999 resultados para morfologia da semente
Inúmeras e variadas, as pequenas cidades, são frequentemente associadas a espaços marcados pela tranquilidade, socialmente acolhedores, ou seja, sem as costumeiras contradições que marcam a sociedade capitalista. O território e a morfologia urbana podem contribuir na desmistificação destas interpretações equivocadas das condições sociais e humanas vivenciadas em tais espaços. Este é o objetivo deste trabalho. Com esta finalidade, o presente estudo estará baseado na análise dos territórios e da morfologia urbana a partir de imagens e plantas de cidades da região Norte Central paranaense. Do ponto de vista teórico, serão utilizados os referenciais que tratam de forma geral da temática da morfologia urbana, já que não são comuns estudos que tratem destes aspectos em pequenas localidades urbanas. É exatamente este o principal aporte deste estudo: mostrar por meio de uma expressão essencialmente material e concreta (o território e sua morfologia), nuances das relações sociais e humanas ali estabelecidas e das desmistificações necessárias. Recentemente, as pequenas cidades passaram a receber um pouco mais de atenção no meio acadêmico. Entretanto, os territórios ou espaços intra-urbanos destas localidades seguem como realidades ainda não contempladas adequadamente nos debates acerca da realidade urbana.
O trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito do tamanho da semente de Myrciaria dubia sobre a germinação e emergência da plântula
La presente ricerca, focalizzata sull’evoluzione di Piacenza tra età antica e altomedioevo, si mette nel solco del dibattito sull’archeologia urbana sviluppatosi in Italia a partire dagli anni Ottanta del Novecento. Dopo la raccolta dei dati di scavo negli archivi della Soprintendenza e delle testimonianze delle fonti scritte è stato creato un geodatabase che potesse gestirli in maniera integrata. Lo studio è stato svolto per temi trasversali che prendessero in esame lo sviluppo dei diversi aspetti di Piacenza dalla fondazione al IX secolo, per poi restituire in fase di conclusione dei quadri sincronici relativi alla città romana, tardoantica e altomedievale. Il quadro che si delinea dallo studio condotto è quello di una città che, seppure interessata dalle vicende storiche che hanno coinvolto buona parte del nord della penisola, tra la tarda Antichità e l’alto Medioevo, mostra sia fenomeni che la accomunano alle altre realtà urbane regionali e extraregionali, sia caratteristiche specifiche scarsamente riscontrate altrove. L’età carolingia è il periodo nel quale il caso piacentino si presenta maggiormente denso di spunti per il tema dell’urbanesimo. Su questo Piacenza, soprattutto per il tramite delle fonti scritte, offre uno spaccato che poche altre città possono dare e che sarebbe ulteriormente implementabile con nuove e mirate ricerche archeologiche.
In questa tesi è stata analizzata attraverso una modellazione numerica tramite Xbeach la batimetria delle coste di Cesenatico Ponente e la sua modifica dopo eventi meteomarini del clima tipico della durata di 12 ore. Verrà analizzata in primis l'area di studio attraverso la descrizione delle caratteristiche e delle opere presenti, si delineeranno quali funzioni vengono adottate nel modello e seguiranno poi le spiegazioni di tutti i passi svolti e quali parametri sono stati utilizzati per lanciare una simulazione. Infine, verranno mostrati e commentati i risultati più significativi.
Morphological caracterization of the seeds and seedlings of six weed especies of the genus Solanum L. The seeds of the genus Solanum are very similar, however, the association of their external characteristics with the anatomical features, such as hilum shape, the texture and the type of the seed coat sculptures, as well as the curved (circulated or coiled) shape of the embryo, are parameters of great importance in the taxonomical identification at the species level. It is are presented the morphological descriptions of the genus Solanum and a more detailed description of each studied species in terms of seed and seedling structures, including illustrations and taxonomical keys for the identification of Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq., S. americanum Mill., S. ciliatum Lam., S. sisymbriifolium Lam., S. sordidum Sendt. e S. viarum Dunal. There are also indications of the common names, the type of reproduction and dispersion, the crops in which the species is considered as a weed and the agricultural seeds in which it is found as a weed seed.
