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The action of the thyroid hormones on responsive cells in the peripheral nervous system requires the presence of nuclear triiodothyronine receptors (NT3R). These nuclear receptors, including both the alpha and beta subtypes of NT3R, were visualized by immunocytochemistry with the specific 2B3 monoclonal antibody. In the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of rat embryos, NT3R immunoreactivity was first discretely revealed in a few neurons at embryonic day 14 (E14), then strongly expressed by all neurons at E17 and during the first postnatal week; all DRG neurons continued to possess clear NT3R immunostaining, which faded slightly with age. The peripheral glial cells in the DRG displayed a short-lived NT3R immunoreaction, starting at E17 and disappearing from the satellite and Schwann cells by postnatal days 3 and 7 respectively. In the developing sciatic nerve, Schwann cells also exhibited transient NT3R immunoreactivity restricted to a short period ranging from E17 to postnatal day 10; the NT3R immunostaining of the Schwann cells vanished proximodistally along the sciatic nerve, so that the Schwann cells rapidly became free of detectable NT3R immunostaining. However, after the transection or crushing of an adult sciatic nerve, the NT3R immunoreactivity reappeared in the Schwann cells adjacent to the lesion by 2 days, then along the distal segment in which the axons were degenerating, and finally disappeared by 45 days, when the regenerating axons were allowed to re-occupy the distal segment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Research into the biomechanical manifestation of fatigue during exhaustive runs is increasingly popular but additional understanding of the adaptation of the spring-mass behaviour during the course of strenuous, self-paced exercises continues to be a challenge in order to develop optimized training and injury prevention programs. This study investigated continuous changes in running mechanics and spring-mass behaviour during a 5-km run. 12 competitive triathletes performed a 5-km running time trial (mean performance: ̴17 min 30 s) on a 200 m indoor track. Vertical and anterior-posterior ground reaction forces were measured every 200 m by a 5-m long force platform system, and used to determine spring-mass model characteristics. After a fast start, running velocity progressively decreased (- 11.6%; P<0.001) in the middle part of the race before an end spurt in the final 400-600 m. Stride length (- 7.4%; P<0.001) and frequency (- 4.1%; P=0.001) decreased over the 25 laps, while contact time (+ 8.9%; P<0.001) and total stride duration (+ 4.1%; P<0.001) progressively lengthened. Peak vertical forces (- 2.0%; P<0.01) and leg compression (- 4.3%; P<0.05), but not centre of mass vertical displacement (+ 3.2%; P>0.05), decreased with time. As a result, vertical stiffness decreased (- 6.0%; P<0.001) during the run, whereas leg stiffness changes were not significant (+ 1.3%; P>0.05). Spring-mass behaviour progressively changes during a 5-km time trial towards deteriorated vertical stiffness, which alters impact and force production characteristics.
Residual lung function abnormalities have been investigated in 9 children (4 boys and 5 girls) a mean 2.7 years after surviving severe adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). All patients had been artificially ventilated for an average of 9.4 days with a FiO2 greater than 0.5 for 34 hours and maximal PEEP levels in the range of 8-20 cm H2O. Since the ARDS, 3 children had presented recurrent respiratory symptoms (moderate exertional dyspnea and cough) and 2 had had evidence of fibrosis on chest radiographs. In all patients abnormal lung functions were found, i.e. ventilation inequalities (8), hypoxemia (7), and obstructive (2) and restrictive (1) lung disease. A significant correlation between respirator therapy and residual lung function was found (duration of FiO2 greater than 0.5 in hours and inspiratory plateau pressure during respirator therapy vs. ventilation inequalities and hypoxemia).
The objective of this work was to investigate the relationship between changes in the plant community and changes in soil physical properties and water availability, during a succession from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to natural vegetation on the Loess Plateau, China. Data from a succession sere spanning 32 years were collated, and vegetative indexes were compared to changes related to soil bulk density and soil water storage. The alfalfa yield increased for approximately 7 years, then it declined and the alfalfa was replaced by a natural community dominated by Stipa bungeana that began to thrive about 10 years after alfalfa seeding. Soil bulk density increased over time, but the deterioration of the alfalfa was mainly ascribed to a severe reduction in soil water storage, which was lowest around the time when degradation commenced. The results indicated that water consumption by alfalfa could be reduced by reducing plant density. The analysis of the data also suggested that soil water recharge could be facilitated by rotating the alfalfa with other crops, natural vegetation, or bare soil.
