934 resultados para nanocomposite strain sensor


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Measurement of temperature and pressure exerted on the leeward surface of a blunt cone specimen has been demonstrated in the present work in a hypersonic wind tunnel using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. The experiments were conducted on a 30 degrees apex-angle blunt cone with 51 mm base diameter at wind flow speeds of Mach 6.5 and 8.35 in a 300 mm hypersonic wind tunnel of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. A special pressure insensitive temperature sensor probe along with the conventional bare FBG sensors was used for explicit temperature and aerodynamic pressure measurement respectively on the leeward surface of the specimen. computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of the flow field around the blunt cone specimen has also been carried out to obtain the temperature and pressure at conditions analogous to experiments. The results obtained from FBG sensors and the CFD simulations are found to be in good agreement with each other.


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The strain-controlled fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy with up to 0.11 wt.% B addition was investigated. Results show significant softening when the strain amplitudes, Delta epsilon(T)/2, are >= 0.75%. B addition was found to improve the fatigue life for Delta epsilon(T)/2 <= 0.75% as it corresponds to the elastic regime and hence is strength dominated. At Delta epsilon(T)/2 = 1%, in contrast, the base alloy exhibits higher fatigue life as TiB particle cracking due to strain incompatibility causes easy crack nucleation in the B-modified alloys. (C) 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present paper, the ultrasonic strain sensing performance of large-area piezoceramic coating with Inter Digital Transducer (IDT) electrodes is studied. The piezoceramic coating is prepared using slurry coating technique and the piezoelectric phase is achieved by poling under DC field. To study the sensing performance of the piezoceramic coating with IDT electrodes for strain induced by the guided waves, the piezoceramic coating is fabricated on the surface of a beam specimen at one end and the ultrasonic guided waves are launched with a piezoelectric wafer bonded on another end. Often a wider frequency band of operation is needed for the effective implementation of the sensors in the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of various structures, for different types of damages. A wider frequency band of operation is achieved in the present study by considering the variation in the number of IDT electrodes in the contribution of voltage for the induced dynamic strain. In the present work, the fabricated piezoceramic coatings with IDT electrodes have been characterized for dynamic strain sensing applications using guided wave technique at various different frequencies. Strain levels of the launched guided wave are varied by varying the magnitude of the input voltage sent to the actuator. Sensitivity variation with the variation in the strain levels of guided wave is studied for the combination of different number of IDT electrodes. Piezoelectric coefficient e(11) is determined at different frequencies and at different strain levels using the guided wave technique.


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We consider a scenario where the communication nodes in a sensor network have limited energy, and the objective is to maximize the aggregate bits transported from sources to respective destinations before network partition due to node deaths. This performance metric is novel, and captures the useful information that a network can provide over its lifetime. The optimization problem that results from our approach is nonlinear; however, we show that it can be converted to a Multicommodity Flow (MCF) problem that yields the optimal value of the metric. Subsequently, we compare the performance of a practical routing strategy, based on Node Disjoint Paths (NDPs), with the ideal corresponding to the MCF formulation. Our results indicate that the performance of NDP-based routing is within 7.5% of the optimal.


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Design and development of a piezoelectric polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) thin film based nasal sensor to monitor human respiration pattern (RP) from each nostril simultaneously is presented in this paper. Thin film based PVDF nasal sensor is designed in a cantilever beam configuration. Two cantilevers are mounted on a spectacle frame in such a way that the air flow from each nostril impinges on this sensor causing bending of the cantilever beams. Voltage signal produced due to air flow induced dynamic piezoelectric effect produce a respective RP. A group of 23 healthy awake human subjects are studied. The RP in terms of respiratory rate (RR) and Respiratory air-flow changes/alterations obtained from the developed PVDF nasal sensor are compared with RP obtained from respiratory inductance plethysmograph (RIP) device. The mean RR of the developed nasal sensor (19.65 +/- A 4.1) and the RIP (19.57 +/- A 4.1) are found to be almost same (difference not significant, p > 0.05) with the correlation coefficient 0.96, p < 0.0001. It was observed that any change/alterations in the pattern of RIP is followed by same amount of change/alterations in the pattern of PVDF nasal sensor with k = 0.815 indicating strong agreement between the PVDF nasal sensor and RIP respiratory air-flow pattern. The developed sensor is simple in design, non-invasive, patient friendly and hence shows promising routine clinical usage. The preliminary result shows that this new method can have various applications in respiratory monitoring and diagnosis.