Annatto seeds do not germinate during early stages of their development because of insufficient reserve substances. In situ analysis showed that the principal reserves are proteins and starch, deposited in endosperm cells. During the early stages of development, the starch grains were elliptic, because amylose was the minor component. During development, these grains became more spherical due to an increase in amylose relative to amylopectin. Endosperm cells do not contain protein bodies, but they accumulate proteins dispersed in the cytoplasm. At the final stage of development the proteins became compacted due to the dehydration of the seeds wich is part of the global process of orthodox seeds maturation. Natural fluorescence revealed aromatic amino acids, principally tryptophan and tyrosine in the proteins. The seeds reached their maximum dry weight after moisture contents had declined to around 60%. At this point the seeds presented maximum germination capacity.
The family Malpighiaceae presents species with different habits, fruit types and cytological characters. Climbers are considered the most derived habit, followed, respectively, by the shrubby and arboreal ones. The present study examines the relationship between basic chromosome numbers and the derivation of climbing habit and fruit types in Malpighiaceae. A comparison of all the chromosome number reports for Malpighiaceae showed a predominance of chromosome numbers based on x=5 or 10 in the genera of sub-family Malpighioideae, mainly represented by climbers with winged fruits, whereas non-climbing species with non-winged fruits, which predominate in sub-family Byrsonimoideae, had counts based on x=6, which is considered the less derived basic number for the family. Based on such data, confirmed by statistic assays, and on the monophyletic origin of this family, we admit the hypothesis that morphological derivation of habit and fruit is correlated with chromosome basic number variation in the family Malpighiaceae.
In Myrocarpus, an exclusively South American genus, five species are recognised: Myrocarpus frondosus Allemão, M. leprosus Pickel, M. venezuelensis Rudd, M. fastigiatus Allemãoand M. emarginatus A.L.B. Sartori & A.M.G. Azevedo. Morphologic data, habitat information and geographic distribution of each taxon are discussed. Petal morphology and ornamentation of seed chamber are an important character for species identification, though not shown previously. Key to the species, descriptions, illustrations, distribution, and new registers are presented.
A study of the tree species of the order Celastrales sensu Cronquist from the Tibagi river basin, Paraná state, Brazil, is presented, based on herbarium material. This basin is subdivided into three zones, from north to south: lower Tibagi (BT), mid Tibagi (MT) and upper Tibagi (AT), each with different environmental conditions and vegetation types. The order Celastrales is represented in the basin by 15 tree species belonging to three families: Aquifoliaceae, Celastraceae and Icacinaceae. Icacinaceae has only two species, Citronella gongonha and C. paniculata. The former is distinguished by a glabrous ovary and leaves that usually bear thorns. Aquifoliaceae has six species: Ilex brasiliensis, I. brevicuspis, I. chamaedryfolia, I. dumosa, I. paraguariensis and I. theezans. These species are found mainly in AT and MT and are distinguished by leaf size, indument, apices and margins, and by sepal features. Celastrales is represented by seven species and two genera; Plenckia populnea, a Brazilian savannah species found only in MT, and six species of Maytenus (M. evonymoides, M. robusta, M. dasyclada, M. salicifolia, M. ilicifolia and M. aquifolia) distinguished by leaf size and margins, branch shape and number of flowers per inflorescence.
The taxonomy of the genus Heliotropium L. in Brazil was studied, revealing nine species and two varieties: H. amplexicaule Vahl, H. angiospermum Murray, H. curassavicum L., H. curassavicum var. argentinum I.M. Johnst., H. elongatum (Lehm.) I.M. Johnst., H. elongatum var. burchellii I.M. Johnst., H. indicum L., H. leiocarpum Morong, H. nicotianaefolium Poir., H. phylicoides Cham. and H. transalpinum Vell. Descriptions, illustrations, comments on relationships based on morphology and data on species distribution are presented.
This work deals with a taxonomic study of the genus Euploca (Heliotropiaceae) in Brazil; seventeen species are recorded. A keyfor identification, descriptions, illustrations and comments, besides distribution, habitat, flowering and fruiting data for the species are presented.
Behavioral adaptiveness to different situations as well as behavioral individuality result from the interrelations between environmental sitmuli and the responses of an organism.These kind of interrelationships also shape the neural circuits as well as characterize the plasticity and the neural individuality of the organism. Studies on neural plasticity may analyze changes in neural circuitry after environmental manipulations or changes in behavior after lesions in the nervous system. Issues on neural plasticity and recovery of function refer both to physiology and behavior as well as to the subjacent mechanisms related to morphology, biochemistry and genetics. They may be approached at the systemic, behavioral, cellular and molecular levels. This work intends to characterize these kinds of studies pointing to their relations with the analyis of behavior and learning.The analysis of how the environmental-organismic interrelationships affect the neural substrates of behavior is pointed as a very stimulating area for investigation.