982 resultados para natal homing
A descoberta de ácidos nucleicos fetais livres no plasma de gestantes possibilitou o desenvolvimento de novos testes de diagnóstico pré-natal não invasivo para a determinação do sexo e do Rh fetal. Esses testes foram implantados no sistema de saúde pública de diversos países da Europa há mais de cinco anos. As novas possibilidades de aplicação diagnóstica dessas tecnologias são a detecção de aneuploidias cromossômicas fetais, de doenças monogênicas fetais e de distúrbios relacionados com a placenta, temas pesquisados intensivamente por diversos grupos ao redor do mundo. O objetivo deste estudo é expor a situação brasileira no âmbito de pesquisa e utilização clínica dos testes disponíveis comercialmente que utilizam esses marcadores moleculares plasmáticos, ressaltando as vantagens, tanto econômicas quanto de segurança, que os testes não invasivos têm em relação aos atualmente utilizados em nosso sistema de saúde pública.
Homing endonucleases are rare-cutting enzymes that cleave DNA at a site near their own location, preferentially in alleles lacking the homing endonuclease gene (HEG). By cleaving HEG-less alleles the homing endonuclease can mediate the transfer of its own gene to the cleaved site via a process called homing, involving double strand break repair. Via homing, HEGs are efficiently transferred into new genomes when horizontal exchange of DNA occurs between organisms. Group I introns are intervening sequences that can catalyse their own excision from the unprocessed transcript without the need of any proteins. They are widespread, occurring both in eukaryotes and prokaryotes and in their viruses. Many group I introns encode a HEG within them that confers mobility also to the intron and mediates the combined transfer of the intron/HEG to intronless alleles via homing. Bacteriophage T4 contains three such group I introns and at least 12 freestanding HEGs in its genome. The majority of phages besides T4 do not contain any introns, and freestanding HEGs are also scarcely represented among other phages. In the first paper we looked into why group I introns are so rare in phages related to T4 in spite of the fact that they can spread between phages via homing. We have identified the first phage besides T4 that contains all three T-even introns and also shown that homing of at least one of the introns has occurred recently between some of the phages in Nature. We also show that intron homing can be highly efficient between related phages if two phages infect the same bacterium but that there also exists counteracting mechanisms that can restrict the spread of introns between phages. In the second paper we have looked at how the presence of introns can affect gene expression in the phage. We find that the efficiency of splicing can be affected by variation of translation of the upstream exon for all three introns in T4. Furthermore, we find that splicing is also compromised upon infection of stationary-phase bacteria. This is the first time that the efficiency of self-splicing of group I introns has been coupled to environmental conditions and the potential effect of this on phage viability is discussed. In the third paper we have characterised two novel freestanding homing endonucleases that in some T-even-like phages replace two of the putative HEGs in T4. We also present a new theory on why it is a selective advantage for freestanding, phage homing endonucleases to cleave both HEG-containing and HEG-less genomes.
The homing ability of the rockpool fish Parablennius parvicornis was studied at the rocky shore of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). Fish were displaced from the original rockpool during low tide to another pool 74 metres away. The return of the first blenny occurs directly after the first tide while one week later 40% of the blennies had returned to the original pool. This paper discusses the homing behaviour of this species. RESUMEN: Se estudian las habilidades de retorno (homing) de la barriguda Parablennius parvicornis en una región de la costa rocosa de la isla de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias, España). Los peces fueron desplazados desde su charco original, durante la bajamar, a otro charco que distase 74 metros. El retorno de la primera barriguda ocurrió después de la primera marea, mientras que tras una semana habían regresado el 40% de los peces originalmente desplazados. En este artículo se discute el comportamiento de retorno de esta especie
[ES] Se estudia la capacidad de retorno al lugar de origen en Anemonia sulcata en su medio natural. Treinta y dos individuos fueron marcados en charcas intermareales, de los cuales 20 fueron desplazados, 5 y 10cm, de sus posiciones originales. Posteriormente se observó el movimiento de todos ellos en las siguientes 48h. De todas las anémonas trasladadas, un único individuo volvió exactamente a su lugar de origen recorriendo, en las primeras 24h, los 10cm que había sido desplazado. Con los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo, Anemonia sulcata no parece presentar fidelidad por un lugar en concreto dentro de su charca. Al ser trasladado desde su lugar inicial, simplemente busca un nuevo punto de fijación y lo hace tomando una dirección aleatoria. A falta de estudios más exhaustivos, se puede afirmar que esta especie no presenta comportamiento de homing.
[ES] Se estudia la capacidad de retorno del erizo Arbacia lixula a su refugio original después de haber sido desplazado 0,5, 1 y 2 m. sobre un sustrato rocoso. La capacidad de retorno disminuyó con la distancia de alejamiento al punto original, demostrándose que esta especie tiene ciertas capacidades de homing.