BACKGROUND: Glutathione (GSH) is the major cellular redox-regulator and antioxidant. Redox-imbalance due to genetically impaired GSH synthesis is among the risk factors for schizophrenia. Here we used a mouse model with chronic GSH deficit induced by knockout (KO) of the key GSH-synthesizing enzyme, glutamate-cysteine ligase modulatory subunit (GCLM).¦METHODS: With high-resolution magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 14.1 T, we determined the neurochemical profile of GCLM-KO, heterozygous, and wild-type mice in anterior cortex throughout development in a longitudinal study design.¦RESULTS: Chronic GSH deficit was accompanied by an elevation of glutamine (Gln), glutamate (Glu), Gln/Glu, N-acetylaspartate, myo-Inositol, lactate, and alanine. Changes were predominantly present at prepubertal ages (postnatal days 20 and 30). Treatment with N-acetylcysteine from gestation on normalized most neurochemical alterations to wild-type level.¦CONCLUSIONS: Changes observed in GCLM-KO anterior cortex, notably the increase in Gln, Glu, and Gln/Glu, were similar to those reported in early schizophrenia, emphasizing the link between redox imbalance and the disease and validating the model. The data also highlight the prepubertal period as a sensitive time for redox-related neurochemical changes and demonstrate beneficial effects of early N-acetylcysteine treatment. Moreover, the data demonstrate the translational value of magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study brain disease in preclinical models.
CONTEXT: Mortality among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals has decreased dramatically in countries with good access to treatment and may now be close to mortality in the general uninfected population. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate changes in the mortality gap between HIV-infected individuals and the general uninfected population. DESIGN, SETTING, AND POPULATION: Mortality following HIV seroconversion in a large multinational collaboration of HIV seroconverter cohorts (CASCADE) was compared with expected mortality, calculated by applying general population death rates matched on demographic factors. A Poisson-based model adjusted for duration of infection was constructed to assess changes over calendar time in the excess mortality among HIV-infected individuals. Data pooled in September 2007 were analyzed in March 2008, covering years at risk 1981-2006. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Excess mortality among HIV-infected individuals compared with that of the general uninfected population. RESULTS: Of 16,534 individuals with median duration of follow-up of 6.3 years (range, 1 day to 23.8 years), 2571 died, compared with 235 deaths expected in an equivalent general population cohort. The excess mortality rate (per 1000 person-years) decreased from 40.8 (95% confidence interval [CI], 38.5-43.0; 1275.9 excess deaths in 31,302 person-years) before the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (pre-1996) to 6.1 (95% CI, 4.8-7.4; 89.6 excess deaths in 14,703 person-years) in 2004-2006 (adjusted excess hazard ratio, 0.05 [95% CI, 0.03-0.09] for 2004-2006 vs pre-1996). By 2004-2006, no excess mortality was observed in the first 5 years following HIV seroconversion among those infected sexually, though a cumulative excess probability of death remained over the longer term (4.8% [95% CI, 2.5%-8.6%] in the first 10 years among those aged 15-24 years). CONCLUSIONS: Mortality rates for HIV-infected persons have become much closer to general mortality rates since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy. In industrialized countries, persons infected sexually with HIV now appear to experience mortality rates similar to those of the general population in the first 5 years following infection, though a mortality excess remains as duration of HIV infection lengthens.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) allow establishing theanatomical evolution and neurochemical profiles of ischemic lesions. However onlylimited MRS studies have been reported to-date in mice due to the challenges ofMRS in small organs. The aim of the current work was to study the neurochemicaland imaging sequelae of ischemic stroke in a mouse model in a horizontal bore14.1 Tesla system.ICR-CD1 mice were subjected to 30 minute transient middle cerebral artery occlusion.The extent of the lesion was determined by MRI. The neurochemical profileconsisting of the concentrations of 22 metabolites was measured longitudinallyfollowing the recovery from ischemia at 3, 8 and 24h in the striatum.Our model produced very reproducible striatal lesions which began to appear onT2-weighted images 8h after ischemia. At 24h, they were well established andtheir size correlated with lesions measured by histology. Profound changes couldbe observed in the neurochemical profiles of the core of the striatal lesions as earlyas 3h post-ischemia, in particular, we observed elevated lactate levels, decreases inthe putative neuronal marker N-acetyl-aspartate and in glutamate, and a transienttwo-fold glutamine increase, likely linked to excitotoxic release of glutamate andconversion to glutamine. With further ischemia evolution, other changes appearedat later time-points, mainly decreases of metabolites, consistent with disruption ofcellular function. It is interesting to note that glutamine tended to return to basallevels at 24h.We conclude that early changes in markers of energy metabolism, glutamate excitotoxicityand neuronal viability can be detected with high precision non-invasively inmice following stroke. Such investigations should lead to a better understanding andinsight into the sequential early changes in the brain parenchyma after ischemia,which could be used e.g. for identifying new targets for neuroprotection.
