,作者提出了长岭县优化生态-生产范式,即以高效农业生产、生活圈,水土保持和自然生态保育圈、牧草生产基地及生态功能保护圈的三圈等级系统。以此为依据,对土地利用格局进行调整,通过粮、草、经多元农业结构的建设,在合理利用与保护草地的基础上,使长岭县畜牧业走向产业化的发展模式。


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A novel technique for automated topographical analysis in the SEM has been investigated. It utilizes a 16-bit minicomputer arranged to act as an automatic focusing unit. The computer is coupled to the objective lens of the microscope, by means of a digital to analogue converter, and may regulate the excitation of the lens under program control. Further digital-to-analogue converters allow the computer to act as a programmable scan generator by applying ramp waveforms to the scan amplifiers, permitting the beam to be swept over a small sub-region of the field of interest. The video signal is sampled and applied to an analogue-to-digital converter; the resultant binary numbers are stored in computer memory as an array of values representing relative image intensities within a subregion. A differencing algorithm applied to the collected data allows the level of objective lens excitation to be found at which the sharpness of the image is optimized, and the excitation may be related to the working distance for that subregion through a previous calibration experiment. The sensitivity of the method for detecting small height changes is theoretically of the order of 1 μm.


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This paper presents a new architecture which integrates recurrent input transformations (RIT) and continuous density HMMs. The basic HMM structure is extended to accommodate recurrent neural networks which transform the input observations before they enter the Gaussian output distributions associated with the states of the HMM. During training the parameters of both HMM and RIT are simultaneously optimized according to the Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) criterion. Results are presented for the E-set recognition task which demonstrate the ability of recurrent input transformations to exploit longer term correlations in the speech signal and to give improved discrimination.


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The passive mode-locking in novel double tapered Bow-Tie lasers is investigated. This investigation aims to determine the possible GHz repetition rate at which passive mode-locking is derived, in addition, the record power levels will also be demonstrated. Alternative drive schemes and contact configurations to achieve optimized performance are discussed.


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We have investigated a resonant refractive nonlinearity in a semiconductor waveguide by measuring intensity dependent phase shifts and bias-dependent recovery times. The measurements were performed on an optimized 750-μm-long AR coated buried heterostructure MQW p-i-n waveguide with a bandedge at 1.48 μm. Figure 1 shows the experimental arrangement. The mode-locked color center laser was tuned to 50 meV beyond the bandedge and 8 ps pulses with peak incident power up to 57 W were coupled into the waveguide. Some residual bandtail absorption remains at this wavelength and this is sufficient to cause carriers to be photogenerated and these give rise to a refractive nonlinearity, predominantly by plasma and bandfilling effects. A Fabry-Perot interferometer is used to measure the spectrum of the light which exits the waveguide. The nonlinearity within the guide causes self phase modulation (SPM) of the light and a study of the spectrum allows information to be recovered on the magnitude and recovery time of the nonlinear phase shift with a reasonable degree of accuracy. SPM spectra were recorded for a variety of pulse energies coupled into he unbiased waveguide. Figure 2 shows the resultant phase shift measured from the SPM spectra as a function of pulse energy. The relationship is a linear one, indicating that no saturation of the nonlinearity occurs for coupled pulse energies up to 230 pJ. A π phase shift, the minimum necessary for an all-optical switch, is obtained for a coupled pulse energy of 57 pJ while the maximum phase shift, 4 π, was measured for 230 pJ. The SPM spectra were highly asymmetric with pulse energy shifted to higher frequencies. Such spectra are characteristic of a slow, negative nonlinearity. This relatively slow speed is expected for the unbiased guide as the recovery time will be of the order of the recombination time of the photogenerated electrons, about 1 ns for InGaAsP material. In order to reduce the recovery time of the nonlinearity, it is necessary to remove the photogenerated carriers from the waveguide by a process other than recombination. One such technique is to apply a reverse bias to the waveguide in order to sweep the carriers out. Figure 3 shows the effect on the recovery time of the nonlinearity of applying reverse bias to the waveguide for 230 pJ coupled power. The recovery time was reduced from one much longer than the length of the pulse, estimated to be about 1 ns, at zero bias to 18 ± 3 ps for a bias voltage greater than -4 V. This compares with a value of 24 ps obtained in a bulk waveguide.


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This paper presents a preliminary theoretical and numerical investigation of 4H-SiC JFET and MOSFET at 6.5 kV. To improve the on-state/breakdown performance of the JFET, buried layers in conjunction with a highly doped buffer layer have been used. Trench technology has been employed for the MOSFET. The devices were simulated and optimized using MEDICI[I] simulator. From the comparison between the two devices, it turns out that the JFET offers a better on-state/breakdown trade-off, while the trench MOSFET has the advantage of MOS-control.