Die akute myeloische Leukämie (AML) zählt zu den aggressivsten neoplastischen Erkrankungenrnder Hämatopoese. Die Mehrheit der Patienten mit AML erreicht nach Induktions-rnChemotherapie den Zustand der kompletten Remission, jedoch erleiden mehr als die Hälfterndieser Patienten anschließend einen Rückfall und versterben an den Folgen der Erkrankungrn[1]. Die allogene hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantation (engl.: hematopoietic stem cellrntransplantation, HSCT) stellt die einzig putativ kurative Behandlungsform für rezidierendernPatienten und solche mit schlechter Prognose dar. Jedoch birgt diese Form der Therapiernauch eine Vielzahl an Risiken. Insbesondere das Auftreten einer akuten Transplantat-gegen-rnWirt-Erkrankung (engl.: graft-versus-host disease, GvHD) stellt die Hauptursache für transplantationsassoziierternMortalität und Morbidität dar [2]. Die Depletion von alloreaktiven zytotoxischenrnT Lymphozyten (CTL) aus dem Transplantat ermöglicht zwar die Prävention derrnEntstehung einer GvH-Erkrankung, jedoch häufig unter gleichzeitigem Verlust des förderlichen,rnanti-leukämischen Transplantat-gegen-Leukämie-Effekts (engl.: graft-versus-leukemia,rnGvL) [3]. Um den GvL-Effekt unter Vermeidung einer GvH-Erkrankung zu erhalten, bietetrnsich der gezielte adoptive Transfer von Leukämie-spezifischen, nicht alloreaktiven CTL alsrnattraktive Strategie der Immuntherapie für AML-Patienten nach allogener HSCT an. In derrnvorliegenden Arbeit konnte erfolgreich ein prä-klinisches murines AML-Modell unter Einsatzrndes stark immundefizienten NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ- (NSG-) Mausstamms und primärenrnAML-Blasten durch die Optimierung bereits publizierter Protokolle etabliert werden.rnBei zehn von 17 transplantierten primären AML-Proben konnte ein erfolgreiches Engraftmentrnder humanen Zellen und eine Rekonstitution der humanen Neoplasie in den NSG-Mäusenrnerzielt werden. Die Engraftment-Rate betrug somit 58,82% und lag etwas unter dem aus derrnLiteratur bekannten Wert von 65-70% [4, 5]. Es ließen sich gut, intermediär und schlecht anwachsendernAML-Proben anhand der Engraftment-Stärke und -Reproduzierbarkeit voneinanderrnunterscheiden. Anhand der Analyse von für das Engraftment kritischer Parameter konnternein Zusammenhang zwischen Engraftment-Rate in der Maus und Flt3-Mutationsstatus sowiernFAB-Klassifikation des Patienten hergestellt und somit Angaben aus der Literatur bestätigtrnwerden. Für zwei Patienten-spezifische AML-Modelle, MZ580 und MZ308, konnten in vitrornerfolgreich AML-reaktive, über einzelne bzw. duale HLA-Diskrepanzen restringierte CTLPopulationenrngeneriert und über einen Zeitraum von bis zu 70 Tagen expandiert werden.rnDeren adoptiver Transfer in zuvor mit humanen AML-Blasten inokulierte NSG-Mäuse führternzu einer nahezu vollständigen Eradikation der AML-Blasten und Remission der Versuchstiere.rnAnhand unterschiedlich langer in vitro Kultur-Zeiträume konnte ein für die in vivo ausgeübtenrnEffektor-Funktionen optimaler Reifungszustand der CTL-Populationen von maximalrn28 Tagen bestimmt werden. Die kinetische Analyse der lytischen Aktivität in vivo deutete auf eine relativ schnelle Ausübung der Effektor-Funktionen durch die CTL-Populationen innerhalbrnvon zwei bis 24 Stunden nach adoptivem Transfer hin. Durch die Verwendung von inrnvitro generierten EBV-reaktiven CTL aus einem irrelevanten Spender konnte zudem die Spezifitätrnder in vivo ausgeübten Effektor-Funktionen nachgewiesen werden. Die ex vivo Re-rnIsolation adoptiv transferierter CTL und deren in vitro Analyse in einem IFNγ ELISpot wiesrneine konstante Reaktivität der Zellen ohne Induktion einer Xeno-Reaktivität nach. Die zurrnVerbesserung der Persistenz humaner CTL-Populationen eingesetzten autologen CD4+ TrnZellen zeigten nur im AML MZ308-System eine positive Wirkung. Generell konnte die Persistenzrnin vivo jedoch trotz initialer Substitution mit den Zytokinen IL-2 und IL-7 nicht über einenrnZeitraum von sieben Tagen hinaus aufrechterhalten werden.rnZur Untersuchung des Extravasations-Mechanismus humaner T Zellen über murines Endothelrnwurden sowohl Flusskammer- als auch Transwell-Studien durchgeführt, um die molekularenrnGrundlagen des Adhäsions- und Transmigrationsprozesses aufzuklären. Durch denrnparallelen Einsatz humaner und muriner T Zellen auf murinen Endothelzellen unter Zusatzrnfunktionsblockierender monoklonaler Antikörper konnte gezeigt werden, dass derrnExtravasations-Mechanismus beider Spezies auf Interaktionen homologer Adhäsionsmolekül-rnPaare, nämlich VLA-4–VCAM-1 und LFA-1–ICAM-1, beruht. Für einzelne Moleküle konntenrnin Abhängigkeit der eingesetzten Endothelzellen Unterschiede in der Funktionalität zwischenrnden Spezies identifiziert werden. Der Adhäsionsprozess war durch die Blockade derrnVLA-4–VCAM-1-Interaktion stärker inhibierbar als durch die Blockade von LFA-1–ICAM-1.rnDie Transmigration hingegen war durch die Blockade beider Adhäsionsmolekül-Paare vergleichbarrnstark inhibierbar.