We studied the variations caused by stress in lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, LPL-mRNA, and local blood flow in LPL-rich tissues in the rat. Stress was produced by body immobilization (Immo): the rat's limbs were taped to metal mounts, and its head was placed in a plastic tube. Chronic stress (2 h daily of Immo) decreased total LPL activity in mesenteric and epididymal white adipose tissue (WAT) and was accompanied by a weight reduction of these tissues. In limb muscle, heart, and adrenals, total LPL activity and mRNA levels increased, and, in plasma, LPL activity and mass also increased. Acute stress (30-min Immo) caused a decrease in total LPL activity only in retroperitoneal WAT and an increase in preheparin plasma active LPL, but the overall weight of this tissue did not vary significantly. We propose an early release of the enzyme from this tissue into the bloodstream by some unknown extracellular pathways or other local mechanisms. These changes in this key energy-regulating enzyme are probably induced by catecholamines. They modify the flow of energy substrates between tissues, switching the WAT from importer to exporter of free fatty acids and favoring the uptake by muscle of circulating triacylglycerides for energy supply. Moreover, we found that acute stress almost doubled blood flow in all WAT studied, favoring the export of free fatty acids.
The aim of our work was to show how a chosen normal-isation strategy can affect the outcome of quantitative gene expression studies. As an example, we analysed the expression of three genes known to be upregulated under hypoxic conditions: HIF1A, VEGF and SLC2A1 (GLUT1). Raw RT-qPCR data were normalised using two different strategies: a straightforward normalisation against a single reference gene, GAPDH, using the 2(-ΔΔCt) algorithm and a more complex normalisation against a normalisation factor calculated from the quantitative raw data from four previously validated reference genes. We found that the two different normalisation strategies revealed contradicting results: normalising against a validated set of reference genes revealed an upregulation of the three genes of interest in three post-mortem tissue samples (cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle and brain) under hypoxic conditions. Interestingly, we found a statistically significant difference in the relative transcript abundance of VEGF in cardiac muscle between donors who died of asphyxia versus donors who died from cardiac death. Normalisation against GAPDH alone revealed no upregulation but, in some instances, a downregulation of the genes of interest. To further analyse this discrepancy, the stability of all reference genes used were reassessed and the very low expression stability of GAPDH was found to originate from the co-regulation of this gene under hypoxic conditions. We concluded that GAPDH is not a suitable reference gene for the quantitative analysis of gene expression in hypoxia and that validation of reference genes is a crucial step for generating biologically meaningful data.
Plants have evolved exquisite ways to detect their enemies and are able to induce defenses responses tailored to their specific aggressors. Insect eggs deposited on a leaf represent a future threat as larvae hatching from the egg will ultimately feed on the plant. Although direct and indirect defenses towards oviposition have been documented, our knowledge of the molecular changes triggered by egg deposition is limited. Using a whole-genome microarray, we recently analyzed the expression profile of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves after oviposition by two pierid butterflies. Eggs laid by the large white Pieris brassicae modified the expression of hundreds of genes. The transcript signature included defense and stress-related genes that were also induced in plants experiencing localized cell death. Further analyses revealed that cellular changes associated with a hypersensitive response occur at the site of egg deposition and that they are triggered by egg-derived elicitors. Our study brings molecular evidence for previous observations of oviposition-induced necrosis in other plant species and might illustrate a direct defense of the plant against the egg. In this addendum, we discuss the relevance of the oviposition-induced gene expression changes and the possibility that plants use eggs as cues to anticipate their enemies.
Rats bearing the Yoshida AH-130 ascites hepatoma showed enhanced fractional rates of protein degradation in gastrocnemius muscle, heart, and liver, while fractional synthesis rates were similar to those in non-tumor bearing rats. This hypercatabolic pattern was associated with marked perturbations of the hormonal homeostasis and presence of tumor necrosis factor in the circulation. The daily administration of a goat anti-murine TNF IgG to tumor-bearing rats decreased protein degradation rates in skeletal muscle, heart, and liver as compared with tumor-bearing rats receiving a nonimmune goat IgG. The anti-TNF treatment was also effective in attenuating early perturbations in insulin and corticosterone homeostasis. Although these results suggest that tumor necrosis factor plays a significant role in mediating the changes in protein turnover and hormone levels elicited by tumor growth, the inability of such treatment to prevent a reduction in body weight implies that other mediators or tumor-related events were also involved.
Comment on: Cutler JA, Sorlie PD, Wolz M, Thom T, Fields LE, Roccella EJ. Trends in hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control rates in United States adults between 1988-1994 and 1999-2004. Hypertension. 2008 Nov;52(5):818-27. PMID: 18852389.