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A power scalable receiver architecture is presented for low data rate Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications in 130nm RF-CMOS technology. Power scalable receiver is motivated by the ability to leverage lower run-time performance requirement to save power. The proposed receiver is able to switch power settings based on available signal and interference levels while maintaining requisite BER. The Low-IF receiver consists of Variable Noise and Linearity LNA, IQ Mixers, VGA, Variable Order Complex Bandpass Filter and Variable Gain and Bandwidth Amplifier (VGBWA) capable of driving variable sampling rate ADC. Various blocks have independent power scaling controls depending on their noise, gain and interference rejection (IR) requirements. The receiver is designed for constant envelope QPSK-type modulation with 2.4GHz RF input, 3MHz IF and 2MHz bandwidth. The chip operates at 1V Vdd with current scalable from 4.5mA to 1.3mA and chip area of 0.65mm2.


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A low cost, reagent free, Escherichia coli sensor is demonstrated with graphene, on transparent flexible acetate substrate. Graphene is grown on 100 mu m thick Cu foil, using CVD process and subsequently transferred on to a flexible acetate substrate. Gold electrodes are deposited on graphene to form a two terminal, interdigitated capacitor structure. Impedance spectroscopy (10 Hz to 100 kHz) is performed to characterize the change in impedance, as a function of E. coli concentration on graphene surface. The residual methyl groups on graphene, resulting from the transfer process, act as binding sites for E. coli. It has been observed that the resistance of graphene decreases with increasing E. coli concentration. This is due to the increased hole doping induced by negatively charged E. coli. A sensitivity of 60% is achieved for an E. coli concentration of 4.5 x 10(7) cfu/ml. An equivalent RC model is proposed to explain the sensing mechanism. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate a nanoparticle loading protocol to develop a transparent, multifunctional polyelectrolyte multilayer film for externally activated drug and protein delivery. The composite film was designed by alternate adsorption of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and dextran sulfate (DS) on a glass substrate followed by nanoparticle synthesis through a polyol reduction method. The films showed a uniform distribution of spherical silver nanoparticles with an average diameter of 50 +/- 20 nm, which increased to 80 +/- 20 nm when the AgNO3 concentration was increased from 25 to 50 mM. The porous and supramolecular structure of the polyelectrolyte multilayer film was used to immobilize ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (CH) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) within the polymeric network of the film. When exposed to external triggers such as ultrasonication and laser light the loaded films were ruptured and released the loaded BSA and CH. The release of CH is faster than that of BSA due to a higher diffusion rate. Circular dichroism measurements confirmed that there was no significant change in the conformation of released BSA in comparison with native BSA. The fabricated films showed significant antibacterial activity against the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. Applications envisioned for such drug-loaded films include drug and vaccine delivery through the transdermal route, antimicrobial or anti-inflammatory coatings on implants and drug-releasing coatings for stents. (C) 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The influence of strain on the mechanical properties and deformation kinetic parameters of nanotwinned (at) copper is investigated by a series of nanoindentation experiments, which were performed by employing sharp indenters with five varying centerline-to-face angles (psi). Comparison experiments were also conducted on (1 1 0) single crystalline Cu. Experimental results indicate that, unlike coarsegrained materials, nt-Cu is prone to plastic flow softening with large material pile-up around the indentation impression at high levels of strains. Localized detwinning becomes more significant with decreasing psi, concomitant with reduced strain-rate sensitivity (m) and enhanced activation volume (V*). The m of nt-Cu is found to depend sensitively on psi with a variation of more than a factor of 3, whereas V* exhibits a much less sensitive trend. This paper discusses the validation of the experimental techniques and the implications of various deformation kinetic parameters on the underlying deformation mechanisms of nt-Ca. 