Although it is well established that stromal intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), ICAM-2, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) mediate lymphocyte recruitment into peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs), their precise contributions to the individual steps of the lymphocyte homing cascade are not known. Here, we provide in vivo evidence for a selective function for ICAM-1 > ICAM-2 > VCAM-1 in lymphocyte arrest within noninflamed PLN microvessels. Blocking all 3 CAMs completely inhibited lymphocyte adhesion within PLN high endothelial venules (HEVs). Post-arrest extravasation of T cells was a 3-step process, with optional ICAM-1-dependent intraluminal crawling followed by rapid ICAM-1- or ICAM-2-independent diapedesis and perivascular trapping. Parenchymal motility of lymphocytes was modestly reduced in the absence of ICAM-1, while ICAM-2 and alpha4-integrin ligands were not required for B-cell motility within follicles. Our findings highlight nonredundant functions for stromal Ig family CAMs in shear-resistant lymphocyte adhesion in steady-state HEVs, a unique role for ICAM-1 in intraluminal lymphocyte crawling but redundant roles for ICAM-1 and ICAM-2 in lymphocyte diapedesis and interstitial motility.
Several studies have documented women's use of vaginal practices in South Africa to enhance their desirability to men. This article describes a little known practice of this kind among women in KwaZulu-Natal. It involves the use of small incisions in the genital area (and often abdomen and breasts) to introduce herbal substances, described as love medicines, into the body through the incisions. In-depth interviews were carried out with 20 key informants and 20 women, and eight focus group discussions with women and men, in a rural and urban site in 2005-06. A province-wide household survey was then conducted using a multi-stage cluster sample design among 867 women aged 18-60. Forty-two per cent of the women in the household survey had heard of genital incisions; only 3% had actually used them. The main motivation was the enhancement of sexual attractiveness and long-term partner commitment. It appears to be a very recent practice, but may be an extension of an older healing practice not involving the genitals. It was most prevalent among rural women aged 24-29 (although not significant), those with less education, and those who suspected their partners of having other partners. It is linked to the modern popularity of love medicines, which in turn illustrates the troubling state of gender relations in KwaZulu-Natal today.
Sex hormones influence immune responses and the development of autoimmune diseases including MS and its animal model, EAE. Although it has been previously reported that ovariectomy could worsen EAE, the mechanisms implicated in the protective action of endogenous ovarian hormones have not been addressed. In this report, we now show that endogenous estrogens limit EAE development and CNS inflammation in adult female mice through estrogen receptor expression in the host non-hematopoietic tissues. We provide evidence that the enhancing effect of gonadectomy on EAE development was due to quantitative rather than qualitative changes in effector Th1 or Th17 cell recruitment into the CNS. Consistent with this observation, adoptive transfer of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-specific encephalitogenic CD4(+) T lymphocytes induced more severe EAE in ovariectomized mice as compared to normal female mice. Finally, we show that gonadectomy accelerated the early recruitment of inflammatory cells into the CNS upon adoptive transfer of encephalitogenic CD4(+) T cells. Altogether, these data show that endogenous estrogens, through estrogen receptor , exert a protective effect on EAE by limiting the recruitment of blood-derived inflammatory cells into the CNS.
The aim of this study is to assess early homing of placenta-derived stem cells after perinatal intracerebral transplantation in rats.
Vaginal practices in sub-Saharan Africa may increase HIV transmission and have important implications for development of microbicides and future HIV prevention technologies. It remains unclear which women undertake vaginal practices and what factors predict prevalence, practice type and choice of products. Using cross-sectional data from mixed research methods, we identify factors associated with vaginal practices among women in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Data were gathered through focus group discussions, in-depth and key-informant interviews, followed by a province-wide, multi-stage cluster household survey, using structured questionnaires in face-to-face interviews with 867 women. This paper details six types of vaginal practices, which--despite their individual distinctiveness and diverse motivations--may be clustered into two broad groups: those undertaken for purposes of 'hygiene' (genital washing, douching and application) and those for 'sexual motivations' (application, insertion, ingestion and incisions). Multivariate analysis found significant associations between 'hygiene' practices and media access, religiosity and transactional sex. 'Sexual' practices were associated with partner concurrency, religiosity and use of injectable hormonal contraceptives. Future interventions relating to vaginal practices as well as microbicides need to reflect this characterisation of practices as sexual- and/or hygiene-related.
Homing of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) was studied using ex vivo cultured bovine caudal intervertebral discs (IVDs).