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A strain-compensated multiple quantum well device is used as a DFB laser, this has been optimized for low jitter gain switched operation at 10 GHz. The signal is transmitted down 80 km of standard fiber then amplified, filtered and polarization controlled before being injected into a DFB laser. The purpose of this regeneration process is to gain switch the DFB with the extracted clock signal in order to retime the converted signal. This process also simultaneously converts the input NRZ format to an output RZ data to format and results in a signal whose optical power and extinction ratio are considerably improved by the regeneration process.


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The Silent Aircraft Initiative goal is to design an aircraft that is imperceptible above background noise outside the airport boundary. The aircraft that fulfils this objective must also be economically competitive with conventional aircraft of the future and therefore fuel consumption and mechanical reliability are key considerations for the design. To meet these ambitious targets, a multi-fan embedded turbofan engine with boundary layer ingestion has been proposed. This configuration includes several new technologies including a variable area nozzle, a complex high-power transmission system, a Low Pressure turbine designed for low-noise, an axial-radial HP compressor, advanced acoustic liners and a low-speed fan optimized for both cruise and off-design operation. These technologies, in combination, enable a low-noise and fuel efficient propulsion system but they also introduce significant challenges into the design. These challenges include difficulties in predicting the noise and performance of the new components but there are also challenges in reducing the design risks and proving that the new concepts are realizable. This paper presents the details of the engine configuration that has been developed for the Silent Aircraft application. It describes the design approach used for the critical components and discusses the benefits of the new technologies. The new technologies are expected to offer significant benefits in noise reduction without compromising fuel burn. However, more detailed design and further research are required to fully control the additional risks generated by the system complexity.


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A study on the breeding biology of the GIFT strain of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, was conducted for a period of five months. The sex ratio of the parent individuals was optimized for performance in spawn production, where the best results were obtained with a sex ratio of female to male of 4:1 compared to those of 3:1 and 2:1. The diameter of eggs obtained from the GIFT stock had major and minor axes of 2.19±0.09 and 1.72±0.07 mm, respectively, with no significant differences between the treatments. The average number of eggs produced was 392±22 per female, with fertilization and hatching rates ranging between 94-96% and 85-88%, respectively. No significant variation was observed between the treatments. Breeding frequencies per female in the three treatment groups ranged between 10-40 days and the highest value was obtained at a female to male sex ratio of 4: l. In an other experiment, l7 aMethyltestosterone (MT) was applied orally to the fry at their first feeding stage with treatments- 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the dosage of 100, 80, 60 and 40 mg/kg feed respectively, for the period of 28 days. The mean percentage of males obtained in treatments, 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 98, 97, 95 and 68, respectively. Treatments-1, 2 and 3 did not differ significantly (P>0.05) from each other but treatment 4 showed significant variation (P<0.05) from other treatments. The results showed that MT-100, 80 and 60 mg/kg feed administered for 28 days produced close to cent percent male population of the GIFT strains in aquaria.


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In this paper the soft turn-on of NPT IGBT under Active Voltage Control (AVC) is presented. The AVC technique is able to control the IGBT switching trajectory according to a pre-defined reference signal generated by a FPGA chip. By applying a special designed reference signal at turn-on, the IGBT turn-on current overshoot and diode recovery can be optimized. Experiments of soft turn-on with different reference signal are presented in this paper. This technique can be used to reduce the switching stress on the device and on other components of the circuit. © 2011 IEEE.


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目的 构建含有HIV-1 C亚型gp120基因重组腺病毒载体,并在293细胞中表达gp120蛋白.方法 PCR扩增,获得HIV-1 C亚型gp120片段,定向克隆入腺病毒转移载体pTrack-CMV,线性化后转化至含有腺病毒骨架载体pAd-easy-1的大肠埃希菌BJ5183,获得重组子prAd-gp120,PacⅠ酶切纯化后转染293细胞,包装成复制缺陷型重组腺病毒vAd-gp120.结果 经PCR、酶切及DNA测序,插入片段大小、方向正确,获得了具有感染力的vAd-gp120重组腺病毒;通过Western 印迹检测,重组腺病毒在293细胞中表达出分子量为120 kD的蛋白.结论 成功构建了含有HIV-1 C亚型gp120基因重组腺病毒载体,并获得该基因的表达.


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7.5Gb/s real-time end-to-end optical OFDM (OOFDM) transceivers incorporating variable power loading on each individual subcarrier are demonstrated experimentally, for the first time, using a live-optimized RSOA intensity modulator having a modulation bandwidth as narrow as 1GHz. Colourless real-time 16-QAM-encoded OOFDM signal transmission at 7.5Gb/s over 25km SSMF is achieved across the C-band in simple IMDD systems without in-line optical amplification and dispersion compensation. Copyright © 2010 The authors.