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The detection of contaminated food in every stage of processing required new technology for fast identification and isolation of toxicity in food. Since effect of food contaminant are severe to human health, the need of pioneer technologies also increasing over last few decades. In the current study, MDA was prepared by hydrolysis of 1,1,3,3-tetramethoxypropane in HCl media and used in the electrochemical studies. The electrochemical sensor was fabricated with modified glassy carbon electrode with polyaniline. These sensors were used for detection of sodium salt of malonaldehyde and observed that a high sensitivity in the concentration range similar to 1 x 10(-1) M and 1 x 10(-2) M. Tafel plots show the variation of over potential from -1.73 V to -3.74 V up to 10(-5) mol/L indicating the lower limit of detection of the system. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the evolution of polymer structure and its influence on uniaxial anisotropic stress under time-varying uniaxial strain, and the role of external control variables such as temperature, strain rate, chain length, and density, using molecular dynamics simulation. At temperatures higher than glass transition, stress anisotropy in the system is reduced even though the bond stretch is greater at higher temperatures. There is a significant increase in the stress level with increasing density. At higher densities, the uncoiling of the chains is suppressed and the major contribution to the deformation is by internal deformation of the chains. At faster rates of loading stress anisotropy increases. The deformation mechanism is mostly due to bond stretch and bond bending rather than overall shape and size. Stress levels increase with longer chain length. There is a critical value of the functionality of the cross-linkers beyond which the uniaxial stress developed increases caused primarily by bond stretching due to increased constraint on the motion of the monomers. Stacking of the chains in the system also plays a dominant role in the behaviour in terms of excluded volume interactions. Low density, high temperature, low values of functionality of cross-linkers, and short chain length facilitate chain uncoiling and chain slipping in cross-linked polymers.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNT) due to its multifunctional characteristics has been presented as a flame sensor by combining both radiation and chemical sensitivity. Chemical functionalization enhances the sensitivity of CNT sensor toward any chemical modifications that are induced by the flame. Response of the sensor is revealed to be dependent on the measurement direction (longitudinal and transverse) as well as the radiation intensity. A nonlinear relation between the sensitivity and its distance from the source is used to calibrate the intensity of the flame. The present method allows a simpler approach for the flame detection by utilizing a calibration scheme to operate at any particular bias current and tune its sensitivity with respect to any working distance at a particular bias current. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Theoretical studies exist to compute the atomic arrangement in gold nanowires and the influence on their electronic behavior with decreasing diameter. Experimental studies, e.g., by transmission electron microscopy, on chemically synthesized ultrafine wires are however lacking owing to the unavailability of suitable protocols for sample preparation and the stability of the wires under electron beam irradiation. In this work, we present an atomic scale structural investigation on quantum single crystalline gold nanowires of 2 nm diameter, chemically prepared on a carbon film grid. Using low dose aberration-corrected high resolution (S)TEM, we observe an inhomogeneous strain distribution in the crystal, largely concentrated at the twin boundaries and the surface along with the presence of facets and surface steps leading to a noncircular cross section of the wires. These structural aspects are critical inputs needed to determine their unique electronic character and their potential as a suitable catalyst material. Furthermore, electron-beam-induced structural changes at the atomic scale, having implications on their mechanical behavior and their suitability as interconnects, are discussed.


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In this paper we show a novel chemo-mechanical-optical sensing mechanism in single and multi-layer hydrogel coated Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) and demonstrate specific application in pH activated processes. The sensing device is based on the ionizable monomers inside the hydrogel which reversibly dissociates as a function of the pH and consequently resulting in osmotic pressure difference between the gel and the solution. This pressure gradient causes the hydrogel to deform which in turn induces secondary strain on the FBG sensor resulting in shift in the Bragg wavelength. We also report on the sensitivity factor of single and multilayer hydrogel coated FBG at various